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Arrow Season 4 |OT| A Tale of Salt and Fire

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Nyssa works really well as a platonic partner for Oliver because they've both got this "let's get shit done efficiently" vibe. Their interaction was one of my favorite parts of an otherwise lackluster S3 finale. She also works well as a 'partner' for Laurel.


I agree. I really look forward to seeing more of their interactions. She really should be full-time Team Arrow.


I don't know what to say. This episode was such a chore to watch. It doesn't feel fun at all to watch/but instead rote and predictable. It was never a "great" show but what it did right it made it fun. It just seems so...cheap.
Meanwhile the confrontation between Oliver and Damien was fucking nothing. This entire episode Oliver was so determined to find Dhark, he was willing to go full punisher, if it wasn't for his super buddies. His fiancé might never walk again (lol, right). He is fueled with hate and rage, which should've pushed him beyond the pain of some arrows. But Dhark blabbering about family was enough to stop both of them, because reasons.

Even if he push beyond the pain he can't beat Dhark ( don't even know why he trying until he can get around his magic )
If anything this was to show that Dhark has honor in some way .
And his wife is the more cut throat of the two .

Nyssa works really well as a platonic partner for Oliver because they've both got this "let's get shit done efficiently" vibe. Their interaction was one of my favorite parts of an otherwise lackluster S3 finale. She also works well as a 'partner' for Laurel.

Yep he and Nyssa interaction was fun in final ep last season , hope we see more of that .
Also does anyone know the ep where vixen going to show up ?


so it's mama smoak that dies right?

any other time Felicity says "you can't kill" so it has to be someone super important to her, and obviously it's not Ollie that dies so..


Yeah, I think it's Felicty's mother in the grave from the flashforwards. Felicty and Oliver are gonna turn evil and be the bad guys of Season 5 I tell ya.


I don't know what to say. This episode was such a chore to watch. It doesn't feel fun at all to watch/but instead rote and predictable. It was never a "great" show but what it did right it made it fun. It just seems so...cheap.

I watched it last night and feel kind of the same. Not that the episode was the worst Arrow has ever had, but it was just bad and boring, sandwiched between two much more fun shows (Flash and Legends). Thing feel forced and just kind of dumb, maybe not any more so than they have over the last year, but it's kind of building up to a "Why am I still watching this?" level for me now.


so it's mama smoak that dies right?

any other time Felicity says "you can't kill" so it has to be someone super important to her, and obviously it's not Ollie that dies so..
Felicity cares about almost everybody on the show. Unless it is Baby Momma or Malcolm, she'll tell Oliver to kill the responsible.


Felicity cares about almost everybody on the show. Unless it is Baby Momma or Malcolm, she'll tell Oliver to kill the responsible.

i dont really remember s3 all that well, but wasn't she against killing Ra's even though he had "killed" Thea?
what bet that every week from now the final scene with be them in the funeral car?

this week is Felicty in the car, next week Thea is with them etc until everyone except one is in the car?
i dont really remember s3 all that well, but wasn't she against killing Ra's even though he had "killed" Thea?
Hell, Felicity seemed all set to let Thea die given that Oliver made it clear that the only reason he was joining the League was to save his sister from death and she was still telling him not to do it. The worst bit of bad writing for Felicity in that season for me.


i dont really remember s3 all that well, but wasn't she against killing Ra's even though he had "killed" Thea?
Well, by that point Thea was alive again, and killing Ra's meant becoming Ra's. Oliver was against killing him too. Here someone will be really dead-dead.

Funky Papa

Meh episode. Flash, Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow were all a bit of a disappointment after such a long wait. And Felicity not being dead was sooooooo fucking telegraphed, even if by some obtuse reason my girlfriend still believed that they were going to kill her off.

Still, I can only imagine that turning her into Oracle is paving her way to her own series and out of this show.

Good to know that there's a beauty salon on the island so you can get your chest waxed when you need to look buff and menacing.


Meh episode. Flash, Arros and Legends of Tomorrow were all a bit of a disappointment after such a long wait. And Felicity not being dead was sooooooo fucking telegraphed, even if by some obtuse reason my girlfriend still believed that they were going to kill her off.
Even if we hadn't seen pictures of her alive a month ago, it would be unimaginable for her to have died in that attack. She is simply too popular.
Even if we hadn't seen pictures of her alive a month ago, it would be unimaginable for her to have died in that attack. She is simply too popular.

And it's a damn shame that the show runners have to keep anyone alive, because of such a thing.

I'm not saying they should kill off regulars for the shock value, but if the story allows it and leads to characters developing further, then do it.

Not that any of that would happen on a CW show, of course.


And it's a damn shame that the show runners have to keep anyone alive, because of such a thing.

I'm not saying they should kill off regulars for the shock value, but if the story allows it and leads to characters developing further, then do it.

Not that any of that would happen on a CW show, of course.

CW shows have killed enough lead characters, The Vampire Diaries and Supernatural alone have made sure of that. If a character is popular, the actors wants to continue and it doesn't make sense story wise, than why kill of a character? Because that is the case of Felicity. Sara is what you get when it makes sense story wise, but the character is popular and the actor wants to continue.
CW shows have killed enough lead characters, The Vampire Diaries and Supernatural alone have made sure of that. If a character is popular, the actors wants to continue and it doesn't make sense story wise, than why kill of a character? Because that is the case of Felicity. Sara is what you get when it makes sense story wise, but the character is popular and the actor wants to continue.

First of all, the story always makes sense, if they want it to.

That said, you're right, of course. If everyone is happy with the character, then there's no need to kill it off. But saying they can't kill off a character, because she or he is too popular always feels limiting. If the writers have a great idea around Thea or Diggle, that really impacts all characters and the story going forward, but can't do it, because fans would get upset? That would suck.

But it's not like we'd ever know about that. It just sucks if they keep characters around, shove them into every episode and don't give them a purpose or an arc.

Funky Papa

Actual line screamed by my girlfriend at the TV when the gravestone was shown: "THERE'S NO WAY THEY ARE KILLING THE HOT ONE!"



Who's Laurel?

They've got zero chemistry. Just like Barry and Iris they've got that good lifelong friends chemistry but nothing romantic. Laurel should just fuck Nyssa and get it over with, those birds are a much better match.
To be fair they have zero chemistry because it's intentionally written that way so people continue to be on the Felicity train.
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