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Arrow Season 4 |OT| A Tale of Salt and Fire

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Yeah, decent episode until the last couple minutes, I think the way Arrow and the Flash ended this week is telling in who the writers are writing Arrow for. From the completely pointless paralysis gimmick to again asking the question how many fucking times does Oliver need the lesson of keeping secrets from people close to him coming back to bite him in the ass before he realizes it never works? The cross over ultimatum was already pure stupidity on a show ran by a guy who use to be a lawyer though I'm guessing Marc was more of a Lionel Hutz sort of lawyer. I'm so, so sick of the badly written relationship drama, eight left this season and I might be done outside of cross overs. They should've ended with Oliver's message and cut to something else, maybe finally connecting the island nonsense to the present.

That's pretty much been the case for a while now.

The villain change in the teaser for next month should have been the last beat of the episode.
If Oliver is in a relationship its gonna be the main focus regardless if its Felicity, laurel, Sara, Caitlin who ever, since he IS the focus. All the drama and everything that goes a long with being in a relationship, you can't write around that.

My issue isn't with relationship drama, it's this relationship drama. Not once did I ever consider dropping the show when he was with The Huntress, Sara, or even Laurel.

Uhh Bullshit....

She only had one scene in the Flash....and she's had plenty of good(better) scenes in Arrow in S3 and S4. Her biggest sins since season 2 is not telling her dad about Sara and reviving Sara but that's it really Season 3 and LoT plotting problems respectively.

I can't recall many scenes that were better tbh
Thought it was a pretty strong episode aside from the last two minutes. Vixen needs to be on LoT season 2. And Malcolm has to die at the end of the season, right?I love Barrowman as much as everyone else, but his character serves no purpose, and it's baffling why the characters continue to tolerate his bullshit.


I think that the show was designed for 2 seasons, they are out of ideas and its clear. This season is better than 3 because the villain is far more charismatic but even with that it's nearly impossible to run a 23 episode season without having a clear plot. Now it seems like filler filler Dahrk filler filler Dahrk . It's gonna get a s5 im sure of it, but they better figure it out soon on what to show.


Axel Hertz
So all Oliver had to do to defeat Dhark, the fucking impossible to beat enemy, was to call some help from magic people?

Come the fuck on.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
He has known vixen for a whole year. Maybe call her up when Dhark messed up with Felicity?

She's untested and he had no reason to believe she would even definitely work.

He was desperate this episode because of the kidnapping and went with his last possible option.

And hell, it only barely worked.


Axel Hertz
She's untested and he had no reason to believe she would even definitely work.

He was desperate this episode because of the kidnapping and went with his last possible option.

And hell, it only barely worked.

I mean, sure. But they just defeated the hardest enemy they ever had with a 5 minute call to the professor in whatever university and they said "oh just steal his totem and destroy it" and then they did it.

I mean, the logic behind the events and the conclusion is ok, but.. the whole thing happened in 20 minutes. Underwhelming. I was actually expecting the "they're working on something to eventually beat Dhark" would actually mean eventually, like at the end of the season.

Either way, I liked Vixen. Sadly we never figured out why the magic fixed Thea's bloodlust. Maybe he'll call Vixen next season and ask.


special needs, sexual needs
This was all kinds of bad. The fight scenes just seemed so lazy. It lacked any kind of momentum.

Vixen was ok, I guess? She has foster parents I think wasn't sure if she mentioned that.

The flashbacks...will they even have a payoff? Ugh

Finally Thea sees Malcolm for what he is...until the next episode of course.

This Olicity bullshit. I get why Felicity is mad, but William is his son. She can feel betrayed it's fine, but she makes it seem like it should be William or her. She's Samatha 2.0!

And she walks out just like that? Oliver is like da fuq? I hardly ever laugh out loud, but holy shit what was that!?
That was some wretched ass garbage. The writing on this is such fucking trash.

I finally figured out what's in the grave: my interest in this show.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
I mean, sure. But they just defeated the hardest enemy they ever had with a 5 minute call to the professor in whatever university and they said "oh just steal his totem and destroy it" and then they did it.

I mean, the logic behind the events and the conclusion is ok, but.. the whole thing happened in 20 minutes. Underwhelming. I was actually expecting the "they're working on something to eventually beat Dhark" would actually mean eventually, like at the end of the season.

Either way, I liked Vixen. Sadly we never figured out why the magic fixed Thea's bloodlust. Maybe he'll call Vixen next season and ask.

I think the key here is that they aren't done with Darhk yet, they've just made him an enemy that can be beaten now.
I am comfortable saying that after 4 seasons, the last two minutes of this show is the most ridiculous moment to happen in the Arrowverse. Just a fucking asinine scene that should have never made it to air. The William stuff was fine. It should have ended there. I tolerated the Olicity nonsense in season 3 but it was this scene that fucked my shit up. I don't even have the words right now.

I honestly would not be upset if Felicity kept walking, straight into the grave. I don't even hate the character, someone just has to put an end to the misery.

What I originally came to say was that I didn't like Vixen getting nerfed though I understand that they can't have the guest character split Darhk's shit because that makes the regulars look useless. But damn.


Axel Hertz
I think the key here is that they aren't done with Darhk yet, they've just made him an enemy that can be beaten now.

You may be right: He didn't really give much of a thought about them grabbing the Idol, and Vixen did say that the Idol was "very rare".

I guess he has more of them?

Also, I didn't understood what Lance said when he got back to the precinct - something about a person without a head?

They also kinda threw the mayoral election away. I don't think we would ever get to see mayor Oliver, but why couldn't he just go back to being mayor again (I'd imagine those issues would be tackled later).


Yes! GTFO Felicity. She's one of the most selfish characters on the show. She and Malcolm running neck and neck. Hopefully this opens the door for Ollie to hook up with Huntress again. Too bad Samantha's gone now. I really liked her in Defiance.
Just as I was on the verge of dropping this show, this shit happens. Such a fantastic episode.

Also, lol Felicity. Gets the ability to walk again; walks out of the relationship.
That was some wretched ass garbage. The writing on this is such fucking trash.

I finally figured out what's in the grave: my interest in this show.


Everything about Merlin is dumb. They are really reaching for excuses to keep John Barrowman around.

Ollicity is dumb. Just looking for reasons to have drama in that relationship. And of course, Oliver can't do anything but just stammer and make the dumbest points.



That was unintentionally the funniest episode of Arrow ever.

I honestly ran out of breath I was laughing so hard. Incredible.
Man Ollie taking L after L, getting straight up Sakura'd.

Can't be with and has no idea where his son is, both exes talking shit right in front of him, new girl up and hit with him the dramatic irony and left his ass.

This shit is hilarious
Man Ollie taking L after L, getting straight up Sakura'd.

Can't be with and has no idea where his son is, both exes talking shit right in front of him, new girl up and hit with him the dramatic irony and left his ass.

This shit is hilarious

Can't be the mayor. Can't kill anymore. Signed away his company so broke af.

I bet Slade is happier in that prison.
I enjoyed that episode, except for the end with Felicity. God she's the worst. I have a new theory/hope: Felicity is in the grave and Oliver is just hallucinating her, like Slade did with Shado.
I like the idea that they solve Darhk early on which leads to a bigger problem with Merlyn. Hopefully resulting in his death so the show can move on. Hopefully Darhk's defeat isn't temperorary.


Oh man, where do I even start with this episode?

  • All the stuff with Oliver's women. HILARIOUS. Dying of laughter. Fantasticly funny, even if it was played serious.
  • Felicity walking away was again, unintentionally hilarious. Also that swerve at the end. "I completely understand why you did what you did Oliver, it wasn't my place to intrude, Samantha told me she was being unreasonable and YOU DON'T TRUST ME ENOUGH, THIS MARRIAGE IS OVER, NOW LET ME STORM OUT OF HERE AND RUIN THE IMPACT OF THIS WHEELCHAIR ARC"
  • The action scenes were pretty poor. Lots of missed hits, weak direction and odd editing choices. I feel like it would've looked cool in choreo like most Arrow stuff but in execution it was not great.
  • Vixen was okay. The actress doesn't have the natural charisma of Matt Ryan but isn't bad. Very spotty CGI. I would have preferred if they'd gone a lot more subtle with the CGI. Maybe even just flashes of the animal in those big beautiful eyes. And she sort of has a similar issue to Supergirl, where her physicality and the effects don't match the impact it's supposed to have. I didn't buy she had the strength of a gorilla when smashing that totem or when charging like a rhino.
  • Daddy Diggle was cool. No complaints there.
  • Constantine is literally in hell. Hopefully he'll be breaking out for Legends S2. I'd be cool with both him and Vixen, but he's still my #1 choice.
  • I'm cool with Oliver not killing Darhk. Obviously he'll escape and come back with a vengeance, but the audience knows that for story reasons. Darhk was unarmed and put in custody, killing him in cold blood in front of his son wasn't necessary. But it will happen eventually.
  • Malcolm is a nut.
  • Oliver's speech to his son was well acted by Amell and written well enough to be convincing, unlike...
Everything else about this episode was weird. The dialogue felt like a second draft. We all know Arrow doesn't have stellar writing but this was just plain clunky in places. Felt like placeholders galore. The director is the young guy from Rookie Blue who doesn't have a lot of directorial credits, so that explains the visual weaknesses but there was three veterans on the story and script here so I have no idea. Maybe they had to rush production to include Vixen or something like the Constantine episode.

Welp, guess I'm relying on Supergirl and BvS hype to get me through the coming month of no Flash/Arrow/Supernatural



Hunky Nostradamus
That animated 'Vixen' thing was cannon? Hm, I knew not watching that would come back to haunt me. Was there anything else like that that I missed?


Just as I was on the verge of dropping this show, this shit happens. Such a fantastic episode.

Also, lol Felicity. Gets the ability to walk again; walks out of the relationship.

Yeah I thought it was actually one of the best of the season. I know a lot of people don't hold that comment in high regard, but it was a legitimately good Arrow episode for the most part (apart from the fight scenes). Felicity literally walking out on Oliver probably looked great on paper but the execution was ridiculous.


Unconfirmed Member
But there's nothing really wrong with it. People just dislike Felicity. Its not even about the relationship. People just irrationally dislike the character despite everything her character does is logical within the narrative and consistent with the character.

Oliver and Felicity have BOTH been better characters since getting together but people do not see that at all and their relationship is going to have issues like this one which was almost unavoidable. While Oliver has gotten better at secrets and lying, its still his major character flaw. You just don't grow out of lying like that. Hell Samantha was a lie that even LAUREL was upset about it because Oliver just has secrets falling out of his ass..AGAIN. Hell LoT made it a point that time doesn't change because you impart some information lol.

People bitching about Wally in The Flash is the same. He does things that are logical within the confines of the show and the lack of a 4th wall. I get finding him annoying but it would make less sense if it took an episode for him to be all chummy with a family he didn't know and a prodigal adopted son that pretty much took his place.

But people wanna masturbate over
Jay being Zoom
or Slade being awesome when those are just moments and not the entire narrative. Hell Slade pretty much made folks overlook how "annoying" Laurel was DESPITE its what caused her to seem to be a better written character today. But we'll just ignore all that.
What he said ^^^^ I had no problems with this episode or how Felicity acted. Seemed logical to me.



This. This is just atrocious. Missed cues, terrible miming, botched choreography.

It's like the director didn't say "action" until the very last second and everyone was waiting on their cues.

Season 4 has given us some great fights, I just don't understand how they vacillate so wildly in quality.

AND WHAT IS THIS GUY EVEN DOING LOL http://i.imgur.com/5likMp2.gifv

It's the same drunk-ass ghost from here: http://i.imgur.com/K6KhFUP.gifv


Hunky Nostradamus
Everything about Merlin is dumb. They are really reaching for excuses to keep John Barrowman around.

There is a lot wrong with this show, but I feel like Merlin is probably the worst thing it has going for it. He's just so gratingly obnoxious - they never should have brought him back after season one.
Also i am so glad that Ollicity is dead. I am tired of the Felicity drama and whining. Maybe the writers will write her a better role when she is not with Oliver.

I really like Laurel this season. Huge transformation for her character.
This is some Nolan choreography.

I don't have a problem with them bringing Merlin back - it's the stupid schtick where he hides in the shadows and lectures people about what really needs to be done that sucks. They forgot what made him good in Season 1.
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