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Arrow Season 4 |OT| A Tale of Salt and Fire

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Horrific choreography in this episode (the action in Arrow has actually been shit for a long time) and I chuckled out loud at Felicity getting out of her chair and instantly just bailing the fuck out.

gotta go fast


I forgot about the Vixen animated series and went to check it out after watching this episode. That was hot garbage story/writing-wise.
And here I thought it was just me who thought this episode was trash.

Vixen was meh, her intro was awful and the CGI was pretty bad all around. I liked the first team up vs. Darhk that they had where he actually had trouble fighting both at once but it lasted for maybe 30 seconds before Ollie gets thrown out a window (which doesn't he have arrows for that? hasn't this happened before? Why did Vixen save him?)

The other fight scenes were just... terrible. The choreography was just outright bad. The upside down shot Thea did on the motorcycle just seemed silly with everything else that was happened but honestly I think the biggest problem with these fight scenes since they have so many characters is that none of them feel impactful or seem to have any stakes involved. No one ever seems to get hurt outside of generic ghost soldier a/b/c and this is despite them having guns and occasionally shooting at people it still never feels threatening to our protagonists. Remember early seasons? Ollie got stabbed, shot, burned, ect. and had to tend to his wounds it felt like at least most of the time that clearly his life is one the line when hes fighting... the only time anyone actually gets hurt anymore is for a plot reason including Felicity getting shot, it never really felt at risk because it was too soon for the grave scene anyway so it just doesn't feel real. I get that the writers were trying to build tension but revealing that the grave scene was so far out was a mistake, now were just expecting someone to die towards the end of the season rather then wondering if it could happen at any moment.

In general this episode and hell this SEASON felt like we've gone backwards in almost every aspect. Ollie has lied about something and its bit him in the ass just like it always does, SURPISE! Ollie and felicity are now broken up (but she got up and walked out! like seriously thats how you ended episode before a month break? What the fuck are they thinking!?) but the drama just feels needless, its drama for the sake of drama. Drama when its well written is great for advancing characters and plot arcs but these doesn't advance the plot in any way nor does it advance either ollie or felicities characters at all, its just tiresome at this point, either have them break up forever or just keep them a odd yet happy couple, this feels like were back in mid season 3 with brooding Ollie and whiny Felicity.

Then you have Damien Darhk, I like him when hes planning and conving but he never actually DOES anything, he threatens people and Ollie can't do shit to him (pre totem being stolen/broken anyway >.>) but every time they have an encounter Damien uses magic and it stuns Oliver briefly but he never actually harms him really. Counter this to how Zoom has been on Flash this season, the few times Barry has gone up against him Zoom has completely wrecked him, hell the first time he nearly fucking broke him (he did break his back) and because of that he is completely terrifying. Damien should be much more threatening and powerful then hes made out to be here and its a massive disappointment that with as many encounters as Ollie and Damien have had against each other the first time Ollie actually wins an exchange it doesn't feel like a 'YES OLLIE WON!!' moment like it should and more like... 'oh great, Damien lost, woohoo....'

It really just feels like this show is getting worse and worse and I'm not going to be surpised if a lot more people end up dropping it. It's amazing to see episodes from Season 1 and 2 and then to watch an episode in season 4 and just see all of the effort that the show used to put out just... gone.

I think another problem is that the 'team' is just to large at this point with everyone largely just being followers to Ollies lead they just feel like soliders who can only follow orders then people who have their own reasons for fighting. They don't suit up until Ollie says so, so their motivation is always 'lets do what our leader says' instead of 'I'm doing this for myself' so none of the characters feel like they are a key player in big game instead they are pawns with a king directing them at every turn.
Hahaha, wow you guys are really going in on this episode. I know it wasn't that great and that ending combined with that straight up laughable CGI of Vixen taking the idol from Darhk was atrocious.

The way you guys are talking though, you would think this was season 3. I guess my expectations are so low now that this episode didn't really bother me that much. If anything it was one of the most unintentionally funny episodes of TV I've seen in a minute.

As far as how long I want Arrow to continue? Well being that it's on the CW, unless the ratings start falling off a cliff, it's safe to assume Arrow will most likely get at least 6 seasons. At this point I'm kind of watching just to watch anyway so it doesn't really matter to me if it doesn't last past season 5 to be completely honest.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
i thought it was a fun, cheesy episode but i don't know how much steam this show has left in it

really hoping S5 is the end, and i kind of hope they start wrapping stuff up on the flash before WB starts fuckin that up too


Personally I thought it was a great episode. Besides the Felicity thing at the end, that was beyond dumb..

I also liked the scene with Laurel in the police station too.


My reaction when I realised that last shot wasn't a dream sequence


I legitimately think this episode had production issues. Direction, editing, fight scenes, writing. There's a standard that even S3 episodes met that weren't being met here. Felt like a second draft script that was hastily shot. The relationship stuff was so funny to me it's easily one of my favourite episodes, but that is not a judgement on quality.

Also AV Club is just plain wrong about this show. Those reviews are whack.

Question for you guys.

How many more seasons would you like to see Arrow continue for? Is this a show that deserves 7 seasons like Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Or would you like to see it keep going for 10 seasons like Smallville or Supernatural?

I've said this before, but it feels like Greg Berlanti and his creative teams are stretching themselves thin by juggling four different DC comics shows. I can't help but feel like Arrow ran out of steam after The Flash debuted, and I don't see it ever reaching Season 2 levels of quality again.

It's a lock for six seasons at this point.

But I don't know. Seven? Indefinitely? TV shows are weird. It probably won't reach S2 levels of quality again. It could, but it's a tough ask. The show could drastically reinvent itself but shows almost never do. Or they're like The Good Wife and they do big things and then just slowly morph back to the status quo. Or they're Supernatural and have a five year rut until a killer season eleven. Hard for dramas to run long, they only have so many cards they can play when stakes are life or death. Even on Flash... once Joe dies, that's it. That's as big as that show will ever be able to emotionally hit post Barry's mom. Add shrinking budgets in and it gets tough. Smallville had the benefit of doing literally nothing with the mythos for years, so they had stuff to mine in later seasons to keep things 'fresh'. Not the case here. Basically, I have no answer on what would be best.

What I do hope is that the show knows when the final season will be. Shows having advance warning of the end go all out. I'd love for 23 episodes heading toward a definitive end. Full of fan service and finality.


And here I thought it was just me who thought this episode was trash.

Vixen was meh, her intro was awful and the CGI was pretty bad all around. I liked the first team up vs. Darhk that they had where he actually had trouble fighting both at once but it lasted for maybe 30 seconds before Ollie gets thrown out a window (which doesn't he have arrows for that? hasn't this happened before? Why did Vixen save him?)

The other fight scenes were just... terrible. The choreography was just outright bad. The upside down shot Thea did on the motorcycle just seemed silly with everything else that was happened but honestly I think the biggest problem with these fight scenes since they have so many characters is that none of them feel impactful or seem to have any stakes involved. No one ever seems to get hurt outside of generic ghost soldier a/b/c and this is despite them having guns and occasionally shooting at people it still never feels threatening to our protagonists. Remember early seasons? Ollie got stabbed, shot, burned, ect. and had to tend to his wounds it felt like at least most of the time that clearly his life is one the line when hes fighting... the only time anyone actually gets hurt anymore is for a plot reason including Felicity getting shot, it never really felt at risk because it was too soon for the grave scene anyway so it just doesn't feel real. I get that the writers were trying to build tension but revealing that the grave scene was so far out was a mistake, now were just expecting someone to die towards the end of the season rather then wondering if it could happen at any moment.

In general this episode and hell this SEASON felt like we've gone backwards in almost every aspect. Ollie has lied about something and its bit him in the ass just like it always does, SURPISE! Ollie and felicity are now broken up (but she got up and walked out! like seriously thats how you ended episode before a month break? What the fuck are they thinking!?) but the drama just feels needless, its drama for the sake of drama. Drama when its well written is great for advancing characters and plot arcs but these doesn't advance the plot in any way nor does it advance either ollie or felicities characters at all, its just tiresome at this point, either have them break up forever or just keep them a odd yet happy couple, this feels like were back in mid season 3 with brooding Ollie and whiny Felicity.

Then you have Damien Darhk, I like him when hes planning and conving but he never actually DOES anything, he threatens people and Ollie can't do shit to him (pre totem being stolen/broken anyway >.>) but every time they have an encounter Damien uses magic and it stuns Oliver briefly but he never actually harms him really. Counter this to how Zoom has been on Flash this season, the few times Barry has gone up against him Zoom has completely wrecked him, hell the first time he nearly fucking broke him (he did break his back) and because of that he is completely terrifying. Damien should be much more threatening and powerful then hes made out to be here and its a massive disappointment that with as many encounters as Ollie and Damien have had against each other the first time Ollie actually wins an exchange it doesn't feel like a 'YES OLLIE WON!!' moment like it should and more like... 'oh great, Damien lost, woohoo....'

It really just feels like this show is getting worse and worse and I'm not going to be surpised if a lot more people end up dropping it. It's amazing to see episodes from Season 1 and 2 and then to watch an episode in season 4 and just see all of the effort that the show used to put out just... gone.

I think another problem is that the 'team' is just to large at this point with everyone largely just being followers to Ollies lead they just feel like soliders who can only follow orders then people who have their own reasons for fighting. They don't suit up until Ollie says so, so their motivation is always 'lets do what our leader says' instead of 'I'm doing this for myself' so none of the characters feel like they are a key player in big game instead they are pawns with a king directing them at every turn.

Golf clap. The downfall of this show was when everyone became a superhero. Like i said before, if you're focusing more on the "hero" part of the show the action better make up for the lack of any other identity ( e.g Laurel being a lawyer in season 1/2, Tommy/Speedy/Ollie's mom, the company he run and the playboy identity, fleshed out story in the flashbacks that actually tie back to the present in a meaningful way etc etc).
It seemed the only good things about this episode was Laurel, Vixen (as a character, the CGI was pretty sloppy) and Diggle. Who in their right mind looked at that last scene and thought yep, that's the best way to leave it for a months break.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
So did they actually arrest Darhk or what?

Maybe I missed a line or something, but I wasn't even clear on that. Are the police supposed to have him in custody? After all that, Oliver should have put an arrow in his spine and bounced.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
didnt realize this and flash are going on a month long break

pretty wild how good the flashs cliff hanger was and how shit arrows was
So it seems pretty obvious to me now that it'll be Malcolm Merlyn and not Damien Dhark who kills somebody towards the end of the season. That's who they're talking about having to kill.


I imagine he'll take over what little operation they've got going on there, or be involved in busting out Dahrk. Probably the former.
But there's nothing really wrong with it. People just dislike Felicity. Its not even about the relationship. People just irrationally dislike the character despite everything her character does is logical within the narrative and consistent with the character.

Oliver and Felicity have BOTH been better characters since getting together but people do not see that at all and their relationship is going to have issues like this one which was almost unavoidable. While Oliver has gotten better at secrets and lying, its still his major character flaw. You just don't grow out of lying like that. Hell Samantha was a lie that even LAUREL was upset about it because Oliver just has secrets falling out of his ass..AGAIN. Hell LoT made it a point that time doesn't change because you impart some information lol.

People bitching about Wally in The Flash is the same. He does things that are logical within the confines of the show and the lack of a 4th wall. I get finding him annoying but it would make less sense if it took an episode for him to be all chummy with a family he didn't know and a prodigal adopted son that pretty much took his place.

But people wanna masturbate over
Jay being Zoom
or Slade being awesome when those are just moments and not the entire narrative. Hell Slade pretty much made folks overlook how "annoying" Laurel was DESPITE its what caused her to seem to be a better written character today. But we'll just ignore all that.


Can't believe I missed this post. Bravo. I mean people let's remember what channel these shows airs on. I've enjoyed this season so much so far as it's been really great.

Real talk though those action scenes were horrible but I give this show and LoT a pass for this week due to what they put in the Flash this week.
Wow, just watched last night's episode. Holy crap that ending was hilarious. The rest of the episode was alright and I liked but the "lulz I can walk now" was just silly. People were talking about how this week could be the best week of the season for the Arrowverse and it really is going fantastic so far with both shows highlighting their key features. Flash highlighted it's twists and interesting plot while Arrow highlighted the fact that it's better when they have guests and that the relationship drama is hilariously bad.
But there's nothing really wrong with it. People just dislike Felicity. Its not even about the relationship. People just irrationally dislike the character despite everything her character does is logical within the narrative and consistent with the character.

Oliver and Felicity have BOTH been better characters since getting together but people do not see that at all and their relationship is going to have issues like this one which was almost unavoidable. While Oliver has gotten better at secrets and lying, its still his major character flaw. You just don't grow out of lying like that. Hell Samantha was a lie that even LAUREL was upset about it because Oliver just has secrets falling out of his ass..AGAIN. Hell LoT made it a point that time doesn't change because you impart some information lol.

People bitching about Wally in The Flash is the same. He does things that are logical within the confines of the show and the lack of a 4th wall. I get finding him annoying but it would make less sense if it took an episode for him to be all chummy with a family he didn't know and a prodigal adopted son that pretty much took his place.

But people wanna masturbate over
Jay being Zoom
or Slade being awesome when those are just moments and not the entire narrative. Hell Slade pretty much made folks overlook how "annoying" Laurel was DESPITE its what caused her to seem to be a better written character today. But we'll just ignore all that.

Can you really blame people for disliking Felicity? Guggenheim has absolutely run her character into the fucking ground. This is a show that was great and is running out of steam fast due to all the shit writing and things that don't make any sense.
Ok so, I think we can assume the "him" they've been talking about killing in the two flashforward scenes was Merlyn. We know it's not Felicity and from Meryln's speech to Thea, I don't think he'd kill her, unless it's an accident, so it's probably not her either. I'm starting to get nervous for Diggle.


0 more if they're all going to be like this. I'd rather they let this die than keep dragging it out.

They need to scrap several characters and bring in interesting ones from the comics. Stop making very important organizations extremely lame and tone down the relationship drama. Plus Oliver needs to either commit to being a killer or stop being a bitch about it and actually bring some innovation to his fights instead of doing the same shit each fight. You don't see him or batman constantly bitching about it in the comics they deal with their issues in a non lethal way.

I hope they try the outsider war because that can revitalize the show but the romantic drama cannot be the center piece again it's rather tiresome and is always Ollie is a bad guy bashing.

I honestly don't like Thea, felicity, or Laurel because they all have come into the arrows thing kinda make it hard for Oliver to act plus 1 of them gets constantly kidnapped or does something stupid to undermine him. He's lost his resourcefulness and connects from season 1 and has become dependent on annoying partners.

If they can pull of Richard dragon and give us a non jobber outsiders plus pull off Emiko I'll be happy.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
I hope season 5 has Oliver going after the names in the book again. Have him searching through his Mother's stuff with Thea, come across another copy, and notice that all the evil people he's fought since are in there.
Why did Oliver fire that arrow that burst in the sky? It's like he completely ruined the element of surprise they had.

That's a good point. That would have been a cool image if say, Darhk's people were monitoring or blocking all nearby radio signals, so Team Arrow all approached from different angles and that was their sign to attack. But as it was, it just sort of endangered William.
I still think Lance is in the grave. His character has run its' course if you ask me, he just turns up for a few scenes per episode, and all he has been doing this season is dating Felicity's mom.


It is a strange episode, the drama was quite strong with Felicity, Oliver, Samantha, Thea and Laurel all acting as normal, sympathetic people. But the action was bad. Too much spent on the Vixen CGI it seems.


Unconfirmed Member
If anyone has the time (or wants to do this), how many scene changes were there in last night's episode? I'm thinking back to season 1 and 2 and I get this gut feeling that it feels like there's just too much jumping around from scene to scene the past 2 seasons. They don't give any time for a scene to breathe or develop into something other than a two sentence exchange between characters. I'm also starting to get peeved at how fast characters can travel from place to place in the such a short amount of time (while also getting in and out of their hero outfits). It's starting to break whatever believe-ability the show had in the first few seasons.
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