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Arrow Season 4 |OT| A Tale of Salt and Fire

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Guggenheim tweet.




Clearly the solution to the grave thing:
Sara calls in a favor from Rip and has Laurel's dead body brought to a Lazarus pit when one was still active
Great. Just great.
What's with the grave saying 'the Black Canary' on them? Is her identity going to be revealed? I can only hope this is some hallucination type thing brought on or Sara decides to try and save her but of course not. Kill the actual Black fucking Canary off this Green Arrow show because why not. Watch Thea be the next one gone and we have absolutely no actual GA characters on it.


I've said it before, but I just don't really care about
The first thing I thought was "boy that sucks for Chesthair", because I care more about him than her. She's been a wasted character since the beginning - or at least S2 - and I can't really be that mad about the Black Canary legacy when you've got Sara who they've always done better with.

I wonder if Paul Blackthorne will remain a series regular, he'll probably get booted from the force, his story is quickly coming to an end...

Clearly the solution to the grave thing:
Sara calls in a favor from Rip and has Laurel's dead body brought to a Lazarus pit when one was still active

Word is this one will stick.

And people say S4 is better than S3.

Oh it is.
I've said it before, but I just don't really care about
The first thing I thought was "boy that sucks for Chesthair", because I care more about him than her. She's been a wasted character since the beginning - or at least S2 - and I can't really be that mad about the Black Canary legacy when you've got Sara who they've always done better with.

I wonder if Paul Blackthorne will remain a series regular, he'll probably get booted from the force, his story is quickly coming to an end...

I also don't mind her dying ( really don't mind any of them dying to tell the truth)
The hero side that goes out fighting has become to big so this should help .
Also i think your right Paul don't really have much left to do and i think they should have less of him .
Legends of Tomorrow article confirms the next season will more or less be the same cast
which means Laurel isn't killed off only to be replaced by Sara since odds are she'll be there for the second season. That's something at least.
Don't really get the end of an era thing they showed on the promo. Laurel's been Team Arrow for a year and a bit. You would think Diggle or Felicity given they were they were from the first season.


Don't really get the end of an era thing they showed on the promo. Laurel's been Team Arrow for a year and a bit. You would think Diggle or Felicity given they were they were from the first season.

The people who cut the promos aren't the storytellers. Laurel is an S1 cast member, and there's a focus on Thea and Diggle too. It just has to be compelling, it doesn't have to tell the truth. Plenty of promos swerve character deaths.


It would make more sense to kill of Diggle to me, honestly. End of an era for him, and his story is very much done. Laurel is still in the middle of her's. She just became the Black Canary, is still growing as that superhero. And they just killed her sister like 3 times. Now to kill her, herself? So dumb. To kill of the Black Canary in the Green Arrow is really kinda dumb. And for those that said "I liked Sara better", she is no longer the Black Canary, she is the white canary on a new separate path. Heck, it is VERY likely she will be back for S2 of Legends.

I don't care what some hack writer says. If shipping Roy and Diggle is wrong, I don't want to be right.

So outside of r/Arrow somehow going even MORE mad, there are set pics from Legends of Tomorrow that seemingly confirm that
does indeed bite the dust next week


That explains why
she got a good speech
in yesterday's EP. Oh boy.

Let's be honest.
Laurel finally had a high note. It's best to send her out now. It can only go down hill for her from here.


Wait until they flashforward again and they pull back to reveal Shado is driving the limo.
"Let's just keep killing Lance's children."

I've said it before, but I just don't really care about
The first thing I thought was "boy that sucks for Chesthair", because I care more about him than her. She's been a wasted character since the beginning - or at least S2 - and I can't really be that mad about the Black Canary legacy when you've got Sara who they've always done better with.

I wonder if Paul Blackthorne will remain a series regular, he'll probably get booted from the force, his story is quickly coming to an end...
They should start giving us flashbacks for

I'll go out on a limb and say that they are finally getting around to the funeral, and it is Tommy in the grave. We have yet to get his yearly guest appearance so this would be the perfect time.
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