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Arrow Season 4 |OT| A Tale of Salt and Fire

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Official GAF Bottom Feeder

Wow, just wow.



Why does he wear the mask!?
Honestly couldn't give a fuck if they kill

She's gotten more bearable but only just.

Show is total trash anyway
Finally getting around to watch last weeks episode.

I can't believe I get to say this, but the opening was actually fun! It was actually a little light-hearted and just the right amount for a show like this. "There are movies?"

Man, I hope this is a sign of things to come for the rest of the episode.

e: And here comes momma Smoak to ruin the rest of the episode. Oh well. It was fun, while it lasted!

e2: Good scene between Laurel and Oliver!
So I'm back from my "vacation" caused by a post I should've added a /s to to make it more obvious that it was tongue in cheek but anyway I digress...

So yeah, if what seems to be the case with the grave actually tuns out to be true I'm probably done after this season ends but that combined with their likely not killing off Malcolm despite how badly he needs to die on top of all the other bullshit is just too much for me to tolerate anymore.

Can't wait for the damage control stories Guggie, Wendy and the writers will be sharing/RT on Twitter when they go live
after tomorrow's episode, if not right after it happens.
Oh my fucking God.

"So we've got a handful of characters on this show and we need to kill off one. We've got a character who isn't in the comics, another character who isn't in the comics but just shares the name of an obscure Firestorm character, and a character who has the alias of a comic character but not much else resemblance and then an actual comic character who means a lot to the mythology of the character this show is based on. LET'S KILL THE FUCKING COMIC CHARACTER, GUYS! IT'LL BE GREAT!"

I can't fucking believe that it's literally sounding like "well, we need to kill someone off so let's go a random decision". Like no fucking thought at all going into it.

Don't worry. There's a spare. On Earth 2


People are really upset they will kill
? She's easily the best candidate to off aside from Felicity.

The decision to kill anyone is the problematic one.

Comics aside,
is one of the least essential characters on the show.

Not really seeing the problem here.

The writers have never been particularly good about using
, and
is different in pretty much every way to pretty much every incarnation before Arrow.

Sara is closer.
It's really amazing to think all these debates about who we thought was in the grave and the whole time the writers were reading GAF wondering the same thing.


So is it pretty much confirmed that
Laurel is the one being killed?
That might be the straw that breaks the camel's back for me.
Caught up with the spoilers

and maaaaan. Really? After the progress that character went through, the good scenes they bothered to give her lately? Really? I'm all for shrinking the main cast, but killing off characters like that feels weak. The fact that they didn't even plan this from day one makes this feel even worse.
lol. not surprised by this at all. had a feeling they really didn't know what they wanted on the grave for a while. worst of the DC shows by far tbh, haven't seen much of supergirl but surely it aint as bad as this has gotten.
lol. not surprised by this at all. had a feeling they really didn't know what they wanted on the grave for a while. worst of the DC shows by far tbh, haven't seen much of supergirl but surely it aint as bad as this has gotten.

As much as I like Supergirl, it's far from a must-see show. But it recognizes it's flaws, tries to correct them and usually gets better as the season progresses. There are still some stinker episodes here and there, but every show with a long season suffers from this. It's generally enjoyable, if you like more upbeat stuff. But if you get to episode 7 or 8 and still don't enjoy it, then it's not for you, which is absolutely fine.



Wow, just wow.

That's not how you write one of these arcs guys.

Also Bleeding Cool - who aren't the most reliable but accurately predicted
Merlyn getting a robotic hand
- is saying that the new girl cast for episode 19 is
potentially going to take up the Canary mantle, because we need another one
. Either way I don't care,
Sara has always been where it's at


What we’re finding as we’re pushing into season five, the show has to evolve. The concept of death on the show is evolving and changing as we’ve seen with Sara Lance. As the show has evolved, so has death.
If we let Zero make the OT for next season, we can band together so he doesn't get juniored. He was just a season too early.
Both added that this will be a major game changer for the show and will be incrediable sad for fans.
Yeah, it will certainly be a travesty
Out of curiosity, if it wasn't you-know-who being killed, who would you have picked keeping in mind that it's been teased for a long time, so should be a satisfactory death and that you don't want to lose someone who'll leave a massive hole in the show going forward.

I'm kind of shocked about the reaction here, I feel like who they've picked fits the bill best for both criteria, only way I can rationalise the reaction is Felicity hate but we've known it wasn't her a long time, so I'd think we'd be over it.


Out of curiosity, if it wasn't you-know-who being killed, who would you have picked keeping in mind that it's been teased for a long time, so should be a satisfactory death and that you don't want to lose someone who'll leave a massive hole in the show going forward.

I'm kind of shocked about the reaction here, I feel like who they've picked fits the bill best for both criterias, only way I can rationalise the reaction is
Felicity hate but we've known it wasn't her a long time, so I'd think we'd be over it.

Chesthair would have been a more symbolic and meaningful death that doesn't completely shit on a character's legacy. This season was about redemption, a new start. Ollie is the hero the city finally needs, and even this scene is something that could be used to strengthen their relationship across the season. Instead Chesthair gets sidelined to dating Felicity's mom instead of creating good character moments between him and Ollie or doing anything useful at all.
Considering who we have running the show it can be easily believed that they are even killing Laurel off partially for shippers.


Out of curiosity, if it wasn't you-know-who being killed, who would you have picked keeping in mind that it's been teased for a long time, so should be a satisfactory death and that you don't want to lose someone who'll leave a massive hole in the show going forward.

I'm kind of shocked about the reaction here, I feel like who they've picked fits the bill best for both criteria, only way I can rationalise the reaction is Felicity hate but we've known it wasn't her a long time, so I'd think we'd be over it.

they probably could have killed
to get a similar response, at least in some form but
is also a good choie
Out of curiosity, if it wasn't you-know-who being killed, who would you have picked keeping in mind that it's been teased for a long time, so should be a satisfactory death and that you don't want to lose someone who'll leave a massive hole in the show going forward.

I'm kind of shocked about the reaction here, I feel like who they've picked fits the bill best for both criteria, only way I can rationalise the reaction is Felicity hate but we've known it wasn't her a long time, so I'd think we'd be over it.

or very long shot,
because both and especially the latter feel like they've reached the end of their stories and doing anything interesting but I started to realize that
Chesthair was sticking around because they've paired him up with Felicity's mother to continue the Felicity/Olicity fan service that seems to be the primary interest of the people in charge
. Honestly I've gotten so sick
of Felicity's mom that I wish it was her and if we needed to kill off yet another female character for drama, it ought to be her, at least it's not yet another Lance sister death


is the obvious choice as it brings their arc to a natural conclusion that affects the other characters. The only reason they weren't chosen is seemingly shock value.

Felicity has running Palmer Tech and Tumblr to do, she was also too busy to die.
Laurel is really the only character on the show where it really doesn't make any sense to me to kill her off at this point in the story. Thea could go if you want to bring closure to the Malcolm arc, but killing her is redundant. Diggle could go to bring closure to the HIVE storyline with his brother. Felicity could go because fuck Felicity, and we already have Curtis as a replacement. Chesthair could go because he's the easy candidate that doesn't really fuck up the main team. Laurel is really the only one still at the beginning of her character arc. She finally becomes the Black Canary only for her to get unceremoniously killed off? Fuck off that with shit.

I know the writers/showrunners have been absolute garbage for two seasons now, but I didn't think they had it in them to bring it down this far.

I'm not ready to say that I'll be done with the show if this plays out as expected, but I'm pretty damn close to drawing the line if they don't play it in a way that convinces me.


If they really kill off Laurel instead of Lance, Felicity's Mom, or Diggle they are complete hacks

And I don't even care for the character, and think she is mostly wasted


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Unfortunately for
developed her
character too quickly and something drastic would have to be done to
reset her

And if they did that, there would be people calling them hacks for it as well.

The arc of
her becoming a hero
should have only begun this season at the earliest. It makes
her one of the
only choices that fixes some problems the show has but doesn't necessarily dramatically affect
the core team.

Early reviews of the episode have been positive, so we'll have to wait and see.


Unfortunately for
developed her
character too quickly and something drastic would have to be done to
reset her

And if they did that, there would be people calling them hacks for it as well.

The arc of
her becoming a hero
should have only begun this season at the earliest. It makes
her one of the
only choices that fixes some problems the show has but doesn't necessarily dramatically affect
the core team.

Early reviews of the episode have been positive, so we'll have to wait and see.
"too quickly"
"All 4 seasons"
does not compute
OK, I can see Lance as as good a candidate, though personally I like his dynamic with Oliver and feel like he has a good unique place in the group. But certainly a big death and not someone who would hurt the show.

Can't understand the Diggle talk though, he's underutilised but he'd absolutely leave a big hole.


This quote from Guggenheim basically confirms that the "rumors" are actually a leak.

“Look, it’s not cool,” executive producer Marc Guggenheim tells EW. “Straight up … I’ll just say it: Shame on those people.”

SPOILERS in this link, or at least strong hints in the source.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
"too quickly"
"All 4 seasons"
does not compute
I thought I at least somewhat explained what I meant, but I'll try again. The problem
her character has is that she doesn't have anywhere else to go as a character. She's already shown to be close to Oliver's level as a fighter and her life is pretty good. Diggle and Thea are somewhat the same, but Thea dying would dramatically affect Oliver. He would never be able to rebound from that. Diggle would affect Oliver the same way as Laurel, but he opens up a slightly bigger world with his history of being a soldier and his wife being the head of a covert government organization. Laurel only opens up lawyer stories.

Plus, in terms of dynamics she is again, basically another Diggle or Thea. Even Detective Lance has a different dynamic with Oliver and the team.

So, again, her problem is that she became a hero too soon. If she had that direction to still go, then we'd have a character who can offer unique story possibilities. She is one of the only characters that can possibly fix some of the problems the show has.

Which pains me to say, because I like the character.


So before this place descends into a Civil War, let's start taking new OT title suggestions?
Arrow Season 4 |OT| We're Radioactive
Arrow Season 4 |OT| Sins of the Showrunners
Arrow Season 4 |OT| Dexter Season 9
Arrow Season 4 |OT| The Dahrkest Timeline


So before this place descends into a Civil War, let's start taking new OT title suggestions?
Arrow Season 4 |OT| We're Radioactive
Arrow Season 4 |OT| Sins of the Showrunners
Arrow Season 4 |OT| Dexter Season 9
Arrow Season 4 |OT| The Dahrkest Timeline
Arrow Season 4 |OT| Still Looking for a Beacon of Hope
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