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Arrow Season 4 |OT| A Tale of Salt and Fire

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Think the posts in here are salty?


And they're not exactly wrong.

I am at a lost with that post .
Which WOC is one of the most powerful people in DC they kill off ?
At least they've all finally stopped blindly trusting the terrorist leader of a murder cult who drugged a member of their team into killing another member of their team.
Why did they even dethrone him from the LoA? It made zero difference. He still does whatever he wants, he still appears out of the blue at the most stupidly opportune time (usually followed by a "hilarious" reference to this), he still makes unreasonable demands all to "protect Thea". His character is an endless loop of manufactured drama who only exists to stir the pot.


Chili Con Carnage!
I think if I hadn't seen the spoilers I would have been shocked by the ending of this so kudos on that to the writers, actually really liked this episode and couldn't really call which way Minny Diggle was going to go but wow that final dialog...really summed up what a shitty job they've done with Laurel's character that she's still in love with the guy who cheated on her.
Laurel is the only character that has shown sustained character growth. Other characters have made strides but they all seem to fall back into the same patterns. Anyway, I do honestly think this is a fake out so I'm not gonna get bent out of shape yet.

P.S. Malcolm is a terrible.

Sorry but that's crazy talk considering Sara and Felicity started off as one note peripheral guest stars. Compare non-Caity Lotz in the pilot to where Sara is now in Legends and as much as Felicity has regressed, Rickards took a role that could have disappeared after one episode and ran with it.
apparently the Waller death had nothing to do with the embargo tho

That's what they said but a character that physically and tactically traded blows with Batman got taken out by some mook whose name I can't even remember. Not even a big bad. Of course Arrow Waller wasn't that Waller but that's all the more testament to the quality of writing on this show.
Sorry but that's crazy talk considering Sara and Felicity started off as one note peripheral guest stars. Compare non-Caity Lotz in the pilot to where Sara is now in Legends and as much as Felicity has regressed, Rickards took a role that could have disappeared after one episode and ran with it.
Sara has shown growth but I'm not really counter her among the Arrow cast currently. And as I said characters have progressed but then they fall back into the same trappings they did before. Felicity is a perfect example of that.

This show has a habit of not letting anyone really move past their problems. Laurel is the only person that seemed to genuinely learned from her past mistakes. (Detective Lance is just starting to as well.)

Also I'm not placing any of this on the actors, this is squarely aimed at the writing staff.
Sara has shown growth but I'm not really counter her among the Arrow cast currently. And as I said characters have progressed but then they fall back into the same trappings they did before. Felicity is a perfect example of that.

This show has a habit of not letting anyone really move past their problems. Laurel is really the only person that has seemed to genuinely learned from her past mistakes. (Detective Lance is just starting to as well.)

How is Felicity is a perfect example of that .
Truth is i don't think she regressed or grow unless we talking about work.
Where she much better off comapre to where she was before.


That's what they said but a character that physically and tactically traded blows with Batman got taken out by some mook whose name I can't even remember. Not even a big bad. Of course Arrow Waller wasn't that Waller but that's all the more testament to the quality of writing on this show.
that's why even if it was an embargo'd decision, to kill her off like that was just disgraceful to the character.

same for Black Canary. from the beginning she has been a mess and the character mostly a big drag on the show but that's mostly because of the horrendous writing and direction they throw her. I couldn't believe how much better she was on just one episode of The Flash.
that's why even if it was an embargo'd decision, to kill her off like that was just disgraceful to the character.

same for Black Canary. from the beginning she has been a mess and the character mostly a big drag on the show but that's mostly because of the horrendous writing and direction they throw her. I couldn't believe how much better she was on just one episode of The Flash.

Black Canary was great when she was named sara .
I don't think laurel was going to ever live up to her .


Black Canary was great when she was named sara .
I don't think laurel was going to ever live up to her .
That was another thing that was fairly shitty to do to Katie Cassidy in retrospect. Here let's give everyone's the REAL Black Canary that they'll love, and then we'll have your character written into the ground and somehow have to live up to Sara


And it's a fucking failure now. What this show is now is nothing but a plodding messy disappointment.

Who here actually watches it with enthusiasm anymore? Nothing about what they're doing right now is working.
I still really look forward to the show, me and my brother enjoy that and the flash. I'll admite i enjoyed first, and second season more considering my man Slade was boss in that season.

You sound like Arrow kicked your dog or something.

Me? But I rarely post because this thread is absolute garbage, full of people bitching about the show incessantly and making it a chore to post. Which in turn leads people who do like the show to bow out, because why would they willingly read page after page of 'LOL, FUK ARROW, I'M NOT BACK FOR SEASON 5 LOL.'

Except me. But I'm an optimist.
Basically this, my god the salt and hate in here can be toxic at times. But still gotta read those ep reactions, so im here to stay.

Also i hated Laurel pretty much up until last weeks ep. Glad it was her and not Diggle or Thea. Tho I don't believe 100% she dead

Always thought it was going to be Oliver's son in that grave, still kinda think that actually
We all know Nyssa/Sara is the ultimate OTP. Felicity be praising those two on her death bed, I tell ya.

Nonsense. Were the current versions of Felicity and Laurel to swap positions in this episode, Felicity would die while telling Oliver that she doesn't want to die, and that she hopes Oliver never again finds love. Laurel would continue to improve as a character and show real growth in how she reacts to the situation.

Somebody mentioned Moffat earlier as a comparison, and I think that's a good template to the kind of writing on this show, but then multiply the Moffatness by a hundred billion billion. It's like a full series worth of "Fear Her".
Yes I am aware that Moffat had nothing to do with Fear Her, but the point is this show is pure fucking garbage at this point.
Nonsense. Were the current versions of Felicity and Laurel to swap positions in this episode, Felicity would die while telling Oliver that she doesn't want to die, and that she hopes Oliver never again finds love. Laurel would continue to improve as a character and show real growth in how she reacts to the situation.

Somebody mentioned Moffat earlier as a comparison, and I think that's a good template to the kind of writing on this show, but then multiply the Moffatness by a hundred billion billion. It's like a full series worth of "Fear Her".

Nonsense Felicity was already in something like this .
The first thing she did was tell oliver not to go crazy on people.
Plus it's not like Laurel knew she was going to die when doctors said she was fine.
Nonsense Felicity was already in something like this .
The first thing she did was tell oliver not to go crazy .
Plus it's not like Laurel knew she was going to die when doctors said she was fine.

Bolded below:

Were the current versions of Felicity and Laurel to swap positions in this episode, Felicity would die while telling Oliver that she doesn't want to die, and that she hopes Oliver never again finds love.

The writing for Felicity hasn't just gone into one of its regular valleys since that point, but has instead nosedived straight into the ground.


Who here actually watches it with enthusiasm anymore? Nothing about what they're doing right now is working.
I do. I still like Oliver a lot as character, like plenty of side characters and most of all I love the villains. And Darkh has been a pure delight.

It's not "OMG! So amazing!" show for me, but I do look forward to each episode and most of them give me plenty of enjoyment.
Bolded below:

The writing for Felicity hasn't just gone into one of its regular valleys since that point, but has instead nosedived straight into the ground.

How has it nosedived since ep 10 ?
Unless you think she being piss off at Oliver for keeping secrets .
And not talking to here make her less of a character .
Either way it really don't make sense to say swap them .
She literally walked out on him by standing up in heels and walking out, after being paralyzed from the waste down, after telling him she understood why he was keeping his secret, after telling her mom to have faith that Lance was keeping his secret for a good reason and stick by his side...I mean I could go on. Maybe bring up how, prior to when Barry turned back time to beat Vandal Savage, Felicity revealed her superpower of being the most selfish individual in existence by making Oliver just finding out he had a son to be all about her and breaking up with him mere hours into Ollie still trying to process his discovery.


She literally walked out on him by standing up in heels and walking out, after being paralyzed from the waste down, after telling him she understood why he was keeping his secret, after telling her mom to have faith that Lance was keeping his secret for a good reason and stick by his side...I mean I could go on. Maybe bring up how, prior to when Barry turned back time to beat Vandal Savage, Felicity revealed her superpower of being the most selfish individual in existence by making Oliver just finding out he had a son to be all about her and breaking up with him mere hours into Ollie still trying to process his discovery.

Wow. I know I have been sporadically hate watching this show since the 2nd half of S2, but I didn't realise the show or its viewers were this out of touch with what good writing looks like. What a shame
Wow. I know I have been sporadically hate watching this show since the 2nd half of S2, but I didn't realise the show or its viewers were this out of touch with what good writing looks like. What a shame

I wouldn't even mind it if the rest of the character were to actually react like humans to the obvious selfishness displayed by Felicity.

And the best part of it all: seems like Felicity was perfectly fine with secret keeping between seasons 3 & 4 by moonlighting with team Arrow and making up excuses whenever Ollie noticed something!
She literally walked out on him by standing up in heels and walking out, after being paralyzed from the waste down, after telling him she understood why he was keeping his secret, after telling her mom to have faith that Lance was keeping his secret for a good reason and stick by his side...I mean I could go on. Maybe bring up how, prior to when Barry turned back time to beat Vandal Savage, Felicity revealed her superpower of being the most selfish individual in existence by making Oliver just finding out he had a son to be all about her and breaking up with him mere hours into Ollie still trying to process his discovery.

She said she understood why he was keeping it a secret but said he should have told her .
That marriage is about talking to your partner and leaning on them .
There whole relationship is base around him not lying \ keeping things from her after season 3 .
Yeah it selfish or whatever else but that don't make her less of character.


I wouldn't even mind it if the rest of the character were to actually react like humans to the obvious selfishness displayed by Felicity.

And the best part of it all: seems like Felicity was perfectly fine with secret keeping between seasons 3 & 4 by moonlighting with team Arrow and making up excuses whenever Ollie noticed something!

Oliver's true superpower is superhuman patience
She said she understood why he was keeping it a secret but said he should have told her .
That marriage is about talking to your partner and leaning on them .
There whole relationship is base around him not lying \ keeping things from her after season 3 .
Yeah it selfish or whatever else but that don't make her less of character.

And where does she fit in this aspect? Condensing her reactions in this season would basically be like saying that Oliver would be more in the wrong if both he and Felicity were to cheat on each other, simply because of Oliver's past history with cheating on his significant others.
And where does she fit in this aspect? Condensing her reactions in this season would basically be like saying that Oliver would be more in the wrong if both he and Felicity were to cheat on each other, simply because of Oliver's past history with cheating on his significant others.

Not really the same thing at all .
One character keeps quite about major stuff while other does not .
Not really the same thing at all .
One character keep quite about major stuff while other does not .

Serious? Secretly putting yourself into the kind of danger that team arrow is susceptible to is somehow not "major stuff"? How many times has team arrow's lair been infiltrated by enemies?
Serious? Secretly putting yourself into the kind of danger that team arrow is susceptible to is somehow not "major stuff"? How many times has team arrow's lair been infiltrated by enemies?

Did you forget that she was not with them ?
They were traveling all over the world and she was just behind a PC helping the team out .
Did you forget that she was not with them ?
They were traveling all over the world and she was just behind a PC help the team out .

Not how I remember it. I distinctly remember a mention of her having to "visit her mother" or something similar being used as an excuse to help out in Star City. Next chance I have I'll rewatch the scene from that first episode.
Not how I remember it. I distinctly remember a mention of her having to "visit her mother" or something similar being used as an excuse to help out in Star City. Next chance I have I'll rewatch the scene from that first episode.

Either way if you comapre the characters .
You can see one more open than the other on personal stuff and both of them selfish .


Okay, Arrow writers, fuck off.

For real. I just cant believe this show has turned into this.

And of course we have to see Felicity coming back too. Yeeeeeah.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Laurel was one of my favorite characters on the show, so it was a heartbreaking episode. She got an emotional sendoff, at least. They could not have possible gave more foreshadowing to her dying, but when it finally happened...it stung. She has had the most growth over the course of the series, and it sucked they teased the idea of her finally becoming D.A. and then pushed her off.

If Darhk and Malcolm survive all this, I'm going to be upset. Team Arrow should make it a priority to kill Malcolm at this point. He's been complicit in the death of the first and second Black Canary. How much more can they let this dude slide?
Either way if you comapre the characters .
You can see one more open than the other on personal stuff and both of them selfish .
I am totally okay with the two characters being written selfish as long as it's recognized as such. So far it seems anytime Felicity exhibits negative character moments it's played off in the moment as quirky and cute, whereas most of the times with Ollie these kinds of behaviors are grievous sins and relationship enders.
Either way if you comapre the characters .
You can see one more open than the other on personal stuff and both of them selfish .

Oliver is a broken man that put his mass murdering tendencies to heroic uses and is learning how to be a person again.

Felicity is a selfish banshee that wanted Oliver to give up his son just to let her in on a secret that wasn't entirely his to tell. Even Thea pointed out this was a raw deal because she's not a shitty character, or a selfish banshee (anymore). Laurel was also surprisingly understanding considering Oliver's cheating ass conceived William when they were together.

Basically the person with the least say in the situation hooked her claws into it and made it about herself, because that's what Mary Sues do!
Oliver is a broken man that put his mass murdering tendencies to heroic uses and is learning how to be a person again.

Felicity is a selfish banshee that wanted Oliver to give up his son just to let her in on a secret that wasn't entirely his to tell. Even Thea pointed out this was a raw deal because she's not a shitty character, or a selfish banshee (anymore). Laurel was also surprisingly understanding considering Oliver's cheating ass conceived William when they were together.

Basically the person with the least say in the situation hooked her claws into it and made it about herself, because that's what Mary Sues do!

It was his secret to tell and even if he had told it he would have not given up anything .
But he was to selfish to risk it .
Even after barry gave him a second chance to handle things better .
Then after he found out merlyn knew and he chop off his hand and take away LOA from him.
After thea found out or after the women he love nearly died .
Also Laurel is not the one getting married to him and this effect Felicity more than any other character.
Man, they really sacrificed Laurel on that Ollicity altar. But I still have hope she's not dead.

Someone linked an AV Club article about shippers and TV shows mentioning that in the end they will always burn you, and boy was that article right in this case. But if the showrunner is the head shipper that ship is here to stay, sadly, and with all the other shows on the air I'm thinking about just dropping Arrow next season.


So can anyone explain to me why the they pieced the Idol back together after going through so much trouble to break it?
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