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Arrow Season 4 |OT| A Tale of Salt and Fire

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At the very least I don't understand only breaking off one piece, putting it in Diggle's care, knowing his blindspot for his brother, and just leaving things like that. Oliver could very easily have kept another broken piece stashed somewhere else if he wants it that badly and is already okay with it not being completely intact.

I hate this so so much, the show just always treats Felicity's selfishness like she's morally correct or some shit when she's really really not. Nobody in the show ever stands up to her, it's unreal.

This and even more when does Oliver ever defend himself in a argument. It's always a character monologuing against him and he takes it like a Bitch
hope that's not offensive
He never comes back with anything satisfying. And when shit comes up from his past or he opts to not tell someone "often for a good reason" we have to go on this long ass rant on how he doesn't tell the truth.. FUCK that I'd be like "if I don't want to fucking tell you something about my god damn past I won't not stop asking or get the fuck out"

And the most annoying shit that Arrow and Flash pulls is that once you tell someone your secret identity "which they do way too often" they feel like they have some fucking right to get involved or tell you how to be a damn hero. Even though they a a huge liability and often give shitty advise that the hero ends up taking and changing. And to make it worst the character becomes dependant in the worst way and stops evolving... I'm looking at you Oliver.

Man it feels like I'm joker and I want to kill all the Robins.


Arrow Season 4 |OT| Canary goes down with the ship

Arrow Season 4 |OT| Radioactive waste

Arrow Season 4 |OT| Dig trusted his brother, chesthair lost another

EDIT: No way she's really dead. Whatever she asked Oliver to get wasn't her photo, it was something to fake her own death. That's what he promised her. If she was really dead, he would have reacted more emotionally.

Dude, Stephen Amell is cool and all, but I think that's all the emotional range he's got,


I think Oliver is saving up his "I told you so's" for the series finale. It will be a triple episode featuring him lecturing every character. And he will be right.
I think Oliver is saving up his "I told you so's" for the series finale. It will be a triple episode featuring him lecturing every character. And he will be right.

LOL this made me laugh more than it should.

Also I hope they kill off Diggle. Because of that useless non canon character Black Canary died as per the story.

At this point Diggle not trusting Oliver is over-played.
Takes like five seconds for him to forgive him then. Remember when all it took for Diggle to forgive Oliver for the pent up anger from season 3's finale that lasted two or three episodes in season 4 was more or less forgiven just because Oliver got a little scratch on his arm that was meant for Diggle?

Like that bugged me. He's mad because Oliver endangered them by not saying the truth why is he so shocked that Oliver who was eager to try and make up for it, put himself in harms way for Diggle?


Thea is the only sidekick worth a damn. Everybody else is whiny and entitled. Since S3 Thea has been the only one who reacts sensibly to the shit that's going on with Oliver. This is shocking, considering how she was in S1. Nyssa is awesome too. There should be more Nyssa, as her husband-wife interactions with Oliver are awesome.


Thea is the only sidekick worth a damn. Everybody else is whiny and entitled. Since S3 Thea has been the only one who reacts sensibly to the shit that's going on with Oliver. This is shocking, considering how she was in S1. Nyssa is awesome too. There should be more Nyssa, as her husband-wife interactions with Oliver are awesome.

Half hour comedy, The Real Housewives of Nanda Parbat. They will live next to the guys from IT Crowd for no real reason, as Nanda Parbat turns out to be the center of London.


Thea is the only sidekick worth a damn. Everybody else is whiny and entitled. Since S3 Thea has been the only one who reacts sensibly to the shit that's going on with Oliver. This is shocking, considering how she was in S1. Nyssa is awesome too. There should be more Nyssa, as her husband-wife interactions with Oliver are awesome.
At least Thea knows when to off dudes. Last night she put more Arrows in Dahrk than Ollie has the entire season.


[Another reason is] quite frankly the fact that there would be some corners of the Internet who in a season where Oliver got engaged to Felicity would interpret this as us choosing a side in the “shipper wars.” With respect to that last point, we felt like we had told the Oliver/Laurel love story in Season 1, and we had no intention of getting them back together. We never felt like we had to kill off Laurel to put an end to that story.
Oh, Guggenheim knows you guys.

At least Thea knows when to off dudes. Last night she put more Arrows in Dahrk than Ollie has the entire season.
She messed up letting Malcolm go.


This and even more when does Oliver ever defend himself in a argument. It's always a character monologuing against him and he takes it like a Bitch
hope that's not offensive
He never comes back with anything satisfying. And when shit comes up from his past or he opts to not tell someone "often for a good reason" we have to go on this long ass rant on how he doesn't tell the truth.. FUCK that I'd be like "if I don't want to fucking tell you something about my god damn past I won't not stop asking or get the fuck out"

To Oliver the best part of last year's initial plan to take out Ra's by sabotaging the plane was probably that he would be dead and wouldn't have to explain himself to his team :D

He should put then into their place more often. Becuase when he does it's so incredibly saitisfing


It's just stupid the idol was actually kept in their lair. The lair in which a billion and one League of Jobbers can just drop in with easy. Hide it in the least likely place ever. Toss it behind a dumpster, fucking put it on Lian Yu like Boomerang or Slade.

I really want Laurel to have told Oliver of some plan that she had to save herself and fake her death but odds are it'll be some bullshit where in the finale after Darhk is defeated he goes to Felicity and says something along the lines of "before she died Laurel told me...she told me to take the chance when it comes to the love of my life." Oliver springs a surprise wedding and gives Felicity Laurel's Black Canary outfit as a wedding gift from Laurel who made Oliver promise to train Felicity some bullshit.

I actually think it's worse that the missing piece was apparently in the couch cushions in John's apartment.


Oh, Guggenheim knows you guys.

She messed up letting Malcolm go.
I think any time you do a TV show, and you've got two people together who are star-crossed lovers and they're destined to be together, but you don't want them together because you run into the "Moonlighting" problem of your two main characters, once they actually end up together, in a committed relationship, then it seems to lose all of its sexual spark.The little magic trick that we have to do with Oliver and Laurel is, keep bringing them together and pulling them apart, bringing them together and pulling them apart.
TLDR: He's full of hot steamy shit


About the promise
It's going to be revealed next season. So don;t hold your breath for Star City's favorite alcoholic to be faking her death.


I really liked the episode (great acting, good tension, nice fight scenes...) up to the point where Laurel used her last breath to ship Olicity. That was sickening. I'll probably watch the rest of this season, but I don't see myself staying there for another season of this...






OK sorry, done now. Was on a roll.
I can't believe that they don't even remember why Lance didn't have a scene with Laurel. They literally forgot why this man who lost his daughter couldn't get a single scene to say goodbye to her.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
About the promise
It's going to be revealed next season. So don;t hold your breath for Star City's favorite alcoholic to be faking her death.
Oh god bewarethebatsie is gonna turn out to be right, she made him promise to train Felicity as the new Black Canary!!!


- EW: Arrow bosses explain that shocking death.
Was she killed because some of the fanbase doesn’t like Laurel?

“When I say it gives us a lot of pop I don’t mean on the Internet or publicity, I mean creatively for the show,” Guggenheim says. “Every time we’ve killed off a character on the show, it’s really been for the effect it has on all the characters left behind. I don’t want to spoil the end of season 4 or what we have planned for season 5, which we’re already in the room working on, but the way we always describe it is the creative math. How divisive Laurel is as a character on Twitter is not a factor. Truth be told, Twitter is a very specific sub-segment. The number of people who don’t like Laurel is probably an infinitesimally small group, so it’s not, as they say, statistically relevant.”
Props to Cassidy and Amell in that last scene together. The way Oliver's face just crumbles when he realizes what Laurel had kept in that pouch is heartbreaking. I don't care what people say, those two had good chemistry together and could sell a heartbreaking scene.

One thing I want is them to focus on Thea's reaction to Laurel's death and not fucking Felicity's. Laurel was like a big sister to Thea and knew her practically all of her life since she was childhood friends with Ollie and Tommy, and they better not gloss over that. All Thea had was Laurel between season 3 and 4 when she was dealing with the bloodlust, so the writers better not push her away in order of a Felicity crying scene.
Props to Cassidy and Amell in that last scene together. The way Oliver's face just crumbles when he realizes what Laurel had kept in that pouch is heartbreaking. I don't care what people say, those two had good chemistry together and could sell a heartbreaking scene.

One thing I want is them to focus on Thea's reaction to Laurel's death and not fucking Felicity's. Laurel was like a big sister to Thea and knew her practically all of her life since she was childhood friends with Ollie and Tommy, and they better not gloss over that. All Thea had was Laurel between season 3 and 4 when she was dealing with the bloodlust, so the writers better not push her away in order of a Felicity crying scene.

Stephen Amell's acting often gets overlooked.


Props to Cassidy and Amell in that last scene together. The way Oliver's face just crumbles when he realizes what Laurel had kept in that pouch is heartbreaking. I don't care what people say, those two had good chemistry together and could sell a heartbreaking scene.

One thing I want is them to focus on Thea's reaction to Laurel's death and not fucking Felicity's. Laurel was like a big sister to Thea and knew her practically all of her life since she was childhood friends with Ollie and Tommy, and they better not gloss over that. All Thea had was Laurel between season 3 and 4 when she was dealing with the bloodlust, so the writers better not push her away in order of a Felicity crying scene.
Boy do I have some bad news to break to you then
He's improved a lot since season 1. I feel like he does his best work when he gets pit against actors who know how to handle a scene or are experienced like whenever he was playing opposite Susanna Thompson.

I think it's really just a question of material. They want to play Oliver as this stiff/stoic, angry guy, so Amell doesn't get a ton of stuff to work with.
Wow, I can't believe they did that. I actually liked her now, despite the hilarious screaming device. I wonder how Sara will take it. Maybe some time traveling hijinks?


Oh god bewarethebatsie is gonna turn out to be right, she made him promise to train Felicity as the new Black Canary!!!

Oh god no. I just watched the episode. They just need to kill the Canary for good. Or put Chest Hair in the Canary suit lol just for fun.

Less Felicity the better if you ask me.
Oh god no. I just watched the episode. They just need to kill the Canary for good. Or put Chest Hair in the Canary suit lol just for fun.

Less Felicity the better if you ask me.

You know they are probably going to make Felicity the new Canary. In season 5 we will get the Arrow Wedding Special, where the entire cast from all the different series will show up.

oh boy.....

Or if they get super hard fan backlash they will make Sara screw the time traveling rules and save her in DC LoT.
I think it was a interview with IGN or another website Marc Guggenheim during season 3 or 2 said that Black Canary would still be the main love interest for Green Arrow right up until the end of the series. What Happened?


I think it was a interview with IGN or another website Marc Guggenheim during season 3 or 2 said that Black Canary would still be the main love interest for Green Arrow right up until the end of the series. What Happened?
I don't think he said it anymore that late. Season 2 was them taking it of the table.
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