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Arrow Season 4 |OT| A Tale of Salt and Fire

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Its obvious to me her death has been faked or something. That moment where we don't hear what Laurel and Oliver are saying to each other followed by Laurel going from fine to dead immediately is the biggest red flag possible
Then they should at least tell Lance instead of starring at him sadly. Dude got a heart problen and too many dead daughters.




All things considered, I thought that was actually a pretty strong episode. Ollie and Laurel's last scene together was good enough that I immediately overlooked that some of her last words were devoted to Olicity shipping. :lol

But yeah, I'm dropping this show once this season ends. I don't just dislike the decision to kill Laurel, I dislike the complete lack of thought that has gone into a series of poor storytelling decisions, not to mention the showrunners' obsession with Felicity, over the last two years. And I don't see that changing as long as Guggenheim and Mericle are in charge here.
Man how this show has fallen.

The fact that they had Laurel state something about Olicity on her Death bed is horrendous writing. Uncle Guggy the tumblrina strikes again. Geez this guys writing is atrocious.

hehe I remember a time when people were wishing Berlanti/Guggenheim where the runners of the DC cinematic universe. my how times change.


Bull on a Donut
so i stopped watching arrow awhile back but my buddies told me about the latest episode and i actually thought it was a delayed april fool's joke or some bad parody. i had to actually load up and see the trainwreck myself and holy shit this show is so bad now LMAO, but the arrow subreddit is entertaining as hell per usual so there's always that plus side

amell's gotten a lot better tho; i bet his acting cry/sad-on-demand trigger memory is the moment he gets handed every single new episode script


special needs, sexual needs
Special thanks to anaron for the inspiration.

Felicity and Her Two Sisters

Quentin Lance is the last one remaining beside Laurel's grave. The tears flow freely down onto the freshly compacted Earth. "I'm so sorry, sweetheart."
He turns and leaves, each step a heavy burden. Donna Is waiting for him in the car. She places her hand on his shoulder and he smiles at her. It's an empty smile; one that feels obligatory despite whatever emotion he may be feeling. They leave the graveyard in silence.

The weeks pass by and his relationship with Donna is getting better. They're closer now and they grieve together. They get married a month later. It's a Saturday and Donna has set up a dinner date with Felicity. It's nothing fancy, but Lance dresses up for the first time since the death of his daughter. Perhaps his family is cursed. He thinks of Sara. He never thought he'd lose both his daughters.

Felicity talks nonstop. She's taking about nanotechnology one second, then the next she's talking about her partner Curtis and his husband, you'd never know he's married to a guy named Paul, who was also her physical therapist since she doesn't mention it every episode (he meant every time they talk).

She's lively, that's for sure and he enjoys it. She has a spark in her that he's jealous of. He can't believe Oliver Queen threw that all away, but then again he did cheat on Laurel. His heart sinks at the thought.

Donna gets up to use the ladies room, he smirks at that. She's always fussing with her make up. Felicity takes a swig of water, they stare at each in uncomfortable silence

"Felicity'" he says.
"Yes, Captain Lance?"
"I'm not a captain anymore," he smiles.
"Yes, of course. So sorry," she says in her blubbering manner.
"I wanted to say having you for a step daughter...it's like having Laurel back" he says.
Felicity sits there stunned. "I don't know what to say," she says.
Donna joins them at the table. "So what did I miss?" She eyes them both playfully. She wants nothing more than to have a happy family.

They say their goodbyes. Lance leaves with Donna and Felicity goes back to her billion dollar apartment.

Hours pass and now it's close to midnight. Lance is standing outside Felicity's door. He knocks twice and is about to knock a third time when the door opens. Felicity stands there dressed in her PJs, her blond hair down to her shoulders. Even as drunk as he is, Lance can feel a bullet in his chamber and it's about to fire.

"Is everything ok?" She asks standing aside and motions for him to enter.

Lance does and he's sobbing. Felicity takes his head in hers, stares into his eyes and says, "It'll be ok, I'm here."

They stare longingly into each other's eyes. It's all too much for Lance. He leans in and kisses her. Felicity's lips part and their tongues meet and entwine. Felicity's body erupts with goose flesh.

Lance picks her up, she straddles him and he leads her to the couch by the fire place. Felicity is out of her PJs and his nightstick is out and in full force. It's glides in without much effort. Felicity arches her back nearly bending over backwards with desire. She works the nightstick, she knows her way around it like she does a computer. He guesses that it's just like plugging in a USB drive, he lets out a little laugh. Look at him talking that techno jumbo jumbo.

Lance nibbles at the Smoak Stakes and boy are they working overtime tonight. They are tall and puffing eagerly. Felicity smirks down at him. I bet Oliver never was able to satisfy her like this, he thinks. He rubs his thumb and index finger over the tip of her Stacks and pinches. She lets out a cry of pleasure that only extends his already extended nightstick.

"Hold on, Felicity. I brought something for us to try. For old time's sake." Lance picks up a jar of crunchy peanut butter from his jacket that's laying on the floor.
Felicity's eyes widen in delight.
Lance undos the lid, scoops up some crunchy peanut butter with his fingers and smears it across his nightstick.
Felicity must be ravenous because she's hoarding it all.

Felicity continues working on Lance's nightstick, it's big and solid and with each thrust it's close to shattering. Felicity's nails dig into Lance's back.

"Daddy," she moans.
She didn't call him step-dad; she called him daddy. Lance looses control and thrusts his nightstick deep into her computer terminal. Felicity cries out and Lance is crying, his eyes raw with emotion.

Felicity smiles down at Lance, but her smiles wanes and is replaced by a look of fear.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" asks Lance.
"I...I can't feel my legs," she says.
Lance picks her up and places her on her two feet and she collapses; her legs unable to support her. She crashes into the glass table, and lands near the spot where Thea died.
"Felicity!" Lance screams and he is kneeling beside her.
"Should I call Oliver?" Why would he call her ex? He didn't know. It felt like the right thing to say.
"No," she says. "I just want you here with me."
Lance runs his hands through her hair stroking it gently.
"Stay with me, Felicity. Please," he says in between tears. He holds her in his lap. "I love you."
Felicity's face lights up, "You're the father I never had," she says with a smile that could light up the whole world. And like that she is gone, the life slips away from her and she lays motionless in his arms.

A piece of peanut must have dislodged her spinal implant somehow. "Damnit, I knew I should have bought creamy."

He looks into her cold eyes. It seems in your lust you killed her, he thinks. "But she was alive. I...I couldn't have," he screams to the empty room. He knows no one is there but that voice is loud in his head.
"Noooooooo!" He screams.

Lance runs his hands over her eyes, closing them. He remains there for hours, Felicity's dead body held tightly in his grip.

Five hours later Donna enters the room to find Lance holding her daughter. She calls his name. No response. She panics and races over to them. That's when it hits her: her husband is dead. There's a bottle of Bayer aspirin by his side, but it must had been too late. Her husband died of a heart attack, but Donna knew he had died of a broken heart.

The End.
This show is straight garbage.

I don't care if she's really dead or if its a fake. I don't ever care that it was Laurel, it could have been whomever but the how and why just ruin it.

Everyone involved with the show should be ashamed for being a part of this. The writers should resign and break their hands with a sledgehammer to prevent anything like this travesty ever happening again.

I'm done with this shit, I'd rather watch boku no pico at this point.
This show is straight garbage.

I don't care if she's really dead or if its a fake. I don't ever care that it was Laurel, it cpuld have been whomever but the how and why just ruin it.

Everyone involved with the show should be ashamed for being a part of this. The writers should resign and break their hands with a sledgehammer to prevent anything like this travesty ever happening again.

I'm done with this shit, I'd rather watch boku no pico at this point.

This is a fair and reasonable reaction. You're definitely not saying anything ridiculous at all. Nope.


But it's in the title of the thread. And last weeks non spoilered text was from the leak set pics, not the episode.
I was able to catch this one the day it aired but I usually watch on Hulu the day after. Now that you mention it, I would've been pretty pissed at the thread title.


Holy shit, I don't even know what I was expecting. I got part way and it was too much.

Possibly better than this season of Arrow


Bull on a Donut
This is a fair and reasonable reaction. You're definitely not saying anything ridiculous at all. Nope.

He really isn't though. The show is pure putrid garbage at this point, but at least it gave us the Flash. Hope that show doesn't just melt from s3 onwards.


Money says that the actress reprises her role as Earth Two Laurel, a real metahuman Black Canary, brought over by Flash in the next crossover.


Thread title was fine. It didn't say Laurel died, it only makes sense when you come in with the context of the thread and episode anyway.
Just finished the episode. There's got to be something that happened during that little cut away just before Laurel started going into seizures.

I'm thinking it's all an act to throw off Damien. Has to be. Right?

Still, it was a good episode. I guess I'll keep watching, but Felicity is bringing the show down with her bullshit way too much.
Remember Laurel Season 1?

I've said this before, but people keep missing it: whoever is in that lead romance slot is going to suffer as a character. Whether its Felicity, Laurel, or whoever, the character will suffer in drama, because this is the CW and that's how the shows do. If it's not Oliver, it'll be his romantic partner screwing things up.

There was no alternate reality where Laurel remained the romantic lead and did not fall prey to the exact same problems. Laurel got better once she wasn't a focus of plotlines. The Laurel-centric plotlines we did get were full of stupid decisions.

Perhaps it's because I watch CW's other shows - Vampire Dairies, The Originals, Supernatural, etc - that I'm used to it.


#4.19 "Canary Cry" Synopsis
Extended Promo
OLIVER, LANCE AND TEAM DEAL WITH LAUREL’S DEATH – Oliver (Stephen Amell) and the team struggle to come to terms with Laurel’s (Katie Cassidy) death, especially Diggle (David Ramsey) who is overwhelmed with guilt for choosing to believe Andy (guest star Eugene Byrd) had changed.  Meanwhile, Lance (Paul Blackthorne) refuses to believe his daughter is really gone and asks Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law) to help bring her back.  A recent Black Canary sighting in Star City only seems to prove his theory that Laurel isn’t actually dead.  Laura Belsey directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Beth Schwartz (#419).  Original airdate 4/27/2016.
Remember Laurel Season 1?

I've said this before, but people keep missing it: whoever is in that lead romance slot is going to suffer as a character. Whether its Felicity, Laurel, or whoever, the character will suffer in drama, because this is the CW and that's how the shows do. If it's not Oliver, it'll be his romantic partner screwing things up.

There was no alternate reality where Laurel remained the romantic lead and did not fall prey to the exact same problems. Laurel got better once she wasn't a focus of plotlines. The Laurel-centric plotlines we did get were full of stupid decisions.

Perhaps it's because I watch CW's other shows - Vampire Dairies, The Originals, Supernatural, etc - that I'm used to it.

This is the truth .
They keep on resetting things when the relationship gets to a certain point .
It's the norm for a CW show and they do it in the most stupid ways .
Remember Laurel Season 1?

I've said this before, but people keep missing it: whoever is in that lead romance slot is going to suffer as a character. Whether its Felicity, Laurel, or whoever, the character will suffer in drama, because this is the CW and that's how the shows do. If it's not Oliver, it'll be his romantic partner screwing things up.

There was no alternate reality where Laurel remained the romantic lead and did not fall prey to the exact same problems. Laurel got better once she wasn't a focus of plotlines. The Laurel-centric plotlines we did get were full of stupid decisions.

Perhaps it's because I watch CW's other shows - Vampire Dairies, The Originals, Supernatural, etc - that I'm used to it.

Pretty much the only cases where a CW romantic lead escaped this fate were Lois Lane and Patty Spivot. Otherwise- yeah. CW romance turns good female characters into poison.


Pretty much the only cases where a CW romantic lead escaped this fate were Lois Lane and Patty Spivot. Otherwise- yeah. CW romance turns good female characters into poison.
I'd argue Patty Spivot didn't escape this fate either. But instead of her suffering, it was Barry in the end who suffered and became an absolute idiot. Esp with the damn, very obvious, lying.

#4.19 "Canary Cry" Synopsis
Extended Promo
New Black Canary sighting? Though... This week was suppose to feature Curtis getting a talk from Felicity, and that sure didn't happen. So who knows.. lol
Pretty much the only cases where a CW romantic lead escaped this fate were Lois Lane and Patty Spivot. Otherwise- yeah. CW romance turns good female characters into poison.

I won't even say lois escape it but it was not so bad with her since they got together late in the series .
Patty was not around long enough for it to take hold and even then barry got stupid.
CW can't go half a season without some stupid relationship drama cause by a stupid reason.


Just so I'm clear... Oliver has basically banged every relatively age-appropriate female whom isn't his half-sister, right?
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