Explained? In that episode, he just said that he could overcome it because he heard Felicity's voice in his head. That's hardly an explanation for magic powers. And that's before Darhk was powered by tens of thousands of dead souls
Hope. His hope powering the protective runes was strengthened by the inhabitants of Star City standing up for themselves. As clearly explained. They won't go into the specifics of magic, that is true. They also never explain how Flash can run fast for instance outside of speedforce.
Utter bullshit, the 15k nukes were targeted worldwide. The one before was targeted at the US.
Which is why she didn't take any down after the one above Star City. They showed her sharing her solution with someone from the US government.
It was a lesser of two evils, but it wasn't her call to make. If this happened in any internally consistent universe there's bound to be repercussions. Even if the president sanctioned it and said "Ok, nuke that smaller town instead", you bet your ass there will be blood.
There was no call to make, it was a split second decision. Everything else had failed.
Even without that, the character should have changed. Instead we got a 30s scene in which she looked sad.
No, it is good that she didn't. Because it isn't her fault.
Ok? What about anti-missile defences?
Would suck at taking down 15K missiles. The Star Wars shield project never got produced.
The same thing could have been achieved in any number of ways that did not involve fridging a beloved character from the source material. Hell, he could have Vadered a team of policemen and it would have showed the danger of Darhk
Let's kill some random mooks. If you think that has the same emotional impact, then you should go watch that Flash scene where Zoom kills everyone but the named characters. See how much 'impact' that has.
And that story was heartwrenching, and it didn't overshadow Slade doing Slade things. It served as a source of motivation for his actions, not as the plot itself. That's not really relationship drama IMO.
The story was absolutely not heartwrenching. He was talking to an imaginary version of a girl that didn't like him. That was fucking Oliver while he was five feet away.
Is anyone else bothered by Merlyn's attack on the Glades being constantly referred to as "The Undertaking"? Not only is that not public knowledge, it's not even a name! It'd be like if Merlyn had called his earthquake plot a plan, and Oliver jumped on that car and said "We survived The Plan!"
There was a trial. There were public statements on it. And it is a name that is unique enough to stick.