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Arrow Season 4 |OT| A Tale of Salt and Fire

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My finale rankings
2. Arrow
4. Supergirl

Surely your ranking system means odd numbers=good, even numbers=bad?


I didn't like the finale all that much, but this makes them look like whining fucking babies.

Especially with mods saying things like "What'd you guys think of the beautiful and strong Felicity Smoak when she said 'you think I was leaving? not a chance'" and
"If you're from /r/all and you're confused why this is here, well it's quite frankly because the show's finale sucked donkey balls, and this is what we wanted the show to be like, not some teen romance."

Despite the fact that there wasn't actually any romance in the finale, unless you count Diggle and his wife, and there was no hint that Oliver and Felicity were going to be together at all except as teammates and maybe friends.

But whatever, bitch eatin crackers and whatnot.

I especially liked the part when Oliver silently talks to Laurel's grave and then Felicity just waltzes in with a "you okay?". Yeah, THAT is how much they are unable to refrain from having her everywhere. Insanity.


God, I need to catch finish up Gotham to truly get on the whole finale ranking action :D

But Flash was just the worst out of all of them. It felt like the writers were actively trying to offend me with the stupidity.
A lot of suspension of disbelief was needed if you know if you know anything about nuclear missiles. Most ICBMs reach their target in ~30 min or less!

And hacking a missile in midair! The payloads travel at like 6-7km/s! And getting information off of its 'hard drive'! A lot of other things!

Oh well, it was kind of refreshingly dumb.

What would actually happen if 15k Nike's went off in space?

EMP frying all satellites? Damage to the atmosphere?

Well, technically, since they shut it down so late into the sequence, one has to assume they would be in reentry phase, and this wouldn't even be possible, since the reentry bus/vehicles don't have much in the way of thrust, only equipment for targeting.


God, I need to catch finish up Gotham to truly get on the whole finale ranking action :D

But Flash was just the worst out of all of them. It felt like the writers were actively trying to offend me with the stupidity.

Flash's biggest flaw was that it retroactively made the earned emotional moments in S1 finale just meaningless. Arrow finale was just bad, but they worked with the set pieces they had, and in that regard, the only glaring issue was the centering of Felicity once again.


Fuck this show. Fuck you Marc Guggenheim. Fuck you.

Beating the villain who does remember he has the League of Assassins member skills, everyone taking some time to reflect on themselves while Oliver continues to protect the city. Terrible?

What would actually happen if 15k Nike's went off in space?

EMP frying all satellites? Damage to the atmosphere?

EMP could fry all sattelites, but it would depend if they get high enough to actually explode in space. And also, if they actually explode. I wonder if the rockets wouldn't be more likely to fail before reaching the target.

All the nukes were already in the air right? Where did they bring them down, cause that is still a serious threat.

High altitude detonations like Felicity and Curtis do.
Flash's biggest flaw was that it retroactively made the earned emotional moments in S1 finale just meaningless. Arrow finale was just bad, but they worked with the set pieces they had, and in that regard, the only glaring issue was the centering of Felicity once again.

Y'all putting too much stock in Felicity just being around supporting Oliver when everyone else has left. She wasn't being centered she was just there.


Y'all putting too much stock in Felicity just being around supporting Oliver when everyone else has left. She wasn't being centered she was just there.

That was fine by me. The grave scene was horrendous, the dead hacker boyfriend scene as well. But at this point, with the show having a writer's room, it most likely is just the case of the character turning into a parody of itself. (And it is not just her: look at Malcolm...)

I mean, rewind back a few seasons, and people were seriously looking for characters like Roy or Thea having the spotlight beside Oliver. That did not exactly happen.


OH yeah, and Rubicon only controls NATO missiles. What about Russia and China's nukes they surely launched in response???


No, they already clarified it controls all missiles, as the USA was a naughty boy. It is how they get that 15.000 number. The known nuclear states have just about 15.705 warheads in total, if taking the highest estimate for all. 15.000 and a bit wasn't a number they completely made up. Still, most of those aren't active.
No, they already clarified it controls all missiles, as the USA was a naughty boy. It is how they get that 15.000 number. The known nuclear states have just about 15.705 warheads in total, if taking the highest estimate for all. 15.000 and a bit wasn't a number they completely made up. Still, most of those aren't active.

(and not all on missiles)

Oh, I was just going by the NATO comment on the season recap at the start of the show.
That was fine by me. The grave scene was horrendous, the dead hacker boyfriend scene as well. But at this point, with the show having a writer's room, it most likely is just the case of the character turning into a parody of itself. (And it is not just her: look at Malcolm...)

I mean, rewind back a few seasons, and people were seriously looking for characters like Roy or Thea having the spotlight beside Oliver. That did not exactly happen.

Roy's actor left so that's on him. Thea has her own thing and she works better when she's not the main focus of the show. I'm not seeing the issue with Felicity this episode. She was pretty harmless. She didn't swoop in and save the day like season 3. She did her tech shit with Curtis and pulled pep-talk duty because there was no one else.

The reaching y'all doing to dislike Felicity in this episode is weird.


Beating the villain who does remember he has the League of Assassins member skills, everyone taking some time to reflect on themselves while Oliver continues to protect the city. Terrible?

Yeah, beating the guy with crazy OP magic powers because of the power of light through trading fists. The power of light as in the power of an angry mob. Everyone else was still susceptible to said OP magic powers, but the villain forgets to use it on them when he could have insta-gibbed everyone other than Oliver.

Reiter could blow a plane out of the sky with this magic from just being powered by a couple of chaps. Said OP magic powers allowed Darhk to kill people from a great distance through a video conference. But even after he was powered up by the deaths of tens of thousands he couldn't do shit because it was overcome by our hero, who could somehow counteract magic without any instruction or training, because he gave a speech to a mob. (Good speech though)

Having an IT girl hack 15k nuclear missiles out of the sky, when in the previous episodes she couldn't prevent one from detonating.

Having an IT girl hack entire GPS satellites to redirect a nuke, but instead of having it go to the ocean, it goes onto US soil. Any repercussions? No. Any character development as a result? No.

Do the world's governments not have any computer scientists in their employ? Does the USA not have any anti-nuke system in place? Any mass evacuation procedures? No. Not at all. Only Felicity could do it.

Having IT girl's mother convince Captain Lance to get fired because she has the morality of a 12 year old. She turns out to be a huge hypocrite about this. Why? How is this compelling writing?

Killing off the Black Canary didn't really lead to anything. Every event since her death could have happened in the exact same way even if she wasn't killed. Why why why?

Without even talking about the crazy pandering to the tumblr crowd, nothing about this season's plot is coherent or consistent. So many events were pointless and/or simply poorly written. To be clear, I loved Felicity in Season 1/2. Hell, I would even ship Olicity myself if she could go back to being a quirky side character, instead of having the drama focus on her, and having her repeatedly save the day through complete bullshit.

We did not need to go through her stint on the wheelchair. Tell me that scene in which she stood up from that fucking chair and walked out of Oliver wasn't horrible writing. We did not need a single second of Donna Smoak, who is probably the worst-written fictional character I've had the displeasure of witnessing. Tell me I'm wrong.

Relationship drama is fine, but it should not overshadow the superhero shit that this show is supposed to be an adaptation of. Do you not remember how good the Deathstroke stuff was?

Am I wrong? I would love to be corrected, but at this point, fuck this show.

Edit: Forgot to talk about Guggenheim's admission that when they put the fucking grave in Ep1 they didn't know who to kill yet. They ruled out Diggle and Captain Lance because they "still had stories to tell", so they had no choice but to kill Dinah fucking Lance, because process of elimination. EBR also told us all that Guggenheim told her right from the beginning that the only three characters he will surely not put in the grave are Barry, Oliver, and Felicity. She also thinks that killing the Black Canary was a huge mistake.

It just hurts so much.
Looking back at the final they really should not go with end of the world stuff .
That stuff is rather boring and in a shared universe it becomes even more stupid .

I can see it now .
Flash we need your help , the world is ending in 2 hours because of nukes .
I am busy trying to save the multiverse i sure you guys can handle it .
But what happens if a nuke hit your city before then .
I know that won't happen i have full trust in you guys , i believe in team arrow .....

Darhk's men have assault weapons but decide to run and fight hand to hand.

I don't know why the reuse that trash .
It was stupid in TDKR , it was stupid last season and it still stupid now .


Yeah, beating the guy with crazy OP magic powers because of the power of light through trading fists. The power of light as in the power of an angry mob. Everyone else was still susceptible to said OP magic powers, but the villain forgets to use it on them when he could have insta-gibbed everyone other than Oliver.
He would have left so many openings in the fight with Oliver, supposing Oliver wouldn't be able to stop Dahrk there.

Reiter could blow a plane out of the sky with this magic from just being powered by a couple of chaps. Said OP magic powers allowed Darhk to kill people from a great distance through a video call. But even after he was powered up by the deaths of tens of thousands he couldn't do shit because it was overcome by our hero, who could somehow counteract magic without any instruction or training, because he gave a speech to a mob. (Good speech though)
He did the same trick as in the episode where it was explained. He just got confidence in the population there. He had the hopes of people.

Having an IT girl hack 15k nuclear missiles out of the sky, when in the previous episodes she couldn't prevent one from detonating.
Which they made clear she could only do because of the range. She couldn't hack the other one via the Internet.

Having an IT girl hack entire GPS satellites to redirect a nuke, but instead of having it go to the ocean, it goes onto US soil. Any repercussions? No. Any character development as a result? No.
Why would there be repercussions? Everyone involved knew the missile would strike a more populated area. She would get lauded if anything. As for sea versus land, that is tsunami versus hopefully desert area. That didn't work out.

Do the world's governments not have any computer scientists in their employ? Does the USA not have any anti-nuke system in place? Any mass evacuation procedures? No. Not at all. Only Felicity could do it.
They were evacuating as said in that episode. Did they need to show it? Other people were working on it, but the guy with the most experience on Rubicon was the guy to stop it. Not that strange.

Killing off the Black Canary didn't really lead to anything. Every event since her death could have happened in the exact same way even if she wasn't killed. Why why why?
Shows the danger of Dahrk, and has an impact on next year as well.

Relationship drama is fine, but it should not overshadow the superhero shit that this show is supposed to be an adaptation of. Do you not remember how good the Deathstroke stuff was?
Yes I remember the guy who was crazy in love with Shado.

Looking back at the final they really should not go with end of the world stuff .
That stuff is rather boring and in a shared universe it becomes even more stupid .

I can see it now .
Flash we need your help , the world is ending in 2 hours because of nukes .
I am busy trying to save the multiverse i sure you guys can handle it .
But what happens if a nuke hit your city before then .
I know that won't happen i have full trust in you guys , i believe in team arrow .....

Problem solved, the multiverse isn't destroyed?
Decided to check out Arrow subreddit for a laugh and man I had to make sure it wasn't April fools day again, that place has completely snapped lmao.
All of the events in the finale (and the lead up to it) could have been stopped if they hadn't reassembled the smashed idol and placed it in a location where they knew Merlyn had access.
Why would there be repercussions? Everyone involved knew the missile would strike a more populated area. She would get lauded if anything. As for sea versus land, that is tsunami versus hopefully desert area. That didn't work out.

FWIW, a nuke wouldn't cause a tsunami.
Problem solved, the multiverse isn't destroyed?

But then everyone else would be dead lol .

All of the events in the finale (and the lead up to it) could have been stopped if they hadn't reassembled the smashed idol and placed it in a location where they knew Merlyn had access.

All of this happen because dig did not let arrow kick his brother ass.
Even when Merlyn got the idol it was still missing a piece .
It was stupid to put it back together but at least they were not full on stupid .


He would have left so many openings in the fight with Oliver, supposing Oliver wouldn't be able to stop Dahrk there.

He did the same trick as in the episode where it was explained. He just got confidence in the population there. He had the hopes of people.

Explained? In that episode, he just said that he could overcome it because he heard Felicity's voice in his head. That's hardly an explanation for magic powers. And that's before Darhk was powered by tens of thousands of dead souls
Which they made clear she could only do because of the range. She couldn't hack the other one via the Internet.

Utter bullshit, the 15k nukes were targeted worldwide. The one before was targeted at the US.
Why would there be repercussions? Everyone involved knew the missile would strike a more populated area. She would get lauded if anything. As for sea versus land, that is tsunami versus hopefully desert area. That didn't work out.

It was a lesser of two evils, but it wasn't her call to make. If this happened in any internally consistent universe there's bound to be repercussions. Even if the president sanctioned it and said "Ok, nuke that smaller town instead", you bet your ass there will be blood.

Even without that, the character should have changed. Instead we got a 30s scene in which she looked sad.
They were evacuating as said in that episode. Did they need to show it? Other people were working on it, but the guy with the most experience on Rubicon was the guy to stop it. Not that strange.

Ok? What about anti-missile defences?
Shows the danger of Dahrk, and has an impact on next year as well.

The same thing could have been achieved in any number of ways that did not involve fridging a beloved character from the source material. Hell, he could have Vadered a team of policemen and it would have showed the danger of Darhk
Yes I remember the guy who was crazy in love with Shado.

And that story was heartwrenching, and it didn't overshadow Slade doing Slade things. It served as a source of motivation for his actions, not as the plot itself. That's not really relationship drama IMO.


Well. That was just Arrow. His speech was probably the most stupid part, that he just had to scream twice and everybody was willingly listening. Even all of the rest didn't feel that stupid in comparison.

Well, overall it was better than S3, but the finale was dumb. Here is hope that the next season will get a bit better again. And we finally get Red Hood Tommy or something similar.
Sölf;204709740 said:
Well. That was just Arrow. His speech was probably the most stupid part, that he just had to scream twice and everybody was willingly listening. Even all of the rest didn't feel that stupid in comparison.

I just want to know how much time he wasted switching from costume to regular clothes, find a good place to give his speech, come back and change back into costume.
Explained? In that episode, he just said that he could overcome it because he heard Felicity's voice in his head. That's hardly an explanation for magic powers. And that's before Darhk was powered by tens of thousands of dead souls

It was explain in this ep ,he was able to go against darhk because of the hope Felicity had in him .
When more people show up it's what stop darhk powers from working on him .
Now all of this is stupid and BS but that the reason .
I should note that it looks like people with hope are worth more than dead people power wise lol .
But then everyone else would be dead lol .

All of this happen because dig did not let arrow kick his brother ass.
Even when Merlyn got the idol it was still missing a piece .
It was stupid to put it back together but at least they were not full on stupid .
Nah, I'm going to say reassembling the idol was full on stupid.


It was explain in this ep ,he was able to go against darhk because of the hope Felicity had in him .
When more people show up it's what stop darhk powers from working on him .
Now all of this is stupid and BS but that the reason .
I should note that it looks like people with hope are worth more than dead people power wise lol .

Arrowforce stronger than Deathforce confirmed.


Maybe it's written That CW can only have one quality show in at any given time?

Arrow S2, Flash S1, Supernatural S11...

I think they might be stretching too thin. They had all the staff for S2 of Arrow, then a bulk of great folks moved to S1 of Flash, but this season they had also LoT and Supergirl. Too much probably at once.


I think they might be stretching too thin. They had all the staff for S2 of Arrow, then a bulk of great folks moved to S1 of Flash, but this season they had also LoT and Supergirl. Too much probably at once.

We've been through this plenty of times, that's not the case.
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