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Arts & Farts


MagicMongol said:
Hello! I drew the Justice League on my DS using Colors!
Great stuff! Needs to be quoted for a new page.


Here's some stuff I've been up tooooo:




Those last two are etchline prints, that stuff is interesting to say the least.


Did this this morning:

Danthrax, I'm doing quite a few design stuff recently and I don't have much time to manage Ogame. That's why, since the very beginning, I gave other users a high enough rank, so they can manage everything without me. I don't know what else do I need to do, but seriously I won't be back until I get done with the current group project at college.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Hey mik, do you mind telling me either here or via PM a detailed procedure on how you shade/colour in Photoshop ? I assume you colour those in Photoshop ?

Currently, my technique has been to paint some solid colour using basic brush and then blur whenever needed, but I find it somewhat tedious and still not producing the exact result I want.

Thanks in advance :)


I have two main ways to do this, either by straight painting with my chosen colors (using the darker tones) and then keep painting the lighter shades on top of it, or I create a black and white painting (that's what I did for this drawing) and then on another layer I just paint with colors and set the layer to Opacity, Color Burn or whatever fits the drawing itself.

For this one I did this:


I made the black and white drawing and then set another layer with the colors and paint it with the layer itself set to overlay. After getting a result I sorta liked, I went ahead with the top thing, the ropes and all that stuff, same.. painting in black and white and then another layer set to overlay for the colors. By this time I would also turn off the colors layer for the animal itself to get more accurate grayscale between the 'seat' and the animal itself. Then I would just copy all the layers or save the file as a new name, blend all the layers into one (except for the background and other stuff that wasn't related to the drawing itself, like the pickup colors and silhouettes on the top left) and paint more in the area where the seats and the animal are together so they blend better.

However, doing the seats and animal separated was a huge pain in the ass. But now I know! From now on I might either do the other way (just use colors from the beginning) or paint whenever I'm done with the grayscale.

I know I didn't explain myself very well, so if you have Skype (my name - xMik2121x -) or MSN (mik at gamersmafia dot com), I can explain it to you better.

Of course, I'm no pro at all, so it's not like I know all the best techniques and whatnot, but I'm also training and trying out new ways of painting :p

Regarding other of my stuff, the other 2 monsters I posted here were painted in this same way (grayscale to color), but all the weapons were painted with colors from the beginning.
I started my first oil-painting yesterday. I know close to nothing on the process of oil-painting, but I bought some cheap canvases to practice on. I find painting and colour-mixing to be a *very* enjoyable and relaxing process, however, and I think that I am going to dedicate a lot of time to it in the future. Oh, and I will definetely take a course or two someday. I shall post a photo of the first painting once it's done ( it's a portrait of a sad girl ).

Here are a few digital pieces I've done lately ( I've had a bit of a break from digital work, mostly working with pencils and charcoal ):



Mik2121 said:
That's Megan Fox and JL Picard, right?. Who's the second girl? Some new Lara Croft?

Correct. :) The likeness of Megan isn't perfect, but seems that she is recognizeable regardless. :p Oh, and Picard is a caricatyre.

I used a random model for the 'Lara Croft' -piece.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Hey Mik, excellent work! The weapon stuff is great practice, a tad obvious that its Monster Hunter, but good nonetheless.

My co-worker and fellow concept artist Brandon Dayton just released his first mini-comic that hes self publishing: Green Monk. Its a really awesome $5 book


And sicne Im a fan and I want to help him promote it, I made some fanart. This took about an hour and a half on a Cintiq:



Raging Spaniard said:
Hey Mik, excellent work! The weapon stuff is great practice, a tad obvious that its Monster Hunter, but good nonetheless.

My co-worker and fellow concept artist Brandon Dayton just released his first mini-comic that hes self publishing: Green Monk. Its a really awesome $5 book

http://brandondayton.com/website/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/cover_web.jpg[/mg] [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_oKPGQNEEU5o/SaNpf7J8OMI/AAAAAAAAAJk/5egiZOLKD1w/s400/monk_16.jpg[/mg]

And sicne Im a fan and I want to help him promote it, I made some fanart. This took about an hour and a half on a Cintiq:


Hey! Thanks for the comment. Yeah, I did the weapons for a game we are doing at school, and the team leader wanted weapons like in Monster Hunter :P
I'm glad you liked them!.

The Green Monk thing looks great, and I also love your fanart. Using a Cintiq is really awesome, isn't it!? I have only used it at electronic stores but the difference is quite apparent from the very beginning. Too bad they are so goddamn expensive (whenever I buy one, I will buy the 22, 21 or whatever inches it was, instead of the small one).
I like the clouds on your drawing. The rocks look very very nice as well!!.


Hey guys, I love all the stuff in this thread. I honestly thought I would never contribute anything to it. This was the first thing I've ever done in Maya, first 3d image. It's not perfect but meh.

Oh cheers seat! Heaps of great stuff here, nice gats ElPolloPeligro! Great sketch SilentProtagonist, I'll be here all day if I big up all the stuff I like so I'll quit it now....
Here's the Avengers! Also drawn on the DS with Colors.



A couple of webstrips I did for our comic page.

Those damn instructions are always so hard to follow.


I don't know about you but this is what I usually picture while hearing sports recaps.

One more.

My current work-in-progress. This body of work involves abstract imagery inspired by cartography and topography.

Oil on panel, 96"x48". Any response and critique is highly appreciated.
Ok. So, I want, nay, need to start drawing better. My biggest issue is with anatomy. I'm thinking of getting this since we have it at work. I need something that breaks down the human body, and at the same time I can use for poses.

Also, fuck conte crayons.


For Leech and the zillion other similar posters. These are from a famous realistic drawing course and show how much really "TALENT" has to do in this profession. (had this course myself too)






Want to know how long this course lasts? Five. Days.

So if you guys want to draw, then stop moaning and start practicing. The myth of this skill being passed down in the family or some shit is infuriating as fuck.
A friend of mine is doing a Halo themed mod for some RTS(no idea what the game is or anything, but I got bored enough to help out a little).

So I did some low poly models for them today.

Haven't touched smoothing yet, so that's why I'm posting screenshots of the viewport, rather than actual renders.




And something he did a while back before Halo Wars came out, that he's tweaking for use in an rts:




Opening Reception: Nov 17 6-9pm
Claremont Graduate University
251 E. 10th St.
Claremont CA, 91711

After two years of puttering about, my MFA thesis show is finally at hand.

I hope some people will physically make it to the show, I will be speaking about my work around 7-ish. But I understand only the hardest of the hardcore will take the epic drive to Claremont. As such, I wanted to take this occasion to announce my totally revamped website. Some highlights:

*Super awesome high-res links for nearly all my stuff. Printing Mom, for example, has never looked so luscious in all her 154 megapixel glory. It does require Silverlight but it's totally worth the install. (if Netflix uses it why can't you?)

*I've finally posted the photography I've been working on since I first arrived on the Claremont Scene. These are available in hi-res as well.

*Lots of hot pink.

*Some new/old writing. New: The statement for the show. Old: Some of my papers from earlier on. I was reluctant to upload them until now because frankly there's a whole lot of what Pagel would call art student bitchiness. However, there is also inordinate amounts of self-love in these earlier essays so it all kind of balances out.

*Finally, in the unreasonably maligned name of commerce, I've opened up a print store.



process: http://picasaweb.google.com/stevekim.net/Horses#slideshow


process: http://picasaweb.google.com/stevekim.net/Trio#slideshow
high res: http://www.stevekim.net/hd/trio/trio.htm


high res: http://stevekim.net/hdp/metal_halide_julie/metal_halide_julie.htm


high res: http://www.stevekim.net/hdp/shop_light_julie/shop_light_julie.htm


Rolio said:
With your first two pieces, could you explain why you build and then strip away from the works.

I work from photo reference and I always start with as clean and accurate drawing as possible. I learn things about the image through the slow and often frustrating process that is drawing that I otherwise never would've understood. At some point my desire to make an image, or to make some kind of form or shape takes over and that's when I started editing and deleting and going back into it and deleting some more etc.


chumps said:
I work from photo reference and I always start with as clean and accurate drawing as possible. I learn things about the image through the slow and often frustrating process that is drawing that I otherwise never would've understood. At some point my desire to make an image, or to make some kind of form or shape takes over and that's when I started editing and deleting and going back into it and deleting some more etc.

Cool. That sounds like a great way to learn composition, by examining the components painstakingly.


Good Art™

Was bored and did that, with photomanip obviously. I would love to do a thread about aging people, or mixing them, all this kind of stuff. I love to do that when i'm bored, but i won't do the thread if i'm the only one posting in it:lol
Thanks Interrobanger. I'd love to hear more about your gallery.

And it looks like my website just went live. I'd love for all of you guys to take a look. It's still very early, though! Still putting everything together and updating my resume and statement.

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