Great stuff! Needs to be quoted for a new page.MagicMongol said:
Great stuff! Needs to be quoted for a new page.MagicMongol said:
I want to touch her haaaaaaaaaaaair.Raging Spaniard said:
I have to say I do particularly like the old lady portrait.Raging Spaniard said:Dos mas, both are referenced:
Timo said:Here's some stuff I've been up tooooo:
Mik2121 said:
(Made for this week's ConceptArt's COW)
Mik2121 said:That's Megan Fox and JL Picard, right?. Who's the second girl? Some new Lara Croft?
Raging Spaniard said:Hey Mik, excellent work! The weapon stuff is great practice, a tad obvious that its Monster Hunter, but good nonetheless.
My co-worker and fellow concept artist Brandon Dayton just released his first mini-comic that hes self publishing: Green Monk. Its a really awesome $5 book[/mg] [img][/mg]
And sicne Im a fan and I want to help him promote it, I made some fanart. This took about an hour and a half on a Cintiq:
Hey! Thanks for the comment. Yeah, I did the weapons for a game we are doing at school, and the team leader wanted weapons like in Monster Hunter :P
I'm glad you liked them!.
The Green Monk thing looks great, and I also love your fanart. Using a Cintiq is really awesome, isn't it!? I have only used it at electronic stores but the difference is quite apparent from the very beginning. Too bad they are so goddamn expensive (whenever I buy one, I will buy the 22, 21 or whatever inches it was, instead of the small one).
I like the clouds on your drawing. The rocks look very very nice as well!!.
my name is ed said:haven't posted in a while, here's a new comic
Tashi0106 said:^^that is badass
Rolio said:With your first two pieces, could you explain why you build and then strip away from the works.
chumps said:I work from photo reference and I always start with as clean and accurate drawing as possible. I learn things about the image through the slow and often frustrating process that is drawing that I otherwise never would've understood. At some point my desire to make an image, or to make some kind of form or shape takes over and that's when I started editing and deleting and going back into it and deleting some more etc.