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Arts & Farts

Hey, Raging, your piece has more energy as well.

Just finished this one...
Any more advice on learning anatomy? I'm trying to get better by drawing more figures but it's probably better to draw naked figures right?
mysticwhip said:
Any more advice on learning anatomy? I'm trying to get better by drawing more figures but it's probably better to draw naked figures right?

This is a pretty cool site that lets you rotate the model, and has many poses. (it goes beyond naked!) posemaniacs


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Halycon said:
Very nice. At 300x168 I couldn't even tell it was a painting, it looks delicious.
Why thank you :) That's pretty much the best compliment I can get for this painting.


NetMapel said:
I really need to practice more in Photoshop...


I'm happy that I'm doing some quick sketches in Photoshop for GAF's NHL thread now because it helps me get used to Photoshop and tablet more :)

Haha, people in the other fields are smart by telling future competition to go away. Lawyers tell students to go away because they won't make it into big law. Computer scientists tell students to go away because their jobs are being outsourced. Accountants (I was one) tell students to go away because their jobs are boring. Artists, on the other hand, tell students to do their best and work hard, yippieeee !

Don't use grays to shade. Use a color with the appropriate hue, like green or blue. Gray makes images look dull. Keep it in mind.



Edited to work better as a cover for a magazine.




Timo said:
Don't use grays to shade. Use a color with the appropriate hue, like green or blue. Gray makes images look dull. Keep it in mind.



Edited to work better as a cover for a magazine.



That's not true at all. You can create a base in grayscale and then work from there to add colors and get really bright colors. Keep it in mind.
Of course, using colors from the beginning will get you even better results, but using grayscale can be also useful to learn how to illuminate objects, so saying "Don't use grays to shade" is a bit too much.

Anyway, a couple drawings:

(Used a grayscale base for this one and added colors at the end)


(Went with colors right from the beginning for this one)


(This one is not yet finished, but I'll give a little bit of color to this one whenever I'm done with the main details)


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
geez Mik, NSFW!

Thanks a lot for the tutorial link. I've been wanting to learn some painting fundamentals for a long time now. The finer points of value and lighting can seem pretty intimidating to me sometimes. This guy's stuff looks like it could be of great help.

Any other tutorials you could recommend to a (digital) painting beginner?


Registered User
Here's a video I created for my Youtube account to explain how I shade my drawings.

I know it's not a perfect tutorial, but do you think I at least made a simple point to newcomers? My goal is to just explain it as easily as possible for anyone whose afraid of the process.

Any thoughts?


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Oli said:
Here's a video I created for my Youtube account to explain how I shade my drawings.

I know it's not a perfect tutorial, but do you think I at least made a simple point to newcomers? My goal is to just explain it as easily as possible for anyone whose afraid of the process.

Any thoughts?
Saying that an error occurred.


It's quite something different from the awesome paintings in this thread, but I finished this project last week. I was asked to make an artwork for a design company and came up with this..


finished this image a while before xmas but wasnt able to put it online until now. it was for a workshop and cover image for ImagineFX magazine. thankfully i could do anything i wanted aslong as i created a step by step workshop on the image. so i chose to do a more surreal image all about beauty and how it is not eternal.


finally able to show this "making of" type video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaBid_f5jrs

figured art gaf would be interested :)


Arcipello said:
finished this image a while before xmas but wasnt able to put it online until now. it was for a workshop and cover image for ImagineFX magazine. thankfully i could do anything i wanted aslong as i created a step by step workshop on the image. so i chose to do a more surreal image all about beauty and how it is not eternal.


Awesome. Love the lighting and the use of the purple ribbons.
Sorry for stretching the page...


So this was a project done for class last semester. The objective was to cut a hole through every page in a magazine, scan 5 of the most compelling images into the computer, and in Illustrator, incorporate typography using the provided text from the project outline. The challenge was to create a strong relationship between the images and the provided text while working in a random process.


Arcipello said:
finished this image a while before xmas but wasnt able to put it online until now. it was for a workshop and cover image for ImagineFX magazine. thankfully i could do anything i wanted aslong as i created a step by step workshop on the image. so i chose to do a more surreal image all about beauty and how it is not eternal.

Pretty nice. I like everything except the weird thin shadow in her shoulder. Doesn't look like a shadow that dark should be casted there. But other than that, great, as always.


Arcipello said:
finished this image a while before xmas but wasnt able to put it online until now. it was for a workshop and cover image for ImagineFX magazine. thankfully i could do anything i wanted aslong as i created a step by step workshop on the image. so i chose to do a more surreal image all about beauty and how it is not eternal.
This is amazingly pretty. Do you use reference photo's or do you make the whole thing up?


I've been messing about in Flash adding color to some of my old sketches. Really want to get a tablet and get used to using it. Would a bamboo suit me as an absolute beginner? They are real cheap here.




Bioshocked said:
My first experiment with cassette tape.


I love Death From Above 1979. Props.

Mik2121 said:
That's not true at all. You can create a base in grayscale and then work from there to add colors and get really bright colors. Keep it in mind.
Of course, using colors from the beginning will get you even better results, but using grayscale can be also useful to learn how to illuminate objects, so saying "Don't use grays to shade" is a bit too much.

I guess I did go a little far with the 'never' mentality, but I've always been told it's bad business. I used to get shot down hard when I did it.


pubba said:
I've been messing about in Flash adding color to some of my old sketches. Really want to get a tablet and get used to using it. Would a bamboo suit me as an absolute beginner? They are real cheap here.

http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x286/pubba26/mancar1.jpg[IMG] [IMG]http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x286/pubba26/pillbeast.jpg[IMG]
[IMG]http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x286/pubba26/aliennship.jpg[IMG] [IMG]http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x286/pubba26/milkman.jpg[IMG][/QUOTE]

Yep, a Bamboo should be more than enough if you're still a beginner. I got myself an Intuos 3 back a year and a half ago but at school I use some sort of incredibly old Bamboo model and it works perfectly fine for basic painting and whatnot. Of course, it lacks buttons on the sides and all that, but you can always do the same with shortcuts on the keyboard, so no biggie (in fact, I know of some people with Intuos and they don't use the buttons, lol...)
I really like that transparent black fabric on your drawing Arcipello, it frames the figure nicely.

Here is my submission for the creature of the week at conceptart.org


Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Some resources from a Wave. Somehwat random, but all useful :)

THE SCRIPTS: http://www.comicbookscriptarchive.com/archive/?page_id=3 Comic book scripts by good writers ready to be turned into comic books (Bendis, Warren Ellis, etc)

KULER: http://kuler.adobe.com Best color picker website ever, want to know the basic colors of the Incredible Hulk? http://kuler.adobe.com/#themes/search?term=incredible hulk You can figure out more ;)

Crop with rule of thirds tutorial: http://www.lunacore.com/photoshop/tutorials/tut023.htm

Philip Straub Composition tutorial : http://features.cgsociety.org/story_custom.php?story_id=3275&page=

Lighting Resistance: Fall of Man: http://www.cybergooch.com/tutorials/pages/lighting_rfom1.htm

55 Different Chinese Ethnic groups:


CiccioNutella's photo folder (flicker): http://www.flickr.com/photos/fotomagnum/

Crisis Core concept art: http://ahvia.livejournal.com/254200.html

Parka Blogs: http://parkablogs.com/ This guy reviews art books. Extremely awesome website since he includes "where to buy" links, plus its really easy for amazing books to slip under the radar. This may be were I'll spend most of my money in 2010 :D

PSD thumbnails in explorer:

1) Copy psicon.dll to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Shell if this folder doesn't exist create it.

2) Run Adobe.reg

3) You now can view PSD files in thumbnail view within explorer.


TGA thumbnails



Awesome stuff as usual, guys!

I missed lurking through this thread. :>

Here's a fun meme to use just to get an overview of things that have been going on with you artistically over the last few years!

Unfortunately for me, it doesn't really seem I have improved all that much! It even looks like a took a dip in ability and never quite made a rebound!

Anyway, maybe some of your remember me saying a long while back (might have even been a couple of years back!) that I had Painter X but did nto yet touch it. Well, I finally touched it this year! So, that's kind of like an improvement! Still dont' knwo what I'm doing in it though, and I don't have a good grasp of colour theory, but here's was my first effort:


I had a lot of trouble with trying to figure out how to control the brushes and brush settings, and what the heck was happening with water colours/drying the canvas.
Note that I did some image editing and resizing and adding text in Paint Shop Pro 7.

Next was a more serious effort with some fan art (Fire Emblem 7--plus me as the tactician). This was was coloured in Painter X. Note how long the legs are! I actually draw people shorter (about 6 - 6.5 heads tall), but I wanted the image to match more with whatever style the Fire Emblem artist does (which is like.. 7-8 heads tall). The legs for the following images were therefore stretched in PSP7 by up to 15%... digital witchcraft!

Painter X became kind of a hassle because I wasn't used to it, so I used it less, and PSP7 more to colour. I had a lot of trouble trying to outline the girl, Elly, after I finished colouring on top of a pen sketch. I also mostly coloured in PSP7 and then brought it into Painter X to get more smoothing/blobbing or something done. But the process was kind of a hassle, so for the next image, I cut back on Painter use even more.

Elly is an original character that I was just inserting into the Fire Emblem 9-10 universe for fun. She was supposed ot be a mounted unit (pegasus, dragon, or horse), but the animals never liked her, so she's really just an on-foot unit now, like a halberdier, but without shield skills. My idea about her as a character was one that constantly upgrades her gear, so you may see more of her in the future with different armour on.

As for Elly's brother, Painter X was only used to create his outline. I discovered the ball point pen brush, I think! Finally! I used it to create the outline on top of the original sketch, then the rest was completed in PSP7, and I think the results were better than my earlier battle.. and much faster too!

Ennes is some type of mage-scholar that is kind of bad at being a mage due to clumsiness (my brother says he looks like a sucky NPC mage). I think my main inspiration for him as a character was something like a male Lina Inverse--magic user that travels around to collect treasures, participate in wacky hijinx, and winding up in dire situations.

So, looking forward to seeing more of your awesome stuff, and I'll have a look through the links you posted, Raging Spaniard. Maybe something will give me motivation to actually learn to art better!

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Prax said:

Those fanart pieces are great! Neat retrospective too. I saw the template on DA but Im hesitant to fill one out, since I dont keep a good backlog of when something was made :|

Hope you find some of those links useful. Its all kinda random, but its fun to share finds and stuff, post some if you have any!

Oh yeah, art wise I like to do a new Raging Spaniard piece every year to use as an avatr and what not, so heres the full version of my current one :)



Raging Spaniard said:
Oh yeah, art wise I like to do a new Raging Spaniard piece every year to use as an avatr and what not, so heres the full version of my current one :)]

Maybe you should post an evolution of the Raging Spaniards then! XD
That would be fun to look at!

Fox the Sly

hookedonritalin said:
^Very nice and intricate anatomy drawing there, elohel.

Someone wanted me to do a portrait of Ol' Dirty Bastard...


<3 ODB. R.I.P.


corporate swill

Messing with some photography and PS stuff, drew some stuff all over this little plastic astronaut toy I had sitting around and ended up using the Iphone flashlight app as a light source ;p

just looked at it again and realized that parts werent showing up from the angle i was looking at my monitor, changed it around a bit ;/

I thought I would stick my own piece of artwork up. I have been drawing animu for about 3 years now.

I started off like this:


I need tips for dynamic poses, keeping constant and comic inking.
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