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Arts & Farts


Rolling Girl

Rough sprite for a test version of a visual novel. Not happy with the coloring, so I'm going to try and experiment so that the final sprites have a pretty good coloring. I want to do something a bit more akin to my avatar, but I haven't found the way to that yet. :lol


The second painting works. Maybe saw the upper part so it would feel more symmetrical? I feel a pull to the center of the canvas, but the upper part distracts my eye a bit. Nothing major though.


Timbuktu said:
Another pen and ink drawing. A belvedere/CHP plant


Does your drawing help your photography, and vice versa? If so, how? Which do did you do first, seriously?


Timbuktu said:
Another pen and ink drawing. A belvedere/CHP plant


I just scrolled down and thought, "Oh, nice photo." Then I scrolled up and went, "WHAAAAAAAT?"



Original character I worked on the other night

Haven't checked this thread in awhile, lots of cool stuff being posted here recently


hookedonritalin said:
Been awhile since I last visited this thread, but it's good to still see astounding work from all of you :O Anyways, just wanted to show a few pieces I've made over the last month, all of which seem to be following a suburbia tangent:




i gave the wrong email address



Awesome as usual. Post more interiors. Might even purchase a print from you HookedOnRitalin if something radical happens to my financial state. I can see something like that framed inside my crib... something with a strong sense of space.
zoukka said:
Awesome as usual. Post more interiors. Might even purchase a print from you HookedOnRitalin if something radical happens to my financial state. I can see something like that framed inside my crib... something with a strong sense of space.
Thanks for the support. And yeah, interior images was a conscious decision to change things up. As for possible purchse, I'd have to first look at where I should sell my work online. Anyone have any suggestions?

Timbuktu said:
Great stuff.


zoukka said:
Finally am able to start practising photoshop drawing. And it's so effortless :D

I really like this one. I love the lines and the detail on the tree itself.

Honestly, most of my drawings can only be considered doodles I guess. I've always had problems understanding basic art prinicples, but at the same time, I still want to at least try to pursuit some type of art career.

Here is one of my Zelda drawings (very sorry for the large size):


I can point out most of the problems (bad perceptive and terrible shading), but could some one give me any points on ways to improve?


hookedonritalin said:
Thanks for the support. And yeah, interior images was a conscious decision to change things up. As for possible purchse, I'd have to first look at where I should sell my work online. Anyone have any suggestions?

Great stuff.

I don't know too much about this since I don't sell stuff and the work i do tend to be for friends and family, only randomly selling something once at a uni exhibition. But I know of iGavel from artist friends who auction work online. Not sure how good they are, but I think you can get some advice from them.

Rolio said:
Does your drawing help your photography, and vice versa? If so, how? Which do did you do first, seriously?

I guess I started drawing first... since I didn't have a camera when I was a kid. I tend towards traditional media, painting and drawing from life outside because I spend enough time in front of a computer for work already.

btw. hookedonritalin, do you do something related to architecture?


Good Art™
Hi guys, i've got some Photoshop questions :p
What's the best way to do some checkerboard ground ala space harrier into CS4 ?? I don't want it to be planar but more spherical, like with some fish eye perspective.
Timbuktu said:
I don't know too much about this since I don't sell stuff and the work i do tend to be for friends and family, only randomly selling something once at a uni exhibition. But I know of iGavel from artist friends who auction work online. Not sure how good they are, but I think you can get some advice from them.
I'll check that site out, thanks. And nope, I don't work in any related field to architecture. Just been developing a body of work focusing on suburbia for a class.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Click on the first podcast "The Animation Guild" here: http://www.fxguide.com/fxpodcast.html

A podcast by fxguide about The Animation Guild. Steve Hulett of The Animation Guild joins us again to discuss visual effects and labor issues.

I think EVERY CG ARTISTS need to listen to this as this seems to be a huge issue right now within the CG industry. Now, I am not arguing for or against unionization, but I think artists are badly misinformed on this matter for whatever reason. Lots of us here are also new artists who may not be as aware of this huge problem and may naively be abused by employers. One point Steve brought up that particularly interested me is that bad management's business will always shut down, unionized or not. If you work for an employer who are threatening you about your job if there is talk about unionization, you might have to really think about this company's future. Would a reasonably run union really run a company down to the ground or would a bad management do it ? I have to say, personally, I never thought of it this way, so I just thought I'll bring this out. I want us to be informed !

So, again, I urge all the artists here to listen to this podcast, which is only about half an hour long so not too time consuming. Also, another excellent podcast to listen to with about a similar topic is the one with Scott Ross (founder of Digital Domain VFX) on that same website.

Discuss :)


Preble said:
Honestly, most of my drawings can only be considered doodles I guess. I've always had problems understanding basic art prinicples, but at the same time, I still want to at least try to pursuit some type of art career.

Try out a year or two in an art-school. Maybe something geared towards comics and such. There's no reason you'd need to be a master in traditional art to get a job in the industry.
A Captain N reimagining, because the idea has so much potential but was wasted on a godawful cartoon.

A few notes:
-The 'PowerMote' (I think it was the PowerPad originally?) turns into various things, like the 'Gunmote' in N's hand. This is also why it isn't attached to his belt.
-The dude behind Samus, let's call it 'Phantos', is the main antagonist. I wanted to have a central villain that N and Lana pursue through the various Nintendo worlds.
-Hey Nintendo! Hire me!

Full-Size on DeviantArt
This is my first post in this thread. Anyway, here's a collage that I've been working on. It isn't much, and it's the first one of a couple that I think I will be doing. I was mostly just trying to get the colors the way I wanted to and see how hard it would be piecing things together for a desired effect.


Anyway, the plan was to have it blown up into a print after I was done, but right now that's a little bit expensive for me and also I need to find a place that will help me digitally clear up some of the rougher lines and edges (especially the one that separates the background in half). I went to a local copy store but the guy that was doing it was a jerk :(
zoukka said:
Your art is really nice, but I have to ask... for what :b?
Let's not get mired in details.
Obviously I could do a Captain N comic book, because what the world needs is another 80's revival that nobody asked for.



Watercolor test with some resists and layers.


To Kill A Mockingbird flavored Gregory Peck.


Commission for vitaminwateryum, of NeoGAF fame.


Those moons are casting some really hard shadows on that planet.. they must be incredibly near :lol

Anyway, the colors are nice, but those mountain shapes might be a bit too random?

Btw what did you use Zbrush for, there? If it's for the normals, couldn't you just bake some by using some software like XNormal or Photoshop's Nvidia Normal filter to create them straight from textures?.


Here's something I started today. An sketch for a boss from Dudebro II (NeoGAF's game!)


I'm not done yet, but hey... :p


Latest doodle.


The linework clashes with the shading a bit, but what the hell. I just need to let go of the strong outlines someday.
Mik2121 said:
Those moons are casting some really hard shadows on that planet.. they must be incredibly near :lol

Anyway, the colors are nice, but those mountain shapes might be a bit too random?

Btw what did you use Zbrush for, there? If it's for the normals, couldn't you just bake some by using some software like XNormal or Photoshop's Nvidia Normal filter to create them straight from textures?.

They are near, as is the blue planet to the one you are on, I wanted them to have high velocity orbits. So close and almost chaotic, so rare, yet in balance. A physics nightmare, or physics goldmine depending on your viewpoint.

The only thing I wanted to do with the mountains is have them open up to the sun and provide a basin for the river/clouds and seemingly cradle the sun as well. I also didn't want it to look too artificial either, as is the case with auto-generated terrains. Which in my eyes take the fun out of the process.


-->Yellow being the cradle and Red showing how it opens up in other places besides the basin itself

I used Zbrush to make the terrain because I don't like Vues interface for sculpting, but I do like vues dynamic ecosystems. The only normals are those between the snow and grass, everything else is geometry. The numerous amount of bumps would be billboards of trees, not very visable but enough of an effect that I wanted to do it.


hookedonritalin said:
suburb collages

Great images as always. there is a consistent mood through your pictures that reminds me of Hopper and Robert Adams, but also de chirico at times. You might have talked about this before, but do these collages exist in real life or only in photoshop? If they are done by scissors glue and paint, do they look better as an object or scanned?

Also, can you tell us where you source your people usually? Sorry for all the questions, would love to know about more about your work.


I haven't posted too much recently, I've recently gotten back into my 3d work.

I did this piece for SPREAD some time ago:


also, some of the icons I worked on for the uncharted 2 theme:



Timbuktu said:
Great images as always. there is a consistent mood through your pictures that reminds me of Hopper and Robert Adams, but also de chirico at times. You might have talked about this before, but do these collages exist in real life or only in photoshop? If they are done by scissors glue and paint, do they look better as an object or scanned?

Also, can you tell us where you source your people usually? Sorry for all the questions, would love to know about more about your work.
Most of my collages are indeed made in real life, usually a mixed media of sorts that are scanned into the computer for additional manipulation. I usually intend on scanning them when they look like they are half way done or in a state when theres enough room to work with digitally (after all, I've been using PS longer than I have been with any traditional medium), so often the actual collages look different from their finished form. Interestingly, a lot of folks who have seen both have said that they consider the two as different entities.

And regarding your question if they look better physical or scanned, I actually print all these images for class (they're quite huge in resolution, 20x30" being the minimum), so the image is an object in the end anyway. As for my sources, the school I go to has an incredible archive of old magazines from as early as the 1920s, such as Life, Saturday Night, among others.


mysticwhip said:
Anyone know anywhere else I can practice anatomy and stuff? Most of all I am drawing the figures on Posemaniacs and that's about it...

If you can find a local college or figure drawing club that would be the very best. I know it's really hard to do that though, so, good luck.

hookedonritalin: i usually don't dig on collage based art but your work is amazing.

These are some book cover illustrations I did for a project, we had to pick two books from an author and I chose Less Than Zero and The Rules of Attraction by Bret Easton Ellis.



Anyone have some Photoshop tutorials or know how to take an image and make it look like an x-ray? Not just black and white, like an actual x-ray.


I've been wanting to make a deco-inspired Mario piece for some time - this one is based off of an old poster from Metropolis. The final print is 16x20.



Are we allowed to post nudes? I have some stuff that should be okay and others that are a little more racy ;)

Anyway, I've been meaning to post some of my work for some time. Here is some recent stuff.


Did this for my GF for Valentine's day (got another version I colored, but I like the line one better)

I just got ZBrush yesterday. Here are my first renders...


A hand...


An Elite from Halo...


and just seeing how the helmet would look


And here is a concept sketch I did for Dudebro.

Got tons more :)
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