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Arts & Farts

Surely this joke has been done before but... it's just a dumb Zelda comic, lay off


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Oh shit you did? Awesome! My friend asked me not to swear and in trying to do so I realized how weird my voice sounds when Im trying to be polite :lol

Hes a great artist though, lots of fun to be around.


Raging Spaniard said:
Looks pretty good, although I have some suggestions, so if you dont mind I did a little drawover.

My thoughts:

-Your pose is really great, but youre missing out on a better 3d effect by not having his limbs move into space more (and his shins are way too small when compared to how long his thighs are). It seemed to me like his left leg would look better if it was towards us, so I moved it to the foreground. Now you also have a nice foreground element that frames the character better

-As a train of thought you dont want to chop of extremities at the joints, which is what happens with his other leg, so I extended the image and kept the leg going to its resting spot

-His bow and the tree trunk very doing a weird tangent esque parallel line thing going on, you usually want to avoid stuff like that so I changed that up some


Great job though my notes are pretty minor all in all. Its hard to get such a good pose that reads well like this one.

Thanks for the advices. Though what you would like to see from that image isn't really what I'd like to do :b I know the basics of composition and anatomy pretty well, but I've noticed that I seem to always go for a bit of "off" human characters. I don't know why, but for example if you always go by the age old golden rules of creating an attractive image, you more likely end up drowning in the generic mass.

Actually I notice from your characters that you have some of my traits too. Like not always abiding the laws of physic and anatomy.

You were correct about the trunk/bow/background though. I really squeezed the colours and background on this one due to deadline.

This one's supposed to turn to 3D model. Let's see how my 3Dsmax course goes... I really struggle with this program :k


Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Physics? Yeah I try not to care about physics :lol No but seriously your piece is good, as long as you're happy with it I'm glad :)


Raging Spaniard, I apologize if this has already been asked, but when you're doing your work, do you usually start out with a pencil sketch and scan it into the computer for colouring or do you do your sketching with a tablet?

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Zozobra said:
Raging Spaniard, I apologize if this has already been asked, but when you're doing your work, do you usually start out with a pencil sketch and scan it into the computer for colouring or do you do your sketching with a tablet?

Nobody has asked, and even if they did I dont mind answering :)

These days I work more with a Cintiq than a tablet so you'd think I would go all digital ... but nope. I still need to get my sketching and structuring done on paper, then I'll scan it and take it from there. If I have to do any re-draws though, I'll draw them digitally (so its mostly just about being more comfortable at the early stage)

The only issue with still scanning my art is that I get OCD and do a fair bit of cleanup on the lineart after its scanned, so I spend a lot of the initial time meddling with that :|

Couple of new things, some tree designs and "what if Mike Mignola art directed our Nerf game?" :p




I've gotten back into oil painting...
working on this now, can't wait to finish this, oil takes entirely tooooo loooong
(She's not naked, but is this NSFW?)

And I was looking around in the cosplay thread and really enjoyed some costumes. So I put them in a photoshop collage and decided to paint the image in acrylic.


Acrylics dry toooo faaaast. I swear, less than 10 minutes after putting down paint, it was already drying on me >:-(

Oil painting I finished last month


and well... I guess that's about it so far


Not an asshole.
raging spaniard I absolutely love your stuff!!
love the energy, envy the imagination and execution

here's some of mine...




mysticwhip said:
Question : how long did it take for you all to be able to draw figures without out the need for references?

It takes a long time (my whole life so far, age 21) and I'm still not anywhere close 100% proficient at it. practice practice practice!


Can anyone recommend a good book or website that goes over the basics of painting in Photoshop? I think I'm getting by ok, but it's taking me forever to paint a single piece and I think this is because I'm just kind of trial-and-error'ing it instead of having a proper workflow. I'm basically looking for any sort of advice on improving my workflow so I can get pieces done quicker.


Zozobra said:
Can anyone recommend a good book or website that goes over the basics of painting in Photoshop? I think I'm getting by ok, but it's taking me forever to paint a single piece and I think this is because I'm just kind of trial-and-error'ing it instead of having a proper workflow. I'm basically looking for any sort of advice on improving my workflow so I can get pieces done quicker.

I've never done books but deviantart has helped me losts. If it's "painting" I suggest doing this

And go to Idrawgirls.com lovely site when I first started


hey GAF more artsy fartsy stuff for ya

I started this image almost 8 months ago and have been working on it off and on since. I've always been intrigued as to how blind people percieve colour and how they might imagine it, for them im guessing its more about form and sensation and this is what inspired this image which is more about the feeling of colours.

Colours in the Dark


full resolution crops (ignore the tinypic compression)




Arcipello, I watched your Skin Deep video and loved it, but you removed it and I can't watch it anymore. Where could I find it? I'm not sure they sell ImagineFX where I live.
Some new art for the new page:

I did some thumbnails and picked number 4 for the finished one.


Olympic stamp assignment for a class.


....and a pube spider that attaches itself to Satan's nut sack. Drew this one a while back, but never finished a background.


Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Awesome piece Daniel! That piece definitely doesnt look like a speedpaint, lol

Another portrait:

Arcipello said:
hey GAF more artsy fartsy stuff for ya

I started this image almost 8 months ago and have been working on it off and on since. I've always been intrigued as to how blind people percieve colour and how they might imagine it, for them im guessing its more about form and sensation and this is what inspired this image which is more about the feeling of colours.

Colours in the Dark

more comics!



A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
Hey guys, just wanted to pop in and give my support. I really love all the work you guys have shown here and have been a lurker for a long time. I'm not very good, but I want to get better. I just can't seem to pick up a pencil lately. Scared or something?

I'll just toss a few of my old doodles here to show my support to you real artists!

One of my few attempts at drawing with Photoshop (and coloring.)

Crappy cellphone pick of a reference drawing I did ages ago. Supposed to be the neck line or someshit.


Arcipello said:
hey GAF more artsy fartsy stuff for ya

I started this image almost 8 months ago and have been working on it off and on since. I've always been intrigued as to how blind people percieve colour and how they might imagine it, for them im guessing its more about form and sensation and this is what inspired this image which is more about the feeling of colours.

Colours in the Dark


full resolution crops (ignore the tinypic compression)



Utterly utterly beautiful... thanks for sharing.

... Question for all of you... how long does it take you to produce a medium sized character piece that is shaded and coloured, with or without a simple background?

What takes most of the time? The line work, the shading? What steps do you go through?

Sketch > Clean up the sketch > Line art > Colour Blocking > Shading/Highlights > iterate...

Arcipello mentioned that the piece he produced took 8 months... on and off, how many hours do you think that was all up? 200? 100? 50?

I've just recieved my new Wacom Cintiq... and it's an awesome tool... but I'm not that flash an artist in the first place, so it's just that, a very nice tool, that I can't actually use to its fullest extent because I lack the skill to.

I do plan on practicing more considerably... but what are some good exercises to speed up my drawing skills? For the line of work I'm going into (design), speed is more important than rendering accuracy...

but to produce something like this: (first pic that I did with the cintiq)

Took me about 3 hours give or take 30... it's just a simple portrait head shot in black and white, a little shading, and anatomy that's a bit poor...

How long does it take you guys to produce something equivalent (in terms of finish and size, not so much artistic quality)?

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
It depends on the day, that portrait I did above took a couple of hours, for instance.

With art I've noticed than getting from 0% to 80% completion takes just as long as from 80% to 100% completion. Youll be spending a lot of time on finishing touches and polish.

Most of my work ranges from taking one to three work days to finish .. if you think of a work day as a 7 hours thing. So an illustration for marketing would take 3 to 4 days, and two of those days is just polish.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
First attempt at reverse engineering a Turian.


Dammit Bioware, give us naked Garrus in ME3.

(Messed up the size of the legs, they're short in the concept art)


Halycon said:
First attempt at reverse engineering a Turian.

Dammit Bioware, give us naked Garrus in ME3.

(Messed up the size of the legs, they're short in the concept art)

dont ask why but im pretty sure ive seen some Garrus porn floating around the dark side of the interwebs:lol


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Arcipello said:
dont ask why but im pretty sure ive seen some Garrus porn floating around the dark side of the interwebs:lol
I've seen some.

It's "alright" but all they're doing is tracing some humans and then changing his hands and feet.

Hell they manage to make his head look human-like.

Cop-out for the sake of titillation I guess.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Arcipello said:
dont ask why but im pretty sure ive seen some Garrus porn floating around the dark side of the interwebs:lol

Hey is there anyway I can grab you on AIM? I had a few questions, just PM me if its cool :)

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Some ship designs. You can tell Ive been looking at some FF reference, lol




Book plate illustration for myself, done on clayboard with some digital colors.


Illustrations based on the Chinese New Year. Oil glazings, that shit is weird yo.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Chao said:
I faved this armorless Garrus on deviantart (SFW):


I think he nailed the alien look of his body; i don't know if there is official artwork with naked turians, but that's probably how he should look like.
Bioware only had one piece of concept art for nude turians: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100203000848/masseffect/images/a/a5/Turian_without_armor.jpg

Probably because no one wanted to model it. Looks like a bitch.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
I'm about to do ugly things to the formatting, but fuck it! Somebody ion another forum asked some questions about my process, so heres what I wrote, figured somebody here could find it useful :)


So, thats a screenshot with how the image is looking right now. 2nd monitor has a smaller resolution because its a Wacom Cintiq, so the screen is a bit smaller.

This is about the average number of layers I use, mostly I separate the foreground, middleground and background, then I add and remove layers of detail as I see fit (so if I want to add detail or play with shadows and highlights I make a layer ... if I like the changes Ill just merge the layers together, rinse and repeat from there) Keeping things clean and labeled helps a lot, specially when you're in the polishing stage.

As you can see my original pencils are stored and hidden, its a good practice to get into. The actual lines I color over are in a mask so that I can mess with them and even then I have a duplicate. That only happens when I do some heavy changes, as you can see I removed the foreground ribs on the right side of the image because they were not helping the composition nor the value structure (you can see them in the previous wip a couple of posts up) That required some heavy erasing of the lineart and since I was experimenting, I left a copy with the original linework there.

For work stuff I usually have a fuckton more layers though, you can never anticipate what an art director wants so its better to play it safe and separate EVERYTHING in the image and have backup layers. That way when he wants one thing to be more green than the other, or wants t remove elements all together, all I have to do is click a layer and see, rather than spend a few minutes/hours editing the image. Generally speaking, number of layers does NOT affect performance as much as the image/canvas size, so feel free to add as many layers as you feel comfortable with, your computer shouldn't chug as a result.

Dont ever use dodge and burn, I will stab you.

I usually just stick to the regular brush tool, sometimes I blur things but then I just use the Gaussian blur effect. Its important that as an artist you pick all the colors yourself, or mess with layer effects. Dodge and Burn is the easy and bad looking way to do things, avoid as much as you can. If you want to make something lighter or darker then add the corresponding COLOR instead of those tools, they just add black or white which is something you do NOT WANT. If I'm going for a more stylized look, then I trace the outline of the shapes with the polygonal lasso and then fill in with color ... in this piece I'm not going for that look so thats not something Ive done a whole lot of.

For brushes I use a set I downloaded almost exclusively, but I recommend anybody to learn to make their own brush sets. The one I use is Jinbrush final, just Google it. Its fantastic. Edit: seems like theyre down, its aight, I got ya covered :)

Get them here

Coincidentally, you can see the latest wip in the screengrab also, lol, so theres that.

Also, I like The Pillows, obviously. ;)
Here's an illustration I made for Zelda Universe for Valentine's Day:

I'm quite proud of it.

Raging Spaniard, you're environment piece has inspired me to start a new illustration!

EDIT: Here's another one I never finished:

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
I like the second one better, much less, uh, creepy. Lol (props on the sweet tree texture!)

Done with this for now :)

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