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Arts & Farts


Raging Spaniard said:
I'm about to do ugly things to the formatting, but fuck it! Somebody ion another forum asked some questions about my process, so heres what I wrote, figured somebody here could find it useful :)

Which forum? If there are posts like this on that forum, I wanna check it out!

How do you handle your colour blending? I'm not sure if you meant you were using blur for blending or not. I've been using the smudge tool with varying degrees of success, but it is pretty time consuming. I'm curious as to how you achieved the blending on things like the guy's cape and the mask on the building.
Finished a dry point etching last week, here are the results.




Found out last week I finally got into the Illustration program I wanted :D . Can't wait to get back to school in the fall. I hear the first year is tough, but I love a challenge.


Not an asshole.
Raging Spaniard, I must say, you are a man after my own heart. I love all your stuff and admire your level of output. Something I'm striving for. Unfortunately I feel forced to develop my 3D modeling and Level Design skills in order to be more marketable.

Le sigh...


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
Raging Spaniard said:
I'm about to do ugly things to the formatting, but fuck it! Somebody ion another forum asked some questions about my process, so heres what I wrote, figured somebody here could find it useful :)
Everything in that post was much appreciated. I'm always so unsure about the efficiency of my process, it's a little overwhelming without a point of reference sometimes.

It helped, thanks.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Zozobra said:
Which forum? If there are posts like this on that forum, I wanna check it out!

How do you handle your colour blending? I'm not sure if you meant you were using blur for blending or not. I've been using the smudge tool with varying degrees of success, but it is pretty time consuming. I'm curious as to how you achieved the blending on things like the guy's cape and the mask on the building.

Its a tiny, mostly dead manga forum ... but Ive been there for almost ten years now so I got good friends there :) There are no posts like that there, lol

Color blending I just paint everything by hand, including the areas you mentioned. If they look a little more painterly is because I also toned down or erased the pencil lines on objects that were farther away. What I meant by the blur tool is just to handle elements far off in the distance and get a better sense of depth, or moving objects

Arcipello said:
yeah no probs, got a couple of gaffers on there already, Arcipello at hotmail.com

Sweet, thanks :)

Kodiak said:
Raging Spaniard, I must say, you are a man after my own heart. I love all your stuff and admire your level of output. Something I'm striving for. Unfortunately I feel forced to develop my 3D modeling and Level Design skills in order to be more marketable.

Le sigh...

Dont worry about it man, just try to have fun and keep expanding your range. Good things will happen, studious LOVE artists that can and use 3D along with 2D. Its a fantastic asset so I encourage you to keep it up.

Catalix said:
Everything in that post was much appreciated. I'm always so unsure about the efficiency of my process, it's a little overwhelming without a point of reference sometimes.

It helped, thanks.

No problem! Just make sure to ask questions if you're unsure about anything :) My process is way different than most people I know but thats OK since its what works for me right now. Its an always changing thing, specially when I see somebody else try something I havent done before, I add it up.

New art for the upcoming SSF IV GAF tournament


Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
HappyBivouac said:
Nice choice of song/album.:D

Last Dinosaur is like, my favorite song ever .. and yeah, that whole album is nuts :)

Also, lol @ username, etc
Very cool, Mik. Actually reminds me a lot of Ratchet & Clank. Really nicely done for "sketches!"

This week I picked up Photoshop again for the first time in forever and gave it another shot. I tried my hand at digital painting for the first time last year and got pretty discouraged as I couldn't seem to wrap my head around it. I think I'm getting the hang of it now, and I'm really starting to enjoy it!

Here's what I started on earlier tonight.



I've managed to pick up some pretty useful techniques from the tutorial videos I've watched, but I really wish I had someone to learn from face-to-face. Perhaps I'll try to find somewhere to take some classes once I graduate from my current school next month.

How long does it normally take you guys to complete works like this? I feel a lot faster than I used to be, but it's still taken me a couple of hours to get to this point on these two. I still feel like I work pretty slowly. If any of you have some advice to offer regarding good ways to speed up your process, or anything else, I'd really appreciate it!


There is some awesome work on here. If I would of saw this a long time ago I wouldn't of been a gaf lurker for so long. Anyway after I finish getting my business degree I plan to go to an art college, but I still haven't decided on which one.


How long does it normally take you guys to complete works like this? I feel a lot faster than I used to be, but it's still taken me a couple of hours to get to this point on these two. I still feel like I work pretty slowly. If any of you have some advice to offer regarding good ways to speed up your process, or anything else, I'd really appreciate it!

Yeah I could use some help in that area too. Although I'd assume a lot of it is just trial and error testing to see what works for you and what doesn't.
Someone posted a link to a fun painting program the oher week called Flame. It's pretty fun and being totally into Pokemon at the moment I ended up drawing all 18 Ghost Pokemon.

I never draw in my spare time, and it took some while before I 'got control' of the program. You can see I finally do correct shadows at paintings nr. 6/7.

Anyway just thought I would post it here since I finally made some fart...

Click on each picture for a higher resolution version.



I wanted to do a new drawing for practice, and started spacing at one of my walls, trying to come up with something.

Then it hit me.




Did it for a friend. The drill is somekind of inside joke I guess.

Oh and Ragin Spaniard your enviro piece looks sweet. Would benefit from a more limited colour palette though. Still, I like the way you render things. Your work doesn't have that "photoshop look" that you see in everything digital nowadays.


Help me out here, Photoshop-GAF, I'll try and explain my issue as best I can:

I'm almost finished a piece and I've saved the shading for last, so what I'm doing is creating layer masks in the shape of whatever I'm shading so that I don't go outside the lines, so to speak. I'm currently Ctrl-clicking to select the shape and then adding a layer mask to my shading layer; the problem is that when I start shading, it's as though the layer mask that's been created is a couple pixels too small, and so the paint on my shading layer doesn't cover a small outline of the shape underneath.

I tried using the magic wand tool to make my selection and the opposite effect seems to happen, where the paint now goes a couple pixels outside of the shape. These are solid-coloured objects too so I'm not sure what the problem could be, but it's driving me nuts!

Hopefully that's descriptive enough that someone will know what I'm talking about.

Edit: Ok, so I think the problem is that the mask is not including the marquis, which I need it to do in order for there to be a perfect fit. Is there an option so that it will do that?

Here's a picture of what's happening:



I don't have Photoshop in front of me right now so I forgot the actual tool names, and there are a few ways to fix that, but the simplest one could be, after making the selection doing a selection increase of one pixel.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I think you can right click a selection and select "Grow". Not sure if it's by pixel or using an algorithm.
Timo: love the colors on that panther.
Mik2121: Those are some nice plant studies, I like the color use.
Raging Spaniard: I've seen some of your drawings popping up on some threads like the SSF4 and Monster hunter ones. Those came out great. I like the attitude you got going with Cody's drawing.

..and now some character designs:




All done in Painter X had not used it in a few years. Felt rusty at first, but I'm definitely gonna use it more now.


Chao said:
With a mouse? Shit, that is insane!
Added you to my Dwatch :O
it's actually a trackpoint but i've used a laptop touchpad for some other stuff - i don't recommend it, tablet is probably better and a lot quicker too :p

your work is great, the hair especially - my submissions are sporadic but thanks for adding me


Out of curiosity, how long did it take? The level of detail makes me think that took a long time. I can only imagine what could you do when you get a tablet!


Chao said:
Out of curiosity, how long did it take? The level of detail makes me think that took a long time. I can only imagine what could you do when you get a tablet!
I tend to go at a slow pace, it was done over a few weeks but some days I wouldn't do anything. It took longer than it should have done - that's probably the best answer :lol


Today at school we did a few drafts of faces (our own, and friends) and this is the actual first face I painted (I asked the teacher if I could keep the sketch, because he was collecting all them at the end of the class). After playing around with it in Photoshop I ended up with this.

I’m still not done with it at all (gotta fix the eyes, nose, forehead, hair, add maybe a bit of the clothes, etc...), but I wanted to post a WIP here. You can guess what game inspired me, heh...:



Newer version with both eyes open:


Not really sure what to do with him. I might add something on one of his sides, maybe.. or just simple keep painting/detailing it and fixing what needs to be fixed (a lot, still).



Got bored one night when I was studying for my Eng. Stats exam. Noticed several errors once I had spent a good hour on it, but it was just for fun anyhow. :]


No tracing over the original image, I start off with a complete silhoutte, as it saves time trying to get an outline. I find it easier to do it with pencil and paper, although I've done it before on the computer with my soul calibur pic. Then it's trial and error trying to get the right proportions using the original artwork as a reference.

I took an old image I did before (1024x768) and increased the size as I wanted to do a larger and better version. I can forward some wip shots, if you want (no point in cluttering up the thread). Some differences, there is a little part missing on the underside of the arm cannon - the cannon lights are yellow in the official artwork - the chestplate angle isn't perfect.

I didn't do it all at once, otherwise my wrist probably would have been broken :p
I think it's a compliment if it looks traced, it's happened before - link

@DM_Uselink - thanks :)


So I've got portfolio day today(graphic design student) and I really don't want to go... However we are graded on it in portfolio class. What should I expect? I think we are getting reviewed by 4 people.

Sigh, I just want this day to be over...


Dechaios said:
So I've got portfolio day today(graphic design student) and I really don't want to go... However we are graded on it in portfolio class. What should I expect? I think we are getting reviewed by 4 people.

Sigh, I just want this day to be over...
If you're still a student, you shouldn't worry at all. I mean, that class is meant to be a class to improve your portfolio, right? If you had a perfect portfolio already, then it wouldn't make sense to go there :p

Depending on your portfolio content and what you wanna work as, you should expect some completely different stuff. If you wanna be an artist for videogames and the teachers still don't know, they'll probably first ask you what do you wanna do exactly, be it environment art, character art, 3d modeller, etc.. and depending on that, they'll just tell you what should you show and not show on your portfolio, what kind of stuff you need to work on ASAP, what stuff you're expected to be able to create, etc...


I think I'll start posting my photos in here as it seems like the photo thread is more about the technical aspects of photography rather than the artistic.

Dating this chick, took a photo of her cat. She's into drawing, and think we're going to animate the cat's mouth. Never really did any animation, so it should be fun.



Well I finally finished it, my very first digital painting. I can't even think about how many hours I've put into this, but wow did I ever learn a lot in the process!

I can't take credit for the idea, my friend described this to me from another picture he saw somewhere on the web. I thought it sounding like it would be fun to draw, so this is my interpretation.


here's a larger version.

I can't quite figure out how to save the image out of Photoshop properly as there seems to be a lot of detail that gets cut. I'd appreciate any comments or criticism you guys have. :D


That's a nice painting Zozobra. Rocket reminds me of Captain Olimar's and those old sci-fi movies. The octopus has a lot of detail.

I made this last week, I am lame when it comes to paint liquids or magma, so I tried to do something with lots of it. Magma ended up sucking anyway.
Any tips for this kind of stuff? (click on the picture to fullview on deviantart)
Wow, that's a nice rendering there, Spaniard. Got anymore to show?

And I suppose I'll be continuing Futureman's idea of artistic photography in this thread, since mine strives for the grace of lo-fi in film rather than being technical:



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