I've mentioned numerous times before that I draw but never had the pictures to back it up because I was too lazy. The time has come to show them to you all so I hope you all enjoy and I apologize for the camera pics as I don't have a scanner so this is my only way to "scan" them if you will:
I drew this one while I was on vacation (the location is on the drawing). I was inspired by my niece hid behind who hid her face behind a curtain when I went to go visit my half-sister:
I drew this one in 15 minutes using a pen from my imagination:
My former math tutor. I drew it off a picture of him. It looks remarkably similar to the original one:
Number one:
Playing the bongos (again, from my imagination)
Same thing again:
I was thinking about
The Expendables when I drew this one:
Another friend of mine, based on a picture of him again:
I have a lot more drawings (including tons of doodles that I do in class when I'm bored), 2 paintings that I did for my painting class, graphic designs that I did for my old class, and stuff that I did with paints for another art class, so if you guys want to see more stuff, let me know. Unfortunately, I don't have an art page/online portfolio.