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Arts & Farts


Man you guys are amazing. I'm trying to get better at coloring with photoshop, any tips? A friend of mine wants to make a comic and he asked me to color it for him. I have colored some stuff before but I don't think that highly of my work, at least not yet. To me my stuff looks pretty basic so I dunno. I'm nowhere near what you guys put out from what I've seen in this thread. Here's the last image I colored up just for practice and trying to learn some stuff.

Went on Deviantart and took a random lineart and colored it.


I'm sure there's a ton that can be improved so any of you that can share some wisdom, please do! :)

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
zazrx said:
Man you guys are amazing. I'm trying to get better at coloring with photoshop, any tips? A friend of mine wants to make a comic and he asked me to color it for him. I have colored some stuff before but I don't think that highly of my work, at least not yet. To me my stuff looks pretty basic so I dunno. I'm nowhere near what you guys put out from what I've seen in this thread. Here's the last image I colored up just for practice and trying to learn some stuff.

Went on Deviantart and took a random lineart and colored it.

I'm sure there's a ton that can be improved so any of you that can share some wisdom, please do! :)

So this is my first ever completed drawing ever. usually i just practice and sketch and sketch and sketch but i finally decided to actually complete one of my sketches. This was also my first time inking something, I fucked up alot of shit but I'm overall pretty proud of it.

Working on a crazy ambitious piece that's probably gonna take me another month to finish it. Once Im done its coming straight to GAF lol.

Anyway. Some quickies I did the other day.




^Wow that is seriously amazing, feel like making it my desktop wallpaper.

Here are B.Jenet (Garou MOTW) and Johnny (Guilty Gear):



OchreHand said:
Nice stuff guys.

Haven 't posted in a million years. Here's a few things I did recently




[URL="http://www.funlabor.com/jeremyd_funlaborom_fishrmen_steps.gif"]I also have a gif animation of steps[/URL] for this one[/QUOTE]

Very nice. Your brushes look natural, what are you using?


Unconfirmed Member
Playing way too much TF2 lately...


And a quick Nathan Drake. This fall season's gonna be too crazy with game releases. O.x



kage said:
Very nice. Your brushes look natural, what are you using?

Thanks. For the longest time I was using the standard chalk brush in Photoshop. Last year I downloaded brushes by the insanely talented Jaime Jones (aka Cicinimo). Most of his brushes have a nice grain to them and a rough edge which I like a lot. Linky


OchreHand said:
Thanks. For the longest time I was using the standard chalk brush in Photoshop. Last year I downloaded brushes by the insanely talented Jaime Jones (aka Cicinimo). Most of his brushes have a nice grain to them and a rough edge which I like a lot. Linky
These are incredible, pretty much replaced most of my own brushes. Thanks for sharing


MrBig said:
These are incredible, pretty much replaced most of my own brushes. Thanks for sharing

hey no prob... for the longest time I resisted new brushes, but they really do help getting certain effects easier and quicker


I am doing some pieces for an art show that a friend of mine puts on, and I painted up one of my favorite parts of Demon's Souls for one of the pieces. I still might add more, but it's about 99%

I suppose this would be my first fan art for this game...


"The Maneaters"
Acrylic on Masonite


oracrest said:
I am doing some pieces for an art show that a friend of mine puts on, and I painted up one of my favorite parts of Demon's Souls for one of the pieces. I still might add more, but it's about 99%

I suppose this would be my first fan art for this game...


"The Maneaters"
Acrylic on Masonite[/QUOTE]

I thought it was Twilight Princess!


MrBig, that character sitting on the log could benefit hugely by having a nice rim light. It would also help define the shape that is getting lost around the head.


I haven't posted in forever. I went into hibernation socially (even from internet!) and just lurked for a long while. I blame stress from schooling. >__> At one point, I even stopped drawing and that scared the crap out of me. I started up again in the last few months, so I'm much happier now!

All of you continued to be awesome though <3.

I won't spam with all my new stuff, but I really liked doing these two because I got to play with different cartoon styles. You guys should try it too! Have fun flexing your art muscles and style range! Blank can be found here: http://thats-your-funeral.deviantart.com/art/Style-Meme-108968074

baroness, nice prints! I'm really looking forward to the new series.

Prax, great work on recreating all of those styles! I have a hard enough time staying consistent, so I'm very impressed.

Shazoom, hooray! Someone else is an appreciator of John Kantz on this forum!


Mistle said:

two A4 pages (moleskine) with a basic ballpoint pen. i really need to invest in an A3 scanner.
high res: [url]http://mistle22.deviantart.com/#/d49puk3[/url][/QUOTE]



Burli said:
Assume some of you guys will recognise this fella!


Dude that is fucking crazy awesome. How do you make it look like that?
zazrx said:
I'm sure there's a ton that can be improved so any of you that can share some wisdom, please do! :)
Photoshop is just another tool for artist to implement their ununderstanding of color. Read books on color theory.


Neo Member
Neat! I love the colors.

I hardly ever post in this topic, but I definitely should! You guys have some amazing stuff. I'll definitely keep an eye on some of this stuff.

Since we're posting our own stuff, here's my most recent poster I did, for Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro...


I have some more stuff on my Tumblr and my Society6 page, too.


Neo Member
Ellis Kim said:
^^^ oh my, I want that as a poster.

Can you do a Nausicaa and a Princess Mononoke one too? :x

I think I may stalk you now.
I fucking love Ghibli films, so yes, I'm very much considering it.

If you want it as a poster, just click on the Society6 link, and you can purchase it there at movie-poster size (or smaller, if you wish), and support a starving artist. :p

And a stalker? My first one! lol


here's a study I did of a bit of background from some bungie concept art

Please note: I realize that this isn't original, just trying to learn how to throw down shapes faster, and I love the style of the original.



Cross post from the Zelda Art thread, but I feel it belongs here also:

Here's just a really quick sketch I did with Copic markers. Mainly because I wanted to experiment with the blue shading style used in SS artwork. Nothing special.

It's kind of a cross between LttP Link and SS Link.


And here is a detailed ballpoint pen drawing I did in a A4 Moleskine (A3 when open). No particular scene/area, just Zelda themed.


See http://mistle22.deviantart.com/ for more work


Foxy Fox 39 said:
I'm really diggin' this. Reminds me of this one artist who I can't recall and I can't seem to find his deviant art. His style is evocative of the character designs from the Teen Titans show on Cartoon Network.
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