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Arts & Farts

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Ive been putting some super quick warmup sketches up on my blog the last few days, trying to get some more traffic back up. If I could get you guys to add it to your RSS feeds, i would appreciate it :)

Again, very quick stuff.






Very neat sketches Raging! I really like the shapes on the second sketch and the colors of the third one remind me of Tintin and all those colorful comics :p (though I guess yours is a bit more saturated).

Here are a couple sketches for an FPS game a couple ex-classmates are working on at school. I decided to help them out with a couple ideas for some objects, and I had enough time to sketch out a bunch of them. I definitely need to do more sketches and stuff, because most of the stuff I've been doing these days is 3D :/



Sofo said:
You're very skilled! I think you don't have anything to envy from anyone! I like your characters, they remind me a bit of Avatar, the animated series, could it be? Also, I think your twin characters would be better without the head-wings, but that's personal preference. Regardless, it's great, just keep working on those backgrounds and I'm sure they'll end up real pretty!

Thank you! I just see everyone's traditional work and also other stuff I can't do (3D modelling, architecture, graphic designs) and feel overwhelming inferiority. XD I think a lot of people feel that way about their art though.. self-loathing + art goes hand in hand.

Haha, I am very anime-inspired, but not so much Avatar (which I find has.. a weird mix of American anime!). I guess my style is North Americanized too.. >__> It's a tad more naturalistic than the stylized type of anime/manga everyone stereotypically sees. The "twins" are actually distant cousins. Their headwings unfortunately are a part of their character design from when I first made them (I am PRETTY SURE originally inspired by Dark Stalker's Morrigan). Won't be un-incubus-ing them anytime soon!

Your watercolours are so cute. I miss watercolours.. but painting is always a messy endeavor with me. .__. It has been a loooong time.


SGPA Halloween. 3.5 hours trying to cram as many characters as I could before the clock struck 12 and Halloween was over!

Oooh slightly more ambitious due to foreshortening efforts!
I am going to start another slightly dynamic pic next.. wish me luck.. >__>

EDIT: HA! I finished it! Now I am tired~!
Yeah, the these got some kind of.. comic book cover theme going on in them, hence the huge titles!


OchreHand and Vespa @_@
sexy work you two. The textures, the impressions, the strokes. Just awesome, really brilliant stuff.

And Chumps, delicious as usual. I really hope you're selling prints or doing gallery work or something. I figure you could make a really healthy living off your fine-art, and more power to ya.

Awesome work all over this thread lately it's good to see there's inspiration all around and that GAF's got some mad skills and hard work as usual.

Here's an ornithopter design I've been noodling, it's funny that the thing that took the most time was the little logo. Maybe a little too much painterly and not enough detail? Trying to see how the pencil drawing and oils practice influences my digital stuff. I just moved back to Alabama - trying to save up some good money to buy my little hermit-hole out on the river, dig me a turtle pond, raise a family of chickens, tinker with my RC cars/helicopters, and finally build a studio to work in.


OH, and I just found me a new fav!!!!

Carl Rungius (1869 –1959) naturalist wildlife oils:
That uhh "Ornihopter" looks absolutely amazing, Sammy! I love the warm colours you used in that picture, it might make it the favourite piece of mine on this page!

Either way, here's some recent art from me.

incredible amount of talent here! damn sammy, that copter is amazing

anyone use open canvas 5.05? worth the purchase? i used to do a lot of sketching on 1.01 like 8 years ago but i havent kept up with the tech. i also dont know whether if its my tablet or photoshop, but i could never get that "sketching" or "painterly" look and feel on PS that i found on OC or even painter. does that make sense?


It's great to see such diverse talented folks around here. I'm really jealous of all you people! Keep posting please!

Here's a near-finished drawing:

Still some stuff left to do. But I really wanted to try and get the colors and overall composition correct.


effingvic said:
incredible amount of talent here! damn sammy, that copter is amazing

anyone use open canvas 5.05? worth the purchase? i used to do a lot of sketching on 1.01 like 8 years ago but i havent kept up with the tech. i also dont know whether if its my tablet or photoshop, but i could never get that "sketching" or "painterly" look and feel on PS that i found on OC or even painter. does that make sense?

I haven't used Open Canvas, so I can't say really (though it seems a more robust and slightly more expensive program than SAI). I just use Easy Paint Tool SAI now because I find the brush controls are much more painterly than I can achieve with other programs. Plus, being able to fiddle with the brush options it has and the amazingly easy vector tools makes it an easy win (and it's like under 3 megs to download!). You can get Painter for pretty cheap too, I think. PS definitely has some kind of.. "brush stabilization" effect that makes every line less painterly and more sterile than I appreciate. Some artists achieve great things with PS, but it doesn't flow well with my kind of tablet strokes.

jump_button said:
I just draw for fun always shy about posting my pics
Don't be shy! Your drawings are adorable! I really like the circle-in-circle eyes!

Ooh.. my first true attempt at speech-bubbling a comic in photoshop! Much to my dismay, after finishing the image itself, it took me ~4 hours to place the bubbles and text.. Argh.
In case you are wondering, it's more Young Justice/SGPA stuff, with added crossover twist (because uhm.. people like that stuff? It's not any less out there than real superhero comics in general, I think!). It's for my group on DA. Other members are colaboratingt o ad more pages on how their teams would handle cross-over villains while taking out satellites/signal towers.
Click to embiggen!

And larger version of the panel featuring the Young justice Team:

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Some good work Prax, I would advise against making the lettering boxes semi-transparent. I know you want to show the art, but now you have an awkward middle. make sure your compositions leave enough room for walls of text and strive for readability!


Raging Spaniard said:
Some good work Prax, I would advise against making the lettering boxes semi-transparent. I know you want to show the art, but now you have an awkward middle. make sure your compositions leave enough room for walls of text and strive for readability!
Haha, I know my lettering skills are off. I didn't really plan for the lettering and speech bubbling at all, and I don't really know what the script is like until after I complete pages anyway.
I barely plan when I make comics at all (my shortcoming of impatience).
I'll try harder next time to lean room in the art for actual text! >_>
I may go back and fix the speech bubbles because I find the text too large when actually printed out. That could leave more room for art and I can raise the opacity back up.

Just another reason why there are usually specialized roles for people in the comics industry... Too much to learn in too little time on one's own.

At some point, I want to try at making an animation. And then 3D modelling too.


Yeahh! Barret! .. Do Tifa. She's the bestest of all the FF7 characters. >___>

Inspired by seeing Jason Todd stuff on tumblr (though I hear Red Hood and the Outlaws is not particularly good.. father-son Bat scenes still get the fans going!).
Basically this is JT's most treasured memory: being sick with the flu and bumming at home with Bats. There was a suggestion that a kiss on the head would have made the scene end perfectly, so I decided to do it for fun.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Here's some art from my last Facebook game, Pool World Champ I did all the city art for ... well, all to the cities (theres like, 20, this shit took a while.

Not gonna post them all though, thats crazy. heres the two that I liked best/show the most variety



Caiman Islands


Heres some of the buildings from the other maps



Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Those are 100 percent Photoshop, actually. I thought about using Illustrator, but theres too many small detail and gradients upon gradients, it would actually take longer.

I did use Illustrator for a lot of the icons though, Ill post those some other time :)


Hihi art-GAF! Currently in a sort of block. I'm lost on where to go. I seem to have no style at all, sometimes I'll draw things in a way and other times in another. Has this happened to other people? Sometimes I'd like to draw more like anime, but then I hate my creations when I do it, other times I want it more cartoony, so I hate it for lack of realism. And I suck at realism, obviously.

Sorry for the rant, here's my recent art (limited it here to 500px), you can find daily updates here!: http://ietes.tumblr.com (I think a couple of gaffers are already following me, but idk who they are exactly!).

Pd. Watercolor and inks mostly!

Flora by ietes, on Flickr

Lighthouse by ietes, on Flickr

Atumn rabbit by ietes, on Flickr

European roller by ietes, on Flickr

Hope you guys enjoy. :)


DM_Uselink, I really like the detail of the old man!

What is the tale exactly about? I'm a sucker for these kinds of myths.


hi gaf, here is one of my first real attempts to use color and my first work that i present you here.
please tell me what you think, maybe some tips on how i could recreate the person better, because this is supposed to be a picture of emma watson but i don't think it's recognizable ..



...This page is absolutely fantastic! Great work! ♥

Here is my current t-shirt project I've been working on:



Despite only making about $4 in profit a shirt (except for the Mother 2 one I make $0), I'm having a lot of fun just designing them in my free time leisurely.
They're high quality silk-screened on American Apparel, so that's nice too.

What do you guys think? :)


...This page is absolutely fantastic! Great work! ♥

Here is my current t-shirt project I've been working on:



Despite only making about $4 in profit a shirt (except for the Mother 2 one I make $0), I'm having a lot of fun just designing them in my free time leisurely.
They're high quality silk-screened on American Apparel, so that's nice too.

What do you guys think? :)
I think they're great! I particularly enjoy the one with Space Invaders, but the rest are very nice, too!

hi gaf, here is one of my first real attempts to use color and my first work that i present you here.
please tell me what you think, maybe some tips on how i could recreate the person better, because this is supposed to be a picture of emma watson but i don't think it's recognizable ..


Well, I was scrolling from the bottom up and I recognized her perfectly well! I'm no expert, as I'm just an amateur, but I think the colors work very well together, and your details on the fabric/dress are very nice. I think there's something off with the position of her traits in her face or the nose, it's something that ticks me off, but it's definitely her! I wish I was this good at drawing haha. Congrats on your first colored work, then!
DM_Uselink, I really like the detail of the old man!

What is the tale exactly about? I'm a sucker for these kinds of myths.

Thanks Sofo. I should clarify that it was inspired by the tale and not directly based off it.

I took this from Wikipedia:
According to an Aztec legend, the god Quetzalcoatl, then living on Earth as a man, started on a journey and, after walking for a long time, became hungry and tired. With no food or water around, he thought he would die. Then a rabbit grazing nearby offered herself as food to save his life. Quetzalcoatl, moved by the rabbit's noble offering, elevated her to the moon, then lowered her back to Earth and told her, "You may be just a rabbit, but everyone will remember you; there is your image in light, for all people and for all times."



I still need to add more details, define certain areas and whatnot. But before that I will finish the head, then retopo it and then add the finer details, as that will be easier with the cleaner mesh.

I made some paint over to show some of the things 'missing':


I still need to add more details, define certain areas and whatnot. But before that I will finish the head, then retopo it and then add the finer details, as that will be easier with the cleaner mesh.

I made some paint over to show some of the things 'missing':


i guess your using Zbrush or mudbox, right?


Jealous Bastard
artists, i need help!

i'm on the hunt for some good ART SUPPLY christmas presents for a close friend. she loves to draw and paint, typically things that resemble children's book illustrations. she uses lots of pencils, and really likes watercolors and pastels.

anybody have any recommendations for art essentials? i'm considering getting her a set of canvases--she's mentioned before that they're expensive--in addition to some good pencil sets and pastels. looking to spend about $100.

any and all help from you guys is appreciated. AMAZING work in this thread.
...This page is absolutely fantastic! Great work! ♥

Here is my current t-shirt project I've been working on:



Despite only making about $4 in profit a shirt (except for the Mother 2 one I make $0), I'm having a lot of fun just designing them in my free time leisurely.
They're high quality silk-screened on American Apparel, so that's nice too.

What do you guys think? :)

Brilliant. I would totally cop the Nook one!


Thanks Sofo. I should clarify that it was inspired by the tale and not directly based off it.
Ah, no worries man. Thank you very much! I was asking because I had heard similar myths from other cultures. It is interesting, nonetheless.

artists, i need help!

i'm on the hunt for some good ART SUPPLY christmas presents for a close friend. she loves to draw and paint, typically things that resemble children's book illustrations. she uses lots of pencils, and really likes watercolors and pastels.
My experience with watercolors (or any other sort of art supplies for that matter) comes only as a hobbyist and as such I can't give proper advice, but I think that I can help you a bit. I just bought something dirt cheap a couple weeks ago but that it will come very handy for her, specifically if she sketches outdoors. It's the Pentel waterbrush. It's even handy at home when you want to get an idea out of your head or simply don't feel like using a water container. What's so good about this one is that the water flow is constant and always the same, so you won't be having nasty surprises. It also works as a normal brush with no water in the container.

If she likes watercolors, she might also appreciate working with inks. I've barely started but they offer a new range of experiences. It's also a nice medium to work with, if she's worked with watercolors. I've just experienced with the Winsor & Newton ones, but so far they're great. This is the set I have, but there's also the Henry set. Canvas, never tried them, and paper is something pretty personal. Some people like it textured, others like it smooth. Sorry can't help with that! I don't have such a broad experience with brushes but I enjoy Van Gogh ones, and they're very good for the inexpensive price. Hope I could help! Hope she likes whatever you end up getting her!

Last but not least, I'd like to show you guys one drawing that I'm particularly fond of, because all the time and effort I put into it. Hope you enjoy it!

Stocking by ietes, on Flickr


Extending on what Sofo said, which were all great suggestions, especially giving her another medium like ink, I would get her a gift card to Micheal's or a local art supply store because there is a huge range of canvases and I'm sure she knows what she needs or wants to experiment with. Depending on the quality of the canvas she may be able to get 2 or 3 for $50.

For pencils or charcoal I would go for better quality rather than a wider range of graphite. (Like a 2B to a 2H set)

If you get watercolors get the bottled (better color from my experience) or tube kind (tubed colors net you more colors but the colors aren't usually as rich as bottled). They are fairly expensive.
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