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Arts & Farts


silentcapybara said:
I wasn't sure where to post this, but does anyone happen to know how to make an image look like this? I'd appreciate any tips. Thanks.

I guess the easier way is:
Open image in photoshop.
click on the upper right end of the black line and drag it down some.
then drag the other extreme (bottom left corner) up a bit.
This will basically reduce the contrast, darkening the image too.
Add text.

Very quickly:


I also (in the ctrl+M window) upped up the blue channel a bit (on the upper left, where there's "RGB", change to "blue" and bend le line towards the upper left a notch) and desaturated a bit.


Roody said:
Neat! I love the colors.

I hardly ever post in this topic, but I definitely should! You guys have some amazing stuff. I'll definitely keep an eye on some of this stuff.

Since we're posting our own stuff, here's my most recent poster I did, for Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro...

I have some more stuff on my Tumblr and my Society6 page, too.

Aww, great.
This reminds me of a pic of Lupin i was doing.. who know if i'll ever finish it, though. :\


Been experimenting a bit with watercolors, but still can't get it right. Any opinions, tips? I've been mostly watching tutorials from youtube, Cathy Johnson's mostly. Now that I'm painting more often I feel I'm improving, yet I'm not completely satisfied with the results. Also I am not very good at drawing (cue draw 2 circles > draw the owl image) so I need to learn more about that.

Here's a couple of the most recent ones:



More pieces of watercolors here. Any comments or criticism is gladly welcome!

Pd. OchreHand, your art is amazing!


bodyboarder said:
I like the top left one.

There's a lot of talented people in this thread.
Thanks! That was actually the first one I painted, of this set (It's supposed to be the 4 seasons, in case it's not obvious enough!). Any particular reason why you don't like the others as much? Not being picky, but if there's something I'm doing wrong, I'd like to know! :)
UrbanRats said:
I also (in the ctrl+M window) upped up the blue channel a bit (on the upper left, where there's "RGB", change to "blue" and bend le line towards the upper left a notch) and desaturated a bit.

Thank you very much! I really appreciate it.


Sofo said:
Been experimenting a bit with watercolors, but still can't get it right. Any opinions, tips? I've been mostly watching tutorials from youtube, Cathy Johnson's mostly. Now that I'm painting more often I feel I'm improving, yet I'm not completely satisfied with the results. Also I am not very good at drawing (cue draw 2 circles > draw the owl image) so I need to learn more about that.

Hey Sofo,

What kind of paint and paper are you using? Both are very important to good watercolor paintings.


Artanisix said:
Hey Sofo,

What kind of paint and paper are you using? Both are very important to good watercolor paintings.
Well, my concern isn't really with the materials, but how to use them. I've seen people sketch with watercolors, yet when I try it, I end up getting this painting that looks like 6 year-old kid's drawing (a sketch of a person, i.e.). But anyway, to answer your question, I'm currently using Van Gogh watercolors.


As far as paper goes, I don't remember the brand, but it is one specific for watercolors, maybe it dries or sucks water too fast, I have a moleskine that actually feels thicker, yet the water flows faster on it.

Sorry for being so vague!
Sofo said:
Thanks! That was actually the first one I painted, of this set (It's supposed to be the 4 seasons, in case it's not obvious enough!). Any particular reason why you don't like the others as much? Not being picky, but if there's something I'm doing wrong, I'd like to know! :)

haha yeah I got the seasons reference. I just like the colours of the first one a little more then the others.

Next time I walk past an art store I may have to pick some water colour gear up. Haven't painted with it in years.


bodyboarder said:
haha yeah I got the seasons reference. I just like the colours of the first one a little more then the others.

Next time I walk past an art store I may have to pick some water colour gear up. Haven't painted with it in years.
I like it as a media because it can do wonderful things, but for some reason, I can't seem to "get it". It's hard to explain! My father uses oils and he let me try it once but I didn't enjoy it as much.


effingvic said:
these are excellent. i love how lush they look!
Wow, thanks! Glad you like them! I can't take credit for it though, the watercolors themselves did most of the work. I'd like to learn to use them like this, but I'm not that good and usually need to use defining lines (I need to get better at drawing itself!). Thanks a lot though, I'll see if I can make something different using this same style.


Fine Ham Abounds said:
I haven't fooled with watercolors in 20 years. I had forgotten how much I loved the look of them.
That's exactly what made me want to try them out. The way they mix, it's awesome!


Neo Member

Thought I'd post my latest poster up here -- I finished it up earlier today. Basically: I thought Drive was awesome. We need more movies like that.

Click the pic for my Society6 page.


Art-GAF, I've been trying to improve drawing skills, but always default to painting with watercolors. I think I manage to make it more clear what the hell I'm drawing. ):

Because of this, I'm planning on taking on my tablet. Some years ago my parents gave me as present a Wacom Bamboo fun, the tiny white one. Any sort of exercises to do with it? I'm mostly used to traditional media so I'd welcome some tips. Also, which program to use? I have Adobe PS CS4 as well as the program that came with it. How good are they for what I want to do? I appreciate the help!


A new thinger

And some random practice from scenes in movies too.

Sofo said:
Art-GAF, I've been trying to improve drawing skills, but always default to painting with watercolors. I think I manage to make it more clear what the hell I'm drawing. ):

Because of this, I'm planning on taking on my tablet. Some years ago my parents gave me as present a Wacom Bamboo fun, the tiny white one. Any sort of exercises to do with it? I'm mostly used to traditional media so I'd welcome some tips. Also, which program to use? I have Adobe PS CS4 as well as the program that came with it. How good are they for what I want to do? I appreciate the help!
PS CS4 is all you need. CS5 has some new brush features but I don't even know if the Bamboo supports them.
Using the tiny drawing area of the bamboo is a bit jarring when coming off of traditional painting, and even if you are used to drawing with an intuos, which are must bigger.
I recommend going to ctrl+paint (take a look at there digital painting 101 lessons specifically)and watching some of the introductory videos there.


Whoops, guess I didn't click on Submit reply yesterday night. ): I meant to thank you, MrBig! I spent the whole afternoon watching the videos on CtrlPaint. It is a lot more simpler than I thought, even though I'm just giving baby steps, of course. My problem relies upon drawing mostly. I need to learn a whole deal of drawing and basic figures (specially human-like ones). Might need some time to learn but hey, one is never born with knowledge, and like some of great GAF artists say, practice makes perfect.

Sometimes I wish I could go to some classes/lectures (damn you, money!).

Thanks again, great piece of art, btw. :)


Great paintings, Vespa! Not sure which I like the most, the sketches or the other one! Do you have a website/flickr/tumblr I could follow? I like the lines on those bikes...!


^ I really like those vespas, Vespa! (okay, they ain't exactly vespas.. but your name matches so well!)
I kind of want to do some drawings in that style now. :I

Sometimes I feel like I don't show you guys that I can draw sort of competently. And then I feel bad and overshadowed by you much more amazing guys.. //SO INSECURE
So please allow me dump upon you some of my recent stuff that I liked! o__o

Here's some fanart you may have seen in the Gaming section at some point:

Skyward Sword

Metroid (Other M Varia Suit)

And original characters:

Hiryuu (black hair) and Altaire (silver hair)

Founding group of a super hero alliance. >_>

SGPA again with some more heroes and some villains

A couple of kind of lulzy comics based on the SGPA (yeah, mixed in with Young Justice universe!). My characters are the villains and Solar Cat and Dysta if you can't tell. That's right, I dunno how to make good yet easy word balloons yet.


Less lulzy, but still kind of cheesy comics based on the SGPA characters. I know it's hard to read some of the text since it's resized, but if you really wanna read what it says, head over to my DA page (meibatsu.deviantart.com)





Sketches! I like using the same characters in different alternate universe settings.

I will.. work to one day create stunning backgrounds and landscapes like Arcipello and Ochrehand! ;__;


Prax said:
^ I really like those vespas, Vespa! (okay, they ain't exactly vespas.. but your name matches so well!)
I kind of want to do some drawings in that style now. :I

Sometimes I feel like I don't show you guys that I can draw sort of competently. And then I feel bad and overshadowed by you much more amazing guys.. //SO INSECURE
So please allow me dump upon you some of my recent stuff that I liked! o__o

Here's some fanart you may have seen in the Gaming section at some point:
You're very skilled! I think you don't have anything to envy from anyone! I like your characters, they remind me a bit of Avatar, the animated series, could it be? Also, I think your twin characters would be better without the head-wings, but that's personal preference. Regardless, it's great, just keep working on those backgrounds and I'm sure they'll end up real pretty!

Speaking of backgrounds, I'm terrible with them. This is my first time trying to make a cave with a source of light. I should be more modest, but it looks better in real life than scanned. ): Anyway, here's my little homage to Tintin! Would love some criticism!

Tintin by ietes, on Flickr

Also, does anyone here use tumblr to share their art? Mine's http://ietes.tumblr.com/ and would love to follow some of you, art-gaf!


There's some serious talent here,

we're having a competition at work for the best poster based on Movember, here's my contribution.



Wow, always nice to come back after a few days and see a couple of updates. :) Burli, I'm a sucker for your unique style!

I've been fairly prolific, but been procrastinating about scanning them and fixing them on PS. Anyone knows a good way so watercolors look like their real counterparts on the screen?

Ni no Kuni fanart! Click here for the transparent PNG.

Ni no Kuni by ietes, on Flickr

Halloween painting for my tumblr!

Happy Halloween! by ietes, on Flickr

Would love to hear some feedback. I've been challenging myself (mind me, I have no art formation so I'm giving blind hits) but I think I'm improving -at a snail's pace-.
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