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Arts & Farts


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.



Hi! Correct me if I'm wrong, and I hope you don't get offended, but this is actually yours? I've seen it on tumblr and it appears to be made by this girl (or so she claims so). Could it be that she took credit for it? I didn't want to write anything but I think you're a man, according to this post of yours, as well as this one from the pictures of yourself? Again, sorry if I'm intruding or if I'm mistaken, it's just that I had enjoyed that piece and totally thought it was from that girl, not to mention that I really enjoy this thread and the original artwork from artists here.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Hi! Correct me if I'm wrong, and I hope you don't get offended, but this is actually yours? I've seen it on tumblr and it appears to be made by this girl (or so she claims so). Could it be that she took credit for it? I didn't want to write anything but I think you're a man, according to this post of yours, as well as this one from the pictures of yourself? Again, sorry if I'm intruding or if I'm mistaken, it's just that I had enjoyed that piece and totally thought it was from that girl, not to mention that I really enjoy this thread and the original artwork from artists here.

Oh yeah, sorry to come off like that. I didn't think this thread was all stuff we made until now, haha.



A new illustration, about gossip. This is the craziest coloring I have ever done and intend to go in this direction for my next few pieces.


Jealous Bastard
Ah, no worries man. Thank you very much! I was asking because I had heard similar myths from other cultures. It is interesting, nonetheless.

My experience with watercolors (or any other sort of art supplies for that matter) comes only as a hobbyist and as such I can't give proper advice, but I think that I can help you a bit. I just bought something dirt cheap a couple weeks ago but that it will come very handy for her, specifically if she sketches outdoors. It's the Pentel waterbrush. It's even handy at home when you want to get an idea out of your head or simply don't feel like using a water container. What's so good about this one is that the water flow is constant and always the same, so you won't be having nasty surprises. It also works as a normal brush with no water in the container.

If she likes watercolors, she might also appreciate working with inks. I've barely started but they offer a new range of experiences. It's also a nice medium to work with, if she's worked with watercolors. I've just experienced with the Winsor & Newton ones, but so far they're great. This is the set I have, but there's also the Henry set. Canvas, never tried them, and paper is something pretty personal. Some people like it textured, others like it smooth. Sorry can't help with that! I don't have such a broad experience with brushes but I enjoy Van Gogh ones, and they're very good for the inexpensive price. Hope I could help! Hope she likes whatever you end up getting her!

Extending on what Sofo said, which were all great suggestions, especially giving her another medium like ink, I would get her a gift card to Micheal's or a local art supply store because there is a huge range of canvases and I'm sure she knows what she needs or wants to experiment with. Depending on the quality of the canvas she may be able to get 2 or 3 for $50.

For pencils or charcoal I would go for better quality rather than a wider range of graphite. (Like a 2B to a 2H set)

If you get watercolors get the bottled (better color from my experience) or tube kind (tubed colors net you more colors but the colors aren't usually as rich as bottled). They are fairly expensive.

thanks so much guys. will be ordering some things tomorrow and keep you updated on how she likes them.


So am I starting to teach myself the basics of ZBrush. I have no background in sculpting, painting, or drawing other than high school art classes from over 15 years ago. I downloaded the ZBrush 4 trial and a bought a copy of Introducing ZBrush 4. It's a great guide. Anyway, the first exercise in the book is to create a dragon's head. I thought I would post my progress in here to keep myself motivated. So after about 3 hours I have two low poly concepts. One is a lesser/younger dragon, almost velociraptor-esque in appearance. The second is a greater/elder dragon. I like the idea that as dragons age they grow these prominent crests and their snouts and brows become more and more pronounced.

Anyhow... go lightly, like I said this is all completely new to me. Just the low polys at this point.




Didn't spend a lot of time with the art project today, but I did get a bit of a feel for adding strips of clay to the model and then using a combination of the rake and smoothing tools to begin to texture the skin and bone. I am particularly digging how cross-hatching the rake toward the back edge of the crest created kind of a bony/spinal ridge effect.

This belongs in a museum.


I'm honestly not trying to be an asshole here. I don't like or dislike that piece of art, but..what makes you say this? I do not understand the appeal of that type of art, at all. It has no purpose, no subject, nothing. To me it's just seemingly random shapes and colors. Sure, the colors go together nicely in a "these colors are specifically meant to go together" kind of way, but beyond that...nothing.



I'm honestly not trying to be an asshole here. I don't like or dislike that piece of art, but..what makes you say this? I do not understand that type of art, at all. It has no purpose, no subject, nothing. To me it's just seemingly random shapes and colors. Sure, the colors go together nicely in a "these colors are specifically meant to go together" kind of way, but beyond that...nothing.

I am not an art critic and it's not my place to say whether or not it belongs in a museum/gallery, but I do want to say that I find it to be very aesthetically pleasing. It has a flow and flourish to it that makes me think of a dancer.


I do not understand that type of art, at all. It has no purpose, no subject, nothing. To me it's just seemingly random shapes and colors. Sure, the colors go together nicely in a "these colors are specifically meant to go together" kind of way, but beyond that...nothing.

Maybe you should study it then?



I'm honestly not trying to be an asshole here. I don't like or dislike that piece of art, but..what makes you say this? I do not understand the appeal of that type of art, at all. It has no purpose, no subject, nothing. To me it's just seemingly random shapes and colors. Sure, the colors go together nicely in a "these colors are specifically meant to go together" kind of way, but beyond that...nothing.

It's a valid question, and I would love to respond, but it will have to wait a couple of days before I have the time to explain the appeal to you and the steps you can take towards gaining an appreciation for it. I used to feel the same way about abstract art, but by mimicking the progress towards abstraction that happened during history (with the help of my excellent art teacher), I was able to see how we got here and what it's all really about.
If AP Art in HS didn't kill my will to spend time on stuff, I'd probably have stuff to share in this thread... I am reduced to doodles which would bring me shame if posted; compared to everyone else's work in here :(


If AP Art in HS didn't kill my will to spend time on stuff, I'd probably have stuff to share in this thread... I am reduced to doodles which would bring me shame if posted; compared to everyone else's work in here :(
C'mon, the more the merrier! We're all here to share and learn from each other. I am ashamed to post my drawings because I dislike most of them ._. It's a matter of sharing, and see if people can help you with your own flaws. That's what I like from this thread! If only it had more people participating, it'd be much more thrilling.

My latest fanart, not too happy with his hair!

Yukito Tsukishiro by ietes, on Flickr

I know it's not perfect, but my fiancé likes it a lot! I need to find a way to get better at the whole face composition though (and proportions, and composition by itself, colors, etc. =_=).


Goddamn this is awesome...

But the fence should overlap a bit more on those characters imo :)

I can see that being something to add, yeah. I'll think about it! And beelzebozo, I'm working on a new site right so I won't link you there, but here's some stuff at my tumblr:


My work has only gotten this cool recently, so stay tuned for stuff better than that (hopefully).

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Gonna start putting some work from the Character Design Class I took recently, taught by the most awesome Rick Lacy (Venture bros character concept artist)

Heres an adventurer lady


Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Wow would of loved to take that class!
Great illustrations! :D

Ohmygod you have the best tag ever ;_;

Yeah it was a great, 8 week long class. very happy with how it went (taught at a comic book shop too!)


Finished this the other day

Will have a few rough environment concepts for the INTERIOR of that huge structure in the distance soon.

These were some of my roughs

Working on this now; trying to figure out which one to develop further. Probably far right.

Got a few more recent pieces at my blog, but my big weapon spread isn't finished yet (which is what I'm doing these weapon concepts for in the first place) : http://galefire.com/blog/

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Another design, this time its Jacquotte Delahaye who was a 17th century pirate awesome chick


More details at my blog, I discuss my approach to her design and shit.


Haha, if you visited the furry thread, you probably would have seen these, but I have been in an anthro-drawing mood since that thread popped up, so here are a couple of pics from that:




We were asked to draw one of our instructors on a unicorn, in any art style we wanted. I chose My Little Pony. I never watch the show, so I had to Google it for screencaps. I think I got it but I'm not sure if I should post it to this thread :x

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player

Aaaanyways, last of the bunch. This one is Sandor Clegane, from Game of Thrones :D


Long post about the process up on my blog also

Oh, and on tumblr, if any of you roll that way


Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but are there any good books or resources for learning how to draw (and paint too). I've taken some art classes in high school, but that was four years ago and I've forgotten a ton of stuff. I'd like to seriously get back into drawing, but I'm not sure what's a good way to start.


Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but are there any good books or resources for learning how to draw (and paint too). I've taken some art classes in high school, but that was four years ago and I've forgotten a ton of stuff. I'd like to seriously get back into drawing, but I'm not sure what's a good way to start.

I always suggest people check out "Drawing on the Right side of the Brain" if they've never drawn or been out of practice for a while. Really helps to get your head in the right place for drawing.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but are there any good books or resources for learning how to draw (and paint too). I've taken some art classes in high school, but that was four years ago and I've forgotten a ton of stuff. I'd like to seriously get back into drawing, but I'm not sure what's a good way to start.

Thats a loooaaded question man, this thread might help you out though:



Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but are there any good books or resources for learning how to draw (and paint too). I've taken some art classes in high school, but that was four years ago and I've forgotten a ton of stuff. I'd like to seriously get back into drawing, but I'm not sure what's a good way to start.

Well, to start, get a tablet and photoshop(or some other painting program), and start practicing. Also look around for the style of art you like, and look at that art a lot to focus yourself on a goal.

conceptart.org is a good resource as well, but don't count on the forum to make you better, you just have to practice, and keep practicing, and eventually you might get close to where you want to be.

What kind of art do you WANT to do?


343i Lead Esports Producer
We were asked to draw one of our instructors on a unicorn, in any art style we wanted. I chose My Little Pony. I never watch the show, so I had to Google it for screencaps. I think I got it but I'm not sure if I should post it to this thread :x

You have to!
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