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Arts & Farts


Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
cb, that is GREAT work

Finally got around to finishing the cover for this sketchbook Im doing. If for some insane reason somebody would like a wallpaper version of this, I have it! so just let me know :)



After a long while, finally some art~~~

Not even sure what I posted last, so.. let's just do from this year:
This was like the first thing I drew in 2014 and it was only a doodle. Then I didn't draw anything again for weeks later:

But then I started finishing up some requests I had and phew! Feeling like I'm getting out creative rut! These were supposed to be fast requests, but I usually ended up spending 2-3 hours on each of them:


A guest page for a friend's comic! She ended up repositioning things to add in panels and text though. You can see the comic here: http://caprice.smackjeeves.com/comics/1895775/page-4/

And a fun tumblr-inspired image using birthdate to determine your tarot persona:

The following images have nudity, and although I label it as erotic or whatever, it's usually more artistic or at least hidden nudity. You will see butt cracks and maybe nipple on an angelic figure. lol These were requests that feature characters from another person with my characters.

Please don't mind the awful or off anatomy in some of them. Even though the original plan was to practice on my anatomy, my ability to use a reference while working on an image is abysmal. That said, I'm really pleased with how a few of these came out!

NSFW (I really like the colours and intensity in this one): http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2...8___orleien_and_vetis_by_meibatsu-d757wjv.png
NSFW (lol the guy's body is so off): http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2..._johnny_k_and_dorothy_by_meibatsu-d758qcc.png
NSFW (haha why did I even bother with a background--at least the girls look cute?): http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/037/8/a/erotic_request_7_of_8___elly_by_meibatsu-d75dqqs.png
NSFW (demon angelish and this took me the longest to do): http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2..._8___nuraj_and_etheon_by_meibatsu-d75f9ip.png

Most of these images were made over the last few days in kind of an art high or something! Anyway, here's hoping I can keep the momentum going.


Damn you bastards are talented.

Digital artists - recommendations for tablet-friendly PC drawing applications?

I like Sketchbook Pro a lot but MAN that 'feature' that compresses all the layers in TIF files messes with my process big time. But I really like the UI.

Anyway here's a comic I made in Sketchbook Pro and Photoshop on Surface Pro 2.


I've been working on this Persona piece for a while. I really pushed myself with this, trying to learn a really difficult perspective. Any critiques would be appreciated!
I don't know if this is the right place, but...

I want to use my laptop with my Cintiq 21UX. It mostly works, the mouse pointer tracks the pen just fine. However, when in SketchBook Pro I actually paint it is mirrored vertically (so I move the pen right, it draws left) and it isn't painting where the pointer is either. Paint.Net and MS Paint work just fine. Anyone else see this?

Also, two other odd things -- the desktop on my Cintiq seems to be about 50 pixels or so too far down from the top of the tablet. I remember fixing this a couple of years ago but can't remember what I did. Also, I originally tried using a HDMI adapter with my laptop but got these ugly blue lines to the right of my mouse pointer as well as any other desktop elements. Not an issue when using a VGA adapter. I'd really prefer to use the HDMI but couldn't get it to work without those blue lines.

Edit: Ah, may be a problem with SketchBook Pro 6.2 -- trying the latest update. People reported it with dual monitors and other tablets, not just Cintiq. Any advice on the other two things are greatly appreciated, however.
Edit #2: Figured out the screen position -- just me being really dumb. As for the last item, I guess I'll just work with VGA -- not a huge deal.



Commission of Joseph and the Dream Coat. Was a very interesting request with a lot of personal input from the commissioner. They did prefer him with shorter hair so there is an alt version. I could probably spend more time on it, but man it's hard forcing myself not to...

I've been working on this Persona piece for a while. I really pushed myself with this, trying to learn a really difficult perspective. Any critiques would be appreciated!
Looks great, but I think the ladies look a bit..odd. The guys and Naoto look good, but Rise, Yukiko and Chie look a bit off.
Love the style though, it's very neat.


Latest piece--an overdue Secret Santa/Valentine's. lol
I tried to be quick about it.. but it still took 6 hours.. ;_;

Lyn and Hector from Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword.


To celebrate all the hype i have for Titanfall (i loved the beta so much, had tons of fun with that!) i created this piece.

Hope you enjoy! :D



Haven't posted in a while. Here's a Joseph Gordon Levitt I just drew


First time trying cross hatching with these portraits



I ended up doing Ken Watanabe today. Didn't turn out exactly like I wanted it to but looks good enough. I need to fix some of the values but only when I'm out since my room is too dimly lit even with a lamp :(

For comparison, here's my older drawing I did about a year ago

But I did that with a time limit so it looks way worse lol
I'm not sure if my stuff should go here since it's mostly pixel art, but I guess it counts as art. lol

The first one I made after finishing Charlie Murder for the XBox 360. Amazing game with tons of rad music.
The second one was a piece I made for my game review of Mega Man: The Power Battle. Gave the designs a bit of the new Smash Bros. look for Mega Man.
This is my latest piece based on Gundam Build Fighters. It was a fun little project.



Drew that recently but didn't really look like I wanted (Marion Cotillard). Oh well, looks like a person and is good enough for me lol


Cross-post from Drawing-a-day thread:

12 hours.


Thankyou image for kind of collab comic reaching 501+ fans on Smackjeeves.
4 hours.

This one's inspired by C.B.'s colouring style, she is my space girlll~~
5 hours.


My Wacom pen went through the wash AND dryer yesterday. It was acting crazy for 30min or so, but I kept drawing and it's back to normal now!

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