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Arts & Farts

Working on another enemy design for my game concept.
Fanart I did recently of The Incredible Hulk saving Thanos, who has a lollipop and is wearing a helicopter hat, from a 500 ft. tall fire-breathing building.



Started a Venom sculpt in Zbrush. Still trying to find my way around the software but at least I'm having fun.


After a few gym sessions:



^ Ah I think it looks quite nice! I love Amano's work! You can see some of the influences, especially with the contrasting patterns. It might be in your benefit to try thinner line work to help your patterns be more readable.

I haven't posted in the thread for a long while, and my computer is broke so all I have right now are these pencil sketches I finished for a commissioner:



I feel like I've been slacking recently, so I took some liberties with the original designs of the characters and tried pushing my creative boundaries. I'm also trying to draw more feet, and just now realizing how much I like drawing shoes...


^ Ah I think it looks quite nice! I love Amano's work! You can see some of the influences, especially with the contrasting patterns. It might be in your benefit to try thinner line work to help your patterns be more readable.

I haven't posted in the thread for a long while, and my computer is broke so all I have right now are these pencil sketches I finished for a commissioner:



I feel like I've been slacking recently, so I took some liberties with the original designs of the characters and tried pushing my creative boundaries. I'm also trying to draw more feet, and just now realizing how much I like drawing shoes...

Wow. Those are fantastic. I should really get to drawing bodies soon instead of just portraits

Oil on canvas
That's amazing. So is everything else in this thread. I'm so envious of all of you.

Edit: Guess I'll contribute something. This is the first thing I've drawn in a very long time. Not even close to finishing it. Sorry about the quality too, all I have is a drawing pad and a phone camera.

Started out as a sunflower, which was then erased, and left permanent marks on the paper, so I drew over it and somehow ended up with this thing which I can't seem to draw a body for.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Wish I knew about this thread before. I'll post some stuff here then! :D

A self-portrait

Another one

A Sonic fanart

Lunar fanart

An original character, Giga Girl

Her again. Creepy cute. XD

Miku, because Miku

More Miku, bad perspective and all.

Atelier fanart

More Atelier fanart

Portrait of a newly wed couple

Zelda fanart


Thank you very much! :)
I have a DA account but it's rather inactive (until I updated it just now haha) and full of a lot of older work. I'll just try and post new stuff in here from now on.

To start that trend, here's some character turnarounds I did for the above two works:


Here is a character design piece I finished about a day ago. I got the idea to draw a gentlemanly fox, but it turned into a thing about a gold digger. :p


My most recent project I did couple of days ago:


Plus, an obligatory "Just joined Twitter"-drawing:


Lines in Manga Studio, coloring in Photoshop.
I seem to have a problem with actually "finishing" most things I start. Not knowing how to shade/color/whatever doesn't help much either.

Also, anyone know of any good resources for learning to draw people, the human anatomy, animals, and the like; as well as learning to shade?


Anyone here use a Cintiq 13HD? I'm considering one coming from an Intuos 5 medium. I need to find some impressions of someone who did the same switch.

edit: Damn Mac Mall has a refurb 13HD for $799. I messaged Wacom to make sure this was refurbed by them and if there is a warranty. If yes and yes, I may pick this up!

I hope it's comfortable enough to use in my lap.


Anyone here use a Cintiq 13HD? I'm considering one coming from an Intuos 5 medium. I need to find some impressions of someone who did the same switch.

edit: Damn Mac Mall has a refurb 13HD for $799. I messaged Wacom to make sure this was refurbed by them and if there is a warranty. If yes and yes, I may pick this up!

I hope it's comfortable enough to use in my lap.
I've only tried a Cintiq and I'll happily stick to regular Intuos tablets as long as possible. I don't think there's any significant benefit to having a Cintiq besides the luxury of having the screen right there under your nose. I've had people tell me/ I've noticed that there can be occasional delays with your pen strokes, as well as some issues with precise taps/ movements not registering properly. These happen rarely from what I understand and they might not bother you as much as me or they might be completely absent in your work process.

Just do some research, is all I'm saying :p


I've only tried a Cintiq and I'll happily stick to regular Intuos tablets as long as possible. I don't think there's any significant benefit to having a Cintiq besides the luxury of having the screen right there under your nose. I've had people tell me/ I've noticed that there can be occasional delays with your pen strokes, as well as some issues with precise taps/ movements not registering properly. These happen rarely from what I understand and they might not bother you as much as me or they might be completely absent in your work process.

Just do some research, is all I'm saying :p

Personally I much prefer the Cintiq over any intuos, I find it very helpful to see what I am working on.

I've never had any of the issues you describe with my 24HD.

Its a great piece of gear; it had better be for the price!


^ Your stuff is pretty good and you should post it anyway. lol NO SHAME!

I've been posting in the drawing-a-day thread lately, so here's a cross-post of some recent stuff.

Original characters. A bunch of incubi and a turtle guy lol:

Some of my favourites from the free portrait thread:

For AcridMeat from the free portrait thread--but upgraded because VEEEEERY belated secret santa. >_____>
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