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Arts & Farts

Enclose them in quote tags.
Thanks! :)



Images do not need to be in quotes to be resized until click, as of the forum's redesign last year. If you quote images their max size will be 400, if left unquoted the max size will be the width of the browser window, which I feel would be preferable for the purposes of this thread.
this piece was gouache watercolor on bristol, watercolor pencil, and a *small* dash of acrylic zinc white on some of the corners.
I have more stuff, but it's a bitch to resize and host.

On wow I really love the skeleton + Gundam mash up. I'd love this on a shirt!


^ I think it looks pretty dope. I've tried my hand at pixeling and I should never be allowed to pixel every again.

I haven't really posted much in this thread lately since I haven't really done any proper pieces, but I have finished this


having second thoughts about some of the stuff, but its done now so. Still waiting to hear back from the commissioner so I'll just be biting my nails while I wait...


Crosspost from drawing a day thread~

Uhm.. some of my character inserted into HamletMachine's Starfighter universe. XD
It's for a role-play group. You can see their full art in the profile applications below (please disregard the low res textures and text--I did not make the apps lol)



Nothing as amazing as what has been posted here recently by you fine folks, but here's a warm-up sketch from this morning of the Imp:



You're incredibly talented!

That looks amazing. I'm so envious of everyone here.

Oh you are making me blush ;D

More pony stuff. Comments are welcome.


I really like the look of Luna so pretty.

I was surprise when I went to take a look at the characters in the show and I saw Cadance who is really nicely coloured. I used to have my little pony when I was really little.


Out of curiosity,

are most of you just hobbyists, or do you all have jobs in design and art?

For me, I am a hobbyist, because I lack conviction in my skills (and business/negotiation skills). lol
I sometimes think about how cool it would be to make a living out of my stuff, but I'm not sure I would be able to handle taking on clients or doing work to specifications and having my livelihood depend on it.
This is despite the fact that art is creative output is my main driving force in life. It's my passion, but I'm not sure if it will ever be what I earn a living from.

That said.. have some rockin' guy and naked mans:

~4 hours? Paint Tool SAI.


~9 hours, Paint Tool SAI.

And a kind of crappy progress gif that just shows huge jumps lol


Okay, so not exactly my art but I paid this wildly talented artist to draw me some lion king art and when I show people they're like.......isn't that just a cel from the movie? Yeah, it's that good.

If I am allowed to, i'd like to link to it.
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