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As a fan of infamous 1 and 2, Second Son was a massive disappointment. Spoilers


The original infamous is a pretty special game to me, as it was the first game I ever played on a PS3, as well as the first game I ever played on a non nintendo console/handheld I had purchased. I bought the game because I wasn't sure what game to get with the PS3 back in 2009, and I saw a video review by IGN for it, and said to myself, "this looks pretty good" and bought a copy of it with my PS3.

The game blew me away, as I never played something quite like it before. The traversal and movement felt great. Shooting guys with electricity felt great. The game was graphically impressive to me at the time, and the morality system which most people felt was binary added a cool new layer to the game for me and made it re playable,which was something I barely did with video games as I typically do one save file with everything completed, or try another difficulty after.

Looking at it again, story wise the game was a bit rough, but the fact it built up to something at the end really made its ending stick in my mind. I stayed up till 3 fighting the final boss, and it might have been the sleep deprivation but my mind was blown that night.

Fast forward a year and infamous 2 was teased at Sony's e3 2010 conference. Cole had a new look and VA which I didn't mind. The graphics took another leap, and the gameplay looked smoother and improved thanks to the new powers and melee system. I was pumped.

When I played it, I thought infamous 2 was superior to the original in almost every way. However the biggest improvement to me was the characters. The characters in infamous 1 weren't fleshed out, and I down right hated Zeke, but 2 really fleshed its characters and probably is the only time I ever did a 180 on a character as Zeke, a character I loathed in the first game became my favorite character in the second. I honestly came close to tearing up during the good ending of infamous 2.

So when Second Son was announced at the PS4 reveal, the inital reason I was hyped was because "fuck yeah, more infamous". I was excited to see what SP could do since I felt they significantly improved on infamous 1. I bought a PS4 day one for infamous and waited patiently for the game. Pre ordered the special edition with the beanie, and played the game in a marathon session. I completed it on good after 2 days of playtime, I just felt empty. It didn't feel right. So I went ahead and 100%'d my good file. I didn't feel satisfied. So I went ahead and played the game on hard for my evil playthrough. Once completing that, I still felt off about the game.

I decided recently to replay the original infamous and infamous 2, which is something I rarely do for video games to see if something was up. And now that I have completed both of those games again, I can say that although sucker punch definitely improved on graphics and core gameplay, second son is lacking in almost every other area.


This is probably the biggest disappointment I have with second son. The characters just aren't fleshed out enough in SS. I think this is probably due to my expectations due to the fact Troy Baker, Travis Willingham and Laura Bailey were all attached to second son. I mean, Roy Mustang is your older brother, that's pretty great. Also, there was a thread on GAF that showed the first 15 minutes of the game, and it set up its tone and characters incredibly well. Problem is, the rest of the game never reaches those heights ever again. Fetch and Eugene are barely in the game, and are never fleshed out. They are both stereotypes of a junkie and a geek, and don't do much to overcome those stereotypes. In comparison Kuo and Nix from infamous 2 have a lot more layers than either fetch or eugene because Cole was constantly interacting with them. Nix and Kuo have long character arcs that last throughout infamous 2. You get a general feel for them throughout the game, and don’t just disappear 2 missions after you met them. Compare meeting Nix for the first time in comparison to Fetch. Nix first meets cole and asks for his help and in exchange, she will give him a blast core. He accepts, and after they finish burning Burtrands propaganda, she gives him the blast core and says “we will keep in touch”, and she does. She constantly appears throughout the following missions and is constantly aiding you. You then learn about her backstory once she feels like she trusts you enough, and then continues to help you till the conclusion. Her presence is always there. Fetch on the other hand, you investigate her for one mission, chase her in the next mission, get her powers and develop them , and then finally make your karmic choice of corrupting or redeeming her. And after that mission you never see fetch assist you again until you assault Augustine’s tower. Fetch and Eugene don’t feel like they are integral to the story at all. Also the brother relationship that was promised to be the core of second son’s narrative isn’t fleshed out as well as the Zeke Cole relationship in infamous 2. Reggie and Delsin are easily the most developed characters in the game, but the relationship didn’t feel meaningful. Asides from a few serious moments at the beginning and maybe the middle of the story, the entirety of the game is just Delsin joking around and Reggie getting annoyed. That’s why I was really disappointed that Reggie died in SS, because I feel like their relationship still had room to improve. The Cole Zeke relationship in infamous 1 is comparable in the same way, but SP fleshed it out in 2. I was hoping for that kind of relationship again in Second Son, or at least a continuation in the sequel, but now that Reggie is dead that relationship just feels half baked, as I didn’t feel emotional resonance to Reggies death as I did Coles in infamous 2.

A lot of the story elements in Second Son have the same faults as the first infamous, but I was hoping that SP would continue to improve after infamous 2, not regress.

Side Missions

This one is glaringly apparent. I'm not saying Sucker punch are masters of variety in open worlds, but the previous infamous games at least had some, and not to mention the side missions all told some neat little stories. For example, the original infamous had similar side missions to second son, but they all had a reason for doing it and contributed to the story. Drug runners contributed to the tone of the world in the original infamous even though it was a simple fetch quest. The good and evil side missions also contributed to the world as well. Anyone remember the end side mission where it concluded with a massive battle between the first sons and the dust men? Even infamous 2 expanded upon this and added more variety to the side missions. The quest to help the ice soldier who realized his mind was degrading was a really awesome mission. As well as the side missions in 2 assisted with setting a tone. In comparision second son only has these

Sign Twirlers
Street Musicians
Spray Paint
Drug Dealers
Acuran Gang Members
Heal Citizen
District Showdowns

None of these contribute in anyway to setting a tone. None of them even tell a story. Its just lazy as all they want you to do is go to the icon, shoot at a few things and your done. Not to mention the Heal Citizen is the dumbest thing I have ever seen in a video game, as when you heal the citizen, the SAME PEOPLE that were beating him up stop and cheer when you heal the citizen. WTF?

World building

There was a lot of hype going into SS about Seattle. SP would brag about it saying they really captured "the feel" of Seattle, and this was the first time they are building a real city. Problem is, Seattle has no character, story or atmosphere to it. In comparison Empire City and New Marais had established tones way better than seattle. With Empire people are sick, they are starving, the city is in ruins, and people were struggling to stay alive. With New Marais, each of the districts where characterized by the enemies that inhabited them. The city was plastered in Betrand propaganda, but they were still full of life and lights. The swamps were barren and swarming with corrupted. The flood Zone was dark, and people were begging for help. Each of these zones in the world established a tone.

Second son?

You all remember the reason we have this gif


Remember the tone Nate Fox was trying to sell at the PS4 reveal? Can you honestly say that it translated anywhere into Seattle? Do you ever see citizens being put into those pens? Do you ever see anyone failing a scan except Delsin? No. That feeling of oppression is not seen at all in second son. Seattle has no tone to it.

Second Son just disappoints me when I think about it. When I Iook at the previews for the game, all that it seemed like SP focused on was the graphics. Sure Second Son is pretty, but when it feels like you forgot so much from your previous games, the trade off just doesn't feel worth it. They improved their core as moving around and shooting is the best its been. But the side missions, the characters, the world and even the mission structure in many regards, second son is just inferior to 1 and 2.


I enjoyed my time with the game, played through it two times to get the platinum. However I can see why it was a disappointment for some, the game is more of a rental than a system seller.


I agree with all of your criticisms. I feel the powers in this game are superior to Infamous 1 and 2 and still make it a better game than the first two (since they didn't have good stories or characters either).

It's a good game, but definitely disappointing after the E3 demo that blew my mind last year.
I agree with some stuff here but def. not about the city. I thought the city was full of character. All the artistry all over the city, the architecture, the musicians on street corners, the railway, etc.

It def. had character inside the city. I do not think Seattle was supposed to be a haven for government oppression though. The city ran as usual, as normal citizens were allowed to walk freely as long as they were not caught as these bio-terrorists.

Also, who else would there be to get caught? It seems in this world most of the bio-terrorists in the world have been busted by this lady. This whole situation was caused by the 3 escaped bio terrorists and them trying to root them out as they were believed to be in the city. Remember that the city had been built in for about a week, so all the " suspects " had already been rounded up.

I mean I agree, there could of been more interaction with the city and the government officials, but I never was bothered by that sort of thing.

The main thing that bothered me was actually the powers. They were pretty much just rehashes of each other each time around. In Infamous 1-2, when you got a power you used it for awhile before getting the next one. And each power kind of complemented the last. In this one, you basically get all your powers very quickly and then begin using them all together. No real buildup on how best to use each individual power you receive. And they are not all that fantastic.

Disappointing game though, not in the least. I had an incredibly fun time with it throughout.
Not gonna read your whole post because spoilers but my opinion: SS is my first inFamous and I think it's REALLY good. I'm impressed how great it feels, it feels like top tier second wave software when it comes to technical stuff and while gameplay may be a little empthy feeling for an open world game to some I think it hits just the right balance of some light sidequests and story progression. Gives me Spiderman 2 vibes in a good way.

Not finished with it tho, I now have most of the video powers in my good side playtrough.

If the previous ones are comparable I really need to give em a spin. I own them both anyway from PSN outage and PS+. I don't have the vampire spinoff tho.


Best game in the franchise.

Hated the first one because of the clunky controls, and it's play-itself type focus.

Having a bunch of powers was pointless because even with 4 powers you had less options then you did in infamous 1 with just electricity. Changing powers you really just changed the colour of your projectiles and got 1 new traversal ability. No power felt as good or had as much options as Cole did.

The story was also kind of lame and didn't really escalate or get super exciting the way Infamous 1 or 2 did. Also Infamous 1's ending was amazing and they will never, EVER top it.

You are also always fighting the same enemies over and over the entire game and different islands dont look different enough. Infamous 1 and 2 did that better as well. You start off fighting dudes but by the end you are fighting giant trash monsters. In SS you are always fighting dudes.

It was still a fun game but definitely the worst of the 3.
It's still a launch window game. Taking that into account, it was everything I expected. And overall a pretty good game.

Ignore my beanie
Character development sucked, which is a given with this game due to how short it is.

But the controls we're very tight, and the missions were designed around that. If you consider any story bits in this game as just noise, I think gameplay wise it's the best infamous game.

Otherwise, you'll be dissapointed for sure.

Hope they have a new character next time with better writers.


I agree with some stuff here but def. not about the city. I thought the city was full of character. All the artistry all over the city, the architecture, the musicians on street corners, the railway, etc.

It def. had character inside the city. I do not think Seattle was supposed to be a haven for government oppression though. The city ran as usual, as normal citizens were allowed to walk freely as long as they were not caught as these bio-terrorists.

Also, who else would there be to get caught? It seems in this world most of the bio-terrorists in the world have been busted by this lady. This whole situation was caused by the 3 escaped bio terrorists and them trying to root them out as they were believed to be in the city.

Other than the architecture, anything remotely interesting in the city was included for a side activity. There's no random events occurring just for the sake of being dynamic and interesting compared to GTA V (I hate to compare it to that, but it's a pretty good example of what I'm saying).



It looked fantastic, controlled great, but the actual content was sorely lacking.

The main missions were decent, but the boss fights and side content were just awful. It was far too short as well.

Endo Punk

For a launch window game it's one of the best Ive played. It is lacking in story, character development and content but the gameplay is great. Truly Fun/10. Delsin is a much better protagonist for the future of the franchise.


Sorry I don't have time right now to read your post but I feel the same way overall. I think I fooled myself for most of the game and just finished it to finish it. I never played the second game, and I'm sure there's part nostalgia over the first, but Second Son as just not... fun to me when I look back on it. I hated the city, I hated traversing it, there was nothing going on, the side missions were crap and the overall story a let down.


I loved infamous 1 and second son. Wasn't disappointed in the slightest. I only played the first due to the PSN hack and I was pleasantly surprised.
Ultimately all the game's problems stem from a lack of content. If there were just more missions to go on with the the characters, more side-missions to cushion the rest of the game, another act before the game sort of abruptly ends, it would have been a lot better.

I still really liked it, but I definitely agree it's disappointing compared to how I felt about the previous two games. It was a great tech showcase but only did the minimum amount from what I'd expect of the series.


Gold Member
As a big fan of both previous games I really liked Second Son.

I will agree in that the character felt underdeveloped. You meet them, get their power, do 1 mission with them and that's sort of it.
I would have liked 3-4 missions with each one of them to get to know them better.

I also agree with the side missions, although I don't feel like they are worse than before. They are just "as bad" as allways.

But overall I really liked the game. I loved the city and had a lot of fun with the powers. The combat felt more fluid and I quite honestly liked Delsin better than cole.

Hopefully they announce some DLC during E3.
I would love to get some extra content for this game


I enjoyed it. Probably could have done with a bit more content, but I quite disliked the original 2 in terms of mechanics. It's quite clear there's a couple of things Second Son could have taken from them, but overall, I believe it's a better package.


I really enjoyed the game, but I agree with many of your complaints. I loved Seattle in the game, but the game as a whole felt too shallow, with repetitive and useless side missions (it's hard to even call them missions honestly), not enough character development outside of Delsin, Reggie, and maybe the main antagonist, and a lack of variety.


It was my favorite inFamous by far. I never cared about Cole or Zeke, in fact they were sometimes annoying. Delsin and Reggie were interesting, I loved the four powers even if there was overlap. The mission design and collect-athon elements were the same as always.

There was literally nothing I preferred about the original games over Second Son
I agree. I recently went back to this and am still disappointed by everything that isn't a main mission. All the powers seem like variations of the others. The city feels bland and small like the scale is off and It boggles my mind that it doesn't even have a day night cycle. Not a horrible game by any means just very average.
I think the powers also needed more diversity. Maybe there should have been one for traversal and one for heavy damage as opposed to each one just having their attributes spread fairly evenly across their moves.


Delsin and his brother's relationship was the best part of the story. The antagonist and whole
"twist" was fucking dumb.


I just finished SS on both good/bad sides.

A friend told me that if I loved SS I should absolutely try the other two, which I shall do very soon, OP motivates me even more.
It's such a shame when a great game is only held back by not having enough missions. I never played 1 and 2 but really enjoyed my [rather short] time with Second Son. First platinum on PS4.


Really enjoyed the game but I agree with a lot of what you said. Delsin and his brother were great though and I kind of liked the shorter length.

I thought Second Son was really fun to fly around and fight but the story wasn't nearly as good as in 2 and only ended up being better than 1 because it was actually appealing to look at. Everything else between 1 and SS is basically on par. If you haven't played 1 in a while, go back and look at how laughably bad some of the facial animations are.


I think lack of content hurts it, besides that it was pretty good.

Actually, I'd say it's the best in the series. Really close with Infamous 2 which felt like it was full of content.
I haven't played Infamous 1 and 2 but Second Son felt shallow. Repetitive structure (which reminded me of Assassin's Creed 1) and the story was uninteresting.

Amazing villain, though. Augustine was such a MILF. I don't know about the original voice actress but the French one was great. Too bad I haven't found any cosplays of the character
Loved it. I agree side missions need more meat to them, like a side story or something. Really hope the DLC is Arkham Asylum style and takes place in Curdan Cay. Cmon you guys know that would be awesome.


Not gonna read your whole post because spoilers but my opinion: SS is my first inFamous and I think it's REALLY good. I'm impressed how great it feels, it feels like top tier second wave software when it comes to technical stuff and while gameplay may be a little empthy feeling for an open world game to some I think it hits just the right balance of some light sidequests and story progression. Gives me Spiderman 2 vibes in a good way.

Not finished with it tho, I now have most of the video powers in my good side playtrough.

If the previous ones are comparable I really need to give em a spin. I own them both anyway from PSN outage and PS+. I don't have the vampire spinoff tho.

I agree completely, always felt the series was B tier up till this point.


Second Son is my new favorite in the series yet all your complaints are valid. There is just so much more they can do with infamous yet they haven't reached those heights yet.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Haven't played ss yet but I platinumed infamous 1+2 recently and found much of your writeup gives those games WAY too much credit.

They are fun games but I found the relationships and characters borderline insufferable with sophomoric writing and motivation backing. Inf. 1 was dumb fun at least dealing with the unique gangs and bosses leading to the eventual antagonist "reveal".

Inf. 2, just ugh. Cole became the most unlikeable protagonist since kratos. The villain and threat felt tacked on. Zeke magically pulled out deus ex machina solutions every mission.

Seems like I won't expect much different from SS. Silly fun with powers and traversal with borderline forgettable characters and plot structure. I'm waiting for a price drop for a reason.


Oh yeah, and holy shit is the melee combat terrible.

That needs to be addressed. I know it may be tough with the way they've designed the game to move and feel. But it is repetitive, clunky, and just uninteresting.

Perhaps they should implement a power that is completely melee based?


Second son isn't grabbing me at all. I've gotten to Seattle but stopped to play Trials and Ground Zeroes and I have no inclination to go back. Hell, the minuscule amount of content in GZ is more appealing.

As an aside, what is the story behind the bald guy gif? I've seen it but no idea who he is, I guess it's from an E3 show?


Personally, I preferred Second Son to both of the previous installments. Maybe I'm just weird.

This. It had better characters and more combat and traversal options than the pervious ones. Yeah, the side content was a bit limited and it'd be nice if it was more fleshed out but I really enjoyed the game and it looked fantastic for an open world launch title. Sucker Punch put a whole lot of care and craft into the world.

Second son isn't grabbing me at all. I've gotten to Seattle but stopped to play Trials and Ground Zeroes and I have no inclination to go back.

So you've not even really finished the tutorial and you've had enough?
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