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As a fan of infamous 1 and 2, Second Son was a massive disappointment. Spoilers




I agree with the OP. The skills were awesome, but the overall game was a big meh. Didn't care for the characters, city didn't evolve like in the previous games and what little story there was, just plain sucked.


Here's my opinion. Second son was meant to be a showcase, and the game suffered.

1) it had to be a graphical showcase for the PS4. It HAD too. I think a lot of time was put into the engine and that time was taken away from world building and side missions. After all, sucker punch was surely aware they were making less content in this game.

Its a good game, great even, but its a step backward from I2, which is a shame

Given the sales though, sucker Punch is definitely guarteed a sequel. Hoping their next one will be 10 x the game SS is.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
It's a solid foundation for a game but I do feel that it was probably limited by the fact that they needed to release the game so near launch. It feels unfinished though what's there is quite polished.


I'll take SS and it's side quests over the fetch quests and clunky controls of infamous 1.

I'll give you the character fleshing is better in infamous 2 but that's it.


I wholeheartedly agree. SS is clearly a game that was rushed out the door to land in the launch window. In a sense, it feels like a 10hr tech demo with its heavy emphasis on graphics and stupid controller gimmicks.

The powers, the mission structure, the storytelling, the side stuff, and the enemies are all big steps backward. Even the karma system is (somehow) worst and less meaningful this time. The only improvement is that the city looks like, too bad its almost completely lifeless and full of some of the worst pedestrian ai in an open world.

I dont blame SP though. It has to be almost impossible to release an early gen open world game that can measure up to its predecessors in terms of content. Rockstar couldnt do it with GTA4 and Bethseda couldnt do it with Oblivion. It'll be interesting to see if Rocksteady can do it with Batman.
Huh. Who knew someone would actually like Kuo and Nix? I found both characters incredibly tiresome, especially when catfight mode was enabled (aka EVERY DAMNED TIME THE TWO OF THEM WERE ON SCREEN TOGETHER). Literally the only quirk to each character was how their karma changed at the end of the game so that Kuo became the "evil" choice and Nix the "good" choice. But generally I found both characters so unlikeable that Second Son was a breath of fresh air. Finally, characters I could relate to and didn't serve simply as stand-ins for a karma choice!

Infamous 2, to me, is the worst in the series for several reasons, even if the mechanics were maybe slightly better than the first game (though even that is debatable--I'd have to go back and play the first game again, which I don't really have any interest in doing). Give me Delsin, Fetch and Eugene any day. I wish they weren't such stereotypes (especially Eugene) but hey, you take what you can get. Better Eugene than Nix.


I'm a newcomer to the InFamous series, and I was disappointed with the game for a few reasons. The game started off well enough, but as the plot moved foward, all of the characters became annoying. I feel like the writing and voice acting were pretty bad (see the part where Reggie is pretending to be a conduit), and it felt like Delsin's delivery on most of the lines were rushed. The powers were all too similar for my liking, and there was nothing really pushing me to finish each of the zones (I don't really need a new logo for my jacket).

It was fun, but really repetitive. Looked great, though.


This game quickly gained "pretty arcade shooter" status for me.

It was a fun, but shallow experience.

If I had played previous titles in the franchise I may have been disappointed.


I somewhat agree with the opening post.

Infamous 1 is the best in my opinion. Although the sequels offer technical improvements, the story of the first game is MILES ahead of the sequels. I did not even care what I was doing or where I was going in the sequels.

Infamous 1 gave me that comic book super hero vibe. The next two feel soulless in comparison. By the end of the first game, you were a powerful super hero/super villain. By the end of Infamous 2/SS, you are still a little bitch who has to hide on the roof tops and run away all the time.

I don't know who at Sucker Punch decided to rework the powers to work as they work now (pointless variations of the same thing, rather than having different powers that build upon themselves in effectiveness and power). It is, in my book, one of the dumbest design decisions.

Why the hell did SP take away my ability to BLOCK?


Easily the worst of the games thus far. The combat was basically the same thing over and over. They completely trivialized mobility in that game as well. There was no discovery once you could just sprint over and over again. The combat loops and side quests were incredibly bare bones.


Powers were cool. City looked great. After that there was nothing to do. SS was a huge disappointment for me. There was no content at all. After the Space Needle mission the game ran out of ideas.
My only big disappointment was the city, though it was visually incredible, was pretty lifeless. After coming off GTAV where there's so much character on display at any given time, it's hard to go back to lifeless citizens where all they do it walk around.



Looking at it again, story wise the game was a bit rough, but the fact it built up to something at the end really made its ending stick in my mind. I stayed up till 3 fighting the final boss, and it might have been the sleep deprivation but my mind was blown that night.

It definitely wasn't sleep deprivation, that ending was phenomenal and for me, it was one of the biggest twists in a story for a long time that I sort of did a double take.

I agree with your thoughts about the side-characters, the development of Kuo/Nix were executed better than Fetch and Eugene. I was disappointed it was 2 missions a piece with them characters, and I wonder if it was around the introduction of Fetch was where they decided to cut the game down in size and get it in for a tighter release, because from that point on it felt rushed and I know there's nothing official so it's complete conjecture but from then on, it felt like the game just hit the brakes and got off early.

The powers were, for me the best in the series. The visuals certainly added a factor to my enjoyment of them such as Neon but because they were more diverse I felt more powerful playing as this character than I did with Cole. I also like how I control it myself too, that was very intuitive.


I never thought of the inFamous games as must-plays anyway. I liked 1, never played 2 because it looked like more of the same and I played SS because I was able to get it cheap and there was nothing else on PS4. I liked SS, but it was as shallow a game as they come, but I thought it was way better than 1.

For one, I actually liked the characters and still remember them now, whereas I never gave a fuck about Cole or any of the other characters (of whom I have zero recollection). You might say "well, there's a few years between 1 and SS" and you'd be right, but I remember not giving a crap about the characters even back then.

Also the city was better designed, it felt more real. Though I have to say world-building is not Sucker Punch's forté.

I've just always seen them as fun inbetween games. If there's nothing better released, I can play inFamous, but I don't think they're anything special. Just solid, predictable fun.
Powers were cool. City looked great. After that there was nothing to do. SS was a huge disappointment for me. There was no content at all. After the Space Needle mission the game ran out of ideas.

After that mission, the game rushed you through the new powers, characters, plot devices and showed you to the door so fast, it was like I was being hurried along a museum by a guide who didn't give a shit because they were closing in 5 minutes.


Never finished the first two; will probably finish this one. So I respectfully disagree. Also this is one of the few games to break away from the white-guy, gruff-guy sterotype. A real, visible minority - a bunch of them, actually - and without anything too cringeworthy. So props to Sucker Punch for that.

Awesome game.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
I actually thought it was really good myself.

The only major flaw was the side missions were not varied enough.

Same. I played Infamous 2 the month before, never played the first (though I have it still). I liked the mission variety better in I2, but everything else better in Second Son. Better characters and story, better city, better powers etc.

Length was fine with me as I thought I2 was a tad over long personally.


First two were vastly better.

First game had the best story. Second had a good blend bar the two endings. I wasn't a fan of how they based this ending on trophies. Most people do the game on good and then just start the evil and give up halfway through. Would have been better if this was just a reboot or alternate universe.

SS just had an idiot of a protagonist that I really didn't care for. Or any the other conduits he meets.

Also I really didn't like the hold O to spring/climb. I know you could travel normally but without power cables it was too slow. Flying over rooftops and grinding to the next is one of the best parts of the first two games. With O in this game it just felt mundane to travel. Especially once you unlocked the neon power. With smoke it's a lot a bit more of a challenge but not much.

I would love if they went back to Cole but doubt we will see him again. I will still get the next infamous just not on launch day and that actually makes me quite sad. The first game on PS3 is one of my best gaming memories. Even playing it again after SS, I just love that game. And the second one.
I dunno, one of the biggest issues I had was Delsin's motivations. At first he wants to save people from his village to get the concrete removed but during the course of the game it doesn't seem like he's very motivated to quickly do so.

Even as a paragon you never hear him call and say "hey are you guys alright just hold on and I'll get the concrete out"

It's kind of like the beginning of the game where Reggie is driving the bus and it falls into the river and no one gives a shit what happened to the other people on board.

They did the same damn thing with Eugene as well. WTF happened to the conduits he was kidnapping?

The games narrative is kind of a mess.
I like the first two but prefer the pacing of SS. I think it would have been a bit better if the last powers and the last boss battle were more refined but other than that, I enjoyed the title.

I echo the sentiment that Infamous 1 had the best ending.


Sounds like an 8/10 game from an 8/10 studio that's made a bunch of other 8/10 games. They aren't going to make 9/10 games because I'm not sure they can. I wish they would though they could so easily take it to the next level with really memorable moments and top tier gameplay, along wth dramatically better storytelling.


Oh yeah, and holy shit is the melee combat terrible.

That needs to be addressed. I know it may be tough with the way they've designed the game to move and feel. But it is repetitive, clunky, and just uninteresting.

Perhaps they should implement a power that is completely melee based?
After completing second son two days ago, I have to say that melee took a huge step backward from 2. Cole's amp felt more powerful, was less clunky when juggling enemies, and was more fun imo than Delsin's chain. The video sword was cool but still not as good as the amp.


I was massively disappointed by SS. I liked inFamous, the story especially. Two had some amazing gameplay. SS felt like it tried to combine the two and failed on both fronts. It just felt like a mediocre package, overall. I enjoyed my time with it, but I have a feeling that I won't go back and play it again, unlike the first two. Hell, I got the platinum trophy in the first two games. I started a second playthrough on hard/evil and pretty much just stopped right after getting the video power. It felt like a chore compared to the first two (yes, even with all the shards in the prior games).

I sold my copy at the Target triple sale and might buy it again when it drops sub-$15. Couldn't pass up $50 at the time though and it was only collecting dust
although most of my collection does that, lol


could never
Eh... inFamous 2 will always be my favorite. Though SS was a lot of fun, the story just wasn't as good for me.
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