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As a fan of infamous 1 and 2, Second Son was a massive disappointment. Spoilers


Love the game. It has some issues, mainly in world building and sidequests, and it's missing an extra hour or two to flesh things out, but overall I'd say its my favorite and most consistent game in the series.
Yep those are pretty much my same complaints. The story was kinda weak, there was no point to Fetch and Nerd Kid even existing, and the side quests got real old, real fast. Also I wish they had a bit more variety with the powers. They all basically did the same things with a few minor differences.


Loved SS a lot, it was fun playing another inFAMOUS game after so long~ :3

Also it lays the groundwork's for the next one as did 1 did for 2, I'm betting it's gonna be a huge tune-up fixing up a lot of stuff...
The city really felt dead. Sucker Punch kind of sucks at pedestrian/driver AI since you could be destroying the city and people would just be in their cars, not giving a fuck and a lot of pedestrians are unaware of you're rampages. The AI never drive their cars above 10 MPH, they never honk or move out of the way if you're in front of their cars. If you destroy a car, all of the cars behind it will just sit there and the line of cars will just pile up until you leave. All of this stuff has been present in the past games too.

And yeah, I never felt the oppression the game was trying to sell me. Augustine felt like she could've been one heartless ruler since she just went to town on your town, but Seattle was way too tame.


I was a little bit disappointed with it too. It gave off the same vibe as Killzone and Knack did for me... these games just felt a bit soulless and all seemed like they could benefit from a little more time in the oven I thought. Oh well. Oddly enough, Knack was the one I enjoyed the most.
I've Plat'd ISS but i agree with everything posted here. The game had a very weak story. While the brotherly teasing that went on was a nice way to humanize their relationship, it ended up being nothing more than Delsin's being a dick and Reggie responding in kind.

The side missions, if you call them that, were nothing more than collection filler. It was pretty and fun to run around in a city I grew up in, but overall it lacked a LOT of depth.


I love Second Son to bits, but the complaints in the OP are fair ones. I hope Sucker Punch are able to correct them in future DLC/sequels.


I generally agree here OP, although I still enjoyed SS and can only register mild disappointment at this point. It's tough to recall inFamous now, but I think SS is probably superior to it overall. Probably not to inFamous 2 though - the city, missions and side characters were generally more varied and interesting (would it kill them to make the side missions surprise us at any point?) and the biggest thing for me was the enemies and combat situations. Going up against some of those crazy-ass giant monsters was genuinely thrilling. Second Son had nothing to compare.

I think the developers had to work within the fiction they had set themselves, which perhaps didn't lend itself to the kind of events in 2, but at the end of the day SS combat was not as exciting. Fighting what amounted to soldiers - which happens in many games - was just not as interesting as the militia, creatures, big-ass monsters (and vampires in the DLC) of 2.

Saying that, I think they've done a good job of re-starting the series and have built sufficient foundations to make the next game something pretty special. In that sense, bearing in mind that I enjoyed my time in Seattle and will return to play my evil side, I'm satisfied with Second Son. Sucker Punch need to turn up the juice for the next game though. There's still plenty of potential in the series yet. Besides, considering there may well be SP DLC on the way, I'm not ready to give up on SS's possibilities just yet.


Neo Member
I was disappointed to the point of selling the game afterwards, and I almost never do that. Almost all of the non-story content was painfully dull and repetitive, the combat was made boring despite the cool powers by the lack of enemy variety, and the way the last third or so of the plot went made it feel like SP ran out of budget and had to wrap it up somehow.

Pretty game though, and fun to play through once despite all of that.

Also, concrete was horribly implemented and Paper Trail having no real rewards was the nail in the coffin for me.


Launch window game. It just needed more time in the oven for more mission and enemy variety.

Delsin might also be a little too overpowered. The climbing, traversal, and stop'n pop mechanics of the first two games were a core part of the series. Second Son skimps on those mechanics and just gives you crazy powers to make up for it. Neon is amazing, but in hindsight, I think focusing on smoke while keeping the attributes of the PS3 games (along with an open world that would compliment it) would've been ideal.

Compared to its predecessors, the characters and story were fine, everything just needed to be more fleshed out. I think a fourth game has the potential to be the best in the series.
2>>1 >>> second son

my biggest gripe with second son is the story sucked and the characters sucked. Infamous 1+2 had way better stories and characters. Delsin was funny but it was hard to take him serious and the story suffered because he was a goofball. Cole on the other hand especially infamous 2 cole had a good balance of humor and drama. and the story and choices of part 2 were just much more grand and well done.


I'd say the only thing the previous games do better is that, yeah, they feel a bit more fleshed out, even if that more fleshed out content is of a lower quality than the somewhat less fleshed out Second Son content. But in regards to that... you have to take into consideration that inFamous 1 was released over 2,5 years after PS3's launch while Second Son is a launch era-ish title. Near launch titles are pretty much always a bit rushed and/or light on content, especially in comparison to some late-gen predecessors that benefit from years of experience & work on a single platform.

Other than that? Most importantly, the gameplay is vastly superior in Second Son. It's just so fluid & fun. Sure, 1 power in Second Son might not quite compare to all the options you had with electricity, but when combined all the different powers have things differentiating them from each other in movement AND combat abilities, which makes using them feel somewhat different. Sure, there are grenades in more than one power, but they are used completely differently. Smoke power's grenades suffocate enemies so that you can go in for melee kills or KOs while Neon power's grenades are meant to give you better opportunities for sniping action. That changes the dynamic of the battles enough so that one grenade doesn't really feel like the other in context of all the battles.

In addition to that, the acting is way better, the dialogue flows much better and the characters themselves are better in many ways, even if they end up being a bit underutilized & -developed. I'd actually want to have Fetch & Eugene in future games, while I have had enough of most of inFamous 1 & 2's characters in the previous games. I don't really need to see more of Kuo or Nix, but I wouldn't mind if Eugene and/or Fetch were in Second Son 2, if Sucker Punch decides to continue the franchise.

All-in-all, inFamous Second Son is way more fun to play and its characters are more enjoyable to follow, but the only problem is that some of it isn't as well fleshed out as in the previous games. Still, I'd probably rather return to Second Son than 1 or 2 any day of the week, it's just that much more fun to play.
All I gotta say is launch window game. People have expectations that are frankly ridiculous at this stage.

As said above the gameplay is seriously way more fluid than any of the other titles. The backlash here is so funny. Of course the world feels a little dead. I doubt they had much time to tinker with a lot of that stuff for their first game on PS4. Nor did they have the budget or manpower of a GTA.

I don't think anyone is claiming the game is 10/10. It isn't. They can improve on a lot of things and I am sure they will.

In fact above post nailed it right on the money: acting is miles better in ISS. They moved firmly a couple feet forward with this release. All they need to get right is content and world building and they are good to go in my book. As long as the script stays intelligent and focused that is. Some people's children I tell ya man. If people here think they can do better they should. For a launch window game it's tops in my book. Plenty of things to do for me on the first expert/good playthrough. My second one will be evil and easy and fast. That is pretty much all I demanded from a lunch game like this one.

And damn at them rosy colored glasses people are wearing with Infamous 1 lol. Geezuz.
I think they could have done more with the city. Just copying a real life city and making slight changes is a bit boring. I like that they made their own city in Infamous 1.


Agreed completely on Second Son's shortcomings though I was never an inFamous fan to begin with. I thought the first was okay and never finished the second.

Some Nobody

Junior Member
I can't agree, because I never wanted to play Infamous 1 or 2. Delsin had more personality and Seattle was more visually appealing, so I bought Second Son. It's not perfect, but it's a good game. Everyone who said it lacks stuff to do because it's a launch game and that's it's primary/only problem are all absolutely right.


I would not call Second Son a massive disappointment. This is a launch window game after all, so my expectations were not that high. I am a little bit disappointed that the hero/infamous paths are so similar after they did quite a good job with this in infamous 2. Otherwise I am quite happy with the game.


I think they could have done more with the city. Just copying a real life city and making slight changes is a bit boring. I like that they made their own city in Infamous 1.

They didn't even copy the city. They put in a couple landmarks and that's it. I wish they would have done something like GTA 4 where they got the layout of the city correct. I am from Seattle and the whole city is wrong except for the Space Needle.


I loved them all

My only complaint about SS that it was too short. But I expect that is because it in a new generation and those games tend to be shorter in the beginning.

I didn't like how he got all his powers in one mission. I liked it how he got a new power every few missions like in the other 2 games.

They could have extended the Fetch and Eugene parts and unlock each of the powers as thanks for helping them.
It was a decent, fun game but clearly rushed out in terms of content to the other ones to get something out on PS4 and fill in a bare year for the new console. Of it had more time in the oven I'm sure it would have had more content and atmosphere.


Even though I did enjoy the game, the OP makes valid complaints. One of the biggest and best additions in this game was the traversal. The fact it builds on that each time you get a new power (minus concrete) was a nice touch. The combat felt a lot tighter but it could of done with more variety. Graphically and style wise I really like ISS.

The Karma system as a whole needs an overhaul, make it more defining, if I'm evil make the choices evil and have it change and effect the city. Not just in people throwing rocks at you but buildings being destroyed, the citizens raiding gun stores to try and take me down - I want to feel evil, not just the killer of street musicians. Ironically the evil ending is the better out of the 2.

Also if the powers were more unique, ones a close bruiser type, another a ranged expert etc. We don't need every power to just be pew pew.

Side missions need to be more varied too, considering the improvements to traversal they should of had side missions with races around traversal mechanics - totally missed opportunity.
I bought it at full price and still regret it. I can't stand how shallow, boring and repetitive the game is. At least is damn pretty if you ignore the TAA on particles and the god awful draw distance on shadows.


I think it's probably the most compelling of the lot, certainly the best one I've personally played. It just felt more polished, with better characters, a more atmospheric world, better implemented powers, traversal, and better production values.

Only thing it really lacked for me was better side missions, and more of them. Game was a bit short overall too. But I'm hoping this was simply because they invested much time creating the new engine. The next game in the franchise should be a corker.

Oh and technically, overall it is the most impressive video game I've ever played, on any platform.


InFamous 2 had more mission variety, more side content, and while Second Son's powers were cool, I felt like traversal was better in InFamous 2. You basically just point in a direction and fly or run in Second Son, but gliding, grinding, and ice launching in InFamous 2 was a lot more satisfying.

Also, mixing and matching powers was better than using one set at a time.


But gameplay was great which is the most important part for infamous games.

I was definitely disappointed but not enough to regret being hyped for it or anything.

It was honestly the best that could have been expected out of an early next gen game in retrospect.

Edit: infamous 2 is definitely the best in the series


The most disappointing part of second son was that the good and evil paths werent more different.
Contradictory much? You downplay someone else's opinion without playing the game..

And he's being hyperbolic by saying the game hurt the entire franchise. It's not like it received astoundingly bad reviews.

And when I say I haven't played the game, I mean I haven't completed it. I've only played about an hour and obviously that is not enough time to create an opinion on the game, but I highly doubt it "hurt the franchise"


SS was not my favorite Infamous (2nd one is) but I had a lot of fun with it. As someone who has completionaphobia with games, I had no issue playing through twice for the Platinum (my 3rd...the others are Infamous 2 and Far Cry 3)


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion

Having a bunch of powers was pointless because even with 4 powers you had less options then you did in infamous 1 with just electricity. Changing powers you really just changed the colour of your projectiles and got 1 new traversal ability. No power felt as good or had as much options as Cole did.

The story was also kind of lame and didn't really escalate or get super exciting the way Infamous 1 or 2 did. Also Infamous 1's ending was amazing and they will never, EVER top it.

You are also always fighting the same enemies over and over the entire game and different islands dont look different enough. Infamous 1 and 2 did that better as well. You start off fighting dudes but by the end you are fighting giant trash monsters. In SS you are always fighting dudes.

It was still a fun game but definitely the worst of the 3.

I don't agree on powers, especially the third power. The L1 changed how I played completely.


Just beat it over the weekend & felt really underwhelmed by the entire game. Not saying it is a bad game, but I'm glad I rented it. All the missions felt like they followed the same 'rinse and repeat' formula. There was little variation in side-missions and attacking the DUP mobile stations all felt the same.

I'll buy a copy used for cheap so I can play it on Expert and evil to get the Plat trophy. Visually it was outstanding and it played well. I think after playing inFamous 1/2/ and the PSN game, I'm just worn on the series, at least to a point.


It was the super boring gameplay that made me quit and sell the game after only a few hours.

Please stop with the 'checklists' developers, it makes every game a chore very fast.


Don't hate on Seattle itself. Seattle in real life is way cooler than the Seattle in Second Son. Second Son Seattle fails at really capturing the feel of Seattle- it's a very neutered version. Especially if you look at Seattle Center and Downtown in real life compared to Second Son. Their Seattle is the most disappointing aspect of the game for me.

I was somewhat disappointed in the lack of side mission variety, and at how short the story seemed, with limited character development. The story just seemed fairly inconsequential- there weren't any real twists or surprises. Like they'd hint at stuff, and made it seem like Augustine had big plans, but they never reveal anything. I feel like it gets a bit of a pass because it is an origin story, and the stakes are not as high as they were in rhe first two games.

Lack of enemy variety was also a let down. Both games had enemies with multiple power types, and the second game had giant enemies. All this had was basically concrete soldiers.

It was still a very enjoyable game though- I'd put it above 1 for sure, and say it is just below two. I feel like it does powers better than both of them. Not really disappointed considering how much I enjoy it.

I think it could have used more time. If it wasn't a launch window title I feel like it would have been better.

The ARG side mission is a really interesting idea, and it is one of the best things about the game. Hopefully the DLC expands upon the story more. There's a lot of potential there, considering Deslin can absorb multiple powers. He could become a second beast essentially, except even scarier.


The game was just very dull to me. I never played the previous games so I went in with a fresh mindset. The traversal had no limits really so it felt completely meaningless. The side missions were a joke and I honestly don't see what the upsides were for the game to be "open-world", when the world is dead and boring to explore.

The story was just bizarre and the moral system one of the goofiest I've witnessed.

The game looked amazing and that's the only redeeming factor of SS really.
I agree completely with you OP about the side missions, world building, and over-all amount of content in the game. The game looks great visually but there's way too little content in the game, and of what content is there a lot of it is really dull. It's a very short game, I 100%'d my first playthrough in about 9-10 hours, then did a second evil story-only playthrough in about 4 hours. The last thing I want is an overly padded out game but...this one left me with a huge "that's it?" feeling. And, hell, even in that tiny playtime most of the side missions managed to feel like padding anyway.

I did like the characters though, so I don't agree with you there.

But, yeah, Infamous: Second Son is the most disappointing game of 2014 for me so far. Keep in mind most disappointing =/= worst. I really liked the first two games and this one really let me down, it feels like it needed a lot more time in the oven to create an actual interesting game around the systems/powers that are present.
It was my first Infamous game, but I really enjoyed it. It was a well paced game that wasn't padded to hell with filler like most open world games. I liked the characters and their relationship dynamics, and while the plot was pretty straight forward, I actually liked that it wasn't dependent on a bunch of over the top twists.

I left the game satisfied but wanting more, which is exactly what I want. I much prefer that to getting burned out with never-ending open world bullshit. I wish more games in the genre were paced like Infamous SS.


I didn't like 1 and 2, I wanted to punch the characters in the face.
SS on the other hand was a great experience.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
I think all your criticisms are totally valid, esepcially about the tone Nate Fox was setting.. However, I personally found SS the most fun because as you said, the core gameplay is a heavy improvement on the previous two. Personally, I never found infamous 1 or 2 to be particularly engaging in terms of characters or story, so for me, Second son is the best of the three. Great OP, nicely written.
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