Guys, guys. We need to come together and talk.
This right here. The GOP shit's on dems, and literally the president himself. Dems take it and figure justice will rule the day. The GOP is fixing the justice to be all in their favor.
Dems have nothing but a population of liberals who worry more about traffic being blocked than taking a stand against injustice. Have to hear out the other side, and compromise you know? The other side is against human civility and rights. There isn't a compromise here. It's universally wrong. These people are anti science ff, and facts.
So. Yep. Keep waiting for the GOP to give fair shots to folks, with your manilla envelope of facts. They don't care and are hijacking democracy. They did it already with the gerrymandering shit. They've literally tried all ways possible, and illegal. To suppress votes.
Fascism doesn't need a opportunity to share it's side. History knows what happens, and we can witness it right now.