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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|

Thanks for the article.

I grew up in the area but things were different in my time. I do remember my junior year being crazy with the whole 0 period thing, swimming, water polo, and 2 AP classes, on top of school clubs, SATs, etc.

I used to worry about my younger sister as it always looked to me like she had to deal with a lot more than I ever did. I think she had to grow up in my shadow in addition to dealing with the new culture of elevated expectations that started to spring up a few years ago. Thankfully, it seems like my parents mellowed out in their old age, so I'm sure that helped out.
Thanks for the article.

I grew up in the area but things were different in my time. I do remember my junior year being crazy with the whole 0 period thing, swimming, water polo, and 2 AP classes, on top of school clubs, SATs, etc.

I used to worry about my younger sister as it always looked to me like she had to deal with a lot more than I ever did. I think she had to grow up in my shadow in addition to dealing with the new culture of elevated expectations that started to spring up a few years ago. Thankfully, it seems like my parents mellowed out in their old age, so I'm sure that helped out.

I'm scared to think of the pressure my future kids will face. I remember when I was in HS, I didn't have to do half the shit that I see kids these days doing (volunteering in college lab to do research in hopes of publishing? as a HS kid? crazy).
Man... That's just sad. If I ever have kids, one thing that I will always tell them would be to do what makes you happy education-wise. Pressure but not too much so that they will have breathing room and to feel human and not like a robot just constantly worrying about homework, studies, extracurricular activities, etc.

It's good that kids should be doing the best they can to get into college or where ever they want to go but they shouldn't sacrifice their humanity for it. It's good that some schools are preparing their students for a bright future but just don't shove it down their throats and tell them they need it. A part of growing up is learning what makes you happy, sad, mad, jealous, etc.

Let them be kids for a while. Let them have their fun. It's all about balance.


I feel like most of us, in this thread, don't fall into this group (lol)... but this article is absolutely heart-breaking and terrifyingly familiar, so I wanted to share it with y'all anyway. I encourage it to be read in its entirety.


Always a bunch of hotline signs posted around that area.

Sad when I pass by there.

I know how these students feel.

When families get together, kids become a report card game by comparing their traits with hobbies/goals/achievements. Each relative goes round robin 1-upping his/her child is better than other children. Family. Ha.

When I look at myself now, I certainly feel like a failure as everyone around me is a success. Sometimes I feel like I'm just waiting for the inevitable.
Meanwhile, I'm working as hard as I can to get my kid into a good school district. There's this preschool at Caltech that had a three-friggin-year waitlist!

At the same time, though, I look at almost anyone I went to high school with, and almost everyone is successful. I think that's due to the stiff academic competition.
At the same time, though, I look at almost anyone I went to high school with, and almost everyone is successful. I think that's due to the stiff academic competition.

Geez...tell me about it. I swear it seems like everyone in my HS graduating class works for Google now. Even those that were complete knuckle heads in HS.


Geez...tell me about it. I swear it seems like everyone in my HS graduating class works for Google now. Even those that were complete knuckle heads in HS.

One HS classmate works at Google. Don't know what specifically. My guess is Android since he majored in CS at Stanford, and Stanford is part of the Google family. That could be all wrong since Google has a huge cloud sector.

Another who was a college acquaintance worked at Pixar and then Google.
Hmm, when I think about my high school friends, we didn't turn out to be millionaires despite us being the "nerds" of our graduating class. Most of us just have bachelor's.
Always a bunch of hotline signs posted around that area.

Sad when I pass by there.

I know how these students feel.

When families get together, kids become a report card game by comparing their traits with hobbies/goals/achievements. Each relative goes round robin 1-upping his/her child is better than other children. Family. Ha.

When I look at myself now, I certainly feel like a failure as everyone around me is a success. Sometimes I feel like I'm just waiting for the inevitable.
I luckily only had that in elementary school and middle school. I always had the highest or second highest grades in math and my dad would always push me to compete and "beat" this other kid. The other kid was nice and I didn't care whether I beat him or not. I really hated that at school but eventually he disappeared so high school was better. Can definitely sympathize though, and is so gross since at that age you don't even understand why people are acting that way and it's just upsetting.
I wasn't pushed as much; my parents didn't try to force me to do a whole lot in school.

In lighter news, it was my mom's birthday (or close to it; she follows lunar calendar for it so I have no idea when it actually is)

This was dinner:

There are 5 of us.
I wasn't pushed as much; my parents didn't try to force me to do a whole lot in school.

In lighter news, it was my mom's birthday (or close to it; she follows lunar calendar for it so I have no idea when it actually is)

This was dinner:

There are 5 of us.

Lol so much food. Although the picture my friend sent me the other day was just as much food but there was only 3 of them.
I wasn't pushed as much; my parents didn't try to force me to do a whole lot in school.

In lighter news, it was my mom's birthday (or close to it; she follows lunar calendar for it so I have no idea when it actually is)

This was dinner:

There are 5 of us.
Missing the obligatory mountain of crab legs.


Geez...tell me about it. I swear it seems like everyone in my HS graduating class works for Google now. Even those that were complete knuckle heads in HS.

Most of my single friends travel and the most of the ones in relationships are the ones who do career-related stuff as long as they're in a relationship. The world kinda stops when they become single.


I luckily only had that in elementary school and middle school. I always had the highest or second highest grades in math and my dad would always push me to compete and "beat" this other kid. The other kid was nice and I didn't care whether I beat him or not. I really hated that at school but eventually he disappeared so high school was better. Can definitely sympathize though, and is so gross since at that age you don't even understand why people are acting that way and it's just upsetting.

Family still acts this way, so I'm not close to anyone in particular. No one outside of the circle really helps each other out, which is sad.

I'm not close to any of my cousins.

Do any of you experience the same thing or do you have things like family gatherings and these people show up?


First time going to Vegas and being able to drink and gamble.

Gonna be a long ass drive, but nothing that I'm not used to.
First time going to Vegas and being able to drink and gamble.

Gonna be a long ass drive, but nothing that I'm not used to.
It's way better after you're 21. WAY better.

Also, some places will actually give you some beer if you just order, "a beer," like they do in the movies. You'll feel like a movie star
drinking some shitty, unknown light beer


It's way better after you're 21. WAY better.

Also, some places will actually give you some beer if you just order, "a beer," like they do in the movies. You'll feel like a movie star
drinking some shitty, unknown light beer
I'm picky about my alcohol. I'll spend most of time alternating between my laptop and slot machines.

I'll probably continue learning to code in C# for unity.


Behold the next evolution of this thread... Mukbang

Meh. We stopped doing family gathering because of drama. My parents try to protect me by isolating me from most of it. As a result I'm not super close to my cousins, but for the most part I don't mind.

I am all for watching video of AsianGAFfers making and eating food.

Time to get the best $30 Italian meal and stream me eating it
Got the oral final part of this semester of Chinese done. It was a dialog with your partner up in front of the classes while being video taped. It was so stressful but I think we did good, I didn't notice any mistakes and my group was the only one that didn't use flash cards during the dialog.
Family still acts this way, so I'm not close to anyone in particular. No one outside of the circle really helps each other out, which is sad.

I'm not close to any of my cousins.

Do any of you experience the same thing or do you have things like family gatherings and these people show up?

We used to but eventually the small group of us was so miserable that it's just my mom and my brothers and the rest we kind of just stopped talking to. So I sort of have a really small family now.
We used to but eventually the small group of us was so miserable that it's just my mom and my brothers and the rest we kind of just stopped talking to. So I sort of have a really small family now.

Complete opposite for me. My family is getting smaller cause everyone is getting older and married and their own shit but we still pretty fucking big. I have at least 15ish cousins? I'm pretty close to like 10 (yea I know that's a lot) of them. Like 10-12 uncles/aunts and uncles/aunts that aren't actual uncles/aunts but just family friends. And they all have kids who have kids... yea it's a shitshow when we get together.

I just set up a group chat with all the cousins so we keep in contact pretty often.
I have a small family compared to other hmong people in my area but we have alot of friends.

Gatherings are still a thing for many other hmong people. They do a "Vang Picnic or Lee Picnic" where all the Lee's, Vang's, and etc. all gather to eat and drink. My family don't do that. The closest things would be thanksgiving and having a close relative coming to visit their kids.
Family still acts this way, so I'm not close to anyone in particular. No one outside of the circle really helps each other out, which is sad.

I'm not close to any of my cousins.

Do any of you experience the same thing or do you have things like family gatherings and these people show up?

Meh. We stopped doing family gathering because of drama. My parents try to protect me by isolating me from most of it. As a result I'm not super close to my cousins, but for the most part I don't mind.


Extended family relationship went to shit when my grandparents from both sides past away. Seeing aunts and uncles squabble over inheritance money was so ugly to the point where my mother literally said to my sister and I "we're donating everything to charity if you two ever decide to argue over money (My parents basically just excused themselves from everything because of how cutthroat it got). Also I didn't realize how much my aunts and uncles from both sides resented my parents for moving to the US (we don't have any extended family in the US).

Time to get the best $30 Italian meal and stream me eating it

I'd tune in for that...


I said awhile back I'd post a review of Jay Chou's (周杰伦) current tour if anyone is interested. It's been like a month now so I forgot most of what happened, but here's some photos and quick review anyway. Keep in mind I've never been to a stadium style concert in Asia before and I had not really heard Jay Chou songs before attending his show. This concert was in Suzhou, Jiangsu.

First, this concert was one of the most disorganized things I've seen in China in the past few years, and that's saying a lot. To enter the outside area of the stadium you had to cross these narrow footpaths that were blocked by barriers so only one person could get through at a time. There were at most 8 of these entrances/exits around the stadium, and they only opened them about 1.5 hours before the show so 15,000 people trying to cram through these narrow paths was mental, but whatever. Also there was a serious lack of toilets, felt quite bad for the girls there tbh. There were some other issues too but they are pretty typical of China so .. no need to list them.

Everybody got in and took their seats. No opening act. I guess that's normal out here. Everyone in the crowd had pink light up tubes and pink ears and pink pink pink! Jay's favorite color according to the girl I was with.

He started with a super high energy song with shitloads of dancers and people coming up out of the stage and disappearing back under and fireworks and shit going crazy. Everybody was amped, but you would never really be able to tell just by looking. Everyone remained seated and shook their pink lights.

After that he did a medley of a million different songs each for about a minute. He's been around forever so I guess he has lots of hits he has to get through to please each fan in attendance. He also had a girl sing a bunch of duets with him, they were pretty good together. The costumes were cool too, they did some cowboy western kind of thing, some school girl/boy stuff, some futuristic robot shit, some ancient egypt bboy breakdance stuff... It was all pretty entertaining even for someone that doesn't know anything about Jay Chou.

The background screen also had some badass CG that looked like Dreamcast era videogame graphics. And mostly it didn't seem to have anything to do with what he was singing about or what was going on onstage. It was amusing.

My favorite part was the intermissions though. He had a mime/breakdancer/comedian thing... the dude did various skits. One was like "Il Pagliaci".. the sad clown... one involved him changing his clothes in shorter and shorter time periods til he ended up half naked. The one before the egyptian breakdancers had him playing a kind of Indiana Jones mime character.

In general, the stadium concert experience is a lot different in China than in the USA. People are generally quiet and just sit there. They screamed a few times and a few super popular songs had the whole arena singing, but for the most part people sat and waved their lights and listened intently.

Exiting the stadium was even worse than entering. All the people now had to leave at the same time via those same tiny channels we entered. To make matters worse, vendors strategically placed Jay Chou merchandise in the footpaths as they tried to make a quick buck off the fans before they came down from their Jay Chou euphoria. We thought we'd never get out.

I'm sure if anyone is a fan of Jay Chou here and has a chance to catch him on his world tour or in the future that you'll love it. Even if you aren't a fan you can probably find something to like about it. Sorry for the shitty review, I wish I would have wrote something the next day or two.

Here's some photos of the concert just taken with my point and shoot camera, so nothing special.. plus a few more from the next day in Suzhou if anyone is interested.

Jay Chou Concert by Eric, on Flickr

Jay Chou Concert by Eric, on Flickr

Suzhou, Jiangsu, China by Eric, on Flickr

Suzhou, Jiangsu, China by Eric, on Flickr

Suzhou, Jiangsu, China by Eric, on Flickr

Suzhou, Jiangsu, China by Eric, on Flickr


^ Ooh your pictures are always amazing.

I never been to Jay Chou concert but I hope you really enjoyed it!


hah thanks yeah I had a good time! I always have fun though.

Feel free to follow me on Instagram :p @ericvernon ... got a big photography project planned for the new year. If nothing changes anyway, and if I don't run into any snagsin the meantime. China likes to deliver curveballs though. I was gonna start the project in October but...shit happens.
Nice pictures vern! It's been a minute since I last heard of Jay Chou. Used to listen to him in my middle school years lol.

Loooooord..... That controversy with Laura Bailey playing Nadine. That's all I'm saying on it, Loooooord.


So I lost a lot of money and then won it all back + about $10. Basically I paid for my lunch and got more gambling experience and now I'm going to leave tomorrow with the exact same amount that I got here with. By Vegas standards that's a success.
So I lost a lot of money and then won it all back + about $10. Basically I paid for my lunch and got more gambling experience and now I'm going to leave tomorrow with the exact same amount that I got here with. By Vegas standards that's a success.

Not bad, most people I know who went lost money and didn't get any money back lol.

How was it? Did you enjoy it?


I said awhile back I'd post a review of Jay Chou's (周杰伦) current tour if anyone is interested.

Current tour? Like he as a new tour going? :0

I went to both (all) of his concerts that he's done in Sydney. They were both awesome!

Last time, he came back on for an encore about 10 minutes after the credits and stuff started rolled and a lot of people were on their way out or had already gone. There was a mad rush of people coming back in LOL.

If he's got another one I haven't heard about a Sydney leg this time.


Current tour? Like he as a new tour going? :0

I went to both (all) of his concerts that he's done in Sydney. They were both awesome!

Last time, he came back on for an encore about 10 minutes after the credits and stuff started rolled and a lot of people were on their way out or had already gone. There was a mad rush of people coming back in LOL.

If he's got another one I haven't heard about a Sydney leg this time.

I guess it's still going ..I don't know! Saw him mid November as part of whatever world tour he was on then. Maybe that was the end of it? Or maybe no Australian dates. I was just in Sydney by the way... Jealous of you. I wanna move back there someday. It had been 5 years since I was last in Australia. Far too long. And my cowboys just won the nrl grand final? Lol


Not bad, most people I know who went lost money and didn't get any money back lol.

How was it? Did you enjoy it?

Yeah it was pretty great. At the very least it was a good learning experience. Kinda woke up feeling like shit, but that's what waking up at 7 in the morning in Vegas is supposed to feel like, right? When i wasnt out i was in the hotel room playing WoW, heh. I'm headed back to Socal now.

Would've killed to go to another Blue Man Group show
Loooooord..... That controversy with Laura Bailey playing Nadine. That's all I'm saying on it, Loooooord.
Without hopping down that rabbit hole... yeah. I'm of the opinion that it, like too much of video game controversy, it just so fn much over nothing.

Anyways, cold weather means ramen weather! Had a warm bowl for dinner tonight. ^-^


lol, every Iron Fist thread does turn into the "who should be cast as Iron Fist" debate, doesn't it?
I don't read comics so is it any more to it than people wondering if there should be different representation for the role and everyone else just screams RACIAL PURITY on the basis of "canon"?


FGC Waterboy
Why can't he be hispanic?

I actually think as for the story; being hispanic, black, or white makes a ton of sense. The general Iron Fist character story is that he's a native of the US who ends up living in an Asian world for some time, then comes back and finds himself a fish out of water in his native land. The difference between culture and race is kind of what makes the character the character - and hispanics have been sort of screwed when it comes to MCU. :D

Though one of the main traits of the character is that he has super white guilt issues, since he grew up the son of a billionaire, etc etc, his core character motivation is trying to make up for his privilege. So there is that.

I don't read comics so is it any more to it than people wondering if there should be different representation for the role and everyone else just screams RACIAL PURITY on the basis of "canon"?

Lot of people think that he should be Asian American specifically; I don't particularly care. Marvel TV (and ABC itself) does a pretty insanely good job of representation. It really bugs the crap out of me that modern representation basically is an extension of identity politics and is only assumed to go skin deep. There are black women that I relate to way the hell better than Indian males.

I also don't like the entire concept of "well my power fantasy is more morally / progressively appropriate than yours". That smacks of hypocrisy.

Marvel TV has been pretty damn on point when it comes to being diverse and grabbing the right actor / actress for the role. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt rather than racial politicking away.

There's also a very good chance that Asians are going to overrepresent in Hollywood within the next five years due to Asia being a bigger market for Hollywood movies than Europe + US. (Hollywood movies make more money in Asia than they do in the US + Europe for the first time ever in 2015).

Is most of Asian-Gaf from the west coast?

I think a good chunk of us are. I'm from the Midwest originally, fwiw.
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