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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|


Don't y'all freak out if y'all receive like, an inch of snow? Lmao

The problem is that it happens so rarely that the local governments don't have the infrastructure to clear up all the roads, and people don't have the proper equipment nor experience to drive on ice.

We do get below freezing every year, but it usually stays dry.
The problem is that it happens so rarely that the local governments don't have the infrastructure to clear up all the roads, and people don't have the proper equipment nor experience to drive on ice.

We do get below freezing every year, but it usually stays dry.

Nah, I'm just screwing around :p
So uh.... I've noticed that there are some posters that come in here and say something about Asians and barely reply afterwords. That seems to happen alot doesn't it?
Tonights dinner,

Holy fuck. This last page has been so hard on me. I've eaten shitty take out (Burger King and Carls) every single day for the past two weeks due to school... and all I want is a good meal :/

This looks so good. I'm so jealous.

Would'nt mind a Western Cheeseburger with Criscut fries. One of my favs. We only have one Carls Jr. on the island.

Forgot to post my lunch today, local food is okay to post right since it's asian influenced ?

Mochiko Chicken, Mahimahi, and Teri Beef.

I'm also laughing my ass off at people that are implying that other minority groups have protested for Asian rights in the past more than we have for others. Did I miss the Black Caucus voting against internment or something? What about the Chinese Exclusion Act? Were there only protests from minorities at that time, or was it pretty uniformly treated?

It's not like there aren't any Asian American activists now that protest for BLM and other movements. Shit, my facebook is 95% Asian American and during Ferguson, and even now, there were tons of supporters speaking out and talking.

There ARE Asian Americans that bring this up. There's no united Asian American voice yet, and if you wanna dismiss that or think it's stupid, then you'll never fucking see what Asian Americans do or say because you are blind to the individual efforts and yet broadly accuse "Asian Americans" of not supporting other minorities, despite the fact that we do. There's 5% of us, for fuck's sake. Sometimes there's only five of us for every hundred people, so it can be hard to see.

If you want to generalize all Asian Americans as apathetic to the plight of other minorities, that's your call. I don't really care, I'll keep on supporting what I do regardless of what y'all say. But, you can not do that and then, at the same time, reject the need for one panAsian American movement... because you've already put all of us together in one group.

& yeah, I'd still like to see a panAsian voice first, but it's not going to form around some other minority's problems. That just not how it works. People are selfish and form THEIR groups first. The Black Panthers didn't get together because the Native Americans were being persecuted. It's gotta happen with an Asian issue first.

IMHO first South Asians and East Asians and Southeast Asians have to work together (though I suspect that any panAsian group would fracture this into two groups) to form a more-or-less united front (or at least a group with enough "power" to have any influence), before we can even think of putting our voices together in a meaningful way.

*edit: it's worth addressing WHY there's a lack of Asian activists. First of all, you can rule out old people and new immigrants.

Of the young kids remaining, why don't they speak out? Some are very privileged, and like other privileged folk that live in a bubble, don't see what is going on.

Others have been raised to not stick out. The nail that sticks out gets hammered back in. The chicken that sticks its head out gets it chopped off.

Still others may be racist. There might be some that don't want to be grouped in with other minorities, that want to Uncle Chan that tomfoolery up and lick the white man's boot and be "one of the good ones." There are some that straight up dislike other races.

Any, all, some, etc of these are factors that might influence the numbers (I don't even know what they are, but a poll/study would be nice on the % of activism done by ethnic group and race). There might be more factors.

The solution is not to say, suck it up y'all "should" be acting like "this way" because I said so.

Don't disregard circumstance and societal influences so easily. It may very well be turned on you, in the form of "well why can't <x minority> just get their shit together like <y minority>." Getting your shit together can be anything you want it to be. Protests. Activism. Academic achievement. Etc.



So uh.... I've noticed that there are some posters that come in here and say something about Asians and barely reply afterwords. That seems to happen alot doesn't it?
It happens in every community thread. I don't say much in these threads because lunch and dinner discussions don't interest me very much and the other topics that typically get discussed aren't anything I care much about.


FGC Waterboy
It happens in every community thread. I don't say much in these threads because lunch and dinner discussions don't interest me very much and the other topics that typically get discussed aren't anything I care much about.

Eh; I'm vegetarian so Asian Food GAF isn't AS useful to me. :D

As for people who rarely post, either they just like to read more than they like, or there are the occasional shit-posters who go away once they are ignored (or, if it gets really annoying, we poke a mod).

As always, one is welcome to bring up pretty much anything as long as there's genuine intent for discussion involved / no shit posting. Go figure, asians aren't a monolith. :D
Eh; I'm vegetarian so Asian Food GAF isn't AS useful to me. :D

As for people who rarely post, either they just like to read more than they like, or there are the occasional shit-posters who go away once they are ignored (or, if it gets really annoying, we poke a mod).

As always, one is welcome to bring up pretty much anything as long as there's genuine intent for discussion involved / no shit posting. Go figure, asians aren't a monolith. :D

you mean we aren't one giant hivemind???


I rarely post and mostly lurk threads.

I don't take pics of food cuz I'm lazy, so I don't have anything to contribute. lol

Edit: Actually I just checked my post count for this thread and.. I made quite a lot of posts. haha
I think if i was still in college i would chime in on all the politics debate and race issues. But now I just look at that and is like man i don't have the energy for this shit.

Just let me see your food pictures!

..... yea


I rarely discuss race or politics on GAF because it's a massive waste of time. I also limit my browsing in a fashion that doesn't expose me to dumb shit.
I rarely discuss race or politics on GAF because it's a massive waste of time. I also limit my browsing in a fashion that doesn't expose me to dumb shit.

That's exactly how I feel. Like if I see some racism in real life walking down the street there's no doubt I would step in. But if you're asking me to change someone's opinion online, or just see things from a different perspective it's not going to happen no matter how much thought, time, and energy I put into writing a piece. At the end of the day no one is going to give a shit.
That's exactly how I feel. Like if I see some racism in real life walking down the street there's no doubt I would step in. But if you're asking me to change someone's opinion online, or just see things from a different perspective it's not going to happen no matter how much thought, time, and energy I put into writing a piece. At the end of the day no one is going to give a shit.

See.... Even I wouldn't do that since I'm a man of such small stature and most of the time the racist person is way bigger than me. But in the Twin Cities there are alot of gangbangers so many racist folk don't say anything at all since they know we take that shit seriously. Say one thing about the Asians here, almost every Asian will be rushing over to you for an ass whooping.

I do share your thoughts but it really pains me when I skim through a thread based on ethnicity or race issues and somebody just posts something so blatantly racist and ignorant that I have to wonder how and why would they post something that stupid (besides for attention, trolling, or just to get a response out of people). Especially the KKK teacher confession last month. Fuck that confession even if it isn't true.
See.... Even I wouldn't do that since I'm a man of such small stature and most of the time the racist person is way bigger than me. But in the Twin Cities there are alot of gangbangers so many racist folk don't say anything at all since they know we take that shit seriously. Say one thing about the Asians here, almost every Asian will be rushing over to you for an ass whooping.

I do share your thoughts but it really pains me when I skim through a thread based on ethnicity or race issues and somebody just posts something so blatantly racist and ignorant that I have to wonder how and why would they post something that stupid (besides for attention, trolling, or just to get a response out of people). Especially the KKK teacher confession last month. Fuck that confession even if it isn't true.

The way I see it. If that guy was trolling then I would be wasting my time on him, and if he wasn't then what the fuck am I suppose to say to someone who's that fucked up?


Racism's hard to argue out of people. People don't like to admit that they're wrong, and they'll keep doubling down until the end of time.

I'm gonna go watch Doctor Who. Gotta wash out the Kilgrave now that I'm done with Jessica Jones.

Edit: Damn, the feels.


I dunno what to think about that quote. Is it suppose to be commentary on kpop? hah... But yeah I am avoiding that thread.
Finished my written Chinese exam a couple of days ago. I was one of the last three to finish it ; it took me about 2 hours ... I really need to learn to write faster but I did avoid using a dictionary so bonus points! (>^v^<) .

Also damn is it hot; I mean it really shouldn't be almost 80 F in Ohio when it's almost the middle of December.
Finished my written Chinese exam a couple of days ago. I was one of the last three to finish it ; it took me about 2 hours ... I really need to learn to write faster but I did avoid using a dictionary so bonus points! (>^v^<) .

Also damn is it hot; I mean it really shouldn't be almost 80 F in Ohio when it's almost the middle of December.

Cotdamn! The fuck lol

That quote did annoy me too bunny, you're not alone! (uh I have been drinking so....)


Wait, that's not how I read it at all. It was totally the Scooby Doo.

The l/r thing doesn't even make sense in that context.


Yeah SD says it a lot. In a thread about East Asians though...you know that whole l/r stereotype. If a Scooby Doo reference, extremely poor choice.

I never thought of SD as a subtle play against Asian accents, since SD uses Rs for starting almost all his words.

Edit: Oops misread. If it wasn't an SD reference it doesn't make sense at all imo.


Yeah SD says it a lot. In a thread about East Asians though...you know that whole l/r stereotype. If a Scooby Doo reference, extremely poor choice.

I never thought of SD as a subtle play against Asian accents, since SD uses Rs for starting almost all his words.

Edit: Oops misread. If it wasn't an SD reference it doesn't make sense at all imo.

"Luh loh" isn't anything anywhere, either.

Edit: I should read the rest of the thread before commenting.


Hey yo anyone here been to Nepal or is Nepalese? About 90% sure I'll be going in the next few weeks and potentially multiple times throughout 2016 for a musical theater/photography/etc. project...but I literally know nothing about Nepal aside from the earthquake recently.

Advice or info welcome, I've been reading up on it since I got offered the project (literally this morning) but first hand info trumps all. Thanks


Hey yo anyone here been to Nepal or is Nepalese? About 90% sure I'll be going in the next few weeks and potentially multiple times throughout 2016 for a musical theater/photography/etc. project...but I literally know nothing about Nepal aside from the earthquake recently.

Advice or info welcome, I've been reading up on it since I got offered the project (literally this morning) but first hand info trumps all. Thanks

Beware the yeti.
From the side...

Dating white girls is overrated. Especially if you're woke, you're always wondering if they're dating you to "see what it's like" or "rebel." Plus they can't really understand some fundamental parts of how being a minority affects your life.

That said there are definitely guys out there who think it's a status symbol, but they also probably wear tube socks with dress shoes


From the side...

Dating white girls is overrated. Especially if you're woke, you're always wondering if they're dating you to "see what it's like" or "rebel." Plus they can't really understand some fundamental parts of how being a minority affects your life.

That said there are definitely guys out there who think it's a status symbol, but they also probably wear tube socks with dress shoes
What's wrong with dress shoes LOL


I had a really interesting discussion with my parents regarding race/dating.

My dad said something reallllyyy interesting. He said, "I wouldn't care if you dated a good black, Indian, or Mexican/Spanish man. However, for example, a really good black man wouldn't want to date you. He'd date a white girl."

And my mom said it's because they don't like the color of their skin and wish they were white, so they marry white people. Then she said that that's why NBA stars marry white women, and that's why Michael Jackson bleached his skin and got plastic surgery.

I took the opportunity to say, that's society's fault for making them feel like second class citizens due to the color, but I thought it was really interesting. I feel like I've heard this sentiment from Asian dudes too- marrying/dating a white chick is sort of a status symbol? Like, a, look how well-adjusted/American I am?


The Michael Jackson skin thing is a twisted web of surgery and disease and lies.

About what your parents, though. How much experience do they actually have with black people?


Hey yo anyone here been to Nepal or is Nepalese? About 90% sure I'll be going in the next few weeks and potentially multiple times throughout 2016 for a musical theater/photography/etc. project...but I literally know nothing about Nepal aside from the earthquake recently.

Advice or info welcome, I've been reading up on it since I got offered the project (literally this morning) but first hand info trumps all. Thanks

Nepalese culture is unique in that it stands as its own culture, apart from the obvious Indic and Chinese influences next door. Many of the Himalayan cultures -- Mustang, Tibet, etc -- are this way as well.

Expect to see prayer flags everywhere.


Has anyone in here been to Little Tokyo in LA? If so what was your experience there like?

My impression is good for eats and checking Rafu Bussan although I see that location is now closed.

As for eats, Daikokuya (fried rice + noodle combo is my goto) and Yamazaki bakery are worth checking out.

You park near the Aiso parking lot for a decent rate although if you want to use public transportation, use a park and ride the bus to downtown.

On Sunday afternoons, sometimes there are events like old fashioned story telling or some holiday thing going on. Sometimes there are Cosplay events, too. Atmosphere changes according to the seasons. Some people leave messages.


FGC Waterboy
I had a really interesting discussion with my parents regarding race/dating.

My dad said something reallllyyy interesting. He said, "I wouldn't care if you dated a good black, Indian, or Mexican/Spanish man. However, for example, a really good black man wouldn't want to date you. He'd date a white girl."

And my mom said it's because they don't like the color of their skin and wish they were white, so they marry white people. Then she said that that's why NBA stars marry white women, and that's why Michael Jackson bleached his skin and got plastic surgery.

I took the opportunity to say, that's society's fault for making them feel like second class citizens due to the color, but I thought it was really interesting. I feel like I've heard this sentiment from Asian dudes too- marrying/dating a white chick is sort of a status symbol? Like, a, look how well-adjusted/American I am?

Eh, I'm dating a white girl because she's the only one that said yes. ;-) I think most guys aren't picky (or arrogant?) enough to be like "eehhh I'll just wait till I find me a white woman". Most of us ain't that good looking :D

That said, since I grew up in places without many other Indians - it was always assumed that I'd probably end up marrying a white girl? Though the girl I had a crush on in HS was half japanese half caucasian; holy crap she was (and still is) gorgeous. (and smart! she was in all the advanced classes with me!)
I've been there. Is there anything specific you'd like to know?

Not anything specific. I'm asking because there's a writing contest out there that requires the setting to be in Little Tokyo and I don't know a damn thing about it.

My impression is good for eats and checking Rafu Bussan although I see that location is now closed.

As for eats, Daikokuya (fried rice + noodle combo is my goto) and Yamazaki bakery are worth checking out.

You park near the Aiso parking lot for a decent rate although if you want to use public transportation, use a park and ride the bus to downtown.

On Sunday afternoons, sometimes there are events like old fashioned story telling or some holiday thing going on. Sometimes there are Cosplay events, too. Atmosphere changes according to the seasons. Some people leave messages.

Thank you for the information.
Not anything specific. I'm asking because there's a writing contest out there that requires the setting to be in Little Tokyo and I don't know a damn thing about it.
Okay, gotcha. One of the things one of my favorite authors does is he goes to locations he wants to use and then takes tons of pictures. He says it really helps him when he's describing things in his writing.

Are you close enough to be able to do that? I would at least look up some pics on Google, if nothing else.
We talked about that abit before in here about dating white people, more specifically, white girls lol. Some Asians do see it as a status symbol. Probably looking at the dude like, "damn he must got a big ole dick..... Damn, dude must be making a shitload of money...... Damn, dude looks good so that's why he with a white girl!" and probably some other crazy shit haha.

My friends say some stuff like that from time to time as a joke.

Some of the time white girls do just want to scratch us off their list just like some guys do (college types, fratboys, etc. that have a checklist of races/ethnicities they've never banged before or dated before). "I wonder what it's like to be with a Asian guy? Time to scratch that off my list!" Turns out we are sort of just like every other guy you've probably been with before and they leave disappointed haha
I feel like growing up and being from Seattle seeing shit like mix couples is so normal to the point where I don't see what the fuss is about. Like I've been with white chicks not because they were white just because at the time I was feeling them. I've found attractive chicks in just about every single ethnic background by now. And I have plenty of friends who you know are Asian that married outside their race and no one seems to give a fuck even their old grandparents. Maybe it just the culture here I don't know but I feel like bigger issue online then in reality.


I sewed a small stuffed animal version of my friend's dog as a Christmas present. There are needles and felt everywhere. This would have been easier if Build-A-Bear had more options, damn it.
Aside from the black coworker her and there, probably none. Just what they see in the media (celebrities).

Are you close enough to take pictures?

If you can hang on, I'll stop by Little Tokyo and take some photos for you someone next week.

No I'm on the opposite side of the country. You don't have to go out of your way to do it, but I'd appreciate it.
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