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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|


I've always wanted to try hot pot, but my mom doesn't want to (and I'm too poor to foot my own bill). She keeps saying that she doesn't go to restaurants to cook her own food :/
I like shabu shabu a bit more than hot pot, personally, but yes, hot pot is great. I actually hated it, growing up, though, since my family had hot pot for every holiday for a long time, and I never learned that I could just swish and undercook all my food until I tried shabu shabu years later.

I've always wanted to try hot pot, but my mom doesn't want to (and I'm too poor to foot my own bill). She keeps saying that she doesn't go to restaurants to cook her own food :/
There are some places that have it all pre-cooked for you. Boiling Point is very popular, and Uniboil is another one that's like that.

They're not my cup o' tea, but they seem to be doing quite well for themselves.


I can't stand hot pot. Boiling meat is about the most boring possible way to cook it. No wonder everyone consumes so much sauce.

Do tabletop yakiniku if you want to reproduce the same family-style cook-as-you-eat experience with 1000x better results.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Just curious did you grow up without sisters, female cousins, and aunts?

What you say is probably true is some cases, but I think the 'innocent looking and sweet sounding' aspect is partly projection sometimes. It might not always be deliberate or a facade. I know that my mother would struggle to ever sound angry in English even when she wants to. When my gf gets angry at me, she would always switch back to her native tongue. And I personally feel slightly different when I am using different languages; English just can't express certain things in the same way and languages like Korean and Cantonese always sound more blunt.

Like the others said, you get these kind of people in every group, so I would stay away from stereotyping.

Different languages have different inflections. As for the shit talking behind people's back, well that's universal.

I don't have sisters but I do have female cousins and aunts. I am a woman myself but have an elder brother so yeah, maybe I grew up in a less "feminine" environment ? My experience as an immigrant has been that yes, indeed language barrier is an obstacle. It will make you talk slower or stutter or whatever just because you are less familiar with the language. I have been through that myself and know the challenge. I have also grew up with many friends and families who also went through the same challenges. Many of them, in my observation, don't talk extra sweet and act extra innocent when speaking in English. They act like themselves still both in their native tongues and English. Yes there are some slight changes in the way they act due to the language barrier, but those are minimal in my mind. Then, there are some who will speak in a slightly higher voice tone with some additional changes in their behaviour who always sound like they're the victim of something. For example, years ago, there was a Taiwanese girl whom I worked with before. I was her supervisor on the team and it was part of my job to train her and whatnot. I have trained a number of people before her with no problem as I'm generally quite patient with junior employees. Anyways, turns out, she's more comfortable speaking to me in Chinese even though her English is fine. I didn't mind as I like practicing Chinese if I can. Throughout the months of trainings and supervising I did with her, she turned out to be a real trouble maker as she would come to work half hungover every day because she goes out drinking every night. I neglected to report this to my own supervisor because this might cost her her job and I honestly wanted to bring her back to the right path myself. I wanted to be a good supervisor and didn't want to have a failure on my hand. So of course I told her that she needs to straighten up and not cause problem. While I didn't care if she goes out drinking every night, it did effect her abilities to learn and perform at work and that makes me look bad as my supervisor wonder why one of my team member is performing below average. Well, after getting more stern with her as I was starting to lose patience with her, she went to cry to my own supervisor to basically make me sound like I'm a super mean person. Now, like I said, I've trained a number of people prior to her and they've generally all been very successful employees. I am also well respected in the company for my skills and general friendliness. So it was very disturbing for me to notice that my supervisor was starting to believe her tears due to my history of success in my role. Eventually I had to explain to said supervisor about the truth and then it all became clear that she was playing the victim card. She left the company and so on. Of course, I blame myself for not bringing this information up to my supervisor earlier, but here's another example of an "innocent and sweet" Asian girl almost ruining my career there. You have no idea how livid and angry I was because of that situation. She is the one who first made me start thinking that there is a difference between her way of speaking in English and in Chinese. It sound decidedly different not just because it's a different language, but because she can sound nicer and more innocent in English.

Now, obviously backstabbing and whatever can happen with anybody. I think I'm particularly sensitive to the Asian girls aspect of it since I am one and so I interact a lot more with Asian girls in general. I kind of feel very shameful about it too because I feel like every time I see such "fake" girl, it's like a blemish on "my own people" so to speak. I wanted to represent in the best light as possible and I get sad when I see those kind of bad things going on. I obviously do not believe this to be the case with every Asian girls, but each case of it I see really makes me feel very sad. Their "innocent and sweet" vibe makes those unfamiliar with them feel like those girls don't have a single bad bone in them. Yet many of them do and guys keep falling for it... Maybe I'm crazy or projecting, but it's interesting that I'm seeing people here not share the same observation. First of all, I'm curious as to why, and it also makes me question about my own observation. One thing for sure though, I'd love to see more thoughts shared by the posters here about my rant. Again, those are all super anecdotal and all came from my own personal observation. I could indeed be very wrong and judged some fellow Asian girls too harshly and unfairly. Sorry for the long post !
Upon Vern's recommendation, I tested the waters in online dating in China. Within 2 days, I deleted the app and thoroughly turned off by what I saw. Our beauty standards are very different. Many of the girls look creepy and fake. What did they do to their eyes? They look extra glossy for some reason, or abnormally huge. A lot of them try to do this "cute" pout, or what I describe as Chinese duckface. Neither of which are cute. I also might have swiped on some underaged girls. I swiped right begrudgingly mind you. I feel like I was some guy with skyhigh standards, when that's not true.

The worst part is it makes me feel incredibly whitewashed. It really felt like I was dealing with a different culture, when I'm from that culture. There's this high emphasis on girls looking overly cutesy and crap that just doesn't do it for me. If the girls really are underaged, I definitely don't want to go there. I actually had 2 matches. I don't feel one bit compelled to talk to them.

If the current popular look is your thing, more power to you. I feel like an outsider looking in and wondering WTF is going on. I'm not trying to say they're bad people or anything. I'm sure a lot of them are decent people. I feel so conflicted and awful.


I don't want to dismiss your experiences NetMapel, but like everyone said it happens with every ethnicity and nationality. Confirmation bias and all that.

Us Asian women don't need anymore stereotypes. :p


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
I don't want to dismiss your experiences NetMapel, but like everyone said it happens with every ethnicity and nationality. Confirmation bias and all that.

Us Asian women don't need anymore stereotypes. :p

How about that stereotype of Asian girl drivers hahaha ? So sad =_=vvv


The worst part is it makes me feel incredibly whitewashed. It really felt like I was dealing with a different culture, when I'm from that culture.

You might have the same ethnic background, but it's not like Chinese social norms, mores, and etiquette are secretly encoded in our genes. So, yes, you are experiencing culture shock, because it is a different culture.


Who's dissing hot pot??!! Hot pot is amazing. Just depends on the broth (I like it spicy!)

I'm not usually a fan of all-you-can-eat because the quality of the food usually isn't good, but for some reason I do not have that problem with hot pot. Those lamb slices are soooo goooood.

Over here it's about 30cdn per person.


Sorry for the long post !

If it means anything, my relatively old-school Asian mom is similarly very distrustful of Asian girls (and that distrust extends to a lesser degree to pretty girls in general, but I digress). In addition to a history of having a couple of her brothers "trapped" into marriages via such sweet fronts, she seems to frequently see stories about married dudes going back to their homelands and hooking up with girls looking for an "easy ticket" to a better life.

Not that I agree with her views, nor disagree that it ever happens. People being crappy to one another seems to be a pretty universal trait though. :)


Who's dissing hot pot??!! Hot pot is amazing. Just depends on the broth (I like it spicy!)

I'm not usually a fan of all-you-can-eat because the quality of the food usually isn't good, but for some reason I do not have that problem with hot pot. Those lamb slices are soooo goooood.

Over here it's about 30cdn per person.

Hot pot is pretty good.

First time I tried it at some hole in the wall place in Kitchener and I was enthralled with it. We got our own hot pot recently, and it's pretty awesome! We usually make a spicy curry miso broth on one side and a normal little sheep broth on the other.

I've found I like the Japanese sauces more than the Chinese ones. The sesame sauce and ponzu are pretty good.
I'm not a big shabu-shabu or hotpot fan, oddly enough. Oden is about as far as I'll go away from the ramen template.

Now one time Moto and I made kimchee ramen for family meal, and that shit was good.
So do you guys like samosas?

*feels left out*

Samosas are amazing. Is there a good frozen brand that I can lazily throw in a microwave?

Anyone have any thoughts on favorite teas? Because chai is pretty up there for me. Not the kind you get at Starbucks, although that does scratch a certain itch, but the real thing like the stuff my friend makes for us after a night of playing videogames. He carries it around in a ziplock bag and insists it's nothing special, but has gets the right proportions of milk and sugar to make it godly. Sri Lanka Milk Tea, Passion Fruit Black Tea, and dependable Thai Tea are also up there.
Speaking of food...I don't understand why abalone is such a delicacy in Chinese cuisine. There hasn't been a single preparation of it in which I've enjoyed...I feel like I'm missing something here.

Also, came across CCTV English's 7 part documentary on Chinese cuisine. It's a pretty interesting watch if you have the time.

Here's the link to part 1


Samosas are amazing. Is there a good frozen brand that I can lazily throw in a microwave?

Anyone have any thoughts on favorite teas? Because chai is pretty up there for me. Not the kind you get at Starbucks, although that does scratch a certain itch, but the real thing like the stuff my friend makes for us after a night of playing videogames. He carries it around in a ziplock bag and insists it's nothing special, but has gets the right proportions of milk and sugar to make it godly. Sri Lanka Milk Tea, Passion Fruit Black Tea, and dependable Thai Tea are also up there.

Been enjoying masala tea here in Nepal. Reminds of chai a bit, but I don't actually know what it is, or even if it's Nepalese. I'm an ignorant traveler lol, but it's everywhere and delicious.


Been enjoying masala tea here in Nepal. Reminds of chai a bit, but I don't actually know what it is, or even if it's Nepalese. I'm an ignorant traveler lol, but it's everywhere and delicious.
Is it pinkish? If so, that's kashmiri chai. Honestly...it's amazing
Went to Badmaash in downtown LA last night and they and some pretty interesting takes on Indian dishes. Their chai tasted like black licorice, which I didn't expect. Was that just their take on chai or is licorice-flavored chai a thing in India that I have just never heard of?


Is it pinkish? If so, that's kashmiri chai. Honestly...it's amazing

Sometimes has a slight pink tinge but I wouldn't call it pinkish usually. Sometimes it has spices on top, sometimes it's kind of beige sometimes it's more creamy. Always tastes pretty much the same though. It's really great.


Just checking in to say samosas are awesome!

Genmaicha is probably my fav tea. The smell of the roasted brown rice in it is sublime.
So I don't know if it's a good or bad thing that I'm seriously looking at Babymetal tickets on their US tour.

I think I have bunny's seal of approval though


I missed Hawaii so I tried my hand at making Loco Moco. Not quite the real deal but still pretty good.



A few more photos from Nepal.

We went trekking, I got sick as hell (giardia I think ughhh), we walked for 12 hours one day because the place we were supposed to stay was destroyed in the earthquake and no one seemed to know that so we had to keep walking to the next village with a guesthouse, I almost fell off a cliff, we ate three bowls of noodles, some dumplings, and 6 cups of tea for 4 US dollars, we stayed in an absolute shithole of a hotel for 10 bucks (3.33 each lol)... and we met tons of super awesome local people. A lot more happened in the 5 days we walked.. but anyway pictures are better! So look at them:

Nepal by Eric, on Flickr

Nepal by Eric, on Flickr

Nepal by Eric, on Flickr

Nepal by Eric, on Flickr

Nepal by Eric, on Flickr

Nepal by Eric, on Flickr

Nepal is really cool, Kathmandu kind of isn't that great to be honest, but once you leave the city it's a beautiful place. Looking forward to getting out again next time I'm here in Nepal, seeing Everest and all that. I'll be leaving back to China in about a week. The rest of the time I'm here will be in Kathmandu.
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