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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|

Because I'm working in retail I love (read: hate) when other Chinese people come up to me and just launch into full on Mandarin or Cantonese, and I won't give them the time of day except in English - mostly because I can't. At best I will reply to you in English and mostly understand what you're asking, which is only really just Cantonese. I suck at Mandarin that I can maybe only count and say "I have no goddamn clue".

Man I suuuuuuuuuuuuure love being what amounts to a race traitor. An old man flipped me off today for not being able to speak Mandarin.

That sucks man. I feel your pain. That's why I don't like dealing with Chinese customers sometimes. Well, my field is different, but even then I have some annoying and rude Chinese customers that gets on my nerves.


That sucks man. I feel your pain. That's why I don't like dealing with Chinese customers sometimes. Well, my field is different, but even then I have some annoying and rude Chinese customers that gets on my nerves.

You in Guangzhou now? I'll be there the 14th... And 16th in dongguan a fellow gaffer(lurker only, not approved yet) runs a Chinese wrestling promotion, I'm gonna go take some photos there. You should come if you have the time.
You in Guangzhou now? I'll be there the 14th... And 16th in dongguan a fellow gaffer(lurker only, not approved yet) runs a Chinese wrestling promotion, I'm gonna go take some photos there. You should come if you have the time.

I'm going back to Guangzhou on the 17th. I'm in NYC right now. I'll contact you once I get there. My shit is all over the place right now with quitting my job and getting ready to move.


I'm going back to Guangzhou on the 17th. I'm in NYC right now. I'll contact you once I get there. My shit is all over the place right now with quitting my job and getting ready to move.

I'll probably miss you then, 18th I'll be heading out to Nepal. Should be back in China in February though if you are around.


Oh, speaking of Cali, my brother came up for Christmas and he said that the Mexican food in our city (we're a really Northern city) is comparable to the Bay area. That's quite the compliment since our city is starting to be known for its culinary arts :D


FGC Waterboy
For those interested in going to grad school


Choice quotes

Across departments and disciplines, Posselt tracks a strong focus on ratings, a priority on GRE scores that extends beyond what most departments would admit (or that creators of the test would advise) and some instances of what could be seen as discrimination. Of the latter, she describes a pattern in which faculty members effectively practice affirmative action for all applicants who are not from East Asia, effectively having one set of GRE standards for the students from China and elsewhere in East Asia and another, lower requirement for everyone else. And she describes one instance in which a candidate was strongly critiqued and eventually passed over in part related to her having attended a religious undergraduate institution. (More on both of those issues later.)

Many graduate departments—particularly in science fields—rely on international students. The departments observed by Posselt appear to practice a form of affirmative action for everyone who is not an international Asian student in that professors de-emphasize the (typically extremely high) GRE scores of such applicants to avoid admitting what they would consider to be too many of them. This is in contrast to the attitudes of many professors with regard to considering American applicants of various ethnicities—and who insisted on a single (high) standard there.

Referring to international applicants, one scientist told Posselt, “The scores on the standardized tests are just out of sight, just off the charts. So you can basically throw that out as a discriminator. They’re all doing 90th percentile and above. The domestic students are all over the place so there was actually some spread, some dispersion … so you could use that more as one of the quantifiers.”

A philosopher said, “There certainly is a kind of stereotypical …” and then he paused, appearing to catch himself, before saying, “Chinese student who will have astronomical scores.”

The professors said their view of international applicants’ test scores was not discriminatory but based on the preparation of students in countries that place more of an emphasis on testing than does the United States.

Many professors also expressed fears that Chinese applicants are also inflating test scores through cheating. One professor, Posselt writes, lowered his glasses during an interview to ask her, “You know about the cheating, don’t you?”

The concerns about cheating are “pervasive,” Posselt writes, with regard to tests designed to demonstrate English proficiency. The faculty members on admissions committees pay a lot of attention to this issue and report feeling burned in the past by applicants whose scores indicated proficiency but who arrived in the United States with very poor English skills. Several departments that do not interview all applicants require interviews of international applicants.

Chinese applicants appear especially challenging to many American professors, who report that they “seem alike” and hard to distinguish, when the admissions process is designed to do just that. One humanities professor told Posselt, “How do you compare six students from China, who all have the same last name?” (It is true, Posselt notes, that the 100 most common last names in China are the names of 87 percent of its population, and presumably of much of the Chinese applicant pool, while the 100 most common last names in the United States account for only 17 percent of the American population.)

So basically if you're Chinese - you're screwed.


Chinese applicants appear especially challenging to many American professors, who report that they “seem alike” and hard to distinguish, when the admissions process is designed to do just that. One humanities professor told Posselt, “How do you compare six students from China, who all have the same last name?”
That's a really strange/fucked up complaint.


GAF is a weeeird place sometimes, lol.

How are folks doing? New year treating you well?

Wife and I started dieting and exercising a few weeks ago. We tried at the beginning of last year and lasted 6 weeks with pretty good results. But in the end we just cracked and gave up(mostly her fault though lol). This year will hopefully be a different story. We're just about to finish up our 2nd week and do our first weigh in tomorrow. I hope she likes what she sees because she's definitely the weaker one of us two.

If I don't force her to finish this then we never will and it'll be more talk about how she needs to lose weight or isn't happy about how she looks. Crossing my fingers that it'll work out this time and that sometime in April or May I'll make another post about how we finally succeeded.
My sleep schedule is all fucked again lately. Been missing working out. I just need something to knock me out at around 11pm-1am. Get up at 8-10am. Then put in that hour long workout again ~_~

I'm still undecided what I want in life and what I want to do with my Associates in Applied Sciences for Graphic Design. I understand that with that I can be a more standout candidate for job selections but most, if not, all the time it's not about the paper but more about my work. I just don't have my motivation anymore honestly. The pay is garbage, competition is fierce, and mild depression doesn't help at all.

When I'm at the computer making new wallpapers for my Xperia I just sit there staring blankily at the monitor. Try to design one thing, decides it doesn't look good and restarts the whole process again. I know that that's normal but it happens. All. The. Time. Even when I was in college for it.

I'm broke, chubby, highly dependant on my family members and I feel like such a burden to them but they still help me and I don't know why, depressed, and filled with anxiety.

It always feels good to vent. See ya around Asian-GAF!
Hi y'all from Texas!

I am not dead. Just been superrrr exhausted.. posting here and there with varying level of snark but in no mind for serious, thought out (to the extent I am capable) posts. However, have been following y'all here and on FB. Very interesting. Hope everyone is well, happy and healthy!
My eyelids feel heavy as anvils every day. I work five days then spend two days doing community service for a misdemeanor I did last year. I'm sooooooo tired, this month there are zero days where I can sleep in. I'm barely participating on gaf, too. -.-

Didn't know you were from texas.


GAF is a weeeird place sometimes, lol.

How are folks doing? New year treating you well?

Not particularly.

I mean, I don't have much room to complain since I have a (relatively) secure job in the currently unstable Canadian economy, as well as food and a roof over my head. But the prospect of turning 32 this week with only a few people to celebrate with is putting into perspective how empty my personal life is :/

On the bright side, I found New Years Cake with ginger flavor in it... it usually sells out early :D
Not particularly.

I mean, I don't have much room to complain since I have a (relatively) secure job in the currently unstable Canadian economy, as well as food and a roof over my head. But the prospect of turning 32 this week with only a few people to celebrate with is putting into perspective how empty my personal life is :/

On the bright side, I found New Years Cake with ginger flavor in it... it usually sells out early :D

Damn, tell me about it. Besides my family, I barely have friends to hang out with too. Doesn't help that most of my high school friends don't have the same tastes that I do.

I have 3-4 close friends. The rest are distant and off doing their own thing(s). Even with my close friends, the tensions are still there and I really wish they would grow up.

High school dilemmas never die and that sucks ;_;


Damn, tell me about it. Besides my family, I barely have friends to hang out with too. Doesn't help that most of my high school friends don't have the same tastes that I do.

I have 3-4 close friends. The rest are distant and off doing their own thing(s). Even with my close friends, the tensions are still there and I really wish they would grow up.

High school dilemmas never die and that sucks ;_;

Things definitely change with university/college. One thing I always tell people is to widen their social circle because it's truly the only opportunity in their lives to do so. Maintaining those social links after graduation is fundamental to how your grown-up life turns out.

That also applies to HS to some extent, I think.
Things definitely change with university/college. One thing I always tell people is to widen their social circle because it's truly the only opportunity in their lives to do so. Maintaining those social links after graduation is fundamental to how your grown-up life turns out.

That also applies to HS to some extent, I think.

Yup, if I could go back and tell myself something about life after school it would be that. Maintain those relationships

I do remember telling all my buddies before graduating, "yo keep in touch guys. It's essential we do!" But it didn't work out. There was too much drama after a while over some dumb shit and I had no choice but to side with one group of friends or another group. One group was too dangerous and the other group at least had some things that we all liked - videogames. I decided to stay with my friends who played videogames.

It's also very healthy to have a good personal life. That's the scary part.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Not particularly.

I mean, I don't have much room to complain since I have a (relatively) secure job in the currently unstable Canadian economy, as well as food and a roof over my head. But the prospect of turning 32 this week with only a few people to celebrate with is putting into perspective how empty my personal life is :/

On the bright side, I found New Years Cake with ginger flavor in it... it usually sells out early :D

I feel your pain. I think I retreated to GAF in part because I really suck at small talk in real life. Sometimes I just don't understand some people's action because I may find them illogical and I distance myself. I also have a tendency to get really tired of always being the one trying to start a hangout or whatever so now I stopped doing it. Friendships fade away really fast because of that.
I feel your pain. I think I retreated to GAF in part because I really suck at small talk in real life. Sometimes I just don't understand some people's action because I may find them illogical and I distance myself. I also have a tendency to get really tired of always being the one trying to start a hangout or whatever so now I stopped doing it. Friendships fade away really fast because of that.

Duuuuude, tell me about it. It's every single time for me. I don't have my license but I can drive. I'm broke. But everytime I'm always the initiator. My best friend picks me up, "what's the plan dog?" I look out the car window thinking, "dude you wanted to do something but you don't know what to do?!" So I answer him, "let's see if anybody else wants to hangout. If they don't want to we can hit the bar for some drinks and relax." He then says, "man I don't want to do that. I don't want to waste money."

"Dude, I barely have money but it's better than doing nothing. Let's go to the bar and just hangout. We don't need to drink excessively like we used to."

Why call me and ask me to do something then dude?!

He then goes on about how why we don't do things like we used to. I tell him things change dude. If you aren't happy with how things are, find new friends. I'm always at home and so is our other friend. You don't have to always hangout with us.


Things definitely change with university/college. One thing I always tell people is to widen their social circle because it's truly the only opportunity in their lives to do so. Maintaining those social links after graduation is fundamental to how your grown-up life turns out.

That also applies to HS to some extent, I think.
Yeah basically I didn't do this in uni, and I definitely regret it. I think I maybe still keep in touch with 1 or 2 people I met in my uni days and still just have my few HS friends as well who generally catch me up on everyone else instead. I've been trying in the last year or two to keep in touch with some people I met in classes and stuff but yeah it's haaaaard.

Gimme my goddamn time machine.
Duuuuude, tell me about it. It's every single time for me. I don't have my license but I can drive. I'm broke. But everytime I'm always the initiator. My best friend picks me up, "what's the plan dog?" I look out the car window thinking, "dude you wanted to do something but you don't know what to do?!" So I answer him, "let's see if anybody else wants to hangout. If they don't want to we can hit the bar for some drinks and relax." He then says, "man I don't want to do that. I don't want to waste money."

"Dude, I barely have money but it's better than doing nothing. Let's go to the bar and just hangout. We don't need to drink excessively like we used to."

Why call me and ask me to do something then dude?!

He then goes on about how why we don't do things like we used to. I tell him things change dude. If you aren't happy with how things are, find new friends. I'm always at home and so is our other friend. You don't have to always hangout with us.

Haha wait till all your friends are married and have kids.

My friends joke that I'm gonna be the 40 year old that still goes to EDM festivals and raves cause everyone is settling down and I'm still the one that's like fuck it YOLO Vegas weekend! Only time we ever get a big group together is like Thanksgiving, Christmas or a wedding.

My 3 best friends are all married... lol. Derp. Someone save me!


Anyone else a little weirded out by the "Korean girls react to x" threads? I can't put my finger on it but given how often they've popped up it's a little...😓 It's a bit odd is all.


I've been lectured before that I had to learn mandarin from a Asian grocery store worker because I had trouble communicating with him and that frustrates me. First of all, we are in the US. Second of all, not all Asians are Chinese. What if I am Japanese or Korean? What if I'm a different Chinese dialect?
Haha wait till all your friends are married and have kids.

My friends joke that I'm gonna be the 40 year old that still goes to EDM festivals and raves cause everyone is settling down and I'm still the one that's like fuck it YOLO Vegas weekend! Only time we ever get a big group together is like Thanksgiving, Christmas or a wedding.

My 3 best friends are all married... lol. Derp. Someone save me!

Bruuuuh, most of my high school friends are married and are making babies. My best friends and I are the only ones not married or wanting to get married.

Life goes on, we move on!

You guys know I'm not very political and shit but..... I think we all agree, I hope, that Trump is such a baaaaaaaaaad person. If you are a poc and you vote for him, you do know that you won't be able to live in the US anymore right? Only true 'Murican bred people aka white christians, will be able to live in the good 'ole US OF A!!

Also, Making A Murderer tho. That got so many of my family members and their friends talking about it. We had a party this past weekend and everybody was talking about it.

Then we did karaoke the rest of the night because well, that's what Asians do right lol
I've been lectured before that I had to learn mandarin from a Asian grocery store worker because I had trouble communicating with him and that frustrates me. First of all, we are in the US. Second of all, not all Asians are Chinese. What if I am Japanese or Korean? What if I'm a different Chinese dialect?

Get with the times boro, all Asians are the same remember? Just like Storm troopers.
Anyone else a little weirded out by the "Korean girls react to x" threads? I can't put my finger on it but given how often they've popped up it's a little...😓 It's a bit odd is all.

Yeah, super weirded out..like why is this a thing?

I've been lectured before that I had to learn mandarin from a Asian grocery store worker because I had trouble communicating with him and that frustrates me. First of all, we are in the US. Second of all, not all Asians are Chinese. What if I am Japanese or Korean? What if I'm a different Chinese dialect?

It's funny...the Chinese people here just speak English to me (even if it's super broken). I've been given dirty looks by a server at a Korean restaurant when I responded to his Korean with English (I'm Chinese)..


Get with the times boro, all Asians are the same remember? Just like Storm troopers.

It's funny...the Chinese people here just speak English to me (even if it's super broken). I've been given dirty looks by a server at a Korean restaurant when I responded to his Korean with English (I'm Chinese)..
Maybe we should give white people a pass for not telling us apart when we can't even tell ourselves ;)
If it's any consolation, it's the same from the married side. Except now I'm the d-bag who doesn't have time for my friends, and it feels just as bad from the other side.

So, in conclusion, you're fucked once you hit this age group.


If it's any consolation, it's the same from the married side. Except now I'm the d-bag who doesn't have time for my friends, and it feels just as bad from the other side.

So, in conclusion, you're fucked once you hit this age group.

Kids are a very legitimate reason and I never hold it against my friends when they have children to take care of.
Kids are a very legitimate reason and I never hold it against my friends when they have children to take care of.
Yeah, I'll be there in April. Today was the day I sold my coupe and bought an SUV. I knew the day would come.

And one day, that SUV will probably end up being a minivan. All roads lead to owning a minivan. I just hope Tesla makes a sweet one one day.
My inner circle of friends are all from HS as well (I don't have any friends from college). Now that a couple of them have started having kids..the conversations have changed drastically. It's like we're in different worlds at this point.
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