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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|

I'm sorry to hear that. I hate nightmares too.

Have a cupcake when you wake up! Sugar == happiness.
Oh naw, I wouldn't call it a nightmare. I'd call it more of a troll dream, it was like living a day at work where everything went wrong. :p

Although last night I had a string of connected, really weird dreams. I think I'm watching too much anime. :p


You don't know what privilege is and you have no idea about the history of Asian immigration to this country. Your belief that the Asian groups that have been successful were able to do so by breaking a system that actively discriminated against them is false and not backed up by reality. Yes, Asians have faced plenty of discrimination in this country but, as I've said over and over, certain Asian groups (members of which are saying that Liang was a victim) benefitted from being among the privileged in their countries and, in turn, were recruited to come here, where they were able to have access to privileges that other ethnic groups do not.

You're arguing that Asians are in a better place than other minorities because of the positive stereotypes associated with us. This is not the same as privilege.


You're arguing that Asians are in a better place than other minorities because of the positive stereotypes associated with us. This is not the same as privilege.
You're either deliberately misunderstanding what I'm saying or you're just never going to get it. Either way, I'm tired of going back and forth with you so I'm done.


I'm not Asian, but I'm fucking pissed about Iron Fist. There are no desirable Asian male leads in American television and movies. The closest thing we have is Glenn in TWD, but his role is unarguably supporting. We could do with one.

Dammit, I'm so disappointed. This is one of this things you look at in Hollywood and other popular entertainment media and realize we still have so very far to go.

Isn't the main character of Into the Badlands asian?

I'm not big on Iron Fist in general.

The Adder

I... Don't know much about comics. Iron Fist is a white dude who gets to learn the Asian ways. What's so bad about that?
not serious

According to our comic expert Slayven, alot of us are used in a supporting way in comics. We have some heroes right now that are front and center. Largely, the new Hulk and Ms. Marvel.

Hiro Nakamura was pretty badass.

Sadly, we don't have huge Asian comic book heroes :(

Let's also not forget what happened with a black Firestorm, eesh (the backlash not the actual casting).

Would I have been happier if Iron Fist was Asian? Yes, and there's nothing wrong with sticking to your source material. But.... It would have been a prime candidate to cast an Asian actor and change things up. It would have been the closest we can get to an Asian hero because we know we won't be getting a live-action Asian Hulk anytime soon. Still disappointed to say the least.

There are a lot of fairly realistic options over on tne DC end of especially with the way DCCW is pumping out Arrow/Flash universe content.

I don't think a Young Justice show would be too far fetched if interest could be drummed up. I'd certainly push for using Irey West over Bart Allen. (Irey West being the second Impulse and the daughter of Wally West and Linda Park)

They could always bring Doctor Light back since she escaped unharmed (or let Earth-1 Linda take up the mantle]

There is no way they don't use Savitar

Katana's in Suicide Squad and judging from the merch she makes it out alive.

Batman films NEED to use Lady Shiva. Which hopefully leads to the best Batgirl, Cassandra Cane.

If they ever do Atom in the films, no reason not to use Ryan Choi.


It's annoying, but there needs to be a real movement to put an end to that sort of thing before it stops. If it's like the other times this has happened (Colbert for example), there will be some people bringing up legitimate cases for why this stuff needs to stop, some people will read it and nod in agreement, and everyone will forget about it in a week.

Besides, comedians are pretty low on the list of issues that need to be spoken up about.
It's annoying, but there needs to be a real movement to put an end to that sort of thing before it stops. If it's like the other times this has happened (Colbert for example), there will be some people bringing up legitimate cases for why this stuff needs to stop, some people will read it and nod in agreement, and everyone will forget about it in a week.

Besides, comedians are pretty low on the list of issues that need to be spoken up about.

you're right we should be happy we were at least represented last night.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag

Personally I wouldn't say I'm offended or insulted. Just a little annoyed that such stereotypical Asian jokes is being used during a night that's supposed to celebrate diversity. After the initial controversy, I thought diversity would be a centre focus of Oscars. I have no idea why it became just a black vs white thing.


It's not Chris Rock's fault that white people took his joke as an excuse to be racist though. The very premise of basing your view of an entire race of people on a joke should be enough to suggest that your position is shaky at best.

And yeah, if people want to start protesting against what they feel is injustice, they need to go after the actual injustice. Chris Rock isn't it. Yes, the joke was bad and it's tiring to be the butt of those types of jokes, but the fact that he felt comfortable even making that joke in the first place is the real problem, which goes way behind him and way beyond minority communities in general.


I don't usually care much about jokes from a comedian nor do I expect Chris Rock to speak for Asians or other minorities. Asian stereotypes are hardly taken seriously though, so I can understand why people are unhappy. Especially at that kinda venue. Dumb people will take the racial jokes as a pass per usual.

I don't know how to feel about some of the posts in the gaf thread. There seems to be some lack of understanding about why Asians aren't a more unified community.


I hate that the Asian community seems (even to me) to be mostly invisible when it comes to race-relations injustice.

I also hate that even I was not aware of all the numerous Asian organizations that HAVE made protests or issues statements in support of the black community in the last few years.

There's an extensive list here:

Some of the posts in that mule thread are kind of disgusting, but I can understand the frustration (but they are still disgusting) when Asian voices seem invisible. It kind of reminds me of the 'where are all the Muslims condemning ISIS' false narrative when there have been tons of Muslim organizations doing just that.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Let's also not forget how diverse the Asian group is. East Asian, Southeast Asian, and South Asian all have very different history and life experience. Plus, throughout history, we all hate each others anyways. We are hardly going to have "community" or "religious" leaders of significance that can get enough Asians behind into a singular voice.
I'm pretty disappointed in a lot of people in that thread who I thought were more intelligent. No surprises from the usual suspects though.

bunny, I know we've had clashes before but keep doing what you're doing.


Let's also not forget how diverse the Asian group is. East Asian, Southeast Asian, and South Asian all have very different history and life experience. Plus, throughout history, we all hate each others anyways. We are hardly going to have "community" or "religious" leaders of significance that can get enough Asians behind into a singular voice.

Pretty much lol. South Asia alone has like 6 (probably more) distinct different cultures, not to mention even within that there is more split-offs
[TBH at this point the jokes don't offend or insult me. They just make me roll my eyes. At a certain point whatever. MC Jin has talked about this, it's been going on for the last 20 years at least.... if people want to keep pretending like there aren't double standards even among minorities lol whatever they're not going to get it now if they didn't before. Plus, Chris Rock is the same sell out that had all those "black versus n-word" jokes that basically allowed white people continue their racist thoughts about "WELL CHRIS ROCK DID THIS JOKE SO IT'S OKAY. He's hardly the face of activism.. if anything, he had no problem hurting that cause for his own monetary gain.]

An interesting point I read about these jokes, and one which I agree with, is that the idea that Asian kids are one group. We're both the child slave laborers (dirt poor, no education, etc), as well as the successful middle/upper middle class accountants.

The Asians in the former category get fucked over all the time in the US, because of the existence of the latter category. People look at Asian Americans and see ONE group. One "privileged" group under the model minority. I hate that Asian Americans are seen as one monolithic group. Income inequality plays a significant role in "privilege" and safety, and people completely ignore that and just scream about colors.

The refugee child laborer from Vietnam has NOTHING close to same sort of advantages that the child of two upper class professionals has. They are absolutely two different people with two vastly different needs from society. To lump them together and blow them off as one group... those are some insidious assumptions and stereotypes that are incredibly difficult to combat in the future. That shit needs to stop, and it needed to stop yesterday.

I really hate this whole "look at what the blacks are doing" rhetoric I've been seeing. I don't disagree that it does seem like other minorities have no problem targeting us, which does seem hypocritical at times, but I sort of wish we'd let it go and ignore it and just do our thing with fighting stereotypes, without bringing in this whole "but the <other colors> are being mean to us." I've thought about this a lot, and even though it bothers my pride, in a way I feel like maybe as people of color in the US, we're just going to have to present a unified face to white America, even if behind the scenes we're not that happy.

This really sums up how I feel about Asian-centric jokes and treating Asians like a singular monolithic group who's entirely pretty privileged. Cuz there's a huge gap between the well-off Asians and the ones at the other end of the spectrum. Just like with ANY OTHER DEMOGRAPHICS / ETHNICITY groupings, but nooooooooo, ALL ASIANS are probably model minority


So tiring.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag

I hate that the Asian community seems (even to me) to be mostly invisible when it comes to race-relations injustice.

I also hate that even I was not aware of all the numerous Asian organizations that HAVE made protests or issues statements in support of the black community in the last few years.

There's an extensive list here:

Some of the posts in that mule thread are kind of disgusting, but I can understand the frustration (but they are still disgusting) when Asian voices seem invisible. It kind of reminds me of the 'where are all the Muslims condemning ISIS' false narrative when there have been tons of Muslim organizations doing just that.

Look at any time Asians have ever tried to raise issues about representation. We don't even need old white guys to shoot us down cause our so-called allies will gladly do that for them


I think more than anything, I felt a bit betrayed. I might not have been marching on the streets, but the current movements have always had my sympathy and support, and I've made a concerted effort to convince my older relatives and friends of their cause (and it's no easy task). What hurts is to be labeled as some sort of moocher when I've done as best as I felt I could, as if my efforts to bring people to their side fall short of a fucking Twitter echo chamber campaign.

Anyway, whatever some assholes might feel about us, they are fighting for a good cause. I'm trying to hold onto that.


I think more than anything, I felt a bit betrayed. I might not have been marching on the streets, but the current movements have always had my sympathy and support, and I've made a concerted effort to convince my older relatives and friends of their cause (and it's no easy task). What hurts is to be labeled as some sort of moocher when I've done as best as I felt I could, as if my efforts to bring people to their side fall short of a fucking Twitter echo chamber campaign.

Anyway, whatever some assholes might feel about us, they are fighting for a good cause. I'm trying to hold onto that.

I think I have a picture of my dad at a civil rights movement or something in the 70s or 80s. Black, white, Asians, etc... East London.. So I wouldn't knock the older generation. o.0


Back when I thought I would have kids, I definitely swore to myself that I would never let them ever feel like the ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation of their partner mattered.

Asians can be racist too? Yeah. Totally. I remember dating an Eritrean and we had conversations like this.

But then again Asians have problems outside their own sect too, let alone racial differences, no? Pakistanis and Indians seem to be a bit of a no no. Even if religion isn't an issue. Let alone the wider gamut.
I recall an acquaintance had a crush on a Korean, and I think that was going nowhere due to parental pressure.


Lol. I separated with my last partner (mutual-ish breakup), both of the same background, because I er am very honest. Can't help it. And she could er see me having issues with her parents because of my honesty. No really.

And that's the last I'm talking of my private life. lol.

It's okay. Let's share a you tiao and ... uh, ionno the Chinese name for it, but it's sort like sun cake except that it's a round ball. Tastes like a suncake though! Flaky with sweet fillings :D.


om nom nom nom nom

this shit is the bomb

I like the you tiao with the fishcake in the center.


Ugh. My SO is south-asian, and I still haven't told the folks about her. Dreading the meeting, which realistically should be soonish.


^- good luck

On a side note... man, fuck every idiot that keeps parroting the whole "Asians get plastic surgery because they wanna look white" bullshit. I keep seeing it on GAF and it's sooooooooooooooooooooo fucking old.

Also fuck the Asians that actually think like that. There are some that might really think that... ffs have some pride -___-
That...that was me D: But that was to point out that the mindset also exists among Asians as well. But you're right, it's a narrative that we need to get rid of.


Wow that mule thread is depressing. My issue lies mainly with Chris Rock's use of an Asian stereotype joke, as well as Baron Cohen's entirely unnecessary Minions joke. This Black vs Asian thing sucks, especially since it doesn't benefit either group. Still, I shouldn't be surprised I guess...I think there's generally a lot of tension between the two groups what with all the black on Asian violence. It also doesn't help that Affirmative Action harms Asians but helps other minorities, which is probably another reason why everyone hates us. Pretty easy to jump to the conclusion that Asians just want a leg up in college at the expense of everyone else there, when what I think we want is to simply not be discriminated against. There was a study too about how Affirmative Action is arranged such that white students are actually not that impacted - rather, it's minority races fighting each other for space.

It's especially unfortunate because the Asian community is so fragmented, we barely have anything to coalesce around at all, unlike Hispanics and Black groups. So when we have problems, where do we go for support? And even if we do have a movement for something, it's quite easy to misrepresent (for example, Peter Liang). Andddd now I'm just rambling haha.

Also is this my first post here? Hi everyone!


Wow that mule thread is depressing. My issue lies mainly with Chris Rock's use of an Asian stereotype joke, as well as Baron Cohen's entirely unnecessary Minions joke. This Black vs Asian thing sucks, especially since it doesn't benefit either group. Still, I shouldn't be surprised I guess...I think there's generally a lot of tension between the two groups what with all the black on Asian violence. It also doesn't help that Affirmative Action harms Asians but helps other minorities, which is probably another reason why everyone hates us. Pretty easy to jump to the conclusion that Asians just want a leg up in college at the expense of everyone else there, when what I think we want is to simply not be discriminated against. There was a study too about how Affirmative Action is arranged such that white students are actually not that impacted - rather, it's minority races fighting each other for space.

It's especially unfortunate because the Asian community is so fragmented, we barely have anything to coalesce around at all, unlike Hispanics and Black groups. So when we have problems, where do we go for support? And even if we do have a movement for something, it's quite easy to misrepresent (for example, Peter Liang). Andddd now I'm just rambling haha.

Also is this my first post here? Hi everyone!

Asian communities are fragmented because they literally contain countries with the largest populations in the world :/ An Asian country's sub-cultures can be the population of entire countries.


Asian communities are fragmented because they literally contain countries with the largest populations in the world :/ An Asian country's sub-cultures can be the population of entire countries.
Yup not disagreeing with that. I suppose I worded it poorly - it sucks that we are referred to as a monolith when the reality is quite different, and it's hard for us to organize because there are so many groups under the Asian banner.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
I honestly don't believe there would be AA at colleges if it was white people over represented. Many Asian kids studied real hard and suffered from parental/societal pressure. Schools then reject them because they met their Asian quota? Doesn't sound fair to me.


FGC Waterboy
I had my whole day ruined the moment I read that thread this morning.

If anyone has any doubt about the flat out racist hatred on GAF towards Asians by many so called "progressives" and people who've been hurt by racism - that thread should be a stark reminder. I always say that people are people; race and gender aside. Hate is not a racial thing, or a gender thing. It is a human thing, and just manifests in different ways. The appalling belief that somehow one subgroup is "better" than another and won't do the same things in power that they decried while not in power is idiotic and wrong.

AKA - Animal Farm reigns true.
I regret reading the mule thread. I kinda stopped reading this thread after the whole Peter Liang thing but the big problem I see is that there's a huge Black-Asian American relations issue here in the US that really needs to be addressed.


FGC Waterboy
I regret reading the mule thread. I kinda stopped reading this thread after the whole Peter Liang thing but the big problem I see is that there's a huge Black-Asian American relations issue here in the US that really needs to be addressed.

Living in Seattle made me realize that this was true. I...I do not find it a coincidence that a city with a high (relative) percentage of asian-americans and white progressives is so subversively / passive-aggressively racist towards blacks. Hell, my dad's first job when my parents moved to this country was at the local Urban League, which was a corrupt as heck place, and he..he did not like black people as a whole for a very, very long time. This was even with his best personal friend being black. It took him till the early 2000s for him to get past that (to the point we all volunteer at the Innocence Project now).

It just depresses me, I think. I think when the US passed the tipping point of whites being a plurality rather than a straight majority, that a lot of the dialogue around race in this country started to change.
I honestly don't think I'd mind if the day came that we just got lumped in with "white." This "white adjacent" BS, where we appear as everyone's enemy, is nonsense, though.


I honestly don't think I'd mind if the day came that we just got lumped in with "white." This "white adjacent" BS, where we appear as everyone's enemy, is nonsense, though.
Haha I'd hate it if that happened. Personally I think we need to separate ourselves from 'whiteness' as much as possible.
A lot of the posts in that thread just come off as very smug. I start to write a response and just delete it.

Just need to move along...


I honestly don't think I'd mind if the day came that we just got lumped in with "white." This "white adjacent" BS, where we appear as everyone's enemy, is nonsense, though.

No thx.

I'm bothered by people who lump all Asians into the "basically already white or on the way there" category.
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