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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|

I always forget that Asian Americans represent 5% of the US population. Outside of our enclaves, we're sith lords rather than stormtroopers.


Afro-Asian relations in the US seem pretty tense. Being from Canada, I haven't really seen any of that over here at all. I'm not aware of any Liang protests up north, nor of any affirmative action controversies. But I guess the demographics are so different. ~10% Asian, 3% black (so in a way, they are the invisible voice up here). And in Montreal at least, the vast majority come from Haiti. And black people aren't being systematically gunned down by police for no legitimate reason.

No thx.

I'm bothered by people who lump all Asians into the "basically already white or on the way there" category.

We are 'the other'. Too foreign to be white, too privileged to be a minority.


We are 'the other'. Too foreign to be white, too privileged to be a minority.

Even then, there's such a small percentage of the Asian population that can even be counted as 'privileged'. The majority of Asian Americans/Canadians are in the same boat as other PoCs: firmly middle class, with little to no political power.

That's why I find the whole dismissal of AA/AC issues to be perplexing, as all PoC groups have been battling for a chance to be heard. Saying that one group or another hasn't contributed to the overall discussion just isn't true. Their voices may not be as loud or given more prominence, but they're there nonetheless.

Ming-Na's tweets inadvertently highlight the need to have a deeper discussion on race relations, even between different minorities.
well i didn't see ming-na's tweets and it's definitely not chris rock's job to speak for asian-americans but lowjabbing jokes at asians' expense wasn't that great a look for him either

if the response would be other poc making jokes at other poc's expense, we all lose

maybe jokes should punch up and all that

or just make jokes at person/personas instead of broadbrushing against whole groupings / ethnicity



Over the last 24 hours I started writing at least three posts in that, but I deleted them all. Now I'm wondering if that was the right thing to do.

I really loathe those anti-Asian threads that always pop up on GAF. Every week or so there's a new "Oh look, Chinese are doing this weird/inhumane/shitty thing now!". Or anything about Koreans and surgery. And don't forget the dog-eating threads. Those really bring out the worst in some posters. I used to post in those threads all the time, but it got really depressing quickly. Either no one notices us post and keep going on with their way (Yeah, fuck Chinese! The government, I mean, yeah. / Asians love whites, they even want to look like us. / Wow, backwards-ass savages eating dogs.), or I get dogpiled. Either way it felt like I wasn't making any difference at all.

For about two weeks a while ago I kept a text file keeping track of blatantly anti-Asian posts, but it got really fucking depressing so I stopped.

Anyways, about Chris Rock. I don't think Chris Rock is obligated to speak for other minorities' rights. As a whole, Asians have done little for black rights. But that joke was really bad. Promoting diversity doesn't mean perpetuating stereotypes because you can get a laugh out of it. I can almost understand how he might have thought it was satire, but I'm surprised that no one took a step back and said, "Wait, this is really dumb. And racist."

Actually, nevermind, I'm not surprised at all.

I saw your name and was suddenly reminded of the steroid thread because of Fitness GAF. haha.

BTW does anyone here want to play Don't Starve Together with me :D? It's on Steam, and goes on sale sometimes.

I wouldn't mind playing that game. I just have to block a few people so they don't go WAIT WHY AREN'T YOU PLAYING THAT GAME WITH MEEEEEEEEEE
Some have good points while others have.... Not so good points. I think MHWilliams have said what needed to be said.

I was planning on typing a reaction in that thread but, many people have said what I wanted to say already.

Also shoutouts to bunny and MHWilliam for including Hmong people! Despite the mention of us being the poorest Asians hah. If anybody is wondering how the relationship between Hmong Americans and African Americans are in the Twin Cities? I think it's ok. We sort of have a mutual respect for each other to say the least.

I definitely feel like this is "good" and will hopefully get more "Asians" involved in politics and whatnot.


Man, the mule thread is quickly swinging back into being depressing again. Just the thing to get back to from work! Though I suppose it's my own fault for checking back on it again. Every time I see that 'alley-oop' post quoted, a piece of myself dies. No matter how many times that Asians for Black Lives link gets posted, it might as well be shouting into a void for the amount of attention people give it. Not to mention, the shutdowns whenever someone wants to bring in the jokes Chris Rock made about Asians. Just thinking about how they brought kids into it pisses me off...how it's so socially acceptable to literally laugh at children who aren't even given the chance to speak, it's sad.

Wow, I feel really...I dunno, defeated about all this? No one is listening, no one cares about Asian problems other than Asians - and even then, so many Asians are apathetic or even disdainful of their own race. Seriously, the amount of times I've seen dumb posts on Reddit and the like saying stuff like, "As an Asian, I..." and then proceed to dump a huge hearty pile of shit on themselves, their family, and the Asian race as a whole. Man I need to take a break from the internet or something. Except this is a thing in real life too. Oops.
Man, the mule thread is quickly swinging back into being depressing again. Just the thing to get back to from work! Though I suppose it's my own fault for checking back on it again. Every time I see that 'alley-oop' post quoted, a piece of myself dies. No matter how many times that Asians for Black Lives link gets posted, it might as well be shouting into a void for the amount of attention people give it. Not to mention, the shutdowns whenever someone wants to bring in the jokes Chris Rock made about Asians. Just thinking about how they brought kids into it pisses me off...how it's so socially acceptable to literally laugh at children who aren't even given the chance to speak, it's sad.

Wow, I feel really...I dunno, defeated about all this? No one is listening, no one cares about Asian problems other than Asians - and even then, so many Asians are apathetic or even disdainful of their own race. Seriously, the amount of times I've seen dumb posts on Reddit and the like saying stuff like, "As an Asian, I..." and then proceed to dump a huge hearty pile of shit on themselves, their family, and the Asian race as a whole. Man I need to take a break from the internet or something. Except this is a thing in real life too. Oops.

It's not so much the alley oop quote itself but the amount of posters rallying around it like it's a proper attitude to have. I'm genuinely sad .


FGC Waterboy
No good comes from that thread, is what it comes down to. I tried talking, and while I get some of their points, the dismissiveness of the boiling hot racism that many of those posters end up showing off because it's "not on topic" is a reframing of the argument to try to ignore the commentary.

MHWilliams said all that was needed to be said. It is a sad thing that some of the posters in that thread would rather indulge their own victimhood generated racist ideologies over anything else. My suggestion is to just let that thread go and let it fade away as it will like in a day or two.
No good comes from that thread, is what it comes down to. I tried talking, and while I get some of their points, the dismissiveness of the boiling hot racism that many of those posters end up showing off because it's "not on topic" is a reframing of the argument to try to ignore the commentary.

MHWilliams said all that was needed to be said. It is a sad thing that some of the posters in that thread would rather indulge their own victimhood generated racist ideologies over anything else. My suggestion is to just let that thread go and let it fade away as it will like in a day or two.

Do you understand where the frustration comes from though?

I don't think anyone's unaware of how much shit black posters get for posting topics regarding black issues and discussing racism. Some of the people popping in their thread to wag fingers are the same ones downplaying these issues. That post, while obviously inflammatory, was born out of the same frustration, and it happens in real life as well not just on GAF. I wish people would stop quoting it too because it's shitting up the whole thread. Still, you can step over the bullshit to have actual discussion with more level-headed posters.

I hope people wouldn't shrink away from the discussion though; take it head on like bunny. I also really wish more Asian posters would post threads about issues specific to and of importance to your various communities. Maybe you see the headaches we have to deal with and decide it's not worth it or maybe it's difficult to find good writing that addresses what you want to discuss, but especially for people with no real investment, they'll be happy remaining ignorant and that makes it hard to make any real change.
oh yes and welcome nukedeggs (your name makes me hungry??? :>)

i saw you from the mafia thread

you have since fled from us there >:O

come back ;____;


Thanks for the welcome, everyone! Still getting my bearings around the place but pleasure to meet you all.

oh yes and welcome nukedeggs (your name makes me hungry??? :>)

i saw you from the mafia thread

you have since fled from us there >:O

come back ;____;

No worries, I'm definitely planning on playing some mafia on here (despite my complete lack of experience...)! I'm just waiting for the mid-season sign ups to start :D

Also you've gotta be the first person who thinks my name is appetizing haha.
I know we've talked about this before, a lot, but honestly it's hard sometimes to get Asians to speak up because a lot of them are really scared that if they do, they'll get targeted.

I'm not sure if it's the same in South Asia (forgive my ignorance on the history), but I know for things like Mao, Pot Pol, etc... there's a cultural scar where our immediate family has seen suffering due to censorship. People always joke about how if you speak out in China you get put in jail, and while it's not as bad as it used to be... my grandpa has seen his family members put in re-education camps, and even straight up lined up and shot in a line, for "speaking out." *Normal* people were murdered all the time for just saying the wrong thing, nevermind trying to speak out.

I'm not saying that it doesn't happen here in the US (that people aren't murdered for speaking out), but it would be like if, for example, black students in college were literally dragged out of their homes on a daily basis, and lined up and executed on national TV with their families, for speaking out.

Then, of course, you have the people that are like fuck you I got mine. dunno what to do with them haha :<

Yeah, I feel you on that past issue and how that influences the culture around speaking out now. It's something to consider before jumping on others for not saying anything.
Do you understand where the frustration comes from though?

I don't think anyone's unaware of how much shit black posters get for posting topics regarding black issues and discussing racism. Some of the people popping in their thread to wag fingers are the same ones downplaying these issues. That post, while obviously inflammatory, was born out of the same frustration, and it happens in real life as well not just on GAF. I wish people would stop quoting it too because it's shitting up the whole thread. Still, you can step over the bullshit to have actual discussion with more level-headed posters.

Sounds like we're on opposite sides of the same coin because I can tell you as an Asian American, I know all too well how it feels to have my culture being marginalized and my concerns disregarded.
Thanks for the welcome, everyone! Still getting my bearings around the place but pleasure to meet you all.

No worries, I'm definitely planning on playing some mafia on here (despite my complete lack of experience...)! I'm just waiting for the mid-season sign ups to start :D

Also you've gotta be the first person who thinks my name is appetizing haha.

awesome to have you! :D

midseason sign ups probably only a few weeks away now :D

and hahaha i have weird taste in food it seems .____.

It's not bad. Whip up an egg or two and microwave it for about 2 minutes.

ooooooooooooooooooh i shall attempt this ty septie <3

as for asians speaking up on issues, i think i suffer from some internal issues, a mixture between the well-ingrained training on 'not rocking the boat' and some sort of odd and psychological desire to live up to the 'model minority' persona

i've spoken about it before here, i think, whereby i really, really, really admire bunbuns for being able to champion certain uncomfortable viewpoints and speak up about these issues.

im still struggling, personally. some of us have been conditioned to despise being 'unpleasant' or 'complaining' or whatever

most days i lose :<

i will try to be better at this though, thanks for the reminder, y'all <3
Sounds like we're on opposite sides of the same coin because I can tell you as an Asian American, I know all too well how it feels to have my culture being marginalized and my concerns disregarded.

I agree, I see how people behave in threads and in real life. It's really unfortunate that the thread took a turn for the worst so quickly and to see so many people cosigning it when there's an Escher drawing's worth of levels to unpack.
ooooooooooooooooooh i shall attempt this ty septie <3
My mom calls it the "&#19968;&#20108;&#19977;&#34507; (123 egg)." Whip it up really good in a small bowl and pop it in your microwave for "1:23" (again, about two minutes). Once it's done, you can top it with some furikake or a pinch of salt, and there you go. Easy breakfast.


FGC Waterboy
Do you understand where the frustration comes from though?

I don't think anyone's unaware of how much shit black posters get for posting topics regarding black issues and discussing racism. Some of the people popping in their thread to wag fingers are the same ones downplaying these issues. That post, while obviously inflammatory, was born out of the same frustration, and it happens in real life as well not just on GAF. I wish people would stop quoting it too because it's shitting up the whole thread. Still, you can step over the bullshit to have actual discussion with more level-headed posters.

I hope people wouldn't shrink away from the discussion though; take it head on like bunny. I also really wish more Asian posters would post threads about issues specific to and of importance to your various communities. Maybe you see the headaches we have to deal with and decide it's not worth it or maybe it's difficult to find good writing that addresses what you want to discuss, but especially for people with no real investment, they'll be happy remaining ignorant and that makes it hard to make any real change.

I get where the frustration comes from - which is why I think engaging in the thread isn't worth it. There's too much frustration in that thread, and too much anger to have a clear head and a decent conversation. Here, on the other hand. :D (also, I/we love bunny and she has a nasty habit of getting banned in OT, so part of my exhortations are out of pure selfishness to keep bunny from getting banned. Asian-GAF started due to bunny. Damn right I'm protective. :D )

Honestly, that post being re-quoted on the first page...fine. Anger..is anger. I get that. Anger isn't even always a bad thing. That post being re-quoted in posts 600+? That's our cue that this is not a safe place for discussion. It also makes me realize that the real world is a way different place than NeoGAF OT; and I should probably care about the first way more than the second. :D

(The safe thing comes into play later)

I know we've talked about this before, a lot, but honestly it's hard sometimes to get Asians to speak up because a lot of them are really scared that if they do, they'll get targeted.

I'm not sure if it's the same in South Asia (forgive my ignorance on the history), but I know for things like Mao, Pot Pol, etc... there's a cultural scar where our immediate family has seen suffering due to censorship. People always joke about how if you speak out in China you get put in jail, and while it's not as bad as it used to be... my grandpa has seen his family members put in re-education camps, and even straight up lined up and shot in a line, for "speaking out." *Normal* people were murdered all the time for just saying the wrong thing, never mind trying to speak out.

I'm not saying that it doesn't happen here in the US (that people aren't murdered for speaking out), but it would be like if, for example, black students in college were literally dragged out of their homes on a daily basis, and lined up and executed on national TV with their families, for speaking out.

Then, of course, you have the people that are like fuck you I got mine. dunno what to do with them haha :<

That's a super important part that a lot of non Asian minorities in the US don't get. This isn't some thing in the "past" that happens for us. This stuff happens in Asia to this very day. If a minority group in China or most parts of Southeast Asia did something like BLM in 2016? They don't get chastised in the media. There's no big debate online with diet racists weighing in.

They get fucking imprisoned, and then fucking executed. The end. Period.

Ask Christians who go to China to preach. (Or folks who spoke up about smog in China pre 2014) When you speak up about your rights being trampled on, or infringed, you're just fucking killed. So when we see something that's unsafe, we have way more baggage in modern times than most groups. "Unsafe" leads us to a much darker conclusion.

http://www.thedailybeast.com/articl...mes-team-stars-silent-on-thai-protesters.html That's in 2014. Raise your hand in protest. Disappear in a prison. The. End.


South Asia isn't particularly much better, India still has a caste system ffs, and we all know the craziness that is the Middle East.

That is our cultural reality.

Yeah, I feel you on that past issue and how that influences the culture around speaking out now. It's something to consider before jumping on others for not saying anything.

You see our frustration? You see how incredibly culturally ignorant it is for folks to be like "why don't you speak up? Oh I know why, because you have it too good, hur hur hur" when many of our cultures have a philosophy of "dissent = execution" to this day?

Can you imagine what it feels like for us to be told we have "privilege" when it comes to protesting? Most of us or our parents directly know people who've been killed by the government for protesting or for being the "wrong group", straight out as the reason. Most of us want our families to come to the US because that doesn't happen here. But we have "privilege"? We want to "ride people"?

Our reticence to speak up in modern times as either direct immigrants or first generation Americans isn't out of laziness, or privilege.

It's a survival instinct. It's one that'll take a little while to break.
You see our frustration? You see how incredibly culturally ignorant it is for folks to be like "why don't you speak up? Oh I know why, because you have it too good, hur hur hur" when many of our cultures have a philosophy of "dissent = execution" to this day?

Can you imagine what it feels like for us to be told we have "privilege" when it comes to protesting? Most of us or our parents directly know people who've been killed by the government for protesting or for being the "wrong group", straight out as the reason. Most of us want our families to come to the US because that doesn't happen here. But we have "privilege"? We want to "ride people"?

Our reticence to speak up in modern times as either direct immigrants or first generation Americans isn't out of laziness, or privilege.

It's a survival instinct. It's one that'll take a little while to break.

Word. That's why I think it's important to continue the tradition of working together that used to be more prevalent in the past, while attempting to understand where everyone's coming from.
Word. That's why I think it's important to continue the tradition of working together that used to be more prevalent in the past, while attempting to understand where everyone's coming from.

You have my sword.

Speaking of Bruce Lee(in the other thread), my favorite quote of his..

Don’t pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.
awesome to have you! :D

midseason sign ups probably only a few weeks away now :D

and hahaha i have weird taste in food it seems .____.

ooooooooooooooooooh i shall attempt this ty septie <3

as for asians speaking up on issues, i think i suffer from some internal issues, a mixture between the well-ingrained training on 'not rocking the boat' and some sort of odd and psychological desire to live up to the 'model minority' persona

i've spoken about it before here, i think, whereby i really, really, really admire bunbuns for being able to champion certain uncomfortable viewpoints and speak up about these issues.

im still struggling, personally. some of us have been conditioned to despise being 'unpleasant' or 'complaining' or whatever

most days i lose :<

i will try to be better at this though, thanks for the reminder, y'all <3

99% of this thread is posting delicious food and now we've settled on cooking eggs in the microwave?


.........no thanks

BTW,went to really good thai place over the weekend.


FGC Waterboy
Word. That's why I think it's important to continue the tradition of working together that used to be more prevalent in the past, while attempting to understand where everyone's coming from.

Indeed. FWIW, I do think, given time, we'll move back to working together. The shifting of whites in this country from a majority (greater than 50%) to plurality (highest individual percentage, but not 50+%) between 2010 and 2020 (if current trends hold up) has..changed things, I think.

Also, massive, massive fucking props for you coming into this thread and making an effort.

<bows humbly>


Not all of us are lazy microwave-egg slackers. I made some chicken pho recently (but using stock instead of bones, so maybe I am lazy). No pictures, though :(
Indeed. FWIW, I do think, given time, we'll move back to working together. The shifting of whites in this country from a majority (greater than 50%) to plurality (highest individual percentage, but not 50+%) between 2010 and 2020 (if current trends hold up) has..changed things, I think.

Also, massive, massive fucking props for you coming into this thread and making an effort.

<bows humbly>

Nah, I know I can be an ass (often) but I really felt like that thread was getting to be a dangerous seed.


Don't underestimate our laziness when it comes to cooking. :D

It's not lazy, it's efficient.


Plus, poaching an egg in the microwave is much nicer than doing it on the stove. Doesn't look like a complete mess afterward, and still tastes reasonably well.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
That Chris Rock thread is such an eye opener... I wonder if we need to start a thread specifically talking about Asian/black issues so maybe we can all educate each others ? I don't think the whole "we have it worse" competition between the various minority group is very healthy...
That Chris Rock thread is such an eye opener... I wonder if we need to start a thread specifically talking about Asian/black issues so maybe we can all educate each others ? I don't think the whole "we have it worse" competition between the various minority group is very healthy...

That would be pretty cool. People need places to learn.


A solidary thread would be a nice idea. Could go over the history of Afro-Asian American relations over the decades (which I'm not too familiar with), as well as showcase the positive things each community HAS been doing to support the other. Could be all-inclusive and not just limited to those communities either.


This one surprisingly hasn't devolved into Asian-shitting yet (besides for that one post about ASIAN EDUCATION GIVES PEOPLE MENTAL AND PHYSICAL DAMAGE). Most discussion is now about whether bell curves are good or bad.


Add me on Steam! I'm lappelduvide.

I pasted your name into steam and the only person I found logged into Steam 142 days ago and does not have Don't Starve Together. If I added the wrong person, add me here! Anyone else is welcome to add me, too.


That Chris Rock thread is such an eye opener... I wonder if we need to start a thread specifically talking about Asian/black issues so maybe we can all educate each others ? I don't think the whole "we have it worse" competition between the various minority group is very healthy...

Even just starting threads about Asian issues in general would be a start so folks are more aware of stuff beyond simply person does crazy X thing or whatever.

This is aimed at the thread as awhole but I have one of the longest tenures on this forum and its iterations prior to this. I can definitely say that there's very little discussion about Asian issues because no one is posting the threads to talk about it When stuff does get posted, the discussion hardly ever gains enough traction to be noticed by folks. The more visible it is on the forum, the more likely folks will look into it and read what's going on.

Let me put it this way, Mumei, one of the best posters we've ever had on this forum in regards to social topics made this post about how he hadn't seen those pictures before. When someone of his caliber hadn't seen images like those before, there's definitely a problem with information reaching everyone.

Obviously, I'm being a bit hyperbolic here as I know Mumei isn't omniscient or anything (at least that I know of? lol) but you can't really expect average folks to know about this stuff without a lot more coverage.

On that note, check out the video the Asian Americans for Equality (AAFE1974) put out for their 40th anniversary about the stuff they did in regards to their activities.



FGC Waterboy
Mwahaha, welcome to the thread (finally?) Shouta. ;)

Can't remember if I had bugged you about this thread before or not, lol.
Even just starting threads about Asian issues in general would be a start so folks are more aware of stuff beyond simply person does crazy X thing or whatever.

This is aimed at the thread as awhole but I have one of the longest tenures on this forum and its iterations prior to this. I can definitely say that there's very little discussion about Asian issues because no one is posting the threads to talk about it When stuff does get posted, the discussion hardly ever gains enough traction to be noticed by folks. The more visible it is on the forum, the more likely folks will look into it and read what's going on.

Let me put it this way, Mumei, one of the best posters we've ever had on this forum in regards to social topics made this post about how he hadn't seen those pictures before. When someone of his caliber hadn't seen images like those before, there's definitely a problem with information reaching everyone.

Obviously, I'm being a bit hyperbolic here as I know Mumei isn't omniscient or anything (at least that I know of? lol) but you can't really expect average folks to know about this stuff without a lot more coverage.

On that note, check out the video the Asian Americans for Equality (AAFE1974) put out for their 40th anniversary about the stuff they did in regards to their activities.


Thanks for posting the vid.


I'm not sure how I feel about this: Ramen Carbonara https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sot9p4XpRtI

That actually looks pretty damn good, minus the al dente noodles.

edit: I missed out on all the egg dishes but my favorite is definitely &#33976;&#27700;&#34507; or steamed water eggs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bu0VlLaqUCQ

Really simple (literally just steaming water/egg mixture) and my grandma would make it with just a little bit of soy sauce on top for color. And if you throw in some crumbled salted egg yolks to the mix... yum!


I haven't been myself, but there's a Din Tai Fung in LA if you like xiaolongbao. I went to their branch in Shanghai and it is one of my top 3 dishes ever.
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