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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|

I wouldn't know, but I always thought it was mainly just a pejorative term.

And unfortunately, I am pretty sure a significant proportion of most Asian communities are racist towards black people.

Wife confirmed: hakgwei is pretty racist.

Gweilou is probably as racist as cracker is.


Do you know of any racial slurs for white people that truly offend white people? Hard to be offended when you're the group with the power.

It apparently is a pretty eye-opening experience for people when going to Hawaii. When doing research about visiting and tourism there were a lot of warnings from people about mistreatment in certain places or areas for being white, whether as a tourist or transplant. It was somewhat incredible because, depending on travel habits, it might be one of the few occasions where such people actually encounter the kind of racism that others find everywhere else.
Do you know of any racial slurs for white people that truly offend white people? Hard to be offended when you're the group with the power.

Lol, god dammit hybrid. That's too true.

Hmong people have their own words for some communities. These words can be used in a good and bad way. It is mainly used to describe a person. But our word for black people, I find, is generally used in a negative way....

I hear my sister's have all sorts of conversations about black people and I do want to chime in but..... Nothing I say will change their mind of their dislike for black people. I've heard them say:

All Lives Matter
Black people need to stop protesting and being annoying
Why do they only care about themselves?
It's just the way black people are
Black people are inherently bad people
Why can't they be like these black people?

I can list off sources about how messed up our system is for black people but they still wouldn't care or they would say to me, "no you just don't get it. Black people are naturally like that from the beginning. That's why they go out and be gangbangers or live in poverty."

So whenever they talk about all things concerning black people, I just remain quiet. I can't help them anymore.


Lol, god dammit hybrid. That's too true.

Hmong people have their own words for some communities. These words can be used in a good and bad way. It is mainly used to describe a person. But our word for black people, I find, is generally used in a negative way....

I hear my sister's have all sorts of conversations about black people and I do want to chime in but..... Nothing I say will change their mind of their dislike for black people. I've heard them say:

All Lives Matter
Black people need to stop protesting and being annoying
Why do they only care about themselves?
It's just the way black people are
Black people are inherently bad people
Why can't they be like these black people?

I can list off sources about how messed up our system is for black people but they still wouldn't care or they would say to me, "no you just don't get it. Black people are naturally like that from the beginning. That's why they go out and be gangbangers or live in poverty."

So whenever they talk about all things concerning black people, I just remain quiet. I can't help them anymore.

You know, i never shut up about that. Everytime someone in my family makes a regard like that I stop them dead. I don't care how old they are.
Lol, god dammit hybrid. That's too true.

Hmong people have their own words for some communities. These words can be used in a good and bad way. It is mainly used to describe a person. But our word for black people, I find, is generally used in a negative way....

I hear my sister's have all sorts of conversations about black people and I do want to chime in but..... Nothing I say will change their mind of their dislike for black people. I've heard them say:

All Lives Matter
Black people need to stop protesting and being annoying
Why do they only care about themselves?
It's just the way black people are
Black people are inherently bad people
Why can't they be like these black people?

I can list off sources about how messed up our system is for black people but they still wouldn't care or they would say to me, "no you just don't get it. Black people are naturally like that from the beginning. That's why they go out and be gangbangers or live in poverty."

So whenever they talk about all things concerning black people, I just remain quiet. I can't help them anymore.

I've never faced straight up racism like that, only the subtle stuff like what I described. I've definitely been trying to make myself more aware since I've lived a pretty privileged/sheltered life.


It's one of those issues that I have no idea how to tackle at all. My parents are racist, even people my age are racist (granted, they live in Oakland so it's understandable in reality even if logically I despise it.)

In some ways I think racism and sexism won't ever fully go away. As long as we are different from each other, there will always exist tribalism.

BTW, don't bother going into the Asian racism thread, it's a shit show. It's true what I learned in grad school. Like a business, NeoGAF's culture is truly top down, especially in racism.
Yeah personally I think there is a good amount of dislike on both sides, so it becomes like this cycle where both anti-Blackness and anti-Asianness spreads and bleeds into the next generation...I think it's stuck pretty hard to. Reading about the LA Riots and that Politico article about Asians in the Bronx, among others, kinda opened my eyes to how it's a deep issue with a good amount of history behind it...no idea what can be done about it though.

Every time I see an Asian racism thread I can't stop myself from going in lol, and then I always want to like, rant or something. But then I get a little ways through and start feeling hopeless about it.
It's one of those issues that I have no idea how to tackle at all. My parents are racist, even people my age are racist (granted, they live in Oakland so it's understandable in reality even if logically I despise it.)

In some ways I think racism and sexism won't ever fully go away. As long as we are different from each other, there will always exist tribalism. Unfortunately, empathy isn't correlated with intelligence or even general educational attainment, so there's probably no way to force it as exposure isn't enough. There needs to be meaningful exposure, as in specific personal exposure.

Better yet, we could nuke humanity and raise everyone up egalitarianly. Hello robot nanny overlords, goodbye the concept of parents.

BTW, don't bother going into the Asian racism thread, it's a shit show. It's true what I learned in grad school. Like a business, NeoGAF's culture is truly top down, especially in racism.

I think our generation has made huge strides in confronting racist thoughts and attitudes, but maybe that's because of the bubble I live in.


I think our generation has made huge strides in confronting racist thoughts and attitudes, but maybe that's because of the bubble I live in.
Probably your bubble. Maybe you are in an area that is more diverse and more accepting of said diversity (and which in turn has helped shaped your tolerance for diversity), but as Trump/Brexit has shown, we are still massively racist.

Also: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1025305
You know, i never shut up about that. Everytime someone in my family makes a regard like that I stop them dead. I don't care how old they are.

Me too but they just get louder and louder and I'm just.... is that it? Is that how people win debates and conversations now? Who is the loudest? Then I'm done. I can't help you anymore. We're in this together whether you can see that or not, that's up to you.

I think we have made strides but because we are so different from each other it's hard to see eye-to-eye with each other. We can always all come together for certain causes though.


Me too but they just get louder and louder and I'm just.... is that it? Is that how people win debates and conversations now? Who is the loudest? Then I'm done. I can't help you anymore. We're in this together whether you can see that or not, that's up to you.

I think we have made strides but because we are so different from each other it's hard to see eye-to-eye with each other. We can always all come together for certain causes though.
I think with me in my case, i can easily refer to our own plight (islamaphobia and what not) and reference it in that to get others in my family to see our view. Like how many of us get harassed outside and stuff like that


I wouldn't know, but I always thought it was mainly just a pejorative term.

And unfortunately, I am pretty sure a significant proportion of most Asian communities are racist towards black people.

It's more of a descriptor and not pejorative as far as I'm concerned. Like in Chinese movies, the fat friend is always nicknamed fay jie aka Fat Guy. WHen I had a dog as a kid, my mom called him "Huck," as in black because the dog was all black. So I've always seen it as just as a description.

ETA- I can see how some people see it as disparaging from the above responses. I just don't agree.
Quick change of pace. I made some kale.


I wasn't sure if kale oxidizes if it touches metal, like lettuce, so I spent some time breckin it up by hand.
Speaking of cooking.... I need to start cooking again. Too bad we're so low on cash that we don't have anything to cook ;_;

Been dying to try my hand at making fried rice but alas I don't have the necessary ingredients to make it without making it ghetto style - no greens, no meats, no fried rice seasonings, no eggs and only using the oil to give it some taste -_-

Also we have a raccoon problem in our garden. Our cat is gone and our dog is too lazy to do anything. Le sigh...... shit's mad frustrating right now. I'm sitting here also trying to recreate the JLA characters and logos and it's not helping with my frustration either.

*screams internally


Not bad. I over-salted it and slightly overcooked it, I think. It's no Din Tai Fung kale, but it goes well with the leftover rice and Albertsons chicken I'm having with it.

Speaking of Din Tai FUng, anyone been to the new location at the Santa Anita mall? I imagine the wait is even longer now. I could barely stand waiting at the old location.

Will post shortly, but it's just garlic, oil, and salt.

Speaking of Din Tai FUng, anyone been to the new location at the Santa Anita mall? I imagine the wait is even longer now. I could barely stand waiting at the old location.
I haven't, but Hai Di Lao at the mall is great, too, as are Cafe Concerto and All That BBQ.

They're actually opening another DTF at Del Amo Fashion Center in Torrance, as well. I feel like they're expanding too quickly, and I hope they can keep their quality control.


FGC Waterboy
It's one of those issues that I have no idea how to tackle at all. My parents are racist, even people my age are racist (granted, they live in Oakland so it's understandable in reality even if logically I despise it.)

In some ways I think racism and sexism won't ever fully go away. As long as we are different from each other, there will always exist tribalism. Unfortunately, empathy isn't correlated with intelligence or even general educational attainment, so there's probably no way to force it as exposure isn't enough. There needs to be meaningful exposure, as in specific personal exposure.

Better yet, we could nuke humanity and raise everyone up egalitarianly. Hello robot nanny overlords, goodbye the concept of parents.

BTW, don't bother going into the Asian racism thread, it's a shit show. It's true what I learned in grad school. Like a business, NeoGAF's culture is truly top down, especially in racism.

Don't get banned Bunny. :p (I think Shouta may make that my tag at some point at this rate)

Often times, especially on an online discussion boards, we use demographics instead of using a stronger correlation that is far more uncomfortable (I am guilty of this as well)


One of the ways we know that racism is a giant all-encompassing social factor is the Implicit Association Test. Psychologists ask subjects to quickly identify whether words or photos are members of certain gerrymandered categories, like “either a white person’s face or a positive emotion” or “either a black person’s face and a negative emotion”. Then they compare to a different set of gerrymandered categories, like “either a black person’s face or a positive emotion” or “either a white person’s face or a negative emotion.” If subjects have more trouble (as measured in latency time) connecting white people to negative things than they do white people to positive things, then they probably have subconscious positive associations with white people. You can try it yourself here.

Of course, what the test famously found was that even white people who claimed to have no racist attitudes at all usually had positive associations with white people and negative associations with black people on the test. There are very many claims and counterclaims about the precise meaning of this, but it ended up being a big part of the evidence in favor of the current consensus that all white people are at least a little racist.

Anyway, three months ago, someone finally had the bright idea of doing an Implicit Association Test with political parties, and they found that people’s unconscious partisan biases were half again as strong as their unconscious racial biases (h/t Bloomberg. For example, if you are a white Democrat, your unconscious bias against blacks (as measured by something called a d-score) is 0.16, but your unconscious bias against Republicans will be 0.23. The Cohen’s d for racial bias was 0.61, by the book a “moderate” effect size; for party it was 0.95, a “large” effect size.

Okay, fine, but we know race has real world consequences. Like, there have been several studies where people sent out a bunch of identical resumes except sometimes with a black person’s photo and other times with a white person’s photo, and it was noticed that employers were much more likely to invite the fictional white candidates for interviews. So just some stupid Implicit Association Test results can’t compare to that, right?

Iyengar and Westwood also decided to do the resume test for parties. They asked subjects to decide which of several candidates should get a scholarship (subjects were told this was a genuine decision for the university the researchers were affiliated with). Some resumes had photos of black people, others of white people. And some students listed their experience in Young Democrats of America, others in Young Republicans of America.

Once again, discrimination on the basis of party was much stronger than discrimination on the basis of race. The size of the race effect for white people was only 56-44 (and in the reverse of the expected direction); the size of the party effect was about 80-20 for Democrats and 69-31 for Republicans.

One of the best-known examples of racism is the “Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner” scenario where parents are scandalized about their child marrying someone of a different race. Pew has done some good work on this and found that only 23% of conservatives and 1% (!) of liberals admit they would be upset in this situation. But Pew also asked how parents would feel about their child marrying someone of a different political party. Now 30% of conservatives and 23% of liberals would get upset. Average them out, and you go from 12% upsetness rate for race to 27% upsetness rate for party – more than double. Yeah, people do lie to pollsters, but a picture is starting to come together here.

(Harvard, by the way, is a tossup. There are more black students – 11.5% – than conservative students – 10% – but there are more conservative faculty than black faculty.)

Since people will delight in misinterpreting me here, let me overemphasize what I am not saying. I’m not saying people of either party have it “worse” than black people, or that partyism is more of a problem than racism, or any of a number of stupid things along those lines which I am sure I will nevertheless be accused of believing. Racism is worse than partyism because the two parties are at least kind of balanced in numbers and in resources, whereas the brunt of an entire country’s racism falls on a few underprivileged people. I am saying that the underlying attitudes that produce partyism are stronger than the underlying attitudes that produce racism, with no necessary implications on their social effects.

We have, but it'll hit a wall that won't be broken due to many factors, including self segregation. But how do you get around that if, the moment you leave your bubble, you're assaulted? Most people want to be comfortable and safe. Until we get over that, we'll never go through.

This is the only legitimate downside of what people complain about when it comes to PC culture - there is a self-selection and sheltering that not only do we do for our own sanity, but we are now rationalizing as the just and right thing to do. That rationalizing into self-righteous indignation is the dangerous part. People don't wanna talk. I get the use of safe spaces / etc as coping mechanisms - but it is very easy for them to become permanent crutches when you make it a self-righteous / "just" thing to use.
Speaking of cooking.... I need to start cooking again. Too bad we're so low on cash that we don't have anything to cook ;_;

Been dying to try my hand at making fried rice but alas I don't have the necessary ingredients to make it without making it ghetto style - no greens, no meats, no fried rice seasonings, no eggs and only using the oil to give it some taste -_-

Also we have a raccoon problem in our garden. Our cat is gone and our dog is too lazy to do anything. Le sigh...... shit's mad frustrating right now. I'm sitting here also trying to recreate the JLA characters and logos and it's not helping with my frustration either.

*screams internally



Speaking of cooking.... I need to start cooking again. Too bad we're so low on cash that we don't have anything to cook ;_;

Been dying to try my hand at making fried rice but alas I don't have the necessary ingredients to make it without making it ghetto style - no greens, no meats, no fried rice seasonings, no eggs and only using the oil to give it some taste -_-

Also we have a raccoon problem in our garden. Our cat is gone and our dog is too lazy to do anything. Le sigh...... shit's mad frustrating right now. I'm sitting here also trying to recreate the JLA characters and logos and it's not helping with my frustration either.

*screams internally

This is Asian-GAF, I helped add some more.
God dammit you two, lol. Both of our cats are gone. One, Daisy, died of a heart failure (may she rest in peace) and our other, Daniel, ran away. Our dog, Jaden, is just a lazy piece of shit but we love him.

Raccoon meat though... I've never tried it before. Is it any good? I've been asked before to try dog meat before but I never replied back to my friends who are making dog. I don't know any Asians here who eat cat tbh.
It's one of those issues that I have no idea how to tackle at all. My parents are racist, even people my age are racist (granted, they live in Oakland so it's understandable in reality even if logically I despise it.)

In some ways I think racism and sexism won't ever fully go away. As long as we are different from each other, there will always exist tribalism. Unfortunately, empathy isn't correlated with intelligence or even general educational attainment, so there's probably no way to force it as exposure isn't enough. There needs to be meaningful exposure, as in specific personal exposure.

Better yet, we could nuke humanity and raise everyone up egalitarianly. Hello robot nanny overlords, goodbye the concept of parents.

BTW, don't bother going into the Asian racism thread, it's a shit show. It's true what I learned in grad school. Like a business, NeoGAF's culture is truly top down, especially in racism.

Yeah personally I think there is a good amount of dislike on both sides, so it becomes like this cycle where both anti-Blackness and anti-Asianness spreads and bleeds into the next generation...I think it's stuck pretty hard to. Reading about the LA Riots and that Politico article about Asians in the Bronx, among others, kinda opened my eyes to how it's a deep issue with a good amount of history behind it...no idea what can be done about it though.

Every time I see an Asian racism thread I can't stop myself from going in lol, and then I always want to like, rant or something. But then I get a little ways through and start feeling hopeless about it.

I can't wait for people to start saying "I'm xenophobic towards Asians, not racist..."


Discovered a French-Vietnamese progressive rock band called Tai Phong, some real cool shit.
That thread had me so irked that I can't even reply in it.
There's always a weird apprehension to call a spade a spade and it bothers me that people consistently divert the discussion to have an asinine debate against the minority group involved over whether or not something is racist or not. It's also disappointing that it takes an overt example of racism for folks to universally condemn it, as we saw in that horrendous mattress music video. Anything less than blatant, in-your-face, racism is gonna result in a different kind of thread it seems.


It's not just Asians. There's a 9-page thread about whether painting your face black is considered blackface/racist, with arguments that it's 'tradition' or that there are no racist connotations at all for doing it in Europe.
Hmmm actually those aren't the ones that get me.

What gets me is when people justified being racist to Asians with "well I know a lot of Asian friends who are Super racist so..." And other similar quotes.

Because therefore it's ok right?


lolwat 'assimilate'? Someone needs to work on their shovel technique. Also anybody using forks for rice instead of spoons needs to be enlightened.


At least the chopstick thread is fun so far.
True assimilation would be cooking rice in a covered pot over the stove and wondering why it comes out wrong.
I actually had a white friend ask me today how to make his rice left soggy. He of course uses the 1:2 water ratio that seems to be the standard western recipe
Oh, that thread. It's okay y'all. It's just xenophobia. It's not like xenophobia and racism towards Asians go hand-in-hand or something.

So long as it's subtle (in this case, it isn't) it is ok to poke some "fun" at some races. But when it is in your face, people will go crazy over it. So where do we draw the line to call something racist or not? It seems on GAF that is how it is when it comes to treatment towards us Asian Americans and Asians (actually not even on GAF but everywhere in the US).

Also, it's okay because I know alot of racist Asians therefore it's okay to be racist towards them! Urgh, those damn Asians!! Hint: it's not.


I'm having trouble seeing it as a serious question even though the OP said it was a serious question. At least I hope it's not a serious question...


eh, I'm sick of the double-standard. I bet these threads won't go over well here:

"Do African Americans use _________?"

"Do white people ________?"

Instant lock. But here we are.

I found it interesting that people still ask these questions

I usually assume (hope) that they aren't being serious but I get annoyed when they are, like my mom's comment about Japanese dragon worship. That put the chopsticks thing to shame


Oh, that thread. It's okay y'all. It's just xenophobia. It's not like xenophobia and racism towards Asians go hand-in-hand or something.

So long as it's subtle (in this case, it isn't) it is ok to poke some "fun" at some races. But when it is in your face, people will go crazy over it. So where do we draw the line to call something racist or not? It seems on GAF that is how it is when it comes to treatment towards us Asian Americans and Asians (actually not even on GAF but everywhere in the US).

Also, it's okay because I know alot of racist Asians therefore it's okay to be racist towards them! Urgh, those damn Asians!! Hint: it's not.

Every time someone begins a sentence with 'As an Asian' they usually follow it up with some horribly racist or self-immolating thing. Same with 'My Asian girlfriend said'. And who can forget the rampant, classic 'Am Asian, can confirm' response, that usually throws Asians under the bus as depraved, or savage, or alien, or bizarre, or less than human?

Man I'm pretty riled up about this kind of stuff these days...and now you have that movie starring Matt Damon that's set in the Song Dynasty...I can't with this stuff.
eh, I'm sick of the double-standard. I bet these threads won't go over well here:

"Do African Americans use _________?"

"Do white people ________?"

Instant lock. But here we are.
Yes. Imagine if in that other thread, the "foreign investors" were, say, two black guys from Africa or the Caribbeans or something. Assuming the thread isn't locked and the OP isn't banned, I'll bet we wouldn't get any of those stupid racism vs. xenophobia false dichotomies. But make them Chinese, and now suddenly xenophobia isn't racist.

Every time someone begins a sentence with 'As an Asian' they usually follow it up with some horribly racist or self-immolating thing. Same with 'My Asian girlfriend said'. And who can forget the rampant, classic 'Am Asian, can confirm' response, that usually throws Asians under the bus as depraved, or savage, or alien, or bizarre, or less than human?

Man I'm pretty riled up about this kind of stuff these days...and now you have that movie starring Matt Damon that's set in the Song Dynasty...I can't with this stuff.

Nuh uh, my Asian friend said it's not racist so take that nukedeggs!!!! *crosses arms like a chump*
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