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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|


just look at the recent Air China thread it went from racist line on a airline to the entirety of East Asia is racist hella fast.

I didn't check the thread but China is a pretty racist place... But then again so is the rest of the world!

You guys wouldn't believe the ads that get posted on wechat looking for everything from models to teachers to office workers, and always specifying the race needed (or usually not needed). I received a recent ad for a modeling job in Beijing. Needed 2 black people to pose with monkeys to help illustrate evolution. Yeah...

The world is racist. Individuals may or may not be. I don't think it's necessarily incorrect to say much of Asia is racist, just like much of America or Europe or Australia is racist. It obviously adds nothing to the conversation though to point out the obvious, and it doesn't solve anything.

Edit: Top of the page me calling out the world as racist. Great. Let me add some recent pics of Nepal to lighten the mood. Also some food!

Begnas Lake Reflection by Eric, on Flickr

Schoolgirl by Eric, on Flickr

Schoolgirl 2 by Eric, on Flickr

Kathmandu Monkey Temple by Eric, on Flickr

Newari Food by Eric, on Flickr
yeah, the whole world is racist but it stings a bit more when seemingly it's more okay to paint certain people are more racist than others.


gorgeous pics as always vern :> i love how your pictures always tell a story <3


yeah, the whole world is racist but it stings a bit more when seemingly it's more okay to paint certain people are more racist than others.


gorgeous pics as always vern :> i love how your pictures always tell a story <3

I don't know, does anybody have a problem calling out America as a racist place? From my experience people aren't more quick to point at east Asia as racist as any other place. Majority of gaf is from North America though, it's easy to paint "other" people with a broad brush. They are just ignorant or afraid to look in the mirror. Again I didn't check the thread and it doesn't surprise me if there are lots of comments saying Asia is racist, a great deal of people here are! But again it's same as everywhere else. At least the racism here is more of a superficial racism as opposed to shit like state sanctioned murder of minorities that we get in the states.

Regarding the photos, thanks! I got invited on a little all expenses paid promotional trip for a hotel group up here, they were doing some corporate social responsibility stuff at a rural school and asked me to tag along for some photos while they gave out bags and supplies. Those kids are so damn cute, and yep girl 2 was about as cool as a kid could possibly be. I wanted to just take photos of her all day lol. So much personality on her.
I think people are just afraid of being labeled a racist. The issue we see with GAF is that they can't see themselves being a racist because of their background. "I grew up with blah blah blah, I have known blah blah blah for this long." That.... Doesn't excuse your racist/bigoted/ignorant views towards another race though.

Sometimes, or often times, you hear from GAFfers, "But it's true though! I've been there and they are soooo racist. I literally grew up with Asians (in this case, Chinese folks) and they are soooo racist. So how am I racist if my Chinese friends are the walking stereotyped afforementioned Chinese folks? They've told me that they do this and that, and I've seen them do this and that. So it's true!"

Who you grew up with doesn't equal the whole world. Stop living in a bubble. It may not be apparent in certain parts of North America because North America is so afraid of being labeled a racist place when it is, in fact, a pretty racist place. NA, compared to other places in the world, just so happens to learn how to show their racism subliminally instead of in your face (when NA chooses to).

That's just my ob xees (2 cents btw).
I don't know, does anybody have a problem calling out America as a racist place? From my experience people aren't more quick to point at east Asia as racist as any other place. Majority of gaf is from North America though, it's easy to paint "other" people with a broad brush. They are just ignorant or afraid to look in the mirror. Again I didn't check the thread and it doesn't surprise me if there are lots of comments saying Asia is racist, a great deal of people here are! But again it's same as everywhere else. At least the racism here is more of a superficial racism as opposed to shit like state sanctioned murder of minorities that we get in the states.

Regarding the photos, thanks! I got invited on a little all expenses paid promotional trip for a hotel group up here, they were doing some corporate social responsibility stuff at a rural school and asked me to tag along for some photos while they gave out bags and supplies. Those kids are so damn cute, and yep girl 2 was about as cool as a kid could possibly be. I wanted to just take photos of her all day lol. So much personality on her.

love how you frame your photos :> you've got a keen eye for composition i say!

and bolded parts, idk, vern. im feeling racism towards asians arent as harshly regarded at GAF so there's a certain slant that says "anything goes" when it comes down to painting the asian monolith with that broad brush stroke

but, yeah. everywhere in the world has problems with prejudices and certainly no one place is exempt, even for a nation who claims to be 'the greatest country on earth' ;)

still, i think ... as a whole, we're all making progress in terms of battling prejudices, so, one step at a time :D


That Air China thread...I was out from page 2 when people started bashing Mainland Chinese food...

I had a whole rant here and then I deleted it because it wasn't very coherent. But I'm really fed up with how people seem to think it's okay to just bash on Asians, Asian culture, Asian food, Asian anything. I'm even bugged by Asians joking around about how they're 'a terrible Asian' or 'the worst Asian' because they don't know how to use chopsticks or something like that because it just feeds back into the Asian monolith stereotype, as if there are prescribed ways of being Asian when there are billions of Asians and thus billions of ways of being Asian.

Man...this turned into a mini rant anyways.
That Air China thread...I was out from page 2 when people started bashing Mainland Chinese food...

I had a whole rant here and then I deleted it because it wasn't very coherent. But I'm really fed up with how people seem to think it's okay to just bash on Asians, Asian culture, Asian food, Asian anything. I'm even bugged by Asians joking around about how they're 'a terrible Asian' or 'the worst Asian' because they don't know how to use chopsticks or something like that because it just feeds back into the Asian monolith stereotype, as if there are prescribed ways of being Asian when there are billions of Asians and thus billions of ways of being Asian.

Man...this turned into a mini rant anyways.

I just wanted to chime in on the whole 'worst Asian' and 'not Asian' thing because I often use terms like these to describe myself. I also use whitewashed a lot. The thing is, it comes both from myself and from other Asian people. While it sucks that non-Asians portray Asians as a monolithic whole, many Asians do the same to themselves. One difference is, that (most) Asian people do this on a more accurate, cultural level, and speak about generalities as they apply specifically to individual ethnicities/nationalities (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc.). Many non-Asians sweep all of these types under the same rug.

But back to my previous point, many Asians, (specifically, but not always limited to, Chinese and Taiwanese) have criticized me for not being 'Asian/Chinese/Taiwanese' enough or for being too White/American. This is often a joke so I'm fine with it, because it has a kernel of truth. My wife asked me if I considered myself American first, or Chinese/Taiwanese first. I said American, while she said Chinese. I'm not sure if me being born in America while she came over at age 6 made the difference. Or maybe it was me being raised in a more suburban area while she was raised in San Francisco's Chinatown, who knows?

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that everyone has expectations of groups of people, even groups of people that belong to. I think it's better to recognize that these stereotypes exist and can have kernels of truth, but that it's also okay for someone NOT to conform with them. Basically just keep an open mind.
Personally, I think the "not a good Asian" shtick just kind of satirizes people's dumb expectations of us based on stereotypes that are generally positive. "I'm a terrible Asian because I'm bad at math," is the same stupid shit as, "I'm a terrible black person because I'm bad at basketball." I think it's more acceptable because the stereotypes are positive, as opposed to something outright racist.

What bothers me most, I think, is the double standard and faux progressivism on GAF. Like somehow the other causes you allegedly support makes it okay for you to say this shit.


love how you frame your photos :> you've got a keen eye for composition i say!

and bolded parts, idk, vern. im feeling racism towards asians arent as harshly regarded at GAF so there's a certain slant that says "anything goes" when it comes down to painting the asian monolith with that broad brush stroke

but, yeah. everywhere in the world has problems with prejudices and certainly no one place is exempt, even for a nation who claims to be 'the greatest country on earth' ;)

still, i think ... as a whole, we're all making progress in terms of battling prejudices, so, one step at a time :D

I agree much of GAF is pretty openly racist towards Asia and Chinese specifically. It's pretty much tolerated here in a lot of cases. I also don't think you should paint everyone with a broad brush stroke... But I don't think it's incorrect to say that there is a lot of racism in Asia. The Air China thing is just what you hear day in and day out when talking to Chinese people, so it's not a surprise to see it in the magazine. But again, every place on earth has racist people. I don't think pointing out that much of Asia is a racist place is a great revelation and it's clearly not wrong so if a lot of gaf points it out they are correct in saying it. But again, so is the rest of the world so it's pointless to say it even though it's technically correct, that's my point.

Possibly not clear I'm a few glasses of wine in now.
Personally, I think the "not a good Asian" shtick just kind of satirizes people's dumb expectations of us based on stereotypes that are generally positive. "I'm a terrible Asian because I'm bad at math," is the same stupid shit as, "I'm a terrible black person because I'm bad at basketball." I think it's more acceptable because the stereotypes are positive, as opposed to something outright racist.

What bothers me most, I think, is the double standard and faux progressivism on GAF. Like somehow the other causes you allegedly support makes it okay for you to say this shit.

There is a double standard among progressives when it comes to Asians. I do see it on GAF. I think that a lot of people just believe that Asians have it better than other minorities so it isn't that big of a deal. Kind of like how it is somewhat acceptable to say white people are racist. People think it's ok to punch up and not punch down.

But there are probably a large group of people that forget that while statistically Asians don't have it as bad as other minorities, it still isn't all sunshine and rainbows for us in America. People forget about the history of oppression Asians have faced because we've "made it" now. So no, I don't care how far Asians have come in America, a white guy making broad generalizations about Asians will always still be punching down, because we are still the Other.

That's not even getting into the vast differences in privilege and wealth among the many ethnicities all broadly grouped together under the Asian banner.

And yes, lots of people in China are racist, like lots of people in all parts of the world are. So yes, talking about the open racism and having a discussion on its effects, possible solutions, etc. are valuable. Using the topic to make broad generalizations about China and its people make you look like a racist fool. I'm sorry, but popping off a joke about Chinese culture and/or people does not further the conversation at all and just normalizes such behavior among so-called progressives.


What's with white people getting so upset when people walk on their lawn.

That thread on the front page is the biggest first world bullshit issue ever


Someone climbing on your roof is bullshit? Someone entering your private property past a gate is bullshit?

Oh yeah for sure.

Dude's building a house next to you. You should expect some crossover here and there.

Look, we can agree to disagree. but i feel it's bullshit.
I am reading that thread right now. I'm not sure if you did. People are performing construction on the roof of OPs garage. If they get hurt the OP is entirely liable. They are trespassing on his property and invading his personal space. As a kid I also went into people's yards but I was a stupid kid. I know that's not ok to do now, like I now know it's not ok to swipe candy from 7-11.


So you are saying his land is getting occupied by a foreign entity? And if they fuck up, OP will be held responsible but not the occupying entity?

Where have I seen this before?

I could care less for how he feels.
Friday's breakfast. Spam and Egg Musubi with Furikake
What? I can't enjoy some sweet karma from time to time?

I'm not really sure how this is karma or what it has to do with you? as a kid some homeowners yelled at you to get off their lawn, so you feel good now as an adult (I assume?) to hear about someone else having problems with other adults trespassing (possibly being bullied) on their property?

And you're trying to link it to imperialism somehow, despite the homeowner in this example would be the indigenous peoples in that analogy?

I have no idea what you're thought process is on all of that so my only reponse to such apparent nonsense is: Okay


I'm not really sure how this is karma or what it has to do with you? as a kid some homeowners yelled at you to get off their lawn, so you feel good now as an adult (I assume?) to hear about someone else having problems with other adults trespassing (possibly being bullied) on their property?

And you're trying to link it to imperialism somehow, despite the homeowner in this example would be the indigenous peoples in that analogy?

I have no idea what you're thought process is on all of that so my only reponse to such apparent nonsense is: Okay
Okay Brit
I'm siding with the OP in that construction thread. It's a potential liability issue should one of the construction workers get hurt on his lawn. Sounds like really poor planning by the builder too.


So just because someone is well off because they're white (which is a weird tangent considering the topic having nothing to do with race), they should not be allowed to have genuine gripes (I am siding with the OP in that thread)? You don't care how he feels because of his privilege? Don't you see this is a similar train of thought people use to undermine Asian struggles? At least we're not being shot in the streets! Who cares?!
So just because someone is well off because they're white (which is a weird tangent considering the topic having nothing to do with race), they should not be allowed to have genuine gripes (I am siding with the OP in that thread)? You don't care how he feels because of his privilege? Don't you see this is a similar train of thought people use to undermine Asian struggles? At least we're not being shot in the streets! Who cares?!

I was pretty much done with that topic since it didn't seem like I was arguing against any sort of logic (plus it isn't really an Asian-topic thing), but how did race and privilege enter into any of this? It's so weird. I have no idea what the race is of either the homeowner or the home builder are. And since the home builder is building a brand new home to flip, wouldn't he be the one with privilege?

Is this some weird clash of cultures that I'm supposed to understand because I'm Asian? That's actually a more interesting question to me because I don't think I know how Asians of any culture view property, boundaries, etc.


I figured it was a white guy from California doing the flip. I was at least half right!

Permits list the owner as an Asian guy, but I have no idea if that's who StoOgE has been dealing with.


I think people are just afraid of being labeled a racist.
Gaf as a whole has a fascination with labels - you see it in the thread about Trevor Noah and that godawful joke with people chiming in how it's not offensive like clockwork. There's so much else to discuss and oddly the crux of the issue turns to, at some point, whether or not something is offensive, sexist or racist or whatever because if you can't pin something on a label it must be okay and that's that. Nuanced issues get reduced to "it's not racist so why are you complaining?"


I was pretty much done with that topic since it didn't seem like I was arguing against any sort of logic (plus it isn't really an Asian-topic thing), but how did race and privilege enter into any of this? It's so weird. I have no idea what the race is of either the homeowner or the home builder are. And since the home builder is building a brand new home to flip, wouldn't he be the one with privilege?

Is this some weird clash of cultures that I'm supposed to understand because I'm Asian? That's actually a more interesting question to me because I don't think I know how Asians of any culture view property, boundaries, etc.

I don't think most people of any race would look at trespassing favorably, it pretty much is a weird tangent.


So just because someone is well off because they're white (which is a weird tangent considering the topic having nothing to do with race), they should not be allowed to have genuine gripes (I am siding with the OP in that thread)? You don't care how he feels because of his privilege? Don't you see this is a similar train of thought people use to undermine Asian struggles? At least we're not being shot in the streets! Who cares?!

Oh no he can have his issues. I just find it funny.
Gaf as a whole has a fascination with labels - you see it in the thread about Trevor Noah and that godawful joke with people chiming in how it's not offensive like clockwork. There's so much else to discuss and oddly the crux of the issue turns to, at some point, whether or not something is offensive, sexist or racist or whatever because if you can't pin something on a label it must be okay and that's that. Nuanced issues get reduced to "it's not racist so why are you complaining?"

Definitely. It happens alot in OT. It then turns into what you said at the end there:

"it's not racist so why are you complaining?" Change racist with any other -ist and that's GAF.

If alot of people are saying it's offensive, racist, sexist, etc. then you should change your opinion on said subject. I get it, it's not o, r, s, etc. to YOU but have you thought that it might, just might, be o, r, s, etc. for people other than yourself?

Also, almost any thread that involves Asians as a whole or Chinese folks, I now avoid entirely. If it gains traction, I may go into it to see what the fuss is all about and then leave.
I agree much of GAF is pretty openly racist towards Asia and Chinese specifically. It's pretty much tolerated here in a lot of cases. I also don't think you should paint everyone with a broad brush stroke... But I don't think it's incorrect to say that there is a lot of racism in Asia. The Air China thing is just what you hear day in and day out when talking to Chinese people, so it's not a surprise to see it in the magazine. But again, every place on earth has racist people. I don't think pointing out that much of Asia is a racist place is a great revelation and it's clearly not wrong so if a lot of gaf points it out they are correct in saying it. But again, so is the rest of the world so it's pointless to say it even though it's technically correct, that's my point.

Possibly not clear I'm a few glasses of wine in now.

no, i dont think you're wrong :> i agree, in fact!

the world is full with pockets of progressiveness and .... not so progressive ones. mentioning there are issues of racism in china or other parts of asia is totes a factual statement.

but yeah, like you said, that's almost neither here or there at the end of the day because almost every place has issues with prejudices

i think what's more interesting is how the general populace react against such statements. such as in GAF, where we see that it's more 'condoned' to a certain degree to be harsh against asians.

but yep, just the statement that there are racism in china has definite grounds.

also, i would be upset if my neighbour starts a construction and uses parts of my lawn :x


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
The only thing I noticed with threads about Asians on GAF is that inevitably some people will come in and tell us about how black people have it much worse than us. I totally get that but that is like having an Olympics on who got treated worse. Nobody wins, so let's just focus on the individual issues one at a time and keep moving forward, shall we?
The only thing I noticed with threads about Asians on GAF is that inevitably some people will come in and tell us about how black people have it much worse than us. I totally get that but that is like having an Olympics on who got treated worse. Nobody wins, so let's just focus on the individual issues one at a time and keep moving forward, shall we?
What's disturbing is I'll see that as an excuse to enable said racist remarks. Egh.

Anyways, I made some Korean short ribs the other day. That shit and the jus is soooooooo good over rice.
In these past few years I've been more and more tolerable to Quail Eggs. It's not for everybody but it is very tasty in Ka Poon (btw, that's what my mom and older sister just made!). I've been dying for some Ka Poon lately and I'm hungover. Any broth will do. It'll help cure my hangover lol.
Ewwwww, Coors Light! *continues drinking his kirkland light beer*

I actually can't drink Coors Light. I have some weird allergic reactions to it. I get the sniffles, my body warms up tremendously, and I get a massive migraine. *has about 12 bottles of Coors Light at home* But that's because my brother found those in his trunk lol.


Drink some apple cider. Regular wheat based beer gives the Asian Glow, but apple cider tastes good and I still feel fine after packing away a few.
Ewwwww, Coors Light! *continues drinking his kirkland light beer*

I actually can't drink Coors Light. I have some weird allergic reactions to it. I get the sniffles, my body warms up tremendously, and I get a massive migraine. *has about 12 bottles of Coors Light at home* But that's because my brother found those in his trunk lol.

Actually I don't buy coors light willingly, but if its free or on happy hour special I can't complain.

I'm more of a IPA person.
Drink some apple cider. Regular wheat based beer gives the Asian Glow, but apple cider tastes good and I still feel fine after packing away a few.

I don't like anything sweet when it comes to my beers. My preferred choice would be a Guinness Draught. It's nearly perfect for me. Ipa's, epa's, etc. just don't do it for me. I'm trying to expand my tastes to beers that are similar to Guinness Draught but there. are. so. many. choices *drools*
Actually I don't buy coors light willingly, but if its free or on happy hour special I can't complain.

I'm more of a IPA person.

If it's on tap and free, you bet your Asian ass I will drink it lol. I was at a wedding two weekends ago and the free beer was bud light and I was ewwing all night but then I figured, "it's a free way for me to get drunk. Just drink it!" You can say I had a good time :p
I don't know, I had an open bar with beer and I ended up drinking whiskey and cokes...

And tipped well, btw

Later on that night, I just said fuck it and ordered Cranberry Vodkas. Beer just wasn't doing it for me and I got fucking wasted at the wedding lol.

I also tipped well because the bartender had a very, very tender ass.
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