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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|

Sooo....my family came down to LA to spend Xmas this year and it was a spirited back and forth bill battle for dinner between my family and my fiance and her family. She managed to get round 1 but Xmas eve dinner, the ultimate stand off, I managed to prevail. The whole time we were having dinner, future in laws had their eyes on me ready to pounce the moment I tried to make a move for the bill (my fiance was like...we're are paying no ands ifs or buts...you ain't getting this- little did she know I had removed her credit cards from her wallet and left them in a safe place back in our apartment) so I texted my sister across the table to go get the bill for me..Anyways.. she picks up the check and literally the 6 people stand up and start pleading their case for the bill (with the usual shoving of credit cards at the waiter...). But I had beaten them to the punch... Thankfully once that was squared away, everyone became more relaxed and the mood returned to being more jovial and festive.

😃 well done you! very funny and very Asian story with nice ending!

Is that...

brick toast with fruit O_O?


I think it's getting better, though.

I hope.

Though you know something kinda funny happened to me the other day. My friend and I (both Asian) was hanging out with a new friend my friend met somewhere. The other guy was a minority. We got on the topic of racism (talking about Ali Wong and her whole "jungle" Asians versus "fancy" Asians part), and the guy (who had been previously rightfully complaining about racism he'd experienced), brought this up: in his experience, there were only three types/classes of Asians.

There were 1) "nerdy" Asians, the kind that looked like they were really good at math. 2) recent immigrant Asians (like FOBs). 3) Asians that appropriated black culture but were racist against black people. This person is from San Jose too, a place that is like 50% or so Asian, so you'd think that they'd know more Asians?

I remember thinking wtf, because... what about like... normal Asians? But I didn't feel like antagonizing a random person, but yeahhhhh I don't even know. I feel like this happens a lot-- racism against Asians get written off or perpetuated because it's not always really physically harmful.. just little reminders here and there that we're a monolith and also just not equal. I don't know. It's harder to stamp out, a little bit more insidious.

Stuff like that China man thread reminds me of it. Obviously it's not the same as getting arrested or shot, or even told that we're all illegal (though to be honest they want us out of the country as much as any brown person)... but it's definitely still a "whatever, what y'all think don't matter." Someone even was like "stop speaking for Asians!!11" Like ninja pleaseeeeee, most of the people speaking up POST IN ASIAN GAF. grr

Ahem. That's all. I should sleep. But before I do:

What are everyone's new year resolutions? Do you even have any anymore?
There's only one type of person like that: 1) dipshits.
septie! i found the aramusha ! how to beat????

me weak ;__;
Well, there are two ways. You can either do it the stupid way, like I did, where you carefully parry and counter for about an hour, or...

Poison his ass and stay safely away, and he'll die on his own.

He's weak against lightning, if you want to use magic.
Well, there are two ways. You can either do it the stupid way, like I did, where you carefully parry and counter for about an hour, or...

Poison his ass and stay safely away, and he'll die on his own.

He's weak against lightning, if you want to use magic.

Or if you want to cheese:

Equip gun. Stand on ledge. Keep firing.
Asian standards of beauty are not Eurocentric...repeat 100000x times..get ignored 10000000000x times.

There were 1) "nerdy" Asians, the kind that looked like they were really good at math. 2) recent immigrant Asians (like FOBs). 3) Asians that appropriated black culture but were racist against black people. This person is from San Jose too, a place that is like 50% or so Asian, so you'd think that they'd know more Asians?

You should've asked what type of Asian he was or ask what type of Asian he thought you were.
Asian standards of beauty are not Eurocentric...repeat 100000x times..get ignored 10000000000x times.

You should've asked what type of Asian he was or ask what type of Asian he thought you were.

Yeah I agree with you. Apart from general observations people make to prove Asian standards of beauty was caused by Eurocentrict Beauty standards they haven't been able to back it up with historical precedent at least in East Asia. They might have a point in South East Asia because of large colonizing period by european powers but throughout my study of East Asian history I just don't see it.

Semi related I watched this on NHK which has to do with a mongolian fashion designer and I thought it was cool enough to share. https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/tv/herstory/201605190600/
Its always really cool to hear about stuff from Mongolia as it's the least talk about part of East Asia.
But that way of thinking sure is. haha

Yes, that anime thread is like wtf. A bunch of people coming in, ignoring Asians, to tell Asians what Asian culture is like. nice.

& yeah that's pretty much what I was thinking. My friend (the chick he was interested in) is this yoga loving free spirited bubbly hippie, and I'm a yuppie that failed calculus three times. Neither of us are fobs, nerds, or gangsters.. and we're like literally sitting RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. Again though... I really didn't feel like antagonizing a new acquaintance. Hope I never see him again lol.

Not going to lie he sounded just like a GAFFER. I would be shocked if he didn't also use this forum.

That anime thread is all kinds of fucked up. Atleast it's providing a decent enough distraction from my work shift.
That was really stupid of the OP if he wanted to make a Florida man reference he could have said Guangdong man but instead he used a slur.

It's fine... he apologized fairly quickly so I'm not really bothered by that (mistakes happen- we all say ignorant fucked up shit from time to time by accident). It's the jokers that came in defending its use after the fact that befuddle me.
Is it "Asians wanna look white cuz anime" time again?

oh yes it is....clearly anime is white...just look at the imagery below

Konichiwa, my name is Breckin Kale Kenshin and you are my future waifu..


It's fine... he apologized fairly quickly so I'm not really bothered by that (mistakes happen- we all say ignorant fucked up shit from time to time by accident). It's the jokers that came in defending its use after the fact that befuddle me.
Remember that thread about the pose in Overwatch? The developers came out and said they *agreed* with the criticism hence the change but people still flooded into the thread, tripping over themselves with the usual remarks and defenses.


Remember that thread about the pose in Overwatch? The developers came out and said they *agreed* with the criticism hence the change but people still flooded into the thread, tripping over themselves with the usual remarks and defenses.

We threatened their sexytimes with fictional butts, of course they were gonna get angry. :p
Well, there are two ways. You can either do it the stupid way, like I did, where you carefully parry and counter for about an hour, or...

Poison his ass and stay safely away, and he'll die on his own.

He's weak against lightning, if you want to use magic.

Ooohhhh... 😃 that's how I beat the bandersnatch at lvl 6 too... i thought there was another way 😃

Or if you want to cheese:

Equip gun. Stand on ledge. Keep firing.

!!! There is another way 😃

Which thread was that?

I may have just gotten FFXV for christmas...

One of us... One of us 😆

I seem to have missed out on stupid threads thanks to prince of pain and co

I've been grinding through FFXV for the last two weeks and I just can't seem to get into it. Like the combat is solid but I'm just not feeling anything else about the game. I have this thing with JRPG's though. Like I am intrigued by the concept of them but I haven't truthfully honestly enjoyed one since FFX and Chrono Trigger/FFVII/FFVI prior to that.
I always get super into mainline Final Fantasy games, despite whatever flaws they have. Even XIII and XIII-2 I liked a lot. There's just something about them that feels magical.

Other JRPGs, on the other hand, are often hit or miss for me--usually miss.

Also, for ynnny, don't use -ga spells in there. They'll fill up the whole place and mess you up, too.


I've been grinding through FFXV for the last two weeks and I just can't seem to get into it. Like the combat is solid but I'm just not feeling anything else about the game. I have this thing with JRPG's though. Like I am intrigued by the concept of them but I haven't truthfully honestly enjoyed one since FFX and Chrono Trigger/FFVII/FFVI prior to that.

I haven't liked many JRPG's in the past few generations besides a few one-offs like Radiant Historia and The Last Story. The only series I get excited about now is the Trails series, and only half of those games are currently translated.


I have problems with FFXV, but I like it enough. They had potential here, but dropped the ball with some important things.. like story, pacing, and pretty much anything that has to do with characters outside of the main 4 dudes. I'm not finished yet, but I don't think my opinion will change much. lol

I'm looking forward to playing Nier: Automata and Persona 5 next year. :D
I always get super into mainline Final Fantasy games, despite whatever flaws they have. Even XIII and XIII-2 I liked a lot. There's just something about them that feels magical.

Other JRPGs, on the other hand, are often hit or miss for me--usually miss.

Also, for ynnny, don't use -ga spells in there. They'll fill up the whole place and mess you up, too.

hehehehe found that one out the hard way 😆

.... i just got my chocobos! amg they are soooooo cute ❤️

im so slow. lol. still in ch 3...wau~


Hong Kong was cool. Lots of cheap food and everywhere seemed really festive for Christmas.

I'm currently in the Philippines now and it's 80 degrees. Help.
Hearing people call Anime characters with Japanese as white pisses me off.

At the worst It's like hearing "all of these are actually ours." As absurd as it sounds.
I've been grinding through FFXV for the last two weeks and I just can't seem to get into it. Like the combat is solid but I'm just not feeling anything else about the game. I have this thing with JRPG's though. Like I am intrigued by the concept of them but I haven't truthfully honestly enjoyed one since FFX and Chrono Trigger/FFVII/FFVI prior to that.

Yeah... if you aren't feeling the combat or the exploration, it's not necessarily gonna get much better. I'm almost done with the main quest, and the first half had more interesting stuff but if that isn't grabbing you then this game probably isn't for you.

For my money, of the other console JRPGs I played in the last year or so, I enjoyed Tokyo Mirage Sessions and Xenoblade X way more. Heck just thinking about it now, a lot of the stuff that I really like from XV (exploration, sense of scale, etc.) was way better realized in X.
I wonder how many of these "anime is white" people watch it /were introduced to it English dubbed? I grew up on subbed/Chinese dubbed anime so to me it's never been a question that it was Asian. This whole "anime is white" thing is completely new to me as I've always assumed the default was Japanese..
I wonder how many of these "anime is white" people watch it /were introduced to it English dubbed? I grew up on subbed/Chinese dubbed anime so to me it's never been a question that it was Asian. This whole "anime is white" thing is completely new to me as I've always assumed the default was Japanese..

I grew up with Anime english dubbed and I always thought they were Asian but I could see with some english dubs if people didn't know where anime came from think the characters were white. I remember toonami when it first aired Naruto the advertisments for the show said Sasuke was a brunette which I called bullshit on when I was like 7.
hehehehe found that one out the hard way 😆

.... i just got my chocobos! amg they are soooooo cute ❤️

im so slow. lol. still in ch 3...wau~
I'm still in chapter 2. =/

Hong Kong was cool. Lots of cheap food and everywhere seemed really festive for Christmas.

I'm currently in the Philippines now and it's 80 degrees. Help.
Where are you? I'm in Boracay right now. Cebu in a couple of days.
Oh jeeze.... That Anime thread is..... Just browsing and reading some of the replies makes my head hurt.


Also, I've been drinking since last Thursday and this morning was not pretty. I'm surprised I lasted until this morning, hangover-wise. Then I have the New Year's weekend ahead which is also my bday weekend... Help 😭
Oh jeeze.... That Anime thread is..... Just browsing and reading some of the replies makes my head hurt.


Also, I've been drinking since last Thursday and this morning was not pretty. I'm surprised I lasted until this morning, hangover-wise. Then I have the New Year's weekend ahead which is also my bday weekend... Help 😭

Water and caffeine pill...instant hangover cure


Asian standards of beauty are not Eurocentric...repeat 100000x times..get ignored 10000000000x times.
Yeah I agree with you. Apart from general observations people make to prove Asian standards of beauty was caused by Eurocentrict Beauty standards they haven't been able to back it up with historical precedent at least in East Asia. They might have a point in South East Asia because of large colonizing period by european powers but throughout my study of East Asian history I just don't see it.
The recent prevalence of double eye lid surgery in East Asia, as Talib mentioned, has been cited as an influence of "white standards of beauty":

Is it "Asians wanna look white cuz anime" time again?

Hearing people call Anime characters with Japanese as white pisses me off.

At the worst It's like hearing "all of these are actually ours." As absurd as it sounds.

I wonder how many of these "anime is white" people watch it /were introduced to it English dubbed? I grew up on subbed/Chinese dubbed anime so to me it's never been a question that it was Asian. This whole "anime is white" thing is completely new to me as I've always assumed the default was Japanese..
I first watched anime dubbed (Pokemon iirc) and my first subtitled anime series was Naruto. But I'm not white so...

Talib is saying anime characters have eurocentric features, which isn't the same as saying the anime is white. Frankly the pushback and defence that misses this nuance bothers me. I got into it earlier this year:
BUT the way modern Japanese artists draw Japanese people is influenced by the way American artists drew white people
By way of analogy: some WASPs describe every hispanic looking person they see as a Mexican immigrant even if the person is dressed in slacks/shirt and speaks perfect English. They just assume that the person is not an American citizen. It's not so much a mental block or lack of creativity as desire not to look and confront assumptions.

(On the other hand, some white people insist they are colorblind and can't see race, so African-Americans, Asian-Americans etc are all the same to them. Again, there's an insistence of their privileged way of looking.)

I think acknowledging that anime characters could easily be mistaken for white people, BUT they are of course fundamentally Japanese, would be the best building block to tackle the issue

Semi related I watched this on NHK which has to do with a mongolian fashion designer and I thought it was cool enough to share. https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/tv/herstory/201605190600/
Its always really cool to hear about stuff from Mongolia as it's the least talk about part of East Asia.
cool link thanks


The recent prevalence of double eye lid surgery in East Asia, as Talib mentioned, has been cited as an influence of "white standards of beauty":

There are millions of us that naturally have double eyelids (and other facial features that aren't exclusive to nonAsians).

There is some assumption that most East Asians have monolids. This is simply not true. Even in that wiki article you linked, there are other (Asian) cosmetic surgeons who disagree with the notion that the procedure is done to mimic white peoples' eyes.

Saying this though doesn't erase that white beauty standards have some influence in Asia, but it certainly doesn't mean it's all there is.

Asians are certainly capable of creating our own dumb beauty standards (see lighter skin preference, which has been around forever).
I've considered double eyelid surgery before because I only have one double eyelid (except when I'm really tired, where then I have two for whatever reason), which makes it seem like one of my eyes is a little bigger than the other. Ultimately, though, I didn't do it because I've come to accept that I'm not a white European (???).


I've considered double eyelid surgery before because I only have one double eyelid (except when I'm really tired, where then I have two for whatever reason), which makes it seem like one of my eyes is a little bigger than the other. Ultimately, though, I didn't do it because I've come to accept that I'm not a white European (???).

There are other options beside surgery: My Eyes Are Asian Because I Am
my eyes sometimes have monolids, which are generally attributed to about 50% of people of East Asian heritage...

My monolids are inescapable, the thing that has always instantly and distinctly defined me as “Asian” — even though I’ve sometimes had two double lids instead, or one monolid and one double lid. My eye shapes changed, and still do change, based on factors like how much sleep I’ve gotten, whether I’ve been rubbing my eyes, or whether I’ve been crying...

The second possible solution didn’t present itself until several years later. Starting with her Lady Gaga/”Bad Romance” transformation video, I began watching Michelle Phan’s YouTube channel, particularly her makeup tutorials, religiously. Then one day, she posted this video, in which she revealed that she, just like me, had once had two different eye shapes. But her eyelids were both double now; how did that happen? The answer, she explained, was eyelid tape — she’d “trained” her eye to hold a double lid. And from there, the jig was up: I was introduced to the world of formal eyelid correction...

p.s. @suzu
I can’t help myself; the first thing I pay attention to when I see an East Asian celebrity’s face is what kind of eyes they have. Most of them, particularly from younger generations, have double lids. The fact that many of the West’s most prominent Asian figures are actually biracial (and thus more likely to have double lids) isn’t lost on me.

But it’s notable how many idols born and bred in East Asia also have double lids, even though, genetically speaking, they should be split 50/50 between having monolids and double lids. And that’s because of the prevalence of eyelid surgery in those countries.

In recent years, Western media has taken notice of the rise of eyelid and other facial plastic surgeries, and many people credit that to the increasing influence of Western beauty standards in East Asian nations. The West’s influence on beauty standards is certainly strong: According to Cho Kyo’s book The Search for the Beautiful Woman: A Cultural History of Chinese and Japanese Beauty, eyelid type wasn’t tied to beauty in East Asia until the modern era — the ideal centered on the much more nebulous quality of “lucent irises.”


p.s. @suzu

Uh I don't really understand. Are they indicating that they still believe that double eyelids are a mostly white people (or Eurasian) thing, even though it's 50/50 in East Asians?

I just don't think that most people who are getting this surgery are getting it because they want to look "more white".. especially since it's a naturally occurring facial feature in many full blooded Asians.

So it bugs me that this keeps getting perpetuated over and over. Anything beyond straight black hair and monolids is considered trying to be less Asian. :|


Uh I don't really understand. Are they indicating that they still believe that double eyelids are a mostly white people (or Eurasian) thing, even though it's 50/50 in East Asians?

The recent prevalence of the surgery to turn mono eyelids to double eyelids (and not vice versa) and the recent predominance of double eyelid celebrities and other public figures in East Asian popular culture (even though genetically it should be 50/50 monolids represented) is traced to the influence of white beauty standards.

hint: Nobody is saying only white people (or Eurasian) have double eyelids


I'm not disputing that white beauty standards have some influence in Asia.

The problem I have with ppl bringing up "Eurocentric looks" is that it's been commonly used as a way to dismiss concerns Asians have over certain media representation. Because people will attribute all these facial features to white ppl and white standards for beauty, while ignoring context.

Like, I'm cool with the overall message in that thread's video? I just disagree with the notion that most of the characters are featuring Eurocentric appearances. Sorry if I'm not really articulate in getting my point across. D:

That said, I don't even care about or watch anime anymore. lol
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