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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|


My sole experience -- knock on wood -- thus far of a peer or friend in my age group's sudden and unexpected death was someone I knew from high school ODing in college. Details were scant, but his AIM account continued to hang around online for a while; I'm not sure what finally happened to it. That doesn't really compare to the randomness of the violence involved in your friend's case, and that's probably the hardest part to come to terms with.

I don't expect there's anything that anyone can say that would make a meaningful difference to you or your friend's family right now, so I'm just going to leave my favorite Asian joke of all time. It even comes in two parts.

Anthony Jeselnik said:
When you're in high school, I had to take this standardized test, you know, that was to tell me what I had to do with the rest of my life, and my results came back. It said that I had to either be a rocket scientist, or run a laundry service... or stop cheating off the Asian kid.

Anthony Jeselnik said:
When you do standup on a TV show you gotta go through a thing called Standards and Practices. Do you know what I mean? Do you know what Standards and Practices is? It's like, it sounds like an official thing, right, they tell you what you can and can't say on TV based on how offensive it is. And it sounds like it would be really official, but it's not. It's just one person who randomly works there that day, so they're always kind of ridiculous.

And on Jimmy Fallon, they were like, "Anthony you can't tell that Asian joke." It's just one woman, she goes, "That's too offensive for us, you need to change it." And I go, "Well what do I have to change?" "You can't say, 'run a laundry service' -- that's the offensive part. You gotta change that to a different Asian stereotype." I mean, exact words. And I was like, "Really? Any other Asian stereotype is fine?" And she says, "No, Anthony, actually, not laundry service, and not manicurist, either. But anything else is cool." And I said, "Lady, that's insane... doesn't leave me with any options." She said, "You got five minutes to think of something, go."

So I walk away, I'm racking my brain, finally I come back to her after five minutes, and I say, "Okay, how about instead of saying, 'run a laundry service', I say, 'build a railroad.'"

A lot of you are laughing; the rest of you should have gone to fucking class. I'm not even going to explain what that means. Just know that "build a railroad" is a billion times more offensive. A billion times more offensive than running a laundry service.

And this woman looks me right in the eyes, and says, "Anthony, 'build a railroad'? That's perfect."
I don't really see what's to get heated about in that thread. It anything, the truly vile and racist shit doesn't start to show until post 90 or so.


To be fair, the person Bunny called out didn't have the most... enlightened view.



To be fair, the person Bunny called out didn't have the most... enlightened view.


Yeah, the thing I learned about GAF during my first years here was not to respond emotionally about the thread's topic.

My two bans were knee-jerk responses to video game news by upsetting fanbases.


Eh, tbh I don't agree with Bunny's views at all on most things but I haven't checked out that chinese box office thread so...I will say Ra's Sushi has some nice garlic edemame. That's all I got to add.
Just skimmed through that thread...I see how hypocritical that one poster is. At the same time when I saw the most recent Transformers movie, my first thought was "damn...studio execs really want that Chinese money.."
Rainy, my condolences :(

clav, and pancakes, you guys are awesome and strong and bigger people :> I guess i just cringe whenever I see those kinds of comments ... They seem mean-spirited but being a girl, I've been mostly exempt from the hurt they seem to be able to cause. Sure there are also people who says that Asian women are flat-chested and built like boys, but ... there's also A LOT of people who likes slender built, so I don't think it's as hard for me as it is for some of you, mah asian bros

tl;dr o7 i respect that you guys are big hearted and awesome people o7


Condolences to Bat and Rainy. Life is crazy sometimes...

RE: The penis thread thing, I'm getting too old to let some diet racists get me upset. Just not enough fucks to give anymore.


It hasn't been a good 48 hours for Asian-Gaf, has it?

I'm truly sorry for your loss, Rainy. I'm sure life will get better for you soon, but stay strong until then. <3

Just skimmed through that thread...I see how hypocritical that one poster is. At the same time when I saw the most recent Transformers movie, my first thought was "damn...studio execs really want that Chinese money.."

I don't have a problem with the "studios want Chinese money" part, because it's true. It's just that the guy was construing it as an inherently bad thing. Because, y'know, white people >>>>>>> Asian people
I don't have a problem with the "studios want Chinese money" part, because it's true. It's just that the guy was construing it as an inherently bad thing. Because, y'know, white people >>>>>>> Asian people

That's what I mean...it's ok to pander to White America but god forbid going after a more lucrative foreign market.
Condolences to Bat and Rainy. Life is crazy sometimes...

RE: The penis thread thing, I'm getting too old to let some diet racists get me upset. Just not enough fucks to give anymore.

That's pretty much how I feel. I'm in my early thirties now and there are many things that no longer upset me. I just shake my head and move on.


The only thing I don't like is when there are scenes in the Chinese version that don't make it anywhere else. If it's so unnecessary to the film that it makes sense without, that's the definition of pandering.
I didn't even read it. A bunch of dudes circle-jerking over other dudes' dicks? Pass, thanks.

haha this is so meeeeee. i just clicked on the links from Pretty Panda in this thread and saw a little of the last page, scroll up, scroll down, BAIL OUT.

But ya

sometimes i worry about the younger asian dudes. that kind of topic seems hurtful to some younger demographics self esteem...

IDK what can be done about it though. Im so useless. I just meh at thread and close it, and then i feel ... like.... whoa I have the luxury to do so. Like, I dont have to care about this topic and then I feel a bit bad :x


Maybe im overthinking this. HAHA. Oh well :> Just thinking out loudly~
Uncle passed away yesterday. Life sucks Asian-GAF.

Condolences. Hang in there.

The penis thing... it's been said already in this thread and really is just a variation of the root problem of the emasculation of Asian men. I try not to post in those threads (or some of the others ones that have cropped up like the "sex in Japan" threads) as it usually devolves into the same tired implicitly racist jokes about Asian men and/or conversations about Asian women as a broad category, usually led by the same posters about the tricks and trades of dating the 'Asian-types'.
Condolences. Hang in there.

The penis thing... it's been said already in this thread and really is just a variation of the root problem of the emasculation of Asian men. I try not to post in those threads (or some of the others ones that have cropped up like the "sex in Japan" threads) as it usually devolves into the same tired implicitly racist jokes about Asian men and/or conversations about Asian women as a broad category, usually led by the same posters about the tricks and trades of dating the 'Asian-types'.

... maybe im holding an unpopular view but i think overly large penis is kind of not my thing??? idk.... :x


for me i think it's more the shape and form (and how they are used) that are more appealing .... much more so than size. i've seen really, really beautiful looking penises.


um. sorry. ignore me pls. im weird :<


... maybe im holding an unpopular view but i think overly large penis is kind of not my thing??? idk.... :x


for me i think it's more the shape and form (and how they are used) that are more appealing .... much more so than size. i've seen really, really beautiful looking penises.


um. sorry. ignore me pls. im weird :<

It's just a really juvenile thing to fixate on for guys. It's supposed to be about sexual prowess, but a lot more goes into that than just the size of your dick. Just a silly discussion topic. Makes me roll my eyes every time a thread about dick size is posted.
... maybe im holding an unpopular view but i think overly large penis is kind of not my thing??? idk.... :x


for me i think it's more the shape and form (and how they are used) that are more appealing .... much more so than size. i've seen really, really beautiful looking penises.


um. sorry. ignore me pls. im weird :<
Could be worse. Could be another thread about how to clean your own butt.
It's just a really juvenile thing to fixate on for guys. It's supposed to be about sexual prowess, but a lot more goes into that than just the size of your dick. Just a silly discussion topic. Makes me roll my eyes every time a thread about dick size is posted.

Haha. Yeah.... this true. Ah well. Glad you guys are all above letting this kind of topic get under your skins tbh. It is a juvenile obsession, like you said.

Could be worse. Could be another thread about how to clean your own butt.

XD yeah. You're right. I worry for OT crowd sometimes... :x
If there were a safe and reliable way to do it, everyone would know about it :p

:x true

but boobies can be enlarged! i thought .... well idk. im blind about men's bodies.

... so all of those emails are full with lies???? izzat what you are saying??? :O

the more i know~

i need more guys friends :<

I DON'T NEED TO! Ohohohohoho.

The real answer is no. I think there's a surgery for it, but that's the only way.

You belong in the top 1% !!! Like the rest of GAF!!! HOHOHO~

oooh so there IS surgery for it??? Amaze. Probably expensive and dangerous though....


:x true

but boobies can be enlarged! i thought .... well idk. im blind about men's bodies.

... so all of those emails are full with lies???? izzat what you are saying??? :O

the more i know~

i need more guys friends :<

Boobs are different, a lot less moving parts :p Plus, even that procedure has its own risks.
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