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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|


Dang that does sound rough. I feel like that's why I always shake my head at the people that ditch their friends when they're in a relationship. You have to build a varied support network so that if one section goes down, the others can pick up the slacks. Of course, I'm a huge hypocrite for saying this, because I neglect my family and haven't made a new friend in years.

That and it is kinda hard to force myself to go out with the sorta-friends you made in your 20s. I went out with them when I was single, but now the thought of driving an hour into downtown LA to hang out doesn't sound appealing when I can snuggle up to my fiance and watch Netflix. It is what it is.

I hear that happens a lot. I only know a few people who are able to have friends and not vanish into their relationship where we never hear from them again until they break up.
I hear that happens a lot. I only know a few people who are able to have friends and not vanish into their relationship where we never hear from them again until they break up.

And then when the relationship is over, they have no one to lean on.

To be fair, I do keep in touch with my close friends. Monthly D&D and videogames, going to see movies, etc. It's the dozens of hangout friends that I accumulated during my single 20s that I have neglected.

If they want to drive into the Valley to grab dinner, shit I'll pay! But there is no way I'm driving into downtown LA after work to go to that new bar that opened up.
I kinda cringe whenever the topic of "can a racist person be a good person?" on GAF pops up. Some of the "you need to cut these people off completely" responses just are unrealistic.

I know very few Asian parents including mine that aren't racist...


FGC Waterboy
I kinda cringe whenever the topic of "can a racist person be a good person?" on GAF pops up. Some of the "you need to cut these people off completely" responses just are unrealistic.

I know very few Asian parents including mine that aren't racist...

The best part is most of those people have friends or loved ones or family who are absolutely racist / sexist / etc. There's this weird belief that you must love someone for everything they are or nothing - which is in complete denial of reality. People are complex, people are flawed, and people are still lovable. People are flawed...lord knows I have problematic viewpoints; but I'd like to think I won't only ever be judged on my worst tendencies. Everyone's a dick and terrible if you do that.

The other part I don't like about that "someone can't be racist and a good person" is that usually those folks live in the scariest bubble of bubbles, where they have absolutely no perspective or realization that life is really different in different parts of this country. Hell; so much of the discussion about diversity is incredibly US-centric, and more often than not, involves people who've never lived outside the US lecturing folks who have never lived in the US (or hell, the freaking West) about "diversity". The...arrogance we have sometimes as a country is pretty insane (we basically assume everything should conform to our views). Gonna get off this soapbox before I get too deep, though..

EDIT: Not worth it

BSB - I feel your pain on the "parents having sort of out of touch views". Thankfully my parents generally don't care enough to be bigoted (they don't get gay people or trans people, but they're like "w/e, doesn't affect me, not going to tell someone else they're wrong". Race...I really get the feeling older asian generations might be really, reaaaally racist. My parents have said some...oof...things in their life. They're better now, oddly enough.


Lots of memorization but it's not difficult grammatically. There's a reason why for the longest times literacy rates in China were ridiculously low (I think they still are). It's just not an intuitive language to pick up.
Literacy in China is now 95% according to CIA World Factbook.

My fiance's parents only speak Cantonese so I can't communicate with them at all. It makes visiting them slightly awkward, because they're always yelling at each other.
Welllll.... that may also be just how Cantonese sounds. (I'm Cantonese*, I can say that!)

* by ethnicity, anyways. I can barely speak it.

Where do you draw the line between preference and fetish?
"Preference" is just sort of liking, say, an eye shape or skin color.

I think "fetish" is more like ascribing all sorts of stereotypes to people with those features. Also, specifically about "yellow fever", there's a kind of specific sort of obsession with Asian culture that plays in there too, sometimes done badly and sometimes at least done well.


I kinda cringe whenever the topic of "can a racist person be a good person?" on GAF pops up. Some of the "you need to cut these people off completely" responses just are unrealistic.

I know very few Asian parents including mine that aren't racist...

If I cut away everybody with even an inkling of that in my family, I'd have nobody left. lol

Thankfully my parents aren't too bad.. they're actually getting better about a lot of things.


The problem with the both of them is that they dislike facts, don't trust peer-reviewed academic work, etc, when it doesn't fit their narrative of the world. It's *really* frustrating, and I made the mistake once of saying something to the effect of "it's science, I'm not going to argue this with you." My dad was REALLY pissed and told me that I shouldn't believe everything that "science" teaches me (I was explaining that homosexuality is a behavior found in animals, and it's not just OMIGOD NOT NATURAL).

Arghhhh the willful ignorance at times @____@

People reason differently though. What is real for you may not be what is real for them.

I don't know you but I presume you have learnt to evaluate evidence perceptually. Some people base their reason on values. It's how they understand the world. & some of those values go on to become sacred.
These people are not dumb ( I'd readily believe your parents go to the doctor for serious health conditions); they're merely responding with a reasoning process that responds more to moral or value based arguments than scientific ones.


If I cut away everybody with even an inkling of that in my family, I'd have nobody left. lol

Thankfully my parents aren't too bad.. they're actually getting better about a lot of things.

I tend to call my parents out on being offensive when they do stuff like that. Like when they drive up next to someone to see if the driver is Asian as justification for that person's bad driving. It doesn't help that my area is primarily Asian so they have a really high chance of guessing correctly.
The best part is most of those people have friends or loved ones or family who are absolutely racist / sexist / etc. There's this weird belief that you must love someone for everything they are or nothing - which is in complete denial of reality. People are complex, people are flawed, and people are still lovable. People are flawed...lord knows I have problematic viewpoints; but I'd like to think I won't only ever be judged on my worst tendencies. Everyone's a dick and terrible if you do that.

The other part I don't like about that "someone can't be racist and a good person" is that usually those folks live in the scariest bubble of bubbles, where they have absolutely no perspective or realization that life is really different in different parts of this country. Hell; so much of the discussion about diversity is incredibly US-centric, and more often than not, involves people who've never lived outside the US lecturing folks who have never lived in the US (or hell, the freaking West) about "diversity". The...arrogance we have sometimes as a country is pretty insane (we basically assume everything should conform to our views). Gonna get off this soapbox before I get too deep, though..

I used to be in that bubble. And then I moved out of LA and I reluctantly made friends with fellow nerds in the area. It took a while to accept them as friends, because they have mannerisms and a way of thinking that seem outdated, stupid, and sometimes offensive to me. But they're still generally good people.

I think there are certain lines you can try to draw, but it's not always black and white. A person can be a great friend and always be there for you when you need them, and also think that all women are emotional vampires that belong in the kitchen. Just don't talk to them about women.

Welllll.... that may also be just how Cantonese sounds. (I'm Cantonese*, I can say that!)

* by ethnicity, anyways. I can barely speak it.

Haha yeah Cantonese does sound angry. It's not just the loudness. Maybe it's just my fiance and her parents, but there's a tone in their speech that, in English or Mandarin, would sound like the person is annoyed. Except it's always there and not just used to convey annoyance. But this is coming from someone who is culturally inept, so it might just be me.


I do that. Except the difference is I'm looking at the car itself.

Camry or Prius? You're the worst driver ever.


Nah they drive up next to the person and look in the window and are like "yep, Asian."

I've almost been run over by a Prius multiple times in parking lots because they're too quiet for me to hear them and it's usually from behind.
Nah they drive up next to the person and look in the window and are like "yep, Asian."

I've almost been run over by a Prius multiple times in parking lots because they're too quiet for me to hear them and it's usually from behind.
Also, they are the worst drivers in the world.


I tend to call my parents out on being offensive when they do stuff like that. Like when they drive up next to someone to see if the driver is Asian as justification for that person's bad driving. It doesn't help that my area is primarily Asian so they have a really high chance of guessing correctly.

Oh yeah, I always call them out if they say or do anything stupid. It's mostly limited to at home rather than out and about (thank god).

Regarding the driving, for my mom it was Jewish people. When I told her that that was also a stereotype for Asians, she shut up about it. lol
My parents call Mexicans "amigos." I can't help but laugh when they do. Taking the most benign word and turning it into a racially offensive label.
Nah they drive up next to the person and look in the window and are like "yep, Asian."

Haha, I do that all the time.

It also doesn't help that my fiancee, and my mother are two of the worst drivers that I've ever met and I give them crap about their driving skills all the time. My mom actually drove through a furniture store once.
Haha yeah Cantonese does sound angry. It's not just the loudness. Maybe it's just my fiance and her parents, but there's a tone in their speech that, in English or Mandarin, would sound like the person is annoyed. Except it's always there and not just used to convey annoyance. But this is coming from someone who is culturally inept, so it might just be me.

Yeah, Cantonese can sound like that too at times.

Still the superior dialect.


I kinda cringe whenever the topic of "can a racist person be a good person?" on GAF pops up. Some of the "you need to cut these people off completely" responses just are unrealistic.

I know very few Asian parents including mine that aren't racist...
GAF is sometimes as bad at this because people love getting that sweet, sweet, first post train or drive-by'ing with nothing useful. Stuff like this is always complicated and should be worked out, I don't understand these all or nothing responses lately.

Like holy shit I walked into one of the Witcher 3 threads re: diversity and people were just tearing each other apart without really looking at the issue.


FGC Waterboy
GAF is sometimes as bad at this because people love getting that sweet, sweet, first post train or drive-by'ing with nothing useful. Stuff like this is always complicated and should be worked out, I don't understand these all or nothing responses lately.

Like holy shit I walked into one of the Witcher 3 threads re: diversity and people were just tearing each other apart without really looking at the issue.

The diversity threads on GAF have turned into a "who can be the most snarkily self righteous" fest IMO. No one there cares about accomplishing good any more IMO, they care about scoring internet points and showing off that they are the "good one" and others are the "bad one".
Any thread about anything at all touchy has a few of those.

However, I got Neogaf++ and use the ignore function liberally. It's amazing. GAF is so much better now for me. (It completely gets rid of the "user ignored" part and will hide a post if someone else quoted your ignored user).

BTW guys, my Amazon Echo came in today! I have a short 20 second video of me asking it to perform a basic function.

Right now it's playing music @_@

Better be playing that song I linked.


I saw someone buying this when I was checking out today.


I guess that's the easy way to make sundubu at home.
My parents would probably not be happy, so no. But thanks for reminding me to listen to them!

*edit: Oh, Keith Ape. I've heard one of his other songs, but I was always under the impression he was a Korean rapper.

It is the first I heard of him so I am not sure but I do know that the beat goes hard and I want to hear more of his stuff and more Korean trap music.
Any thread about anything at all touchy has a few of those.

However, I got Neogaf++ and use the ignore function liberally. It's amazing. GAF is so much better now for me. (It completely gets rid of the "user ignored" part and will hide a post if someone else quoted your ignored user).

BTW guys, my Amazon Echo came in today! I have a short 20 second video of me asking it to perform a basic function.

Right now it's playing music @_@
I love my Echo. They recently added sync to Google Calendar, so you can see what's coming up on your schedule, too. I always ask it the weather and have it set timers for cooking.

Also, it's Alexa--not Alexia.

I saw someone buying this when I was checking out today.


I guess that's the easy way to make sundubu at home.
I have that in my fridge right now, actually. Unfortunately, it's just soup base.


That Echo looks nifty.
And I've heard about the Wong Fu movie, I should watch it soon I'm actually a big fan. (Waited in front of a Lollicup for hours to meet Phil haha.)
Like holy shit I walked into one of the Witcher 3 threads re: diversity and people were just tearing each other apart without really looking at the issue.

I don't even know how to approach that topic. To me, it's a complete non-issue given the source material.


FGC Waterboy
I don't even know how to approach that topic. To me, it's a complete non-issue given the source material.

I have severe reservations as an American telling a Polish company making a game based on Polish mythology that they aren't being diverse enough for "America" and that they are being "bad". The cultural arrogance inherent in that is...mind-boggling. Poland is approximately 98-99% white (and like 97% flat out ethnic Polish). If CDPR was based in the US, and pushing Witcher towards less ties to Polish lore and mythology...that'd be one thing. But folks (especially Americans) tend to forget that a large chunk of the world is functionally mono-cultural...and that developers who live in those countries are going to have a completely different view on diversity than Americans do.

That'd be like criticizing a Chinese development company for making a game set in Beijing that had all Chinese characters. Mind you, China is exponentially more diverse than Poland.

Just my two cents.
Yeah, Cantonese can sound like that too at times.

Still the superior dialect.

I hear it has awesome curse words. Learning Mandarin in Chinese School has failed me in that regard.

By the way, anyone seen this?

Wong Fu's first feature film!

source: http://laapff.festpro.com/films/detail/everything_before_us_2015#sthash.wiyW0SGT.dpuf



I'd be interested in watching. Randall Park is in a lot of stuff these days. My friend did some college theater stuff with him and said he was a good guy.

I saw someone buying this when I was checking out today.


I guess that's the easy way to make sundubu at home.

Man, too bad it's just the soup base. Sundubu on demand would be amazing.


I don't even know how to approach that topic. To me, it's a complete non-issue given the source material.
I really don't want to participate in that thread anymore because like most GAF threads on the topic it has reached its natural conclusion, but in the meanwhile there are literal "sides" continuing to take potshots at one another.

Here's how I see it: most people are missing the forest for the trees, and in the most spectacular fashion. I think it's great people are trying to apply the same kind of tools to evaluate and criticise video games as FemFreq has been doing. Only I think it's a bit of a problem now, and I've noticed that even with FemFreq's criticisms of TW3, which involves a whole lot of reaching for things (it's more complicated than that, but anyway).

Basically it's the equivalent of applying the Bechdel Test to a single work and then decrying it as a problem when it doesn't pass the benchmark. It's like nothing else in the text matters, not the narrative, not any metaphors or themes or anything else (or any subtext). That's the stance people are taking. That's the real issue, is that at some point we were all enamored somoene started taking and revealing these trends in the aggregate (which I think Sarkeesian has done well with), but didn't apply different standards when evaluating a single text in an exhaustive manner.

I think the intent of "well games probably need more representation" is good and all, but the targets are poorly chosen. It should be an issue of more diversity of different races, cultures, ethnicities (or just backgrounds and experiences) to tell their stories. In the aggregate, there should be more diversity, which is the real underlying issue, not that every game has to hit a threshold or be pilloried.

The root of the problem is diversity in creators, because ultimately that will result in more diverse works. In both how the works express the human condition (universal), or help elucidate specific experiences (ethnic, religious, cultural, racial, genderqueer, etc) and different points of view (social, political, etc).

Also I don't how people on twitter or games journalists would take being accused of American cultural imperialism (utterly hilarious, btw) but I'm certainly willing to watch that unfold.


FGC Waterboy
I really don't want to participate in that thread anymore because like most GAF threads on the topic it has reached its natural conclusion, but in the meanwhile there are literal "sides" continuing to take potshots at one another.

Here's how I see it: most people are missing the forest for the trees, and in the most spectacular fashion. I think it's great people are trying to apply the same kind of tools to evaluate and criticize video games as FemFreq has been doing. Only I think it's a bit of a problem now, and I've noticed that even with FemFreq's criticisms of TW3, which involves a whole lot of reaching for things (it's more complicated than that, but anyway).

Basically it's the equivalent of applying the Bechdel Test to a single work and then decrying it as a problem when it doesn't pass the benchmark. It's like nothing else in the text matters, not the narrative, not any metaphors or themes or anything else (or any subtext). That's the stance people are taking. That's the real issue, is that at some point we were all enamored someone started taking and revealing these trends in the aggregate (which I think Sarkeesian has done well with), but didn't apply different standards when evaluating a single text in an exhaustive manner.

I think the intent of "well games probably need more representation" is good and all, but the targets are poorly chosen. It should be an issue of more diversity of different races, cultures, ethnicities (or just backgrounds and experiences) to tell their stories. In the aggregate, there should be more diversity, which is the real underlying issue, not that every game has to hit a threshold or be pilloried.

The root of the problem is diversity in creators, because ultimately that will result in more diverse works. In both how the works express the human condition (universal), or help elucidate specific experiences (ethnic, religious, cultural, racial, genderqueer, etc) and different points of view (social, political, etc).

Also I don't how people on twitter or games journalists would take being accused of American cultural imperialism (utterly hilarious, btw) but I'm certainly willing to watch that unfold.



Also...I've seriously debated dropping the "American cultural imperialism" bomb on the whole mess - because it is a very blatant and obvious part that everyone is missing - that the USA has been the world's greatest exporter of entertainment, and its' greatest consumer, for so long, that we've assumed our "viewpoint" is the default. Which, considering the argument being made about the Witcher 3 (and related works), is the most amazing of ironies to me.


FGC Waterboy
I didn't see the thread on diversity.

& yes, many people in these forums tend to be a little ethnocentric without realizing HOW ethnocentric they are. The self-righteousness is just the icing :p

Hehe, I think the thread has finally died, as most of those types of threads do.

Also, thank you for the tip on NeoGAF++. Got any tips on how to actually use it? :D


Also...I've seriously debated dropping the "American cultural imperialism" bomb on the whole mess - because it is a very blatant and obvious part that everyone is missing - that the USA has been the world's greatest exporter of entertainment, and its' greatest consumer, for so long, that we've assumed our "viewpoint" is the default. Which, considering the argument being made about the Witcher 3 (and related works), is the most amazing of ironies to me.
I didn't make the cultural imperialism argument but it does rear its head a bit, especially in those threads.

I think it makes sense if your intended audience/what the creators value can align with the work like Dragon Age (haven't played 2 or 3 but apparently it's sort of a smorgasboard of different tastes for everyone), which is fine - I mean it's a Canadian/American POV applied to the fantasy genre.

Yeah it is a little concerting when people forget that the American POV isn't always the primary one. Dat American exceptionalism. I'm guilty of it myself in my own writing, luckily I'm now more conscious of it so I'll just take a step back before judging the shit out of everything through that specific lens.


The power is out on my street. I can't work on anything because my laptop only has about 2 hours of power on it without dying.


Good luck :(((.


I made it, but that was painful. I'd have an easier time running through fire.

I ended up getting a movie ticket to see mad max. I need to go see insidious too but I'll save that for later.

Sort of related, but little bunny Foo Foo used to scare me as a kid.

Speaking of recipes, I had some that I wanted to try. I'll make peanut butter marshmallow brownies again too.


Also...I've seriously debated dropping the "American cultural imperialism" bomb on the whole mess - because it is a very blatant and obvious part that everyone is missing - that the USA has been the world's greatest exporter of entertainment, and its' greatest consumer, for so long, that we've assumed our "viewpoint" is the default. Which, considering the argument being made about the Witcher 3 (and related works), is the most amazing of ironies to me.
I think there's a lot of Dunning-Kruger effect at play, too. People just seem to love fooling themselves into believing they're so smart and wise and then sharing their infinite "wisdom" with everyone else, who isn't as enlightened.

Oops! Alexia is so pretty, but you're right. Oh well.

I also love the google calendar sync... and the ifttt.com sync. AHHH. THIS THING IS AMAZING.
Just today, they added Audible and Whispersync for Voice! I prefer reading my books, personally, but that sounds cool. Hopefully they'll add Stitcher soon, so I can play podcasts with it.

"Alexa, reorder (whatever)," is so cool, too. It scans your purchase history and knows which one you want. I recently used it for, "Alexa, reorder fish oil," and it knew I wanted my preferred brand. It then tells you the price and asks for confirmation before it follows through.

The city library is a mess though...

I guess boba sounds good, though. But there's no hot water while the powers out so I have to brave a cold shower
There's a new self-serve boba place in Irvine. Maybe you should go there and report back how it is. =)
Oh, also, is it just me, or do you also make it a point to try to memorize personal information various posters reveal about themselves so that you feel like you can better connect with them in a personal way?

I think I know a fair amount about some of the people in this thread, as well as posters like terrisus, who drop personal details all the time.
Also, zeemumu, we can go to Class 302 if you want! They also have the MOST AMAZING MOST DELICIOUS SHAVED SNOW (I think I started posting pictures of it on page 1 or 2 or 3 of this thread.)
It's true. Theirs is the best by a long shot (although Spiceology's is also really good). Places like Papa Walk, Boiling Point, Fluff Ice (the worst), and Blockheads aren't even close.


Oh, also, is it just me, or do you also make it a point to try to memorize personal information various posters reveal about themselves so that you feel like you can better connect with them in a personal way?

I think I know a fair amount about some of the people in this thread, as well as posters like terrisus, who drop personal details all the time.

I just like learning about people. I'm a listener more than a talker. It's always nice to learn about people.

Also, zeemumu, we can go to Class 302 if you want! They also have the MOST AMAZING MOST DELICIOUS SHAVED SNOW (I think I started posting pictures of it on page 1 or 2 or 3 of this thread.)

Sure! We still need to go to Roscoes too.

Movie starting, brb


Also, zeemumu, we can go to Class 302 if you want! They also have the MOST AMAZING MOST DELICIOUS SHAVED SNOW (I think I started posting pictures of it on page 1 or 2 or 3 of this thread.)

I've been there once but I don't know what I had (this was like, maybe 5 years ago, I think, and in San Gabriel somewhere). I love shaved ice so I shall attempt to make a run there when I'm in Cali again sometime this Summer or Winter break.
It's true. Theirs is the best by a long shot (although Spiceology's is also really good). Places like Papa Walk, Boiling Point, Fluff Ice (the worst), and Blockheads aren't even close.

Wow I really just discovered how amazing shaved ice can be with Blockheads. If Class 302 is that much better then I will have to swing by.


The SGV one (in Walnut) is the OG and is probably the "best."

However, the ones in Irvine are pretty bomb. There's one near UCI, and another on the opposite end of Irvine near Northwood.

The Northwood one is the only DIY boba one. All three have delicious shaved idea, though.

Yes, yes, yes. I am adding this to my to-do list as we speak. Isn't it sad that even though I've moved to Michigan, I'm making a to-do list for SoCal, a place I've lived my whole life? Yeah, that's how boring it is. lol


Oh, also, is it just me, or do you also make it a point to try to memorize personal information various posters reveal about themselves so that you feel like you can better connect with them in a personal way?

I think I know a fair amount about some of the people in this thread, as well as posters like terrisus, who drop personal details all the time.

With posters like terrisus, he just gives a lot of personal info so I remember even when I don't want to.

Oh you two :þ

I am a fairly open book, although I have been trying to cut back on the random exposition >.>
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