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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|

I laughed until I remember the waiter who was earnestly telling my partner and I (both Asian) that the reason we had squinty eyes was because we were evolved from people who had to squint through snow in China.

.......yeah actually on second thought that was pretty lol
(yes he still got a 20% tip, because he was misguided, not mean)

Isn't the epicanthic fold believed to be caused by a genetic change due to climate? Or the most accepted so far?


Haha, I have no idea what to call those in English either. Sticky rice dumplings, I think?

My mom and aunts have been making them this month for the Dragonboat Festival.

I barely know anyone that still makes these, which is a shame because the store bought ones are complete rubbish. :(
Isn't the epicanthic fold believed to be caused by a genetic change due to climate? Or the most accepted so far?

I always thought it was a side effect of the X-Gene




OK I didn't go the negging route since that's not me but we've made out already. I won't lie, she's white so I feel more accomplished. It's like I feel it's harder for an asian guy to hook up with a white girl so it feels more accomplished. I'm buzzed right now btw but it is interesting that I feel that way.
OK I didn't go the negging route since that's not me but we've made out already. I won't lie, she's white so I feel more accomplished. It's like I feel it's harder for an asian guy to hook up with a white girl so it feels more accomplished. I'm buzzed right now btw but it is interesting that I feel that way.


OK I didn't go the negging route since that's not me but we've made out already. I won't lie, she's white so I feel more accomplished. It's like I feel it's harder for an asian guy to hook up with a white girl so it feels more accomplished. I'm buzzed right now btw but it is interesting that I feel that way.

It definitely isn't something you see too often.


OK I didn't go the negging route since that's not me but we've made out already. I won't lie, she's white so I feel more accomplished. It's like I feel it's harder for an asian guy to hook up with a white girl so it feels more accomplished. I'm buzzed right now btw but it is interesting that I feel that way.

Classic mistake, posting on GAF in the middle of it.

At least post in OT and brag about it, you might even get a tag! (but not much else)



I guess that's a plausible English name for that...

I've decided to call them chinese tamales when explaining it to people lol.

Unfortunately, this was after I got stopped byTSA for bringing back home a couple dozen my grandma made in NY. The dude was clearly not believing that inside my duffel was a bunch of "sticky rice things stuffed with meat and other goodies" and I was probably going to have my bag searched for explosives when an Asian TSA dude walked over and said it's cool he's telling the truth. Looking back I totally should've given a couple of them away for saving me the hassle lol.

Edit: that reminds me, I have a sweet one in my freezer I need to eat from when my aunts came down for my wedding...


OK I didn't go the negging route since that's not me but we've made out already. I won't lie, she's white so I feel more accomplished. It's like I feel it's harder for an asian guy to hook up with a white girl so it feels more accomplished. I'm buzzed right now btw but it is interesting that I feel that way.

I'm the product of such a pairing, so good work :p


OK I didn't go the negging route since that's not me but we've made out already. I won't lie, she's white so I feel more accomplished. It's like I feel it's harder for an asian guy to hook up with a white girl so it feels more accomplished. I'm buzzed right now btw but it is interesting that I feel that way.

An Asian girl told me that once after she kissed me. I'm British Asian -Think more Indian/Pakistani/Bengali & she is... I don't know. Can't recall. More far east. She was in Shanghai once but she travelled a lot. I remember that.

Anyways, I was like, why are you telling me that?
And she was like my race's guys didn't really like her race all that often. Lots of short term relationships but not many marriages etc..
I just shrugged it off.


Basically, person postulates that as the US feels threatened by China's growth and influence, there will be more and more subtle racism, and because of how we look, we'll all get caught in it.

What do y'all think?

It already exists in some form with the current wave of nouveau riche traveling overseas from China.

To the touristy areas upon which they descend, Chinese bring largesse in spending and shopping, but tend to be oblivious of or ignore local culture and etiquette. This improves on its own over time, so it's likely to be worst now, and slowly improving.

The other kind of racism is largely based on national security/political interests. Post-WW2 Japan became a major global economy, eventually as large as #2 -- until displaced by China -- largely without the same racial tensions. Korea has been ascendant lately in specific industries without much issue either, so I don't think it's a matter of economic muscle so much as a political/security issue.

China's national interests are inherently at odds with the US due to our extraordinary entanglements in that region of Asia with Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. We're militarily bound to defend those nations, and that escalates everything every time. As China becomes more powerful militarily and economically, they push against each of those boundaries/territories, and stretch relations with the US.

It's additionally complicated -- though as a somewhat mitigating factor -- by their currency being pegged to the USD, and the sheer amount of US debt they own through their sovereign wealth funds. None of this is enough to utterly prevent major conflict, but it's certainly one of the stronger forces against it.

But since they're clearly not an ally of The West, and really are more of an indirect antagonist, there will be lingering perception issues as a result of political conflict.

TL;DR Relationship Status: It's Complicated.


FGC Waterboy
So, this is from a discussion elsewhere (not on GAF, on reddit), but it's about racism against all of us yellow chinky eyed people due to what's happening with China. I think the non East Asian looking people will escape this, but thankfully so because y'all already have to deal with being lumped into RANDOM SECURITY CHECKS AT AIRPORTS.


Basically, person postulates that as the US feels threatened by China's growth and influence, there will be more and more subtle racism, and because of how we look, we'll all get caught in it.

What do y'all think?

It's pretty inevitable; especially when you see how the modern discourse of progressive-ism has taken shape (and more or less ignored Asians in the US); add in our overperformance in terms of salary, and you have a pretty healthy concoction for jealousy and eventually racism. We're going to end up dealing with the "they took our jobs!" crowd soon.
So, this is from a discussion elsewhere (not on GAF, on reddit), but it's about racism against all of us yellow chinky eyed people due to what's happening with China. I think the non East Asian looking people will escape this, but thankfully so because y'all already have to deal with being lumped into RANDOM SECURITY CHECKS AT AIRPORTS.


Basically, person postulates that as the US feels threatened by China's growth and influence, there will be more and more subtle racism, and because of how we look, we'll all get caught in it.

What do y'all think?

The last time I flew, they put me and other minorities in that bomb booth security thing. At least that's what I observed.
I think a major problem is that there aren't enough of us to make a fuss about it. If you go through that thread a bit, it's already being downvoted, and racism defense force types are already showing up and saying things like how it's not a problem and that China will never supplant the US as #1 and whatnot.


I think a major problem is that there aren't enough of us to make a fuss about it. If you go through that thread a bit, it's already being downvoted, and racism defense force types are already showing up and saying things like how it's not a problem and that China will never supplant the US as #1 and whatnot.

It's pretty much a given that China will supplant the US based on the strength of their growing domestic market. We just don't know exactly when that will happen.

American Exceptionalism has bred a weird complex in which the United States maintains an illusion/narrative about being the world's greatest everything to the point of ignoring real domestic problems. This is mainly due to an insular electorate that doesn't need or care to actually be aware of what is going on outside the country, and the kinds of developments that other major nations have or are going through.

There ARE things that the US leads the world at, stuff we're merely okay at, and some things we really need to improve. We're somehow surprised EVERY YEAR that we lag behind on health care, K-12 education, and infrastructure.
It's pretty much a given that China will supplant the US based on the strength of their growing domestic market. We just don't know exactly when that will happen.

American Exceptionalism has bred a weird complex in which the United States maintains an illusion/narrative about being the world's greatest everything to the point of ignoring real domestic problems. This is mainly due to an insular electorate that doesn't need or care to actually be aware of what is going on outside the country, and the kinds of developments that other major nations have or are going through.

There ARE things that the US leads the world at, stuff we're merely okay at, and some things we really need to improve. We're somehow surprised EVERY YEAR that we lag behind on health care, K-12 education, and infrastructure.
Yeah, we're definitely a little too self-absorbed for our own good. I remember, growing up, I asked my grandmother why she always watches the news on Chinese TV channels instead of the normal network channels, and she told me it was because the local news doesn't cover any international issues and narrows its focus too much.


So, this is from a discussion elsewhere (not on GAF, on reddit), but it's about racism against all of us yellow chinky eyed people due to what's happening with China. I think the non East Asian looking people will escape this, but thankfully so because y'all already have to deal with being lumped into RANDOM SECURITY CHECKS AT AIRPORTS.


Basically, person postulates that as the US feels threatened by China's growth and influence, there will be more and more subtle racism, and because of how we look, we'll all get caught in it.

What do y'all think?

I see a lot of conspiracy theory mongering in that thread.


FGC Waterboy
Part of the problem is that too many Asian Americans don't care, and as the racism goes unchecked, it becomes more normalized.

Also, I noticed this, I honestly feel like we have way more Uncle Chans for our color than any other visible minority.

I am cynical about race relations in the US. They treated Russia like shit, there was the Japanese internment, and recently anyone brown is often profiled and there's been a lot of omigodMuslim=terrorist.

I don't see why China and antiChinese sentiment would be exempt when literally this has always happened.

As always, I tend to believe the idea of "follow the money". It's not profitable to yell about racism towards Asians. Ergo, you will not see much talk about it currently. Most of the people decrying racism in this country are very, very silent when it comes to Asians, and will be so until it becomes a profitable enterprise to do so.


As always, I tend to believe the idea of "follow the money". It's not profitable to yell about racism towards Asians. Ergo, you will not see much talk about it currently. Most of the people decrying racism in this country are very, very silent when it comes to Asians, and will be so until it becomes a profitable enterprise to do so.
Nightcrawler pointed that out very well. But what stereotypes do Asians have that can be used to instigate a racist reaction that would make people feel threatened?
We're Skrulls. I knew it.

Edit: That thread is as bad as UFC conspiracies.
Nonsense. We're the real Captain America and Mockingbird. No invasions here.

As always, I tend to believe the idea of "follow the money". It's not profitable to yell about racism towards Asians. Ergo, you will not see much talk about it currently. Most of the people decrying racism in this country are very, very silent when it comes to Asians, and will be so until it becomes a profitable enterprise to do so.
Yeah. Again, that comes down to how small and concentrated in certain areas our population is. America as a whole isn't going to care about our issues, when most of us live in the coastal states. We can vote however we want; it still won't matter much outside small geographical loci.

FAKE EDIT: While I was writing this post, a colleague of mine found these chips that I've been looking for for years. Here is a pic:


Does anyone know where I can find these? I've already looked in every Japanese supermarket in the Torrance/Gardena area.

This bag was found at Mitsuwa, but it was the very last bag they had in stock.


Part of the problem is that too many Asian Americans don't care, and as the racism goes unchecked, it becomes more normalized.

Also, I noticed this, I honestly feel like we have way more Uncle Chans for our color than any other visible minority.

I am cynical about race relations in the US. They treated Russia like shit, there was the Japanese internment, and recently anyone brown is often profiled and there's been a lot of omigodMuslim=terrorist.

I don't see why China and antiChinese sentiment would be exempt when literally this has always happened.

I can understand being cynical. As you point out, especially during crises and wars there's a tendency to fear and "otherise" those with lineage to the enemy, but as I see it there's a number of pragmatic and principle reasons we're far less likely to see a repeat of things like Japanese, Italian, and German internment in WWI and WWII.

The simplest one is one of scale: serious ideas of interning Germans in WWI and WWII were essentially dead from the get-go because there were anywhere from 1.2 to 6 million you'd need to detain. 110,000 or so Japanese living in a far more localized geographic area were another matter.

According to the US Census there's around 3.4 million ethnic Chinese in America, and nearly 700,000 in the New York Metro area alone. That's a massive human cost and outlay.

Secondly, as you point out, while there has been a rise in hate crimes and hostility against Arabs and Muslims, they aren't being mass-incarcerated. Again, you could chalk it up to numbers—there's 2.7 million who identify as Muslims in the US—but I think the increasing heterogeneity of America also speaks to the difference in attitudes. Obviously no matter what strides we make in America or elsewhere... there are going to be bigots. But on a macro level those people would have to successfully convince a massive proportion of the population to follow their lead, and I see that being harder ever day.

Alternatively, again just being pragmatic, it's far easier to tap people's phones and watch their internet histories to see if they're sending assistance to a foreign power. It's certainly working better at stopping ISIL supporters than rounding up Muslims ever would be, and it's undoubtably cheaper and less divisive/counter-productive.

Realistically, I think the greatest cause for stoking fear among Americans about the impact of Chinese subversives would be the Chinese themselves. The Nazis never managed to get many ethnic Germans on board and affiliated but through propaganda and media control they managed to frighten plenty into believing that there was a powerful Nazi presence in the US.


FGC Waterboy
Nightcrawler pointed that out very well. But what stereotypes do Asians have that can be used to instigate a racist reaction that would make people feel threatened?

I could post such a rant on this; but the tl;dr version would be to do something that scares white people, more aimed at women (since by the time this becomes a major issue, they will be the new key demo by every economic indicator) and then white men.

Meh. At this rate, it will never be profitable...and will be much more profitable to paint China as this big evil commie threat to America.

Like what happened with the Red Scare.

Only problem is if(when?) that happens, all of us chinky eyed peeps are going to be catching the heat in the US. Perfect English and American citizenship aren't going to save us lol. Anyone who thinks otherwise is welcome to buy a bridge I am selling.

Of course. This country is fantastic at rationalizing the pursuit of money over all else (see modern Social Justice, college system, NCAA, and so forth) into various "causes".
I can understand being cynical. As you point out, especially during crises and wars there's a tendency to fear and "otherise" those with lineage to the enemy, but as I see it there's a number of pragmatic and principle reasons we're far less likely to see a repeat of things like Japanese, Italian, and German internment in WWI and WWII.

The simplest one is one of scale: serious ideas of interning Germans in WWI and WWII were essentially dead from the get-go because there were anywhere from 1.2 to 6 million you'd need to detain. 110,000 or so Japanese living in a far more localized geographic area were another matter.

According to the US Census there's around 3.4 million ethnic Chinese in America, and nearly 700,000 in the New York Metro area alone. That's a massive human cost and outlay.

Secondly, as you point out, while there has been a rise in hate crimes and hostility against Arabs and Muslims, they aren't being mass-incarcerated. Again, you could chalk it up to numbers—there's 2.7 million who identify as Muslims in the US—but I think the increasing heterogeneity of America also speaks to the difference in attitudes. Obviously no matter what strides we make in America or elsewhere... there are going to be bigots. But on a macro level those people would have to successfully convince a massive proportion of the population to follow their lead, and I see that being harder ever day.

Alternatively, again just being pragmatic, it's far easier to tap people's phones and watch their internet histories to see if they're sending assistance to a foreign power. It's certainly working better at stopping ISIL supporters than rounding up Muslims ever would be, and it's undoubtably cheaper and less divisive/counter-productive.

Realistically, I think the greatest cause for stoking fear among Americans about the impact of Chinese subversives would be the Chinese themselves. The Nazis never managed to get many ethnic Germans on board and affiliated but through propaganda and media control they managed to frighten plenty into believing that there was a powerful Nazi presence in the US.
I just walked out of Mitsuwa...

But hey if you can wait a couple months I will try to bring you back a bag from Japan :p!

*edit: I read your reply, Fuch! Thank you for taking the time to respond so thoroughly, I really do appreciate it.

I agree with you..I don't think the problem is going to be from the government as it was before (via mass internment). Like you said, if they monitor us we will never know. That's not to say it won't happen more often- Chinese professors and researchers are being arrested for conspiracy, even when it turns out not to be true. Professor Wen Ho Lee is a good example, and recently there have been more arrests. I would be more afraid of anyone with a Chinese surname being denied higher levels of government clearance.

When I mean we'll face racism and backlash, it'll be from other Americans as well. If you remember that movie that flopped, with Chris Hemsworth fighting the Korean invaders or something... man the comments were...smh.

Whatever the perception is of China, anyone that LOOKS Chinese is going to get the same assumptions. It doesn't matter how true it is...obviously I am an American citizen. But, whatever fear there is of "the Chinese," it'll get put on all of us, regardless of what actually is.
I don't think it'll get to the extreme of internment and outright aggression, so I definitely agree. China is not our political ally, but it's too close to us economically, so I think at worst we will see overt racism from individuals and groups, but not from government. I know that isn't a whole lot better, but I can at least take solace in expecting that the government, at least, will be ostensibly on our side (or at least not persecuting us).

I also agree that other ethnic groups that aren't Chinese but look close enough, like Koreans and Japanese, will be hurt collaterally. We already have examples of this. During the Rodney King riot, rioters would attack any East Asian people they happened upon, even though their beef was with Korean Americans.
24 percent said they would not approve of intermarriage with an Asian-American.
I call bullshit on this, unless they flat-out don't consider the white guy/Asian girl pairing interracial.

On another note, who's going to E3? I'd love to meet you!

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
So, this is from a discussion elsewhere (not on GAF, on reddit), but it's about racism against all of us yellow chinky eyed people due to what's happening with China. I think the non East Asian looking people will escape this, but thankfully so because y'all already have to deal with being lumped into RANDOM SECURITY CHECKS AT AIRPORTS.


Basically, person postulates that as the US feels threatened by China's growth and influence, there will be more and more subtle racism, and because of how we look, we'll all get caught in it.

What do y'all think?

Didn't that happen in the 80s with Japan? Something about they never really mentioned Nintendo was a Japanese company at the time. I dunno if it there was racism against people tho
How about you set yourself on fire because I'm not going?

That would not be so good for my productivity and living. What if instead of that, you just go?

I am not, but if you see any cute gaming stickers related to Blizzard or Final Fantasy, let me knowwwww :D?
I won't have much floor time, but sure. Give me your contact info.

Is there anything specific you're looking for?
I might know some people.


FAKE EDIT: While I was writing this post, a colleague of mine found these chips that I've been looking for for years. Here is a pic:


Does anyone know where I can find these? I've already looked in every Japanese supermarket in the Torrance/Gardena area.

This bag was found at Mitsuwa, but it was the very last bag they had in stock.

You can order/import food items from a lot of sites. Rakuten tends to have a lot.
Just got back from Urasawa. Ho-o-ly shit, the place is amazing! It's omakase only, but man, they use top tier ingredients, like bluefin toro (apparently there are like four different types of toro), real wasabi (the whole root, which they grind on shark skin right in front of you), edible gold, truffles, shimaji (which tastes similar to yellowtail but is better. They don't have yellowtail; it's too cheap for them), skipjack, abalone, red snapper, yuzu, Wagyu beef that's actually from Japan, etc. Every dish is made right in front of you, one at a time, and for the sushi, they serve it one piece per person (in the whole restaurant) at a time and highly suggest you eat it within 10 seconds of it being served to you. The girl sitting next to me was fiddling with her chopsticks or something for one piece, so the taisho actually took the piece back and made another one, since she was so slow.

Also, while we were eating, in walked Kenny motherfuckin' G, who sat down right next to us! This puts us at 3 for 3 at randomly sitting by a celebrity at an ultra-fancy restaurant: Brad Garrett at Nobu, Bear Grylls at Mastros, and now Kenny G at Urasawa.

It's not the cheapest place, though. I put on the spreadsheet that it's $395 per person, but that's only for food. Water will cost you another $15/person, and we also got a tea and a beer, so our bill after tax and tip was over $1000. It's definitely a once in a blue moon type of place.

They also killed and served shrimp right in front of us. That was kind of weird to watch. It was damn good, though.


Just got back from Urasawa. Ho-o-ly shit, the place is amazing! It's omakase only, but man, they use top tier ingredients, like bluefin toro (apparently there are like four different types of toro), real wasabi (the whole root, which they grind on shark skin right in front of you), edible gold, truffles, shimaji (which tastes similar to yellowtail but is better. They don't have yellowtail; it's too cheap for them), skipjack, abalone, red snapper, yuzu, Wagyu beef that's actually from Japan, etc. Every dish is made right in front of you, one at a time, and for the sushi, they serve it one piece per person (in the whole restaurant) at a time and highly suggest you eat it within 10 seconds of it being served to you. The girl sitting next to me was fiddling with her chopsticks or something for one piece, so the taisho actually took the piece back and made another one, since she was so slow.

Also, while we were eating, in walked Kenny motherfuckin' G, who sat down right next to us! This puts us at 3 for 3 at randomly sitting by a celebrity at an ultra-fancy restaurant: Brad Garrett at Nobu, Bear Grylls at Mastros, and now Kenny G at Urasawa.

It's not the cheapest place, though. I put on the spreadsheet that it's $395 per person, but that's only for food. Water will cost you another $15/person, and we also got a tea and a beer, so our bill after tax and tip was over $1000. It's definitely a once in a blue moon type of place.

They also killed and served shrimp right in front of us. That was kind of weird to watch. It was damn good, though.

Fuck omg that sounds amazing.


Woo, heading to Los Angeles to make a short ten-day trip to visit the fam. Will definitely engorge on some food I've missed and make use of that list, Bunny!


Just got back from Urasawa. Ho-o-ly shit, the place is amazing! It's omakase only, but man, they use top tier ingredients, like bluefin toro (apparently there are like four different types of toro), real wasabi (the whole root, which they grind on shark skin right in front of you), edible gold, truffles, shimaji (which tastes similar to yellowtail but is better. They don't have yellowtail; it's too cheap for them), skipjack, abalone, red snapper, yuzu, Wagyu beef that's actually from Japan, etc. Every dish is made right in front of you, one at a time, and for the sushi, they serve it one piece per person (in the whole restaurant) at a time and highly suggest you eat it within 10 seconds of it being served to you. The girl sitting next to me was fiddling with her chopsticks or something for one piece, so the taisho actually took the piece back and made another one, since she was so slow.

Also, while we were eating, in walked Kenny motherfuckin' G, who sat down right next to us! This puts us at 3 for 3 at randomly sitting by a celebrity at an ultra-fancy restaurant: Brad Garrett at Nobu, Bear Grylls at Mastros, and now Kenny G at Urasawa.

It's not the cheapest place, though. I put on the spreadsheet that it's $395 per person, but that's only for food. Water will cost you another $15/person, and we also got a tea and a beer, so our bill after tax and tip was over $1000. It's definitely a once in a blue moon type of place.

They also killed and served shrimp right in front of us. That was kind of weird to watch. It was damn good, though.

How did they get genuine Wagyu from Japan? Isn't it export restricted or am I imagining things???


Where's this restaurant in HK? Looks familiar...
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