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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|


Someone else said that it's a "weird ass custom."

It ticked me off, but I was raised in an environment where you're supposed to show a lot of filial piety. I honestly think that it's not really a thing in America, the idea that you should show your elder respect. In general, individualistic attitudes don't really put much emphasis on the idea of venerating your elders (at least, this is what I feel).

& yeah, it's really weird to me when I see the way some people talk to/about their parents. Not that some Asian Americans don't also do that, but I find that my Asian American friends generally don't speak to/of their parents the way some of my non Asian American friends do.

Interesting. I actually do sort of respect my elders. I guess for example: I think I do give a little respect to some of my upperclassmen. Though, I don't think I purposely go out of my way to do it. I think it has become more like a habit.

I am not sure how Asian Americans show their respect. For example: If I were to show my respect to you in real life.. Would I initiate with a handshake and then address you as ma'am?

Being an Asian-American, I am pretty confused about showing respect in the long run. I usually just adopt more American values than Asian ones. How do your Asian-American friends speak to their parents?


Clearly the entire Asian immigrant and Asian-American population are all secretly Chinese Communist Spies sent over to destroy the American economy and way of life by first taking all their jobs and making a high median income. Asians are frugal as fuck so they don't spend any of that American dollar to better our economy, but instead send it back to China to further their motherland's economy. And when they're all done, all those Asian doctors and lawyers and engineers are going to UP AND LEAVE AMERICA and leave us vulnerable to an attack by all of the combined Asian forces!

Wake up sheeple!



Clearly the entire Asian immigrant and Asian-American population are all secretly Chinese Communist Spies sent over to destroy the American economy and way of life by first taking all their jobs and making a high median income. Asians are frugal as fuck so they don't spend any of that American dollar to better our economy, but instead send it back to China to further their motherland's economy. And when they're all done, all those Asian doctors and lawyers and engineers are going to UP AND LEAVE AMERICA and leave us vulnerable to an attack by all of the combined Asian forces!

Wake up sheeple!


Why would Asian-American be secret Chinese communist spies? They were born in the U.S and most likely adopted more U.S values/traditions than Asian ones. Not to mention, a lot of Asian-Americans haven't even step foot into their ancestral country.

Asian-Americans assimilate extremely well and many of the ones in the U.S are considered "Westernized". A lot of them don't even know how to read/speak/write in their ancestral language. I don't think they are going to up and leave the U.S anytime soon.


Why would Asian-American be secret Chinese communist spies? They were born in the U.S and most likely adopt more U.S values/traditions than Asian ones. Not to mention, a lot of Asian-Americans haven't even step foot into their ancestral country.

Asian-Americans assimilate extremely well. A lot of them don't even know how to read/speak/write in their ancestral language.

That was a sarcastic post
Why would Asian-American be secret Chinese communist spies? They were born in the U.S and most likely adopted more U.S values/traditions than Asian ones. Not to mention, a lot of Asian-Americans haven't even step foot into their ancestral country.

Asian-Americans assimilate extremely well and many of the ones in the U.S are considered "Westernized". A lot of them don't even know how to read/speak/write in their ancestral language. I don't think they are going to up and leave the U.S anytime soon.

We are Chinese Skrulls. We don't even know it yet.
We are Chinese Skrulls. We don't even know it yet.

I thought we were the Zergs. Often I hear, oh no them chinese gonna zerg the marketplace with their cheapo goods. Or, oh no, them Asian zerg is gonna overpopulate our suburbias with their foreign money. Or, oh no, the zergs are sending the roaches and banelings.

I thought we were the Zergs. Often I hear, oh no them chinese gonna zerg the marketplace with their cheapo goods. Or, oh no, them Asian zerg is gonna overpopulate our suburbias with their foreign money. Or, oh no, the zergs are sending the roaches and banelings.





Though I suspect in America this may trigger the serial killer if you Google it lol.

I always blame Blumenbach. Just cause.


The best part to me is that one of the main characters from the new Star Wars movie is a black stormtrooper. I wonder how many people would get the joke if we did change the title. :D

Stormtroopers were originally all clones of a Mandalorian, but after the rise of the empire the number of clones started to wane and they started taking recruits.


The Star Wars evil management is. You should look up the Sith rule of 2.

The Rule of Two makes no sense. There's so much backstabbing and powermongering among the Sith Order that all practice is abolished so that there is only ever one Master and Apprentice at any given time? It basically guarantees betrayal for the usurpation of the mantle, but that's supposed to be a good thing. And the cycle continues, for similarly inexplicable reasons.

And can there be no self-discovered Sith? I don't understand why the Rule wouldn't be abolished.
Should have just stuck with battle droids.
Yeah, but Palpatine already approved the budget for all the clones and their uniforms. Might as well use them.

The Star Wars evil management is. You should look up the Sith rule of 2.
50% turnover rate in executive management is not the hottest, though.

EDIT: It's also a misnomer because you can have an infinite number of Dark Jedi and Inquisitors.


50% turnover rate in executive management is not the hottest, though.

EDIT: It's also a misnomer because you can have an infinite number of Dark Jedi and Inquisitors.

You can have an infinite number of sith. You can only have two Sith LORDS. There's an Academy in Kotor despite the rule of two still applying.

Besides, after your boss refuses to spend extra money to guard the shield generator guarding your trillion dollar building project, new management might not be so bad. Your investors would be pissed.
You can have an infinite number of sith. You can only have two Sith LORDS. There's an Academy in Kotor despite the rule of two still applying.
Non-canon! Hohohoho.

I did recently learn that Dooku is supposed to be more powerful than Windu, so there's something.

Besides, after your boss refuses to spend extra money to guard the shield generator guarding your trillion dollar building project, new management might not be so bad. Your investors would be pissed.
There's actually a theory that Vader secretly wanted Luke to succeed and take down Sidious and unconsciously used the Force to ensure this outcome. It completely explains why stormtroopers are unusually incompetent around Luke and his buddies, as well as the really dumb design decisions on the Death Star and shield generator.
The best part to me is that one of the main characters from the new Star Wars movie is a black stormtrooper. I wonder how many people would get the joke if we did change the title. :D

Judging by the weird people who dig into the girl gaf thread to post things in other threads, I feel it would probably just be cited as proof that Asians are essentially whites....


There's actually a theory that Vader secretly wanted Luke to succeed and take down Sidious and unconsciously used the Force to ensure this outcome. It completely explains why stormtroopers are unusually incompetent around Luke and his buddies, as well as the really dumb design decisions on the Death Star and shield generator.

What you're describing sounds really similar to Battle Meditation. Basically, it means that the Jedi/Sith doing it does nothing and it buffs everyone on their side while screwing over those on the opposite side.


Actually, Asians can be stormtroopers, but they can't be anything more than shuttle pilots usually, and they get paid less. I mean, out of every 100 TIE pilots, only 8 of them are Asian on average. There's like maybe 3 entire Asian Star Destroyer captains in the entire Imperial Navy. And even then they get the shitty ones that they converted from the Clone Wars, not the new ones. And they say the Bamboo Ceiling doesn't exist.
Actually, Asians can be stormtroopers, but they can't be anything more than shuttle pilots usually, and they get paid less. I mean, out of every 100 TIE pilots, only 8 of them are Asian on average. There's like maybe 3 entire Asian Star Destroyer captains in the entire Imperial Navy. And even then they get the shitty ones that they converted from the Clone Wars, not the new ones. And they say the Bamboo Ceiling doesn't exist.

The mental image of two Asian storm troopers complaining about a bamboo ceiling (maybe bamboo forcefield in this case) is hilarious..

Also, weren't those trade federation guys supposed to be terrible caricatures of Asians? I remember reading about that somewhere
The mental image of two Asian storm troopers complaining about a bamboo ceiling (maybe bamboo forcefield in this case) is hilarious..

Also, weren't those trade federation guys supposed to be terrible caricatures of Asians? I remember reading about that somewhere

Yeah, it made me laugh too XD

And yeah, they even speak with a faux-Japanese accents, I think... and they play on the stereotype that some Asians are money-pinching misers or something.



FGC Waterboy
The mental image of two Asian storm troopers complaining about a bamboo ceiling (maybe bamboo forcefield in this case) is hilarious..

Also, weren't those trade federation guys supposed to be terrible caricatures of Asians? I remember reading about that somewhere

I think that was a bit of a stretch, all in all. Pretty sure it is supposed to be a typical economic (Trade Federation) vs military / imperial / political (The Republic) conflict.


Should have just stuck with battle droids.

I'm with you. Battle droids might not be as effective as stormtroopers, but you don't have to pay them wages or provide them with insurance. And by the time Luke rolls around, the stormtroopers' accuracy had massively degraded since the Clone Wars. The battle droids were never amazing shots to begin with, but they certainly weren't as bad as stormtroopers.

They can't be mind-controlled, either. R2D2 and C3PO were able to escape because Obi-Wan used a Jedi mind trick on a stormtrooper. You can't fool a circuit board like that.

The Galactic Empire's stormtroopers may have won many a battle, but I suspect that battle droids would have been able to keep the Empire intact.

Battle droids also don't complain about nonexistant bamboo forcefields. The nerve of some stormtroopers.


Now listen here, think about it. All the captains of Imperial-IIs? Guess how many of them are Asian? ZERO. You think you'll find any Asians on the bridge of an Imperial II or even an Interdictor? Maybe a helmsman on occasion, but anyone on the command crew? Don't make me laugh.

But guess what, obviously Imperial high command obviously had to play nice so they promoted a few worthless captains in charge of the old Victory-IIs that haven't been decommissioned yet. You think those things see any combat anymore? No, those things are practically run by a skeleton crew. How about you look at all the facts first next time?

The nerve of some people.
I'm with you. Battle droids might not be as effective as stormtroopers, but you don't have to pay them wages or provide them with insurance. And by the time Luke rolls around, the stormtroopers' accuracy had massively degraded since the Clone Wars. The battle droids were never amazing shots to begin with, but they certainly weren't as bad as stormtroopers.

They can't be mind-controlled, either. R2D2 and C3PO were able to escape because Obi-Wan used a Jedi mind trick on a stormtrooper. You can't fool a circuit board like that.

The Galactic Empire's stormtroopers may have won many a battle, but I suspect that battle droids would have been able to keep the Empire intact.

Battle droids also don't complain about nonexistant bamboo forcefields. The nerve of some stormtroopers.

I think the problem with battledroids was that if you take down the mothership, they all deactivate..you don't have that problem with storm troopers..


All this Star Wars stuff is going right over my head.
I physically hurt typing all that out if that makes you feel any better.

I think the problem with battledroids was that if you take down the mothership, they all deactivate..you don't have that problem with storm troopers..
All Asians look the same... clearly they all share the same hivemind. Did you not pay attention in school? Clearly they would work the same way, just with more squishy parts involved.
All Asians look the same... clearly they all share the same hivemind. Did you not pay attention in school? Clearly they would work the same way, just with more squishy parts involved.

I'm Asian..Of course I paid attention in school. Mostly math..always struggled with English though.
I'm Asian..Of course I paid attention in school. Mostly math..always struggled with English though.


Im 100% the same! I also only paid attention to math! When I'm not too busy being polite and not looking the eyes of the people who are speaking to me, that is.

We are like identical???????? I dont think I can tell us apart !!


I'm Asian..Of course I paid attention in school. Mostly math..always struggled with English though.

It also makes sense that English was difficult for you. Asians just aren't capable of creative thought, being raised in oppressive cultures that value test scores above all else.
I'm Asian..Of course I paid attention in school. Mostly math..always struggled with English though.

Im 100% the same! I also only paid attention to math! When I'm not too busy being polite and not looking the eyes of the people who are speaking to me, that is.

We are like identical???????? I dont think I can tell us apart !!
Hey, stop double-posting. You can just edit your posts.
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