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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|

Because, literally translated, soup dumpling would be "湯餃", except that actually refers to another dish. It's dumplings served in soup.

There's also "灌湯餃", which are large steamed dumplings that contain a lot of soup, or are served in soup/stock.

"Soup dumpling" makes no sense when referring to 小籠包 because they're not dumplings, and the liquid -- not real soup as the liquid comes from the filling -- is minimal when compared to 灌湯餃.

It's basically misclassifying a 包/bao for a 餃/dumpling.

This is speculation on my part, but I imagine that "soup dumpling" was named that way on the east coast to give it an easy-to-use name for non-Asians, like bubble tea (also an east coast thing) for 波霸/boba.
"Boba" is slang for nipple, though, anyway.


Haha I remember before DTF became all fancy they had instructions printed on their chopstick sleeves



FGC Waterboy
Hi I just found this thread (ノ゚ο゚)ノ

Whats going on? I was wondering if everyone is having a good summer.

Welcome to Asian-GAF, aka Asian Food GAF with occasional other asian stuff GAF. :D

Good summer here; Seattle has been super hot. I'm currently aiming the fan at me as I type. :p
Easiest way to burn your mouth if the soup is too hot, not to mention the potential in spilling the goods on your shirt. Correct way is to nibble the top or side of the dumpling while it's resting on your spoon. Slurp the soup so none of it goes to waste and eat the rest.

Yup, that's how I do it.


I think it's overblown, and I think it is insanely telling that none of the protestors appeared to be Japanese.

lol @ none of the protestors being Japanese.

Basically this. Plus, it's a museum. I don't think that cultural engagement in a museum is appropriation, and it's certainly not really being done in an exploitative way.

On top of all that, it's really a Monet exhibit about a work during a period when Japanese stuff was entirely in fashion in the west.


Basically this. Plus, it's a museum. I don't think that cultural engagement in a museum is appropriation, and it's certainly not really being done in an exploitative way.

On top of all that, it's really a Monet exhibit about a work during a period when Japanese stuff was entirely in fashion in the west.

The protestors are really tone deaf if they're protesting an event around a Monet exhibit, seriously. It's Monet.
Gosh. Dumplings. Mmmm. Wants so bad~~~~

I love soup dumplings ❤

This thread always makes me hungry 😋

On the OT stuff:

  • Teehee at that one guy using anime as his basis of asking how Japanese girls copes with various breast sizes 😃
  • Kimono 👘 thingy was more dorky PR than malicious cultural appropriation (for me)


Just got back from a date! Thought it went somewhat okay, but I don't really have any expectations at this point. We set up a tentative date for next week... but I now need second-date ideas :p
People have been claiming about it being humid as crap here recently, but after being in HK and Taiwan for a couple of weeks, this is nothing


People have been claiming about it being humid as crap here recently, but after being in HK and Taiwan for a couple of weeks, this is nothing

The weather in California (Bay area anyways) is pretty mild all around. Never too cold, never too hot, never too humid, never too dry.
Typical coffee shop date, haha. Most of my dates never go past the first date, so I'm kind of caught flat-footed :p
If I may make a suggestion: take her to a bunch of places in the same date. Ideally, these should be fairly unique places for both of you (or at least her), so you can both experience them for the first time together. It'll be like having multiple dates in a single date, and you'll bond faster.
Ooh this might work....as long as she wants to hang out with you. Otherwise, she's going to be feeling more pressured.
It doesn't have to be pressured, though. Think of it (and treat it like) you're spending a day with a friend.

EDIT: I'm assuming she does want to spend time with him, since they're setting up a follow up date already.


I haven't been following the Ellen Pao thing at all, but that's actually an old gaming meme from Samurai Showdown. The bad localization proclaims that when you win a match.
There are so many other memes that could have been used though. What makes that one the most appropriate?
No, but I think the context in this case is more of a gaming community in-joke. I went ahead and read the last page of the thread, and it honestly looks like most of the criticisms of her regard her management and actions, and possibly her gender, but I didn't see anything regarding her ethnicity.

EDIT: I read some more, and, honestly, I think if you're going to pick on a racist phrase, "Chairman Pao" is way the hell worse than "VICTOLY."


FGC Waterboy
I don't think being on a gaming forum should excuse that sort of shit.

Not to mention, some Japanese localization on some random game, to excuse a pretty common form of racism in mocking how Asians supposedly speak English, in a thread about Ellen Pao, is in extremely poor taste.

GAF was sure angry when a bunch of NON JAPANESE AMERICANS dared to get involved with something that wasn't about Japanese people. Shouldn't they try and care now about using, at least, the "right" kind of Asianness?

It's fucking stupid.

Eh - it is probably in bad taste - but it's the Internet so I try not to assume tone. It sounds like a terrible pun or joke someone says at a bar - I'm used to much more direct and worse I guess. Honestly - I expect a lot worse to come from that thread. (Plus - I tend to assume good intentions / ignorance / benefit of the doubt to an irrational point - why I'm so happy all the time) :-D

As for the hypocrisy - are you really surprised? even as someone who believes that the term cultural appropriation is used as a gate keeping mechanicsm more often than not (and would agree with most of the people in that thread) - there's this weird strain of progressiveism that plays oppression Olympics and doesn't believe that you can be racist towards those who are financially well off. Asian Americans are generally financially well off. Ergo; we are fair game to them.

Are y'all honestly going to ignore how commonly switching l/r in English words have been used to mock Asians? & do y'all really think someone would have said this if it had been a non East Asian stepping down?

Oh of course a comment along those lines was said because she was East Asian. But I'm assuming also that some bad curry joke would be made if she was indian, hitler jokes would be made if she were German (see people making fun of merkel), etc. (sorry for the odd grammar, on my iPad). People who dislike someone are going to go for the most snarky hurtful comment they can - and if your race has well known openings, they'll take them. Same with gender, sexuality, etc, imo.


FGC Waterboy
keke. You're right. I did a few garrison missions, ate a few gummy bears, and am back to whateverrrrrrr.

Let's go back to discussing sweets and dates :D

How is the new WoW xpack? Worth getting back into? (Once I have a new pc)

Srg; you aren't Seattle based are you? I has good date ideas if you are. :-D
SRG, take her to the aquarium! I'm betting it's a place neither you nor her have been to in some time! For example, brunch, aquarium, city, dinner...and then see where that takes you from there.
I've been on this forum for eight years, and that's the first time I've ever seen it.
Here it is, from Samurai Shodown IV:


By this time, I think they were probably well aware of their localization gaffe but kept it in to give their game unique character.

Maybe it's a bigger meme in the fighting game community.
Per a forum search - apparently Toronto GAF likes using it. It's used every now and then it seems. It's not that common but not super uncommon (I'm a FGC guy which is why I recognized it) on GAF it seems.

Actually, me too. Was, at least.

It's definitely been in the FGC vernacular for decades, and it was never really used in a racially charged context. People would yell it out in jest, akin to soccer fans yelling out "GOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLL!"


Per a forum search - apparently Toronto GAF likes using it. It's used every now and then it seems. It's not that common but not super uncommon (I'm a FGC guy which is why I recognized it) on GAF it seems.

As someone from TO GAF, I hadn't really noticed. Or do you mean posters in TO GAF doing it in the sports threads? But yeah even then I've met most of them in real life (particularly the ones I'm thinking of), and they are clearly not being racist or anything. So yeah.


Holy shit these are SO good. I love the Chinese ones too, when they are filled with red bean or custard and are round. At least, I used to get them at 99 Ranch Market.

I like shaved snow too! And tang yuan...not sure what it is called in English but it is white with black sesame filling, boiled.

And mochi is soo good. Especially mochi with peanut dust. Or mochilato, which was apparently started here in LA.

Chinese sweet bread is good, boba is good, BRICK TOAST nomnomnomnom.

Mango sticky rice is delicious too.

And gulab jamun. There was a restaurant back near school that served delicious ones. Mmmmmm.

I know I am missing some desserts. Ha-ha. I LOVE sugar.

I've had tang yuan with peanut butter in it!

Oh yeah, I love mochi & daifuku. Also I enjoy green tea flavored stuff (cakes, ice cream). Matcha swiss rolls are lovely. I like coconut sticky rice balls, not so much the mango kind though. Regular ol' milk tea is my favorite boba flavor.

Had to google brick toast... whoa. :O


My partner gained some weight and it's honestly only made him cuter.

Oh LOL, I meant the 'being happy' part :p

If I may make a suggestion: take her to a bunch of places in the same date. Ideally, these should be fairly unique places for both of you (or at least her), so you can both experience them for the first time together. It'll be like having multiple dates in a single date, and you'll bond faster.

SRG, take her to the aquarium! I'm betting it's a place neither you nor her have been to in some time! For example, brunch, aquarium, city, dinner...and then see where that takes you from there.

I don't even know if there's an aquari... oh wait, there is an aquarium-ish thing but it's geared towards kids.

I've been brainstorming and here's two ideas that I've been working with: ice skating (in the middle of summer no less!) or going to the library and bonding over/swapping books. The first one is a definite activity thing to bond over, whereas the second isn't really much of an activity but I know she loves books.

The aquarium might actually fit with skating since the aquarium and skating area are sort of within the same venue.

Then dinner or something. But this date is going to be on a Thursday night so...


Whoops, nevermind. Just received a text saying that she's still hung up over her ex and canceled, lol. It wasn't unexpected though :p



Sucks man. Hopefully she realizes what kind of catch she has in you and wisens up. :D

Hahaha, thanks! To be perfectly honest, I was kind of worried about how I could fit in the date plus the midnight showing of Ant-Man since I had bought tickets way in advance, lol.

That really shows you where my priorities are these days :p
Why did no one tell me black sesame ice cream is so good?

If post a picture but that was down to the cone by the time I thought of it :p

Hahaha, thanks! To be perfectly honest, I was kind of worried about how I could fit in the date plus the midnight showing of Ant-Man since I had bought tickets way in advance, lol.

That really shows you where my priorities are these days :p
Wow, those are fucked priorities. Minions >Ant Man :p
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