Ah then I'll probably get it. I'm doing the buy 2 get 1 deal at target. Maybe by the time I get to AC U it will have a decent framerate.there is a day one patch. about 900 MB.
Ah then I'll probably get it. I'm doing the buy 2 get 1 deal at target. Maybe by the time I get to AC U it will have a decent framerate.there is a day one patch. about 900 MB.
Actually I played through Far Cry 3 on PS3 and the only pop ins I noticed were from cars coming from far away and when I was hang gliding.
How can people call bullshit on such claim after mantle? Increased framerate on cpu bound games directly translate to increased resolution if you are already at a acceptable framerate level.
I take it you don't go into specifics much.
What the fuck happened with Unity?
Problem is that AC is played by a majority of casuals. They do not understand the concepts of resolution, frame rate or anti aliasing.
All they want is some pretty colors, gore and a good story.
They've hugely upgraded the visual technology to take advantage of the shader power of the new consoles.
Going completely OT here but if you've actually had a programmer do that you were either talking about things in completely different (and misunderstood) contexts - or he wasn't actually a programmer.Nerfgun said:Programmers often don't want to admit shit is on fire until its consumed half the building![]()
It's funny how this gen Ubisoft is quickly becoming the textbook example for everything that is wrong about AAA development.
That's just so sadly true. I remember playing AC 1 when I was a youth, my older tech savvy cousin tried to show me how framerate impacted gameplay when spinning the camera, bring focus to draw distance problems etc.
All I could think of was "yeah whatever, I just enjoy climbing and killing shit!"
Thank fuck I changed a lot from then
Guys, pop-in buildings and npcs is a feature. It's like "Woah, didn't expect this!".
Surprise effect while exploring. And this can only be achieved on NEXT GEN!
That's just so sadly true. I remember playing AC 1 when I was a youth, my older tech savvy cousin tried to show me how framerate impacted gameplay when spinning the camera, bring focus to draw distance problems etc.
All I could think of was "yeah whatever, I just enjoy climbing and killing shit!"
Thank fuck I changed a lot from then
I'll second this (but not in gaming industry)... at least for me, my teams have always been overly pessmistic about risks and estimates. We think about everything that can go wrong.Going completely OT here but if you've actually had a programmer do that you were either talking about things in completely different (and misunderstood) contexts - or he wasn't actually a programmer.
Engineering brain generally sees problems everywhere, all the time - not the other way around.
Jeez ubisoft what have you done!
In that case, three cheers for Bubisoft!
Yeah, the pop up is way more glaring to me.
I don't think you know what 'unplayable' means. This is a video of a person playing the console version of Unity for nearly two hours, which is proof that the game is not 'unplayable' in any meaningful, non-hyperbolic sense of the word.
Well that's a shame but, you know, after some time you get used to it. It sure isn't pretty though.
That's just so sadly true. I remember playing AC 1 when I was a youth, my older tech savvy cousin tried to show me how framerate impacted gameplay when spinning the camera, bring focus to draw distance problems etc.
All I could think of was "yeah whatever, I just enjoy climbing and killing shit!"
Thank fuck I changed a lot from then
Minor spoilers for Rogue/Unity:
This is what Versailles looks like in Rogue: http://i.imgur.com/9XAvw4o.jpg
This is what Versailles looks like in Unity: http://i.imgur.com/1iDWYlx.jpg
The purely visual engine updates are pretty extensive as far as lighting etc. goes.
I make this post fully expecting some people to claim that Rogue looks better.
As empathetic as I am with those upset when tech issues raise their ugly heads, your story doesn't really suggest your outlook on gaming actually improved...
As disappointing as a game with frame drops, tearing, aliasing and so forth is, it seems to me that many times these blemishes don't really impact the playability of the titles. Yes, there is technically always going to be a hit to the interactivity and gamer response time, but really, this is Assassins Creed, not Virtua Fighter.
well, looks like back then you had fun playing the game for what it was and now you look at the stuff besides the gameplay and wont enjoy it, even though the core gameplay is fun....
dont think thats " great"...^^
Jeez ubisoft what have you done!
That's the problem.Using the full power of PS4 & Xbox One!
Minor spoilers for Rogue/Unity:
This is what Versailles looks like in Rogue: http://i.imgur.com/9XAvw4o.jpg
This is what Versailles looks like in Unity: http://i.imgur.com/1iDWYlx.jpg
The purely visual engine updates are pretty extensive as far as lighting etc. goes.
I make this post fully expecting some people to claim that Rogue looks better.
Yeah, I watched some guy who had a full hour of just running around the environment up on YouTube. Very few drops that I could notice. He avoided big crowds for the most part, though. Pre patch as well.DanQ8000 has the first hour up on his channel and to be honest, the framerate doesn't look that bad at all. It does jerk a bit when turning when there are a lot of people on screen but its far from unplayable from what i saw.
I certainly wouldn't boycott it over it, its playable unless it gets really bad later on in the game or something.
Still gonna sell ten million though.
man, these hypothetical conversations between designers and programmers are like I'm really there!
Minor spoilers for Rogue/Unity:
This is what Versailles looks like in Rogue: http://i.imgur.com/9XAvw4o.jpg
This is what Versailles looks like in Unity: http://i.imgur.com/1iDWYlx.jpg
The purely visual engine updates are pretty extensive as far as lighting etc. goes.
I make this post fully expecting some people to claim that Rogue looks better.
This gen is all about releasing unfinished games and patching them later, I have no doubt AC Unity will be the same thing.
Using the full power of the Xbox One into the PS4!
Using the full power of the Xbox One into the PS4!
I bet it was like:
Programmer: mon Cherie poo poo, we need to make zees game 100% pc eckslusive to realize zee vision for parii
Executive: SCREW YOU programmer I want MONEY MONEY MONEY
Programmer: but zee graphics
Level designer: I will just design a new level to fix this *turns crank and factory line restarts*
Oh I'm not rally slagging programmers. The ones I've worked with have had a very gung-ho attitude, i.e. "I can fix this", which sometimes modulated their feedback. Programmers are the ones up against the wall at the end, not designers.Going completely OT here but if you've actually had a programmer do that you were either talking about things in completely different (and misunderstood) contexts - or he wasn't actually a programmer.
Engineering brain generally sees problems everywhere, all the time - not the other way around.
Gen8 is really a continuation the Gen7 trend of releasing unfinished games with the knowledge that significant patches within a week of release will (probably) fix them.
Consumers seem fine with it.
Seems like the 900p parity thing across Xbone and PS4 was a PR thing to hide this then.