Whelp guess I picked the wrong game for the Target sale this morning. Shit.
According to Totalbiscuit the PC version is also complete ass. You won't get a good experience with this game on any platform, unless the day 1 PC version patch is a miracle.
People have been playing AAA games with sub-par framerates for decades now. Just because we have Digital Foundry doesn't mean that the masses suddenly give a shit.
Perfect Dark, Ocarina of Time, Mario Kart 64, Star Fox (SNES), GTA San Andreas, Killzone...all much worse than the average game nowadays.
People have been playing AAA games with sub-par framerates for decades now. Just because we have Digital Foundry doesn't mean that the masses suddenly give a shit.
Perfect Dark, Ocarina of Time, Mario Kart 64, Star Fox (SNES), GTA San Andreas, Killzone...all much worse than the average game nowadays.
Is this game still doing the "The Animus is now a part of a game company" thing? Maybe the story has Unity still in beta.
I cannot believe now we have legions in this thread saying fuckin consistent sub-30 framerates have not hit the threshold for unacceptable
my fucking god guys. these devs could fucking ship a flaming turd to you bros and you wouldn't say it was beneath the line. ya'll are paying money for this shit, and the devs are like "this is amazing. They still will buy it. What's the threshold now? 15fps? Is that where we're going to need to be to fucking to turn on the alarm?
Really though? Ignorance has its benefits...![]()
As empathetic as I am with those upset when tech issues raise their ugly heads, your story doesn't really suggest your outlook on gaming actually improved...
As disappointing as a game with frame drops, tearing, aliasing and so forth is, it seems to me that many times these blemishes don't really impact the playability of the titles. Yes, there is technically always going to be a hit to the interactivity and gamer response time, but really, this is Assassins Creed, not Virtua Fighter.
well, looks like back then you had fun playing the game for what it was and now you look at the stuff besides the gameplay and wont enjoy it, even though the core gameplay is fun....
don`t think that`s " great"...^^
Soon in like 2 hoursWhen is the embargo lifted?
Of course, with better technology, it'd make sense to expect better frame rates. It'd make sense-- except it's not really happening. Heck, we had better frame rates two generations ago than we do now, but that's been sacrificed for graphics detail and resolution.
I cannot believe now we have legions in this thread saying fuckin consistent sub-30 framerates have not hit the threshold for unacceptable
my fucking god guys. these devs could fucking ship a flaming turd to you bros and you wouldn't say it was beneath the line. ya'll are paying money for this shit, and the devs are like "this is amazing. They still will buy it. What's the threshold now? 15fps? Is that where we're going to need to be to fucking to turn on the alarm?
When is the embargo lifted?
Even as a joke...I don't get this,It's clearly Sony's fault for producing inferior hardware, why are people blaming Ubi?
It's clearly Sony's fault for producing inferior hardware, why are people blaming Ubi?
As I said the other day in response to someone else, many of the best games I've ever played have had framerates that either dipped lower than 30fps, or didn't even try to reach 30fps.
So I honestly find it really difficult to draw a line in the sand and claim that now, after 20 years as a gamer, it's unacceptable, a travesty, lock Ubisoft up and throw away the key. And I also know for a fact, after 20 years as a gamer, that they're not 'unplayable' framerates or some other silly hyperbole (or, rather, that whether it's unplayable depends entirely on what kind of game it is).
It's clearly Sony's fault for producing inferior hardware, why are people blaming Ubi?
It's clearly Sony's fault for producing inferior hardware, why are people blaming Ubi?
I cannot believe now we have legions in this thread saying fuckin consistent sub-30 framerates have not hit the threshold for unacceptable
my fucking god guys. these devs could friggin' ship a flaming turd to you bros and you wouldn't say it was beneath the line. ya'll are paying money for this shit, and the devs are like "this is amazing. They still will buy it." What's the threshold now? 15fps? Is that where we're going to need to be to fucking turn on the alarm?
wow...now that's just piss poor. after a 1 GB patch, it's still performing like this? Ubisoft needs to make a statement!
wow...now that's just piss poor. after a 1 GB patch, it's still performing like this? Ubisoft needs to make a statement!
It's clearly Sony's fault for producing inferior hardware, why are people blaming Ubi?
It's clearly Sony's fault for producing inferior hardware, why are people blaming Ubi?
I know this isn't the case for every game, but man this will never end. Spec advancement is always going to lead to higher expectations which leads to a heavier burden on developers which leads to... this. It's unfortunate but it's a cycle that will continue simply because that's the nature of things. You have people saying this game looks ugly and that's exactly why this is happening. I want games to look good too, but many people are incredibly fucking stingy about graphics to the point where they'll comment negatively on games that look just fine.
Devs are being stressed to make the best visuals possible, stretching and stretching that ambition, so naturally the performance is going to suffer in favor of prettier screenshots. It sucks but it's not going to change. There's going to be other games by developers this gen and in gens to come that look great and perform well, but these big bloated "AAA" fare, especially multiplats are always going to come with these kinds of problems. It isn't acceptable, but the more people clamor for eye-fucking graphics the more developers have to try to keep up with that and sometimes they just can't.
I cannot believe now we have legions in this thread saying fuckin consistent sub-30 framerates have not hit the threshold for unacceptable
my fucking god guys. these devs could friggin' ship a flaming turd to you bros and you wouldn't say it was beneath the line. ya'll are paying money for this shit, and the devs are like "this is amazing. They still will buy it." What's the threshold now? 15fps? Is that where we're going to need to be to fucking turn on the alarm?
"Well it was acceptable last generation" seems to be the biggest argument. The point is that I think on the whole people are starting to want a fucking minimum quality of a product they are buying.
I bought and enjoyed Skyrim PS3 before the big patch last generation. Does that make me a hypocrit for hating performance issues now? Fuck no, I just decided I want more for my $69 (Thanks, Canada) and I'm seeing a shit load of AMAZING indie games being released on PSN that are holding my attention better than a lot of AAA games these days and I'm getting 3-6 of those for the same price.
People are tired of getting a shit product. PSN/XBL have quality gateways to have products released on them. We need the big three to step up and have the same gateways for all games.
Lets pretend for a moment you spent about 2k on your gaming computer that includes an SLI setup of the latest top two graphic cards available so you could play EVERY game with maxed out settings at a good resolution....
and suddenly a game comes out where you're not able to keep 60 fps without dips.. not to mention we have yet to see anything even close to graphical advancement of Crysis compared to anything else at the time of its release
You're saying this is to be expected and totally normal? Because thats exactly the case with this game
"Everything is perfectly fine."
PS4 last gen hardware confirmed
It's clearly Sony's fault for producing inferior hardware, why are people blaming Ubi?
Well that's bollocks because Ubisoft chose 10000 NPCs rather than pretty graphics as their highlight of this game. Sure it looks great but personally infamous second son wowed me more with its visuals.
People have been playing AAA games with sub-par framerates for decades now. Just because we have Digital Foundry doesn't mean that the masses suddenly give a shit.
Perfect Dark, Ocarina of Time, Mario Kart 64, Star Fox (SNES), GTA San Andreas, Killzone...all much worse than the average game nowadays.
That's presumptuous. Many of us DID care very much. I always found N64 games to be somewhat unplayable due to poor frame-rates which is why I actively hate Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. I've also maintained that Killzone on PS2 was unplayable due to its low frame-rate while the GTA games all ran like shit. To act as if nobody was bothered by that back then is silly especially during the PS2 era when so many AAA games were 60 fps.People have been playing AAA games with sub-par framerates for decades now. Just because we have Digital Foundry doesn't mean that the masses suddenly give a shit.
Perfect Dark, Ocarina of Time, Mario Kart 64, Star Fox (SNES), GTA San Andreas, Killzone...all much worse than the average game nowadays.
Ubisoft official statement: "U-Be-fucked *walks away whistling*"wow...now that's just piss poor. after a 1 GB patch, it's still performing like this? Ubisoft needs to make a statement!
Right now publishers are just looking at how far they can push releasing these unoptimized messes.
Lets pretend for a moment you spent about 2k on your gaming computer that includes an SLI setup of the latest top two graphic cards available so you could play EVERY game with maxed out settings at a good resolution....
and suddenly a game comes out where you're not able to keep 60 fps without dips.. not to mention we have yet to see anything even close to graphical advancement of Crysis compared to anything else at the time of its release
You're saying this is to be expected and totally normal? Because thats exactly the case with this game
preorders for AC Unity and FarCry 4 cancelled
Ubisoft will never get anymore money from me