That Xbox deal for Black Friday is starting to look..........
Well-- it's still a cheaper Xbox One and the codes can always be sold!
That Xbox deal for Black Friday is starting to look..........
The game is an unoptimized mess. Should have delayed the release until the game is actually cooked.
Same could be said for driveclub's netcode.
Publishers should get out of the mindset of releasing unfinished games to appease the masses. Either pare back the scope of your game and wait to release it when it's actually finished.
last of us wasn't sub 30 fps all the time. if it did, it was mostly in nongameplay sequemces and just walking through scenery.
So question, what if all media outlets just agreed to say fuck off to embargos that are past the release date. I mean, it doesn't benefit them in any way. So why would anyone agree to that? I know the reason you normally agree to embargo, is because you have a review copy that you agree to the terms, and you also want to maintain that relationship with the publisher late down the line.
But embargos that are past the actual release of the game? That is absurd.
Thanks a bunch. I had no family or friends in real life (moved to a new state last year when I got hit with it). GAF was the only thing that got me through. If it wasn't for kind people on here, I would not be here right now. I was ready to give up several times.
Seems like this game could have done with a few more months in the oven.
Common sense, bro. You should have learned that this thread is full hyperbole and technical whats the verdict? is the game truly unplayable with the framerate issues? i still havnt opened my copy yet
how long till the Review Thread? I cant wait for the fireworks. People, this is why you do NOT support Ubisoft day one, or any other game for that matter, until you know for sure what you will be getting. Glad I held off on this.
Sigh. I feel guilty for even buying this. I usually try to "wait" for reviews before buying games. I don't want to support bad business practices. I just got trigger happy this week, and got a bunch of digital pre-loads set up. You see, I just beat a year long fight with cancer. And I had my week after my final test set up to...celebrate with a bunch of new games, should I beat it. And I did.
But now I feel bad, because this game runs very poorly. And Ubisoft is pulling some shit that I don't condone or support. I should learn from this company's history.
Fuck this.
how is the game guys?
At least wait 30 minutes for the reviews before opening it.
How long until our Resident Ubisoft defender comes and tells us everything is fine and we are all over reacting?
how is the game guys?
Hello Dave.
'unplayable' is a metric that varies for each person
have you played games that are frequently in their low to mid 20s? Did you find them playable?
Then yes, this is playable. Also have to factor in the massive pop-in, endless glitches, 900p resolution, but yeah.. if none of this matters, go crazy RoylAsult![]()
Dear god...
so whats the verdict? is the game truly unplayable with the framerate issues? i still havnt opened my copy yet
so whats the verdict? is the game truly unplayable with the framerate issues? i still havnt opened my copy yet
Is there an review embargo on Rogue as well?
Same for Unity?
Haha you're my wife now!
Frequent framerate in 20s with drops below 20s is a good description of GTA V on last gen (and although I've yet to play with GTA IV, it seems even worse?)
That's a pretty successful broken product ^_^
(I agree, such low framerates are awful, but I felt that in most places, GTA V got a pass for this...)