Depends on what's the framerate for the xbone. Fps parity.
Yes. Funny thing is, I was more interested in Rogue anyways... as long as it's at least somewhat competant and similar to BF, I'll probably get it.
Seems like this game could have done with a few more months in the oven.
All the single lads, all the single lads
"My lords, do you not see how determined these men are? Why, they all have their hands about their hips, in a gesture of great ire! That man has taken to floating!"
They gave watchdogs 6 months right? All that did was make the wait even more not worth it. Been seeing live streams of the The Crew, it looks awful, every streamer ive asked if the game was any fun said no. And now this? Will wait for reviews but man I was not expecting this early trepidation for AC Unity.
All the single lads, all the single lads
All the single lads, all the single lads
All the single lads, all the single lads
All the single lads, now put your hands up
Part of me always feels a little bad for the people working on these games.....cant imagine the man hours that went into making art, animations, etc. Only for it not come together at the end
Are you implying that it would be unjustified given the trend Ubisoft has set thus far? First it was WatchDogs, now it's AC; the scale of misrepresentation throughout the games' development is mind bending and completely unacceptable.
:0Fucking bullshit, I hope everyone at ubisoft dies.
You just gave me more entertainment than I've gotten from any AC game. Thank you!
Sigh. I feel guilty for even buying this. I usually try to "wait" for reviews before buying games. I don't want to support bad business practices. I just got trigger happy this week, and got a bunch of digital pre-loads set up. You see, I just beat a year long fight with cancer. And I had my week after my final test set up to...celebrate with a bunch of new games, should I beat it. And I did.
But now I feel bad, because this game runs very poorly. And Ubisoft is pulling some shit that I don't condone or support. I should learn from this company's history.
Fuck this.
Wait, were you joking?
All the single lads, all the single lads
All the single lads, all the single lads
All the single lads, all the single lads
All the single lads, now put your hands up
Dead.All the single lads, all the single lads
All the single lads, all the single lads
All the single lads, all the single lads
All the single lads, now put your hands up
So this is the Wii u versions with Nintendo costumes in, right?
Pretty sure they didn't even send copies of Rogue to any outlet. If they did they weren't set to arrive until today. Reviews for Rogue won't hit until end of this week at the earliest.
When does NDA drop?