Crossing Eden post if you're ok.
That tweet got deleted now.
HAHAHAHAHAHA. You guys are my new heroes hahahahaha
Real glad you're okay. But yeah, I mean stuff like this... doesn't it make anyone look at pre-ordering digitally in a very negative way sometimes? I mean, people who buy this game digitally... they'll never be able to at least sell their copy used. This is why I'll never go full digital. When you pre-order or buy digitally before there are any reviews or impressions, you're literally paying $60 in faith.
Didn´t have time to make the whole gif
(just bought a car)
It's nice to see that Pinch Face got a job in Assassin's Creed Unity. His previous job was 20 years ago on Nickelodeon.
Didn´t have time to make the whole gif
(just bought a car)
Oh boy.
Guy works for Joystiq.
DO try Sunset Overdrive. Happy happy joy joy! Great for you right now imo. Check streams of it if unsure. GOTY candidate
Guys, don't tell me the face you're all using is real... I can't stop laughing.
It's made me think twice about it. I've actually been all digital this console gen. And ever since they started the "pre-load" feature on PS4 and X1, I've been starting to do that (pre-order and install before launch). But this has made me really weary to ever do that again (I'll only do it for very trusted companies...and even then...)
Had to go for a piss from laughing so much, I'm going to get sacked one of these days
GAF> Doing my job
Hm, if the PS4 would be 1080p, wouldn't be the framerate even worse? Lol
Depends on what's the framerate for the xbone. Fps parity.
I think it's reasonable to pre-order/pre-load stuff that you absolutely trust. I'd have no qualms digitally pre-ordering Nintendo software for example, and there are other very safe bets out there from studios, but when you look at the history of say franchises like this that have been known to be buggy messes, it should definitely raise an alarm to anyone considering buying digitally. I only bought Assassin's Creed III digitally because it was on sale for like $15 on PSN and my car was broke down. I actually ended up liking that one enough though so whatever.