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Assassin's Creed Brotherhood |OT| where my bro's at?

Cruzader said:
Quick Q. Do you need to play previous AC games to understand or atleast enjoy this game? I may buy this today as a gift to my friend but not sure if he won't like it or don't "get it" at all.

I lent the game to my brother recently and he had a lot of fun with it. However, he also had no freaking clue as to what was happening in the story. I would recommend playing at least AC2 as the single player of AC:B is a direct sequel to that game. You could totally get away with just watching a youtube of the first game, though.


I didn't play AC2 and still had a decent idea of what was going on in the beginning of AC:B. I already went through the first Assassin's Creed, though, so that gave me an idea of the narrative direction.

Princess Skittles

Prince's's 'Skittle's
I got this for Christmas and I'm trying to setup the Facebook game too but I can't login to my UPLAY account (on Legacy, working as normal on Brotherhood over Live). I think it auto setup an account when I played Assassin's Creed II but I'm not remembering the process at all. Do I need to do anything else to login over Facebook or should I just be using my eMail/Gamertag? Ubisoft's password reset things aren't doing anything either.


Just got Brotherhood as a Christmas gift and holy shit is this good just in the first 60 minutes alone, can't wait to see where this goes. I honestly wasn't looking forward to it after playing the first two, and probably wouldn't have bought it if I didn't receive it as a gift, but definitely loving it so far. A must buy if you've beaten the first two games.


Just finished it... I like the way you think, Ubisoft. I am eagerly awaiting the next installment with money in hand. Goddamn.

Also, long credits are long...


So, Feb 22 on PC right? Probably there day 1.

Amazon has it for $49.99, $10 off, yeah, it's a $60:/ .

Hope Steam gets a good pre order price. All my Ass games are on Steam.


Currently in a game of multiplayer and I've literally attack my target at least 10 times in a row. even when stunned with smoke he's dodged each attack. He's level 50 is there a perk that allows this or is he running some sort of hack?


I'm level 10 now, and I gotta say, I can definitely see why people think smoke bomb is beast. I feel like if I have one available and only have one pursuer, I can rooftop hunt with impunity, because my pursuer will be easy to spot for a smoke bomb->stun if he climbs up after me.

Semi-related to this, I saw someone mention that being on the roof should immediately flag you high-profile. I think rather than that, if you are on the roof or climbing and visible to the crowd, your meter should slowly deplete. This would let clever people use roofs sparingly to flank targets while still discouraging sticking around on said roofs.


big_z said:
Currently in a game of multiplayer and I've literally attack my target at least 10 times in a row. even when stunned with smoke he's dodged each attack. He's level 50 is there a perk that allows this or is he running some sort of hack?
I ran into a bug in one game where I couldn't kill, stun, or be killed. Each move would be dodged. Did it happen with everyone in the match, or just one guy?
Is there a way to look at the map and know what I haven't rebuilt yet? Showing me 5 banks at once isn't helpful with that if I'm not sure which I renovated and which I haven't yet. Is there a legend I'm missing, a map I can buy, or am I just stuck running to each business to see if I did or not yet?


cr_blah_blah said:
Is there a way to look at the map and know what I haven't rebuilt yet? Showing me 5 banks at once isn't helpful with that if I'm not sure which I renovated and which I haven't yet. Is there a legend I'm missing, a map I can buy, or am I just stuck running to each business to see if I did or not yet?
Provided you've snyched at nearby viewpoints, the shops you haven't renovated are grayed out (or not as bright) on the map than those you have. It's a slight color difference, but noticeable.

And there is a legend you can use to filter what's on the map which is helpful once it starts to get cluttered. But I don't think it differentiates between what's renovated or not.
unomas said:
Just got Brotherhood as a Christmas gift and holy shit is this good just in the first 60 minutes alone, can't wait to see where this goes. I honestly wasn't looking forward to it after playing the first two, and probably wouldn't have bought it if I didn't receive it as a gift, but definitely loving it so far. A must buy if you've beaten the first two games.

just wait until you start recruiting assassins to work for you. just a click of your button, they will strike at your foes from the shadows.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
macfoshizzle said:
just wait until you start recruiting assassins to work for you. just a click of your button, they will strike at your foes from the shadows.

So they're like the Mercenaries of AC2, but need a Facebook game to level?
Just started it last night and got in a few hours. I played the first two AC's but I forget how to block, avoid or defend. Can you even block? Sorry in my old age I forget these game mechanics quickly.
TheSeks said:
So they're like the Mercenaries of AC2, but need a Facebook game to level?

no they're completely different then from AC2. you don't need the facebook game to level. you level them by sending them on missions. its like having your own ninja clan working for you. once this guy was trying to shoot me with his arrows, clicked left bumper and my assassin appeared from behind to cut his throat. pretty sick!
CitizenCope said:
Just started it last night and got in a few hours. I played the first two AC's but I forget how to block, avoid or defend. Can you even block? Sorry in my old age I forget these game mechanics quickly.

i think its x. but if you hold down left trigger, you can counter. not only that, you can chain up kills like batman aa which looks bad ass.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
macfoshizzle said:
no they're completely different then from AC2. you don't need the facebook game to level. you level them by sending them on missions. its like having your own ninja clan working for you. once this guy was trying to shoot me with his arrows, clicked left bumper and my assassin appeared from behind to cut his throat. pretty sick!

Oh nice. I gotta get through Ass Creed 2 before I get Brotherhood, though. :lol
CitizenCope said:
Just started it last night and got in a few hours. I played the first two AC's but I forget how to block, avoid or defend. Can you even block? Sorry in my old age I forget these game mechanics quickly.

Block I believe is RT, you can counter by pressing X when they swing at you.
The multiplayer in this game is so amazingly fun.

Any Alliance specialists out there on the Xbox 360 want to team-up? I've loved what little experience I've had in the mode, but usually end up in Manhunt to accommodate larger groups (and I love me some Manhunt too).

Does anyone else find Wanted kinda....meh?
TheSeks said:
So they're like the Mercenaries of AC2, but need a Facebook game to level?

You can train them through the Facebook game, but to be honest thats only going to help train them to a limited degree, its possible and just as easy to train them 100% in game.

The Antitype, im up for partnering up - any chance I can join you in Manhunt? I guess it would be much more fun playing in a big group. If thats awkward no worries, im still up for some Alliance. :D

I dont wanna intrude if your with RL friends



Just got this, installed it right away, got some weed now I'm gonna play this till I need to sleep. Don't give me 2 hours of tutorials pls.


I just finished up this game last night. I spent about 14 hours in the SP and plan to go back to finish up side quests. I really like the new additions to the game, namely building the assassin's guild, which is surprising because it's really basic. But, I had a lot of fun sending them around the world, leveling them up. I also found the bird call when the strike to be hilarious. :lol

As for other feedback,
I thought Sequence 8 seemed rushed, it's all cut to the chase, where Sequence 9 went a little longer than I would have liked. So...much...traversing....

Overall, another great game; I can't wait for Part 3 or Brotherhood 2 or whatever they're going to call the next game. :D


Finally got into the multiplayer and around level 9 but I'm wondering... does the gameplay get any deeper as you level up/open up perks?

I was hoping for reversal, blocks, able to kill your attacker, more weapons, traps.... something more then what it is right now. While I'm loving it right now, I can see myself getting bored with it quickly.
heavyness said:
Finally got into the multiplayer and around level 9 but I'm wondering... does the gameplay get any deeper as you level up/open up perks?

I was hoping for reversal, blocks, able to kill your attacker, more weapons, traps.... something more then what it is right now. While I'm loving it right now, I can see myself getting bored with it quickly.

More strategies open up as you get more abilities. You never get to counter attacks (outside of dropping a smoke bomb at at the exact right time, which causes an auto-dodge) or kill your pursuer though.

But Templar Vision, Mute, Poison, Throwing Knives, Morph and the like all introduce new strategies and challenges for you to face.

I thought I would get bored too....now I'm level 41 and more addicted then ever.


After buying the crossbow, the Borgia tower (5 stars) in the southern part of the map was a breeze.

And then after coming out, there was an assassin guild recruit, so I stood on top of a ledge and sniped all the guards. Felt awesome.
I just played through a chunk of the original Assassin's Creed using the OST from Kingdom of Heaven as the custom soundtrack (on Xbox 360, so all the sound effects and everything were still perfect).

Ho-ly shit. Awesome stuff. I recommend it for people that need a quick break from the Renaissance and feel like something decidedly epic sounding. :D


Killthee said:
It went out last night in the US. It also seems like they were tweaking something on their end too cause the servers were having issues saving Profile Sets/Persona settings and displaying player levels in the lobby.
This was my problem trying to play today - laggy kills, missed kills, everybody in the lobby being level 0, profiles not saving.

One time I went two minutes in a Wanted game with no contract. Just stood there waiting to try and stun someone. Of course with the lag that didn't happen.

Is anybody else having problems with multiplayer on PSN?
explodet said:
This was my problem trying to play today - laggy kills, missed kills, everybody in the lobby being level 0, profiles not saving.

One time I went two minutes in a Wanted game with no contract. Just stood there waiting to try and stun someone. Of course with the lag that didn't happen.

Is anybody else having problems with multiplayer on PSN?

yes my profile sets won't, save was actually just about to ask about this is the thread
Was on Section 8 and had just finished getting the Romulus scrolls armor, when some how when I went to change my outfit, the game glitched on me and I lost all my weapons, armor, paintings, etc... has this happened to anyone else?

Nelo Ice


did not realize how much stuff there was to collect

finally completed the 1st couple of memories so im free to roam and o man its going to take awhile to complete this game 100% :D

also they just had to throw in a ludicrously addictive multiplayer component damn u ubisoft! :lol :D


Question: You train Assassins and you graduate them. Whats the point of graduating them? If it has effect on the next AC then I would gladly train a bunch more.


TheOddOne said:
Question: You train Assassins and you graduate them. Whats the point of graduating them? If it has effect on the next AC then I would gladly train a bunch more.

they get the white outfit and can use the best equiment


Played enough SP to unlock the Hellequin, then more MP last night...this game just sucks the hours away.

I haven't had a game, especially a multiplayer game, hook me like this in quite awhile. Black Ops is pretty much collecting dust at this point, probably because FPS games have been done to death.

I'm really terrible though...well, not horrible, but I'm just starting to get my head around when it's a good idea to be discreet and when you need to hustle. That's what really wrecks my score...I get some great kills, but wind up far behind in leaderboards because I spend half the match skulking around.

The Antitype said:
Does anyone else find Wanted kinda....meh?

I like it, but I really like Manhunt too. The flow of the two gametypes are very different, to me it's like two pieces of very delicious but very different pie.

I pretty much just play whatever comes up after hitting Play Now, and I'm generally happy. It'd be nice if rematches didn't always drop you into the same gametype though.


New map called Rome By Night

Its a community unlock event - we need 25 million kills in multiplayer. Dunno if this is new or old but i checked my stats and i only have 922 kills.


X26 said:
they get the white outfit and can use the best equiment
Though I found it strange that 4 "master assassins" still only have a 97% success rate on a five star contract... At least in my game. The sad thing is I'm hesitant to send them on it in the sense that if they fail -- that 3% bites me in the ass -- I've wasted all that time leveling them up.

In fact, I thought I saw someone earlier in the thread saying that's exactly what happened to them.


wish i'd ranked up mu assassinos before i finished the story, only got round to it now.

12 assassinos just dominate, throw smoke bombs and assassinate within seconds :lol


shooting blanks
MMaRsu said:

Just got this, installed it right away, got some weed now I'm gonna play this till I need to sleep. Don't give me 2 hours of tutorials pls.

Not really any tutorials iirc. I LOVED how the game picked up right where AC2 left off. Loved escaping from the
vatican though I thought I killed the pope :/
iNvidious01 said:
New map called Rome By Night

Its a community unlock event - we need 25 million kills in multiplayer. Dunno if this is new or old but i checked my stats and i only have 922 kills.

Can you link us to where you saw this?

Rome by Night will probably be the same as Rome just darker - so im not exactly excited but props to Ubisoft for all the free DLC they are giving us.


Just finished AC2 last night, and now I'm very tempted to buy AC:B. I waited really long to get AC2 for cheap, but AC2 was just so much of an improvement over AC1 than I'm more excited than ever to see what happens in AC:B.

EDIT: Also, is any of the AC2 DLC worth getting? I'm thinking of getting Sequence 12 just because I missed the Fly Swatter achievement.


Just started the MP, and I'm not sure I understand everything... Can anyone point me to a comprehensive guide/overview of modes and techniques? Thanks.


Up until the
first Leonardo mission
the "memory start missions" feel like tutorials.

It's like there are so many concepts thrown in the game that half the campaign has to be dedicated to showing the player how to use all of them.

Not really a complaint though
Just unlocked the Assassins guild, I put one of my first guys on a 2500XP mission (3% chance of completing) and guess what? He did it!

So i've got 3 Assassin level guys already and they kick all kinds of ass, really like this feature, hope they expand it further in future AC games.

bobs99 ... said:
Can you link us to where you saw this?

Rome by Night will probably be the same as Rome just darker - so im not exactly excited but props to Ubisoft for all the free DLC they are giving us.

Its on the Uplay website under events or something.
Wow, I sure do love walking up right behind somebody, like less than a foot away, hammering my poison ability button, and being told I'm not close enough to use it...even though I've been poisoned from five times that distance.

Oh look, he turned around and stunned me. FUN!


The Antitype said:
Wow, I sure do love walking up right behind somebody, like less than a foot away, hammering my poison ability button, and being told I'm not close enough to use it...even though I've been poisoned from five times that distance.

Oh look, he turned around and stunned me. FUN!

lock on

kyo_daikun said:
Just unlocked the Assassins guild, I put one of my first guys on a 2500XP mission (3% chance of completing) and guess what? He did it!

train up 2-3 assassinos and use all of them on the big missions, BUT with 1 low level newbie. XP will fly up
iNvidious01 said:
train up 2-3 assassinos and use all of them on the big missions, BUT with 1 low level newbie. XP will fly up

Yeah its pretty easy to abuse, already got 3 Assassins, 3 at level 9, 1 at level 8 and 1 at 7.


Just completed Subject 16's cluster puzzles.

Holy shit wtf was that? Tell me some of that is explained by the end of the game. :lol


Loving the Cristina episodes. I'm glad they are fleshing out his personal life in the game. Good stuff. Got all my Recruits up to Assassin level, still need to finish the war machine missions, got all the feathers, beat sequence 7, and I still have a SHIT TON of stuff left to do. The only thing I don't like so far is that I don't play the game like a stealth game and sometimes that comes back to bite me. There are too many sections where if you are detected you lose.
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