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Assassin's Creed II - The |OT|


VibratingDonkey said:
So I assassinated all the archers to protect the gondol. When they finally headed out to sea I thought I'd hitch a ride with them, leaped into the boat and thusly knocked Rosa into the water so hard that she died.

So don't do that.

OMG! :lol


VibratingDonkey said:
So I assassinated all the archers to protect the gondol. When they finally headed out to sea I thought I'd hitch a ride with them, leaped into the boat and thusly knocked Rosa into the water so hard that she died.

So don't do that.

You were not alone, my friend. I didn't see any glowy, moving target on the gondola, but I figured that since the action setpieces had been great so far, why wouldn't you be able to head back to the Secret Hideaway of The Resistance with a bit of nautical flair? Oops.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Finished the game. I have to say this is one of the most solid single player experiences I've had in the game .. now to find those glyphs and get a little more insight into the effed up thing that is the overall plot of the game.


For the no hitter achievement I went to the big restricted building in venice. The Palazzo I think it's called. Make sure you have 3 smoke bombs too. Then I just got a bunch of guards to start following me. Threw a bomb down when I had enough on me. I let the hidden blade do work. You probably won't be able to get all 10 with only one bomb so just keep throwing them down when another wears off.


Neo Member
Saya said:
What is the best place to try to get the "kill 10 guys without being hit" achievement?

I managed to get it pretty easily in Tuscany, during the mission where you have to assassinate the guy in the midst of the monks, some of whom were soldiers in disguise. I got noticed and ran out of the building followed by a crowd of those guys. There was a bunch of them, and they had no armor. They were easy pickings.


Hm, having trouble getting a viewpoint in Venice. The Santa Maria Gloriosa Dei Frari. There's something I think I can hang onto one one side (an emblem looking thing), but Ezio doesn't want to climb it!

(hopefully this doesn't appear on every page! :lol)

Ranger X

VibratingDonkey said:
So don't do that.

Oh and how are you supposed to climb the clock tower in Venice? Do you need to unlock some ability first or is there some way that I'm missing?

While I remember all viewpoints to be reacheable from the get go, you might need the "climb leap" move to help you. You will actually learn it soon if you haven't already.



erotic butter maelstrom
I'm lovin this game and this is a minor complaint, but has anyone else had really bad slowdown while looking at the map? (360 version) It makes me a little dizzy when trying to move it around and look for a location. Hopefully they'll patch it.


Snuggler said:
I'm lovin this game and this is a minor complaint, but has anyone else had really bad slowdown while looking at the map? (360 version) It makes me a little dizzy when trying to move it around and look for a location. Hopefully they'll patch it.

Yes the map is always at like 10FPS. Ridiculous really.

Mana Sin

I did the idiotic gondola-jump myself. Posted about it a load of pages ago. Bad decision. Reminds me of the time I was going around Venice with
and he tried to jump to the same place I was jumping towards. We both fell, I survived, he died.


One of the funnier moments in the game for me was when Antonio and I went on the tour to find a way into that restricted area. I had already been exploring once, so I had found a way into the building using a gondola as a starting point to jump up to one of the windows on the canal side. I kept trying to make him jump on the boat, but he refused. Eventually, I found the scaffolding that was the "way" to climb up that building.

In the next one, I think it would be pretty cool if one of your ancestors and one of 16's were both prominent during the same time period and worked together. Or, maybe you could switch back and forth between a set of identical twins with differing moves/personalities.
VibratingDonkey said:
So I assassinated all the archers to protect the gondol. When they finally headed out to sea I thought I'd hitch a ride with them, leaped into the boat and thusly knocked Rosa into the water so hard that she died.

So don't do that.
Definitely did that as well.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Snuggler said:
I'm lovin this game and this is a minor complaint, but has anyone else had really bad slowdown while looking at the map? (360 version) It makes me a little dizzy when trying to move it around and look for a location. Hopefully they'll patch it.

I noticed this, but it seemed less prevalent(or maybe I got used to it) at the end. After you get viewpoints and clear the map it felt like it got faster.

Volcynika said:
Hm, having trouble getting a viewpoint in Venice. The Santa Maria Gloriosa Dei Frari. There's something I think I can hang onto one one side (an emblem looking thing), but Ezio doesn't want to climb it!

(hopefully this doesn't appear on every page! :lol)

Oh, you actually have to wait a little bit before you can do that. If you focus on the next few missions you'll get something you need.


ThePeacemaker02 said:
For the no hitter achievement I went to the big restricted building in venice. The Palazzo I think it's called. Make sure you have 3 smoke bombs too. Then I just got a bunch of guards to start following me. Threw a bomb down when I had enough on me. I let the hidden blade do work. You probably won't be able to get all 10 with only one bomb so just keep throwing them down when another wears off.

Heh I got it on complete accident. I didn't even know there was a no hitter achievement, and I got it one of the first major battles with any significant number of guards in the game.

I was like "what's this achievement?" and then I felt like a badass when I read it.

On Assassin's Creed 2 idiotic A.I. ... the one mission in Venice where you have to save twelve thieves from capture and lead them back to a point. God the fucking A.I. is so dumb. I ran across the roof, and there was a big rope connecting one roof to the next. I run across it... the four thieves try to follow me across, and they're doing ok. Until one stops, and all three of the thieves behind him fall off the rope, dying.

What stupid shit is that!?


Amir0x said:
Heh I got it on complete accident. I didn't even know there was a no hitter achievement, and I got it one of the first major battles with any significant number of guards in the game.

I was like "what's this achievement?" and then I felt like a badass when I read it.

On Assassin's Creed 2 idiotic A.I. ... the one mission in Venice where you have to save twelve thieves from capture and lead them back to a point. God the fucking A.I. is so dumb. I ran across the roof, and there was a big rope connecting one roof to the next. I run across it... the four thieves try to follow me across, and they're doing ok. Until one stops, and all three of the thieves behind him fall off the rope, dying.

What stupid shit is that!?
I accidentally knocked them into the water stopping too fast. :lol

The can climb buildings but they can't swim? really?


Subete no aware
OldJadedGamer said:
So what am I doing wrong? I have the poison darts/blade but don't know how to use them. I select them but it doesn't make anyone go "crazy"

I had trouble with this as well - you have to do a stealth-kill/assassination with it selected to get it to work. It seems if you are detected, it reverts back to the double blade.


OldJadedGamer said:
So what am I doing wrong? I have the poison darts/blade but don't know how to use them. I select them but it doesn't make anyone go "crazy"

have poison selected and walk up to them. Ezio should just do a quick poke. stay and enjoy the show :D


Got this over the weekend. Seems pretty fun so far, but I'm really disappointed that they weren't able to get it to run without some tearing and frame drops (PS3). Free run games like this should place buttery smooth movement above huge landscapes and long draw distance everytime IMO. It looks pretty....but come on, even some of the cut scenes have tearing going on.


Irish said:
One of the funnier moments in the game for me was when Antonio and I went on the tour to find a way into that restricted area. I had already been exploring once, so I had found a way into the building using a gondola as a starting point to jump up to one of the windows on the canal side. I kept trying to make him jump on the boat, but he refused. Eventually, I found the scaffolding that was the "way" to climb up that building.

In the next one, I think it would be pretty cool if one of your ancestors and one of 16's were both prominent during the same time period and worked together. Or, maybe you could switch back and forth between a set of identical twins with differing moves/personalities.

Main characters in AC3 should be twins, in antiquity, either in Rome or Greece. One female one male. That would be awesome IMO, it would have some great story and gameplay possibilities (without too much emphasis on AI-coop because that often sucks, but interesting gameplay possibilities for more scripted situations). Maybe even some rivalry down the line.


Seriously, one could have real, showy assassination and combat techniques (Ezio) while the other could have subdued, peaceful techniques (Altair). Both of them don't have to be active at the exact same time. You could easily switch between the two every now and then.


So, I just finished it. The timer says 25 hours but I'm thinking more like 35. Got my 9th (I think) Platinum trophy :D End game spoilers, don't freaking read it :)
So the old friend was Vidic, huh? I thought I was gonna meet Ezio or Altair IRL for some reason :lol I got sent back into the Animus after the kinda cool credits. There's no more story there now right? Just the option to finish any sidequests?

Great game, will probably end up in second place on the GOTY list this year, after Arkham Asylum. I wish there were more Desmond parts. Ubisoft shouldn't have listened to the Desmond haters after the first game, imho. That's the story the game should revolve around, not the random dude inside his memories. I couldn't care less about Ezio's adventures 500+ years in the past, relevant as they may be. He's just a tool the modern assassins use to find out what's going on in their present. I think that got lost somewhere on the way, given the screen time ratio between the two.
firehawk12 said:
I had trouble with this as well - you have to do a stealth-kill/assassination with it selected to get it to work. It seems if you are detected, it reverts back to the double blade.

Thanks, just got my Doctor Achievement.


I got all the feathers. Now all I need to do is finish I think only 10 more glyphs and I'm good for 1000/1000. This is going to feel good.


You know, through all my time in this game, I still haven't managed to find the timer everyone's been talking about. I've been through the Animus Desktop menus, the main menus, and unless I've really overlooked something, I have to honestly say that I'm stumped.


Okay...this is the second time this bug mas materialized today. Simply put, music does not play. Not even the weird "futuristic" sound in the initial loading screen, and never within the game under any situation. Only solution is to restart. Um wtf?


adg1034 said:
You know, through all my time in this game, I still haven't managed to find the timer everyone's been talking about. I've been through the Animus Desktop menus, the main menus, and unless I've really overlooked something, I have to honestly say that I'm stumped.

The stats screen is under Options. It'll list a lot of the stuff you've done during the game.


adg1034 said:
You know, through all my time in this game, I still haven't managed to find the timer everyone's been talking about. I've been through the Animus Desktop menus, the main menus, and unless I've really overlooked something, I have to honestly say that I'm stumped.
Start>options>stats. There's some fun info in there besides time played.
ThePeacemaker02 said:
Start>options>stats. There's some fun info in there besides time played.

Oh nice.

It's a damn good game I'll give it that. I still feel they could improve the gameplay mechanics a lot as well as controller response. I'm looking forward to what they'll do next.

I'm also in the camp that (so far) the lack of Desmond bits is disappointing. I must be one of the few that enjoyed those parts in the first game.


They were actually my favorite part of the first game. The Desmond segments in II sucked, sadly. At least the past parts were much better. (I loved the first game.)


I got grudge sucked!
Whoever came up with that little capture the flag mini game in Venice needs to have his/her ass kicked on a daily basis. Is there a fast way down from your starting point without killing yourself?


truly101 said:
Whoever came up with that little capture the flag mini game in Venice needs to have his/her ass kicked on a daily basis. Is there a fast way down from your starting point without killing yourself?

Right, the ONLY challenge in this mini-game is to find your way down without losing a bunch of health. Once you get the flag you just climb up and practically win.


truly101 said:
Whoever came up with that little capture the flag mini game in Venice needs to have his/her ass kicked on a daily basis. Is there a fast way down from your starting point without killing yourself?

I just immediately jumped off of the building where you start. It's the only way i could ever beat the other guy to the flag. The jump never killed me, but it would come close. I'd just heal up between rounds. I hated that little game.


Woo, finished it just now. Pretty amazing.

The only trophies I have left are the ones throwing sand in the eyes of four guards (only have done 3 at once, 4 at a time eludes me), sweep some guards with a long weapon, wear Auditore cape in every town, and of course, the feathers. Oy!


Sai said:

You remember the route you took to get on top of that place with Antonio? Northeast side of the building.

Thanks, I feel like such a moron for having missed it when I went up and down that area about 50 times. Thanks for the help.


erotic butter maelstrom
Speaking of Desmond, I'm pretty much sick of hearing Nolan North's voice. I loved him in the Uncharted games, but I'm tired of his world weary sassiness at this point. It didn't help that I played the Shadow Complex demo right after started AC2. Take a break, NN.


VibratingDonkey said:
So I assassinated all the archers to protect the gondol. When they finally headed out to sea I thought I'd hitch a ride with them, leaped into the boat and thusly knocked Rosa into the water so hard that she died.

So don't do that.

Oh and how are you supposed to climb the clock tower in Venice? Do you need to unlock some ability first or is there some way that I'm missing?

:lol same thing happened to me


Got my first game freeze, and a bug where when I ripped down a poster, I glitched into the wall and couldn't get out, forcing a restart.

I am running into some games with nasty glitches this season. Uncharted 2 and Assassin's Creed 2 are bug central :(


Snuggler said:
Speaking of Desmond, I'm pretty much sick of hearing Nolan North's voice. I loved him in the Uncharted games, but I'm tired of his world weary sassiness at this point. It didn't help that I played the Shadow Complex demo right after started AC2. Take a break, NN.

I didn't know he was the voice of Desmond until I popped it in, I like him better as Nathan Drake. I'm shocked that companies would use the same guy with the same voice for their character in such big franchises. You would think they would at least have him alter his voice slightly or something.

AC2 is a good game, but I'm a little underwhelmed by the overall experience. I'm not really looking forward to collecting the rest of the feathers and glyphs, but my inner perfectionist wants to get 100% on this game.


Well, I finally wrapped this sucker up Saturday afternoon... Finished the game, and also earned the rest of the achievements. It's actually the first 360 game that I've gotten all of the achievements/gamer points for. I was very close on the first AC, but didn't want to scour the country side -- with no point of reference of which flags I had -- for missing King Richard flags or to play the game over to get every Lucy convo (I missed like one). But now that all is said and done, holy good goddamn did Ubi deliver. This is how a sequel should be; take everything great about the first game and improve upon what wasn't so good. My hats off to 'em.

Of course now I am left wondering something... Why the hell didn't Ubi give the ability to replay memories or rewatch cut-scenes? I finished the game when my wife was at work, and now she's all "I wanted to see what happened!" There's always YouTube, I know, but the real thing would be so much better; especially for the sub-titled stuff that is typically illegible in YouTube clips.

Rad Agast

unomas said:
AC2 is a good game, but I'm a little underwhelmed by the overall experience. I'm not really looking forward to collecting the rest of the feathers and glyphs, but my inner perfectionist wants to get 100% on this game.

Don't bother with the feathers if you don't feel like it but it's worth collecting all the glyphs.

I'm just over 30 hours into the game and just finished all the side stuff (I think). Finally I can concentrate on finishing the story. Animus 2.0 is good with some stuff but bad in others. I liked how the main assassination missions were more open in the original and for some reason the fighting camera doesn't feel as good as 1.0.


I wonder how many times throughout history (the game's history) that several different Assassin factions have met. I'm sure each faction has its own set of believes that may clash with the others.

We've been focusing on the "Eagle" sect. I wonder if 16's ancestors were also a member of this sect or if he was involved in another family. Maybe he was a member of the "Jaguar" family or something.

I'd also like to think there may have been and still might be a third faction type besides the Assassin's and Templars that works with or fights against both. (Secret hope that Eugène François Vidocq is somehow involved in #3)

There's a ton of content to explore I suppose...


Unconfirmed Member
VibratingDonkey said:
So I assassinated all the archers to protect the gondol. When they finally headed out to sea I thought I'd hitch a ride with them, leaped into the boat and thusly knocked Rosa into the water so hard that she died.

So don't do that.

They should have an achievement for that. :lol


Running off of Custom Firmware
Well, I just finished the Memory Sequence called Bianca's Man, which I think is MS #10. The trophy listing would have me believe that there are at least 4, possibly 5 more Memory Sequences to go.

Yet, that hasn't stopped me from basically wrapping up the collection aspect of the game.
The villa's at 99% (only things missing are the remaining assassination portraits up in the attic). I have all 330/330 chests (though there are actually quite a few more than that in the game), all 100 feathers, all 66/66 viewpoints, all 20 glyphs solved, all 30 codex pages decrypted (and the corresponding puzzle solved), both models, all 6 seals, and every single weapon, armor, piece of equipment, and to my knowledge, pouch/container upgrade. All villa renovations as well, of course.

I did every single skill based-trophy as well, and all that remain are 4. 3 of them seem to pertain to story sequences, and the last is the Platinum trophy, of course.

Strange that I've got so much done, yet seemingly so much game left to go! I'm guessing that with the exploration aspect basically behind me, the remaining Memory Sequences will all be short, sweet, and mostly story-driven.


Mejilan said:
Well, I just finished the Memory Sequence called Bianca's Man, which I think is MS #10. The trophy listing would have me believe that there are at least 4, possibly 5 more Memory Sequences to go.

Yet, that hasn't stopped me from basically wrapping up the collection aspect of the game.
The villa's at 99% (only things missing are the remaining assassination portraits up in the attic). I have all 330/330 chests (though there are actually quite a few more than that in the game), all 100 feathers, all 66/66 viewpoints, all 20 glyphs solved, all 30 codex pages decrypted (and the corresponding puzzle solved), both models, all 6 seals, and every single weapon, armor, piece of equipment, and to my knowledge, pouch/container upgrade. All villa renovations as well, of course.

I did every single skill based-trophy as well, and all that remain are 4. 3 of them seem to pertain to story sequences, and the last is the Platinum trophy, of course.

Strange that I've got so much done, yet seemingly so much game left to go! I'm guessing that with the exploration aspect basically behind me, the remaining Memory Sequences will all be short, sweet, and mostly story-driven.

This is the route I'm taking. I don't have as much play time, so I'm only about 60% atm, but I want to finish everything else before I finish the story. Trophies included.


Mejilan said:
Well, I just finished the Memory Sequence called Bianca's Man, which I think is MS #10. The trophy listing would have me believe that there are at least 4, possibly 5 more Memory Sequences to go.

Yet, that hasn't stopped me from basically wrapping up the collection aspect of the game.
The villa's at 99% (only things missing are the remaining assassination portraits up in the attic). I have all 330/330 chests (though there are actually quite a few more than that in the game), all 100 feathers, all 66/66 viewpoints, all 20 glyphs solved, all 30 codex pages decrypted (and the corresponding puzzle solved), both models, all 6 seals, and every single weapon, armor, piece of equipment, and to my knowledge, pouch/container upgrade. All villa renovations as well, of course.

I did every single skill based-trophy as well, and all that remain are 4. 3 of them seem to pertain to story sequences, and the last is the Platinum trophy, of course.

Strange that I've got so much done, yet seemingly so much game left to go! I'm guessing that with the exploration aspect basically behind me, the remaining Memory Sequences will all be short, sweet, and mostly story-driven.

FYI, There is no sequence 12 or 13


Great game - finished last night (just need to get 25 feathers and do the cape tour to get platinum).

The lockups and glitches were annoying though.

I cannot believe, that throughout all the testing, that not one tester performed 2 double hidden blade kills in a row, and did not get a system lockup.

Rad Agast

Finally finished the game. Not enough Desmond segments if you ask me and I still think the battle camera was much better in the first one (not to mention how slow 2 is with regard to switching weapons). I really hope they go back to that battle system with the extra mechanics from 2.

Animus 2.0 needs a patch upgrade to enable revisiting all the memories like it was done in 1.0 but that's not too big of a deal for me right now.

Great game all around and now I'll have to forget all about it for another 2 years till 3 is closer to release.

Regarding lock ups, only happened once and that was
at the loading screen before leaving the animus for the first time
. This dual hidden blades kills bug, is that PS3 only? I haven't met it at all in the 360 version but not sure if I did more than 3 double kills in a row.

Oh yea, Altair is a more bad ass than Ezio who felt more down to earth/amateurish but I like both of them and think they fit well in each part of the game.
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