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Assassin's Creed III |OT| Easier to read than Ratonhnhaké:ton


Definitely play AC2. If you play just one AC game, make it that. Ezio's story could have ended there and it would still have been a fine tale; I didn't like the retconning in ACB where
the Borgia attack Monteriggioni and capture it despite AC2's explanation of its history not mentioning this and saying that it was in Auditore hands for many decades
, but ACR and its new location ended up benig a lot of fun. And if you like multiplayer, Revelations' is excellent.

Also, off topic, but has AC3 seen any price drops anywhere yet? Will pull the trigger if it's $40 or under.


Is this sarcasm? AC2/B are fairly cheap these days, by the time you get through them you could probably find a good deal on AC3.

sarcasm? Why? I am getting a bonus but it's not this week. Picked up ACII and III though, better play through II first.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Holy Crap, that introduction to the Indian culture by Ubisoft/Shawn. D: SO MUCH INFORMATION!

Anyway, finally reached Connor and lol'ed at Archilles' saying "well, I'm not even going to try to pronounce that" of his given name. Still a teenager so the game hasn't fully opened up yet. Huntings... interesting, but I dunno if I want to complete all the challenges unless there's an achievement behind it.


sarcasm? Why? I am getting a bonus but it's not this week. Picked up ACII and III though, better play through II first.
You'd do better to play the complete AC2 trilogy first. Then you'll recognize why so many of us are throwing so much ugliness AC3's way.



Experienced a weird glitch where Achilles would respawn everytime I exit and enter the room.


This game just keep getting worse and worse. I'm at the mission where you're supposed to give the firing order when the red coats are attacking. The horse controls like shit and if I'm so much as looking at one of my squads they stand up and take a burst from the enemy to the face. Why the fuck would they even stand up when I'm outside of the little circle I must be in to give the firing order? This game is just broken.


How long does it take to complete the main story? I'm a little over six hours in and am curious as to the length seeing as I've never played an AC game before.



Ubisoft's attention to detail when it comes to the world itself is pretty much unmatched in the industry (if you take into account the scope of their games of course). Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that they'd actually modelled the earth layer and little roots sticking out in one area of the wilderness. Amazing.


I went to a Christmas party last night, and it was full of guys saying how Black Ops 2 is amazing and Assassin's Creed III is awful. I just thought that was amusing for some reason.


Fools are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men so full of doubts.
Wait. Recruits die permanently? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? I had TWO of my THREE recruits die in a Liberation mission. What the HELL.
Once you beat the game, is there a way to change the season? I want to play in the winter time so can I do something to change it or do I have to go back to whatever sequence is wintery?


OK GAF, I've started Sequence 8, which told me to get to NY, but the fast travel option to the NY icon from the map doesn't work, and going to the ! icon is making me run in circles... Did I miss something?

EDIT: I had to go into the Frontier sub-map to be able to fast-travel to NY... Damn this game is one giant mess!

Ein Bear

Picked this up for Wii U launch and just started getting into it properly.

Quick question, is there something different to the killstreaks this time? I pulled them off consistently in Brotherhood/Revelations, but they only seem to work half the time in this one. Is the timing different or something?

Enjoying the combat otherwise though! I love using hand-to-hand in these games, feel like such a boss.


Fools are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men so full of doubts.
Are there certain points in the story I should be doing Benedict Arnold missions? Or should I just wait until after I beat the game?
Does any know the dialog of what that girl says at the beginning of sequence 4? I quit the game during that part and i can't get to that part again. It goes straight to the gameplay.
I'm not quite sure what that means, but I found a video of a walkthrough (with annoying guys talking over it of course). I linked it to the beginning of the loading screen where Ziio talks about the time passing, and it eventually gets to the start of Sequence 4.

I hope that helps, and if it does please link me the part you were looking for. :p

I watched that video already and i can't see the words. :(

I am only three sequences into the game and I love it, granted I am a huge history buff and that is what is really driving me. The gameplay is ok but seems really forced and weird. I can see how HUGE AC fans would be disappointed with this game. However some of the stuff in this thread reads like this game killed there love of video games. Lolz


I would bang a hot farmer!
Once you beat the game, is there a way to change the season? I want to play in the winter time so can I do something to change it or do I have to go back to whatever sequence is wintery?

yes I was wondering too

after completion do the seasons ever change?

I think the only way to do so is [post story extra spoiler]
when you find the Pivot for the Season Changer in the Animus Hacks.
I have no idea if it'll change another way.


Started this yesterday, my experience so far, in a word, has been underwhelming. I keep playing games in this series and expecting them to improve some of this stuff, I'm not sure why at this point.

The free running/climbing is still as interactive and takes about as much skill as browsing a tv guide with the remote. Point the guy in a general direction and hold down a button, sweet. Combat is the same as its ever been, wait for the counter and you'll be invincible. Looks like they took out the long streaks of one hit kills Ezio went on in previous games, so far it has just made it more tedious. Stealth is still wonky, I'm still getting pestered EVERY FUCKING TIME I'm on a roof... the list goes on and on. I can already see all the minutia that's taken over the last games creeping in on me. The first thing the game did, once I stepped on dry land, was hand me a side quest to deliver some mail, in front of a general store where I'll be able to buy some weapons that I have no need for once I get the hamster wheel economy going. Now I've got a dozen eagle sync locations on my map, with no incentive to do them other than, "hey why not?! This is what an open world game is all about!"

The first game delivered so much on tech, setting, personality. It had plenty of flaws, but in the end it easily overcame those, in my mind anyway. The second rolled around and they went in a different direction from what I hoped for, but it was great for other reasons. Then they cashed in and now I don't know what the fuck they're doing. I don't see much direction at all anymore, apart from looking as good as possible on screen. Maybe that's why all these core mechanics are so shallow, the priority is how it looks, rather than how it plays.

I hope AC3 just made a bad first impression on me, I'll stick with it.


Is there any Wii U gameplay yet?

I think the stupid backwards UI design with the weapon wheel was because of the Wii U. I hope this isn't a sign of things to come.
I am only three sequences into the game and I love it, granted I am a huge history buff and that is what is really driving me. The gameplay is ok but seems really forced and weird. I can see how HUGE AC fans would be disappointed with this game. However some of the stuff in this thread reads like this game killed there love of video games. Lolz

Yeah i love me some history too and i liked this game alot so far. Im currently on sequence 5. Reading impressions in this thread i was expecting it to be complete garbage. It's not perfect (what game is?) but it's very enjoyable to me. Just like every other AC i've played.
Just finished it. I don't think I've been this disappointed in a game in a very long time considering the time period used and premise.

Unlike most, I found the first civilization stuff interesting and was genuinely curious as to where it might take this finale. After that ending, I'm amazed that 5 games of build-up led to THAT.

I won't go all hyperbolic and say that the series is done with and shit but I can personally say that I have little interest in playing another AC game for a long time. Maybe concluding this portion of the narrative will allow the developers some fresh perspective. I hope, because they desperately need it.:(


Futurevoid said:
I won't go all hyperbolic and say that the series is done with and shit but I can personally say that I have little interest in playing another AC game for a long time. Maybe concluding this portion of the narrative will allow the developers some fresh perspective. I hope, because they desperately need it.:(
I'm trying to convince myself that AC1, AC2, and ACB are the main AC "trilogy." And ACR is an awesome (if somewhat anemic) epilogue.

Which makes AC3 a bloated, hack-job resurrection akin to The Phantom Menace. And like Lucas's travesty, it has its fans.

That doesn't mean someone can't step in and save the series going forward, but it's a pretty steep hill to climb at this point.


Well, I finished it last night - mostly, got a bit of epilogue stuff to do - and I... actually quite enjoyed it. Not up to the highs of 2 and Brotherhood, but neither am I thinking that it's a waste of data. Didn't really have a problem with the ending -
I was picking up in a few places that Juno wasn't being entirely straight with me

That said, what *did* niggle with me is that I'm starting to find flaws in the whole base premise; an order which protects freedom by killing people who think in a way different from them. There's an irony there.

It came to a particular head in the Kidd mission on Dead Chest Island:

A scavenger rooting around the ship finds the map. And you chase him down. And kill him. What right, exactly, did you have to do that? I do like the bit where Connor yells out "THAT IS MINE!" when... no, actually, Connor, it's not. You're doing just what he is, scavenging wreckages for items that will prove useful to you. You're killing someone for not accepting your natural authority, which is pretty fucking hypocritical.

One other musing, from the ending, and I apologise if this has been covered before:
What happened to Connor Davenport? The implication, obviously, is that he's Achilles' son who died while he was young, of course... but there's something else that makes me wonder if that's not the whole story. Take a good look at his gravestone; "CON" and "R" are faded, meaning it reads "NO DAVENPORT IS BURIED HERE". Now, okay, in part that would indicate the amulet, but if the gravestone is a *symbolic* gravestone, which the "NO DAVENPORT" would suggest... what happened to Connor?

Secondly, and this could easily be nothing:
In the underground tunnels, the deeper red brick indicates walls that can be blown up. There's a variant with holes in it and a different one which is fully bricked up in an archway (at one point you have to look through a hole in the wall to shoot gunpowder on the other side of such a blockage).
I'm *sure* that I came across one of those archways in Boston's underground that didn't seem directly tied to a gunpowder puzzle... but now I can't find it. Maybe it's nothing, but I'm very curious if that wall can be destroyed, and if so, what's behind.


That said, what *did* niggle with me is that I'm starting to find flaws in the whole base premise; an order which protects freedom by killing people who think in a way different from them. There's an irony there.
Yes and no. The line between Templar (bad) and Assassin (good) has pretty much always been blurry. Except, of course, when it's not. ;)


Yes and no. The line between Templar (bad) and Assassin (good) has pretty much always been blurry. Except, of course, when it's not. ;)

It's kind of addressed in Ass Creed 3 as well, and Haytham actually makes some good points on the matter, you're not really sure in this game who the good guy is, especially as the main character is so conflicted about who he's fighting against. Bit of shades of grey there which is actually quite rare for a vidya game.


It's kind of addressed in Ass Creed 3 as well, and Haytham actually makes some good points on the matter, you're not really sure in this game who the good guy is, especially as the main character is so conflicted about who he's fighting against. Bit of shades of grey there which is actually quite rare for a vidya game.

Except it doesn't really follow those points up; it just comes across as vindictive taunting rather than statements with a clear basis in reality. There's never any *response* to the hypocrisy given - and in the example I gave, I'm not entirely convinced that Ubisoft were particularly aware how hypocritical that specific example was. It was just a Cool Sequence, and because it was a Cool Sequence, it went in.

I ought to look at Liberation sometime; from that direction, I wonder if it'd touch on this sort of thing a bit more.
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