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Assassin's Creed III |OT| Easier to read than Ratonhnhaké:ton

nel e nel

Sitting in the house is all they do. You don't even get to talk to Ben Franklin about recovering his almanacs, you just make his useless inventions and that's it.

Actually, you can engage in a fairly lengthy conversation with him early in the game where he expounds on many things, not the least of which are the virtues of taking an older woman for a lover.


So I got a free Assassin's Creed III with my video card. I've played 1 and 2 but not Brotherhood. I enjoyed both but wasn't greatly in love with them.

Should I sell the code for $25 or play it?

nel e nel

And that's fine, you should enjoy whatever you wish.

For me, it's about this attitude that is pervading the "industry". The utter lack of honesty with their customers is extremely off-putting, as is poor/bizarre/cheap design. It's just coming to a head with AC3.

It makes me respect the devs out there who do try a lot more, though.

Anyone who takes any kind of marketing/PR in any industry at face value as some sort of personal promise is a only setting themselves up for constant disappointment.


Would any of you buy a director's cut version of the game down the road? A new version of the game with better pacing, added controls (crouch), expanded tutorial, new missions (New York fire?), alternate/fleshed out ending and ironed out glitches...

I want it.
I have never wanted a 'crouch' in a game so badly.

I'm on sequence 8 and I'm just dumbfounded by the complete lack of pacing in this game. It's just all over the place. The way the game is designed to dole out content makes no sense. Now, maybe I'm a special case in that I tend to explore all points of interest on a map and "clear" them before moving the main objective but doing so presents some silly situations. Why would a Fort icon appear on my map as young connor when I've not even reached Achilles? Being the completionist type, I make my way over to eliminate the opposition, follow the goals until I finally raise the Colonial flag....


Why the fuck am I raising a Colonial flag when I've not even talked to anyone about their cause? That seems like a silly thing to complain about but I'm just confounded as to WHY the designers of the game would even make overtaking that fort an option so early in the game? Why would I have peg leg trinkets on my map when I've not even talked to the guy about Captain Kidd? Honestly, I'd almost prefer the game followed a more linear path until grown-up Connor is introduced so that some of these bonus items/missions would make sense in the context of the narrative.

Speaking of the narrative, I didn't think it possible for a game to make some of the most amazing moments in American history this boring. Once again, there's just no ebb and flow to the mission structure. They feel chopped up into specific small segments that lack excitement or any real emotional investment from the player specifically because Connor is so poorly developed as a character. Which is impressive considering the game attempts to spend so much time with him as a youth. Therein lies the problem though. You spend time with him as a young man but the entire middle section of the game that deals with his training under Achilles is skimped over completely. You run one or two missions and you get a "6 months later" every once in awhile and then he's an adult. There's just no progression for him. It's fake development which makes his actions as an adult meaningless.

The one thing that I do greatly enjoy in the game is the naval combat. It's just plain fun with fantastic music, very simple goals and gorgeous visuals. I could play an entire game of just these missions if more effort were put into varying the level/encounter design. Good stuff.

Fundamentally, the game fell off of a cliff for me once
the game switched over from Haytham who is 10x the character Connor is. I felt a greater connection to him and frankly felt he was far better developed in the short time I played with him than the 15+ hours I've spent with Connor thus far.
I think it was a grand mistake by Ubisoft to open the game in such a way because they unwittingly sabotaged their main protagonist by introducing a far better option from the get-go. Plus
how great would it have been for the Haytham Templar twist to be the finale of this game?

I'm a huge fan of AC2 and especially Brotherhood which was the pinnacle of the series for me but this has been a major disappointment thus far. I'm already far enough in that I can't not finish it but Ubi really needs to go back to the drawing board here. If it weren't for the setting and the exploration of the wonderfully realized American Frontier, I would have quit early on.
I think this falls in line with my above post. Things seem to be a little scrambled as far as following a path goes; I find myself having no clue what is going on at times.
I'm not asking for a linear, guided experience but a little organization would be nice.

I am enjoying the game so far! The atmosphere and setting are up my alley and I like the frontier portion.

It feels like I'm playing it wrong sometimes. I feel like the game has yet to explain the Assassin allies were you issue attacks in certain areas and whatnot.
More PC pics! This game is so beautiful gah. Just wish I could get the PC version... If only they'd give you a discount for having another version of it (I have the PS3 one).
Darknessbear said:
More PC pics!
From a bit earlier in the game as Connor and one as Haytham in the snow just cause I love the tesselation there:


No question the game is gorgeous visually.:D


Has anyone else with the PC version knocked down the brightness a notch? I find it looks a little better, but it's all relative to your monitor/settings.

All these posts are keeping me from buying this. I was so excited for this....
Don't let the posts discourage you. The cons that you'll formulate in your mind by the negative impressions here will always be greater than they actually are.

It's just a game with a few problems. If you're looking for a colonial Assassin's Creed game that's different from the others then check out.

The gameplay and atmosphere outweigh the cons. I'm enjoying it and I am by no means an AC 'fanboy'; the only other game I've played was ACII.
One more sentence than Connor.
Connor is torn between his people, the templar/assassin dispute, the ideals of his mentor, [story spoilers]
revenge against those responsible for the death of his mother, the "betrayal" of his best friend, the vision proclaiming his destiny
and his daddy issues.

I'm sure detailing that would fill at least a page.
MoonsaultSlayer said:
I'm sure detailing that would fill at least a page.
...and none of it has been /at all/ interesting to me in the game so what are you trying to convince me of? If it worked for you and you liked him more, that's great. I can only speak for myself and my own preferences. I've found him to be wanting as the main protagonist of this particular game. That feeling may change when I've completed the game (as noted, I'm on sequence 8) but as of right now, he's far from the Altair's and Ezio's of the series.

nel e nel

All these posts are keeping me from buying this. I was so excited for this....

Don't let the posts discourage you. The cons that you'll formulate in your mind by the negative impressions here will always be greater than they actually are.

It's just a game with a few problems. If you're looking for a colonial Assassin's Creed game that's different from the others then check out.

The gameplay and atmosphere outweigh the cons. I'm enjoying it and I am by no means an AC 'fanboy'; the only other game I've played was ACII.

Yeah, I agree with Danger here. The fundamental AC gameplay is still there and just as good as the previous entries, it's just that there are these odd choices in some of the non-action gameplay parts that make one wonder 'what was the reasoning behind this' or 'looks like they ran out of time before they could iron all the kinks out'. I think the scores in the 8/10 range are accurate. It's on par with or better than Revelations, but not as good as II/Brotherhood.

Personally, I've found that games that seem to be divisive like this (some folks love the opening sequences, some hate it) actually prove to be the most interesting.
...and none of it has been /at all/ interesting to me in the game so what are you trying to convince me of? If it worked for you and you liked him more, that's great. I can only speak for myself and my own preferences. I've found him to be wanting as the main protagonist of this particular game. That feeling may change when I've completed the game (as noted, I'm on sequence 8) but as of right now, he's far from the Altair's and Ezio's of the series.
Well no one mentioned interest. I was replying to the fact that someone thought he could be described in one sentence. Maybe subjectively.
Would any of you buy a director's cut version of the game down the road? A new version of the game with better pacing, added controls (crouch), expanded tutorial, new missions (New York fire?), alternate/fleshed out ending and ironed out glitches...

I want it.

Would I buy it?

If they made it something of a DLC pack and charged appropriately, I might bite. If they tried to push it as an "Unleashed" full price edition, fuck that.

I do feel like they need to do SOMETHING though.


Would any of you buy a director's cut version of the game down the road? A new version of the game with better pacing, added controls (crouch), expanded tutorial, new missions (New York fire?), alternate/fleshed out ending and ironed out glitches...

I want it.
I'd rather they put that time and effort into another game.


Would I buy it?

If they made it something of a DLC pack and charged appropriately, I might bite. If they tried to push it as an "Unleashed" full price edition, fuck that.

I do feel like they need to do SOMETHING though.

I feel all they need to do is use the feedback and avoid repeating any mistakes. If they do an AC3: Brotherhood type title, use the feedback to improve upon that game instead. I don't really want to play through the game again just because they fixed stuff.

Edit: Beaten.


Just finally finished it. On the PC, which looks glorious. Probably its most saving grace.

I'd say I'm let down, for sure. It wasn't nearly as fun as AC2 or its sequels.

The story felt disjointed, incoherent, rushed, etc etc. I mean, clearly this game was rushed. And never at one point did I feel obligated to do any side missions (though I did because I'm a completion whore) other than to ensure my game didn't end too quickly. The most fun I probably had was doing the Captain Kidd side missions, but there were only 5 and they were easy compared to some of the tougher climbing dungeon challenges.

Connor was unlikeable as a character. Was the main point of his story for him to keep trudging on, heeding no warning (that they're trying to save his people) he's given by Haytham's allies and continuously acting like a brash youth? I figured he'd have some 'revelation' and become wise or something. There's just a lot of story missing. Lots of character development is gone. I found it hard to even care about Achilles, whose only success was training Connor (offscreen).

Overall I just wish they'd have taken some more time to flesh out the game. I can tell it was barely 70% done when they decided to start packaging it up. Perhaps they'll get it right with AC3: SequelName.


I wouldn't give two shits if that was exclusive to the story, too bad it spread everywhere.

It definitely felt like a dumbed down and easier to play. My friend told me the controls were annoying and hard to learn (he had it on the 360 before me) but all they are is simplified. Even the mechanics in game.

How many people did we kill just by winning a counter mini-game and then pressing x during a cutscene? That number is too many. All the assassin-y stuff was replaced with cutscenes and linear gameplay.

Another tell-tale of its rushed state is that the beginning, while a bit slow, felt 100% more concrete than the rest of the game.


It definitely felt like a dumbed down and easier to play. My friend told me the controls were annoying and hard to learn (he had it on the 360 before me) but all they are is simplified.
I'm fascinated by this difference of opinion. I think both you and your friend are right. Even if it is "simplified," there's still a lot of complexity happening on-screen (mostly in automated animations). There's nothing that communicates proper timing, and there's nothing that directly communicates what your button presses are doing (or not doing). A lot happens, but you do very little. In prior AC games, those animations were pretty responsive and fast. There was a direct connection between your button presses and your actions. But in AC3, there's a lot that just "happens," and it isn't always easy to tell what you did and what simply "happened."

Hell, I know the series very well, and even I didn't always know what was what for the first 10 hours or so of the game. It's a good example of how "simplification" can go wrong.


I'm fascinated by this difference of opinion. I think both you and your friend are right. Even if it is "simplified," there's still a lot of complexity happening on-screen (mostly in automated animations). There's nothing that communicates proper timing, and there's nothing that directly communicates what your button presses are doing (or not doing). A lot happens, but you do very little. In prior AC games, those animations were pretty responsive and fast. There was a direct connection between your button presses and your actions. But in AC3, there's a lot that just "happens," and it isn't always easy to tell what you did and what simply "happened."
To me AC3 must have shared a similar high level goal with respect to it's combat as the Arkham games; that is the combat system plays and looks great whether someone times button presses carefully or they just mash buttons. Batman however complimented this with a deep combat system that rewarded timing above button mashing (while still keeping it a valid strategy), whereas the overall combat system in AC3 is still quite shallow with very little difference between a timer and a masher.


To me AC3 must have shared a similar high level goal with respect to it's combat as the Arkham games; that is the combat system plays and looks great whether someone times button presses carefully or they just mash buttons. Batman however complimented this with a deep combat system that rewarded timing above button mashing (while still keeping it a valid strategy), whereas the overall combat system in AC3 is still quite shallow with very little difference between a timer and a masher.
But the important difference is that in Batman, you feel like you're the one doing all that awesome stuff. In AC3, it's like you're just watching it.
I must be missing something... I bought a holster, I had 2 guns, I could shoot both guns. I then traveled to new york and now my extra holster is gone, I have one gun and I can't find any way to reequip it or make a new one. Anyone else have this problem? (Wii U)
I won't lie, if the game had an option to hide option objectives I'd think it was a 7 or 8 and not a 4.

Telling you pretty much to suck it will all that red on the screen when ya fail some objectives is kinda shitty feeling ya know.


Gold Member
I must be missing something... I bought a holster, I had 2 guns, I could shoot both guns. I then traveled to new york and now my extra holster is gone, I have one gun and I can't find any way to reequip it or make a new one. Anyone else have this problem? (Wii U)

Disappearing inventory is a common bug across all platforms.


Just beat the game.

I still think it was great and don't get what people are on about.

There were some glitches, but hardly anything that hampered my enjoyment. I don't really get why people freak out over a few glitches in a game like this, but in an Elder Scrolls or Fallout, game breaking glitches are perfectly acceptable. It's not the horribly unplayable mess that people are making it out to be.

Ending was kinda anticlimactic on the Connor end and too exposition-heavy on the Desmond end. Could've been better. But still, it didn't ruin the game or anything.

I do wish they'd open up the game earlier next time. In this one, it felt like you didn't really get free reign to travel the world as you pleased until like halfway through. Instead of doing the sidequests scattered throughout the game, I basically did them all in one big chunk during sequence 10. I definitely feel like they could've done a better job at explaining the crafting stuff. The interface was awful, and I completely ignored the Homestead missions for most of the game because I didn't realize that they were actually kinda important and could get you upgrades and stuff.

I should probably check out the ship stuff at some point. I only played one non-mandatory ship mission. It seemed pretty fun, but also like something I'd have to put a fair amount of time into.

I don't know, between this and Darksiders 2, I feel completely out of touch with GAF's general opinions on stuff. Apparently they're both COMPLETE AND UTTER SHIT, WORST SEQUELS EVER. But I thought they were both really great, and will undoubtedly be on my GotY list this year.


Would any of you buy a director's cut version of the game down the road? A new version of the game with better pacing, added controls (crouch), expanded tutorial, new missions (New York fire?), alternate/fleshed out ending and ironed out glitches...

I want it.

A crouch button would help ALOT.

But what you describe is closer to a whole new game rather than directors cut. Personally, my copy will be traded in tomorrow after work and I will be very cautious with this series moving forward.


I just reached sequence 6 and it's been an amazing ride so far. I have all the settings set to max and so far have not encounter any technical issues. The visuals and voice overs have been superb except for the old lady chief of Connor's tribe.


Oh the viewpoints don't fill the map so you have to travel and discover stuff? Why didn't they make travelling through the frontier a little fun and incident filled then? The huge majority of travelling in this consisted of me pushing the stick forward and trying not to start thinking of more fun things I could do with my time. Like sit-ups, cleaning my desk or playing a fucking game.

Very clever choice there guys.


Holy crap there's still more game after you beat the game.

It says I unlocked an infinite ammo hack. How do I turn that on?


Knows the Score
Oh and I must say I've really enjoyed the voice acting as it reminds me of my youth. Climbing about roofs and getting shouted at by angry Glaswegians.


Sure, going 1500m across the Frontier to start a mission seems like a fantastic design choice.

I'm constantly pissed off while playing it. I'd put it down but I keep hoping it turns into something similar to the previous games so that I can salvage some enjoyment out of it.

The combat is still pretty great, and the cities are freaking loaded with citizens. It is actually pretty cool to see that many people going about their daily routines. Unfortunately, everything else is a downgrade from previous games.

Also, what happened to QA on this one. The series has never been rock solid, but I encounter bugs and glitches constantly.


Oh and I must say I've really enjoyed the voice acting as it reminds me of my youth. Climbing about roofs and getting shouted at by angry Glaswegians.

I still don't understand why every city in the history of the Assassin's Creed universe has been full of guards on rooftops who try to kill anyone who climbs a building or two. I mean holy shit, is standing on a roof really a criminal offense punishable by death?


I still don't understand why every city in the history of the Assassin's Creed universe has been full of guards on rooftops who try to kill anyone who climbs a building or two. I mean holy shit, is standing on a roof really a criminal offense punishable by death?

Agreed. It's even more laughable here because most of the buildings are only two stories in height. What the hell are they doing perched on top of people's houses?!


Gold Member
Holy crap there's still more game after you beat the game.

It says I unlocked an infinite ammo hack. How do I turn that on?

Start - options menu.

Bizarre choice, why this isn't in the Pivot submenu of the map is beyond me. Remember that saving is deactivated while any pivot is active, so you have to deactivate the pivot and find a way for the game to autosave before quitting the game.


Knows the Score
The series has never been rock solid, but I encounter bugs and glitches constantly.

My favourites so far have been horses falling from the sky and teleporting through locked Fort doors by hitting them with an axe. As I think I said earlier, I'll put it down to Desmond sustaining brain injuries during the last few years.
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